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2013 Fall Newsletter Beta Sigma (Ball State University)
Fall 2013 newsletter of the Beta Sigma chapter at Ball State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Beta Sigma
Ball State University
2013 Fall Newsletter Beta Sigma (Ball State University)
Phi Gamma Delta • Ball State University
Letter from the President:
It has been another eventful fall semester for our
chapter. The brothers have participated in many of the
classic fall activities, and also developed new traditions
for the future.
Utilizing our Black Diamond Scholarship program
and dynamic recruitment techniques, Beta Sigma
welcomed 19 pledge brothers in our Alpha Iota class.
These new members secured the award for Best Greek
Float in the Homecoming Parade. Additionally, we
initiated five new brothers of the Alpha Eta and Alpha
Theta classes, bringing our total membership to 74
New events this fall include: pairing with College Mentors for Kids to host
a Hog Roast at the Fraternity house to raise money for the United Service Organization. Fathers and sons celebrated the Ball State victory over
Toledo during Beta Sigma’s inaugural Dad’s Day tailgate. Also, we began a
new philanthropic tradition with Sigma Kappa sorority entitled “Capture
the Flag”. This athletic competition raised $1,500 for the
Muscular Dystrophy Association in honor of our brother William Kuhn.
Lastly, I would like to thank all graduate members who came back to golf
in the Beta Sigma classic, tailgate at the Homecoming game against Kent
State, or eat at the Thanksgiving dinner this holiday season. Beta Sigma
appreciates all of your contributions and participation with our chapter.
If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to
contact me using the methods below.
Sean D. Ratkus
Chapter President
Contact Sean:
2013 Cabinet Elections
We would like to introduce you to the 2013-2014 Beta
Sigma Cabinet! It comprises of five sophomore leaders
coming from various fields of study including:
marketing, spanish, business, sports administration,
advertising and anthropology. The future of the chapter
is in good hands!
President–Jacob Cash, Columbus, Ind.
Treasurer–Zachary Bruner, Bloomington, Ind.
Recording Secretary–James Gilliom, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Corresponding Secretary–Jarrett Harty, Garrett, Ind.
Historian–Alex Selvey, Albany, Ind.
Fall/Winter 2013
Chapter Awards
International Headquarters
Second Place:
•Owen Cup
(Scholarship Improvement)
Honorable Mention:
•Cheney Cup
(Most outstanding chapter)
•Baker Cup
•Brightman Trophy
(Graduate Relations)
•Jordan Bowl
•Durrance Award
(Purple Legionnaire)
\r\nFIJIs on Campus
Phi Gamma Delta • Ball State University
Dylan Pieri (2014)
• Vice President of Marketing, Versa Studios Media
Internship Program
Dylan Stone (2015)
• Executive Director, Cardinal Communications
Harry Davis (2014)
• Peer Mentor for First Year Students
Andrew Bennett (2014)
• President, Versa Studios Media Internship Program
Hunter Klein (2014)
• President, Ball State Men’s Volleyball Club
Will Kuhn (2014)
• Fundraising Committee, BSUDM 2014
Zach Richardville(2014)
• Peer Mentor, Ball State Honors College
Peter Loomis (2014)
• Producer, Cardinal Sports Live
Alec Immordino (2016)
• Vice President of Scholarship and Academics, IFC
Zach Brown (2014)
• Director of Media Relations, BSUDM 2014
Joe Humpal (2015)
•Treasurer, American Institute of Architecture Students
Tim Arlowe (2015)
•Vice President, Ball State Men’s Rugby
Tom Arlowe (2015)
• Secretary, Ball State Men’s Rugby
Riley Holkan (2016)
• Senator, Student Government Association
Dawson Bowling (2016)
• ROTC, Cadet First Sergeant (1SG)
Nathan Hesher (2014)
• Royalty Chairman, 2013 Homecoming Steering
Luke Woody (2014)
•Creative Coordinator, Cardinal Communications
Nick Balkevicius (2017)
• President, Invisible Children at Ball State
Graduate Brother Spotlight
he Beta Sigma chapter has enjoyed another successful semester of
events, philanthropy and brotherhood. A great deal of this success
stems from the precedent set by graduate brothers of the fraternity.
Here are a few updates in the world of our graduates:
Brother Austin Durbin
Brother James H. Thomas
Congratulations on your
newborn child!
Born: 5/28/13 at 10:18 p.m.
Name: James Robert Thomas
Selected to represent the intern •
architects on the council for the
Architects Associations of New
Responsible for liaison between
the council and the current
interns of the province along
with the Royal Architectural
Institute of Canada
Brother Michael Niezer
Recently moved back to Indiana
from South Carolina with wife
Laura, now living in Fort Wayne
Accepted a position at Design
Collaborative, an Architecture
and Engineering firm
Expecting first child, due in
Phi Gamma Delta • Ball State University
-By Brother Danny Delaney
ommunity service has been incredible this semester, perhaps the best I have seen since I started
pledging. We have volunteered with numerous organizations such as the Muncie Rotary Club, the
Boy Scouts of America, and Habitat for Humanity. Overall, we worked for more than 950 hours, with
more hours still coming in weekly. This semester, one of my goals was to incorporate more brotherhood with
service. To do this, I planned events that were a bit more conducive to brothers having conversations with
each other while serving. This was especially helpful in letting pledges get to know the brothers better, as
we always had many of them there at each event. Over the past few months, I have definitely seen brothers
enjoying themselves while volunteering, which is not necessarily something I had seen as much in the past.
Brothers working for Habitat for Humanity
Interfraternity Council Update
he Interfraternity Council constantly strives to maintain and uphold the
overall current state of Ball State Greek Life. IFC accomplishes this by not only
regulating our events but also setting goals that chapters aim to achieve, as well as
recognizing the chapters that are achieving these goals and helping the chapters that are
falling short.
The new IFC executive council was recently elected, and I have the distinct honor of
serving as the Vice President of Scholarship and Academics. It appears to be a strong
council with solid goals we hope to accomplish during the upcoming term. One major
goal is to foster better relationships between fraternities. The idea is that this will allow
Greek Life to work better as a whole. As for my position, I am working to increase the
overall GPA by rewarding and recognizing those succeeding in academics, while helping
and encouraging those who are struggling.
Phi Gamma Delta is currently in excellent standing with the Interfraternity Council and
collaborating with other chapters to maximize each organization’s unique potential.
-By Brother Alec Immordino, IFC Vice President of Scholarship and Academics
\r\nAlpha Iota Pledge Class Update
Phi Gamma Delta • Ball State University
his year’s Pledge
Education has been a lot
different than years in
the past. The overall process is
nearly identical to the
previous classes because
history does not change, of
course. However, with the
Pledge Educators, things have
changed. We have tried a
new system where there is no
one individual in charge. We
are doing this so everyone is
looked at as an authority figure on a flat level. We
can see this reflecting in each pledge’s behavior
because they do not neglect any responsibility given
to them and they all hold themselves accountable to
the fullest.
As for the pledges and their development within the
chapter, it has been outstanding. First off, they were
all very ambitious from day one by setting a goal of
thirty service hours per pledge—where as my own
Alpha Eta pledge class had a goal of ten. But their
professionalism and ambition is not where it stops.
The main thing I see in this pledge class is the
growing friendship between every member of the
chapter. We require them to try their best and
interview every brother. Because of that, they are
always around the house and meeting people within
the chapter. They are involved with the fraternity as
a whole, not just their own class.
My last point of interest is the brotherhood among
the pledge class. Every pledge class has its typical
cliques, but this is not the case with Alpha Iota. Everyone loves everyone and no individual is excluded.
This allows the class to grow as a group and ultimately reach their maximum potential. We are all very
excited for the upcoming initiation and to finally call
the members of the Alpha Iota pledge class brothers
of the Beta Sigma chapter.
-By Brother Jim Gilliom, Pledge Eductor
Donate to the Chapter
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Black Diamond Scholarship
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Other:________________________ Phi Gamma Delta
900 W. Riverside Ave.
Muncie, IN 47303
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Fall 2013 newsletter of the Beta Sigma chapter at Ball State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.