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2013 Fall Newsletter Tau Deuteron (University of Texas)
Fall 2013 newsletter of the Tau Deuteron chapter at the University of Texas. This newsletter is six pages.
Date/Date Range:
Tau Deuteron
University of Texas
2013 Fall Newsletter Tau Deuteron (University of Texas)
The Longhorn Fiji–The University of Texas at Austin
Established 1883
Fall 2013
am pleased to announce that Texas Fiji has completed another successful
recruitment season and welcomed 53 pledges. Striving for geographic
diversity, we recruited top men from a variety of cities and towns. Everyone
involved should be extremely proud. We especially appreciate the alumni
who contributed almost $50,000 to the recruitment fund. Recruitment is
very expensive so every dollar makes a difference. This new pledge class
complements our already outstanding Chapter.
There is more excitement than usual this fall with the groundbreaking of the
new addition to Buen Retiro. The alumni have enthusiastically supported
the addition by pledging over $4.76 million. This dedication proves the
generosity and strong connection of our alumni to the Chapter and their
desire to continue our high standard of excellence. If you would like to
contribute to the capital campaign, please use the enclosed form to make
your pledge or gift.
The Board of Chapter Advisors (BCA) continues to advise the Chapter in
areas such as hazing, alcohol awareness, and budgeting. Each new cabinet
requires continuing education on these matters. Changes on the board are
as follows: Jeff Hickey PC ’77, former chairman of recruitment (North
Texas), has agreed to head up pledge education, and Tom Shirley PC ’78
will replace Jeff as head of recruitment (North Texas).
Due to the positive feedback we have received about tailgates, we are
encouraged to continue this fun tradition. As in the past, they will begin
two hours before each home game (however, no tailgates before 11 a.m.
games). The increase in attendance at these events is a testament to the
strengthening connection between the Chapter and alumni.
I encourage you to participate in the aforementioned events. Our Chapter is
stronger than ever due in large part to your support.
Marshall Merritt ’79
BCA President
Construction is in full swing at Buen Retiro!
Remembering Justin Gifford PC ’89
n July 28, 2013, Justin Gifford PC ’89 was killed in
a single-car rollover accident near Amarillo, Texas.
During his time in the active Chapter, Justin served as historian
and was selected to be a Silver Spur. Justin is survived by
his wife, Holly, and their four children: Gus (10), Joe T. (8),
Hattie Catherine (6), and Mary Elizabeth (14 months). In lieu
of memorials, the family asks that friends and family make
gifts to Justin and Holly’s children’s college accounts. Justin’s
death is a real tragedy and requires the attention of the entire
family of Texas Fijis, young and old.
Thank you for your support,
The Fijis of Tau Deuteron
Please make checks payable to Merrill Lynch with “Justin
Gifford Children’s Education Fund” in the memo line. Mail
checks to 701 S. Taylor, Ste. 100, Amarillo, TX 79101 or
contribute by calling (806) 378-9139.
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Phi Gamma Delta
Alumni Support and Strong Recruitment Put Chapter in a Good Place
oday, Texas Fiji is able to focus on the future of our great Chapter
thanks to the support of alumni and the recruitment efforts of our
undergraduates. With the new addition underway, the Chapter is kicking
off an exciting fall semester. This year holds great potential with an
outstanding group of new freshmen. The Chapter is grateful to all of you
who have donated your resources and efforts to help continue our tradition
of excellence on campus, both by recruiting another top-tier pledge class
and by contributing to the capital campaign.
of philanthropy projects, headed by Philanthropy Chairmen Ryan Gregory
PC ’12, Sam McCallister PC ’12, and Ryan Petty PC ’12. They will also
partake in weekly study halls proctored by sophomore academic chairmen.
The Chapter is excited to welcome them.
Successful Recruitment
Recruitment this summer was a huge success. The five recruitment
captains, Nelson Grimes PC ’11, Spence Howden PC ’11, Chase Russo
PC ’11, Carter Thurmond PC ’11, and Dillon West PC ’11, did a great
job recruiting an impressive pledge class. Fundraisers were held in Austin,
Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston, and San Antonio. Thanks to everyone who
attended; we had a great time and hope to see an even stronger turnout next
year. The Island Party was as much fun as ever, headlined by The Benjy
Davis Band.
Brothers participated in the annual Longhorn Run
to support student government and the university.
Events for Football Season
The Chapter is looking forward to many events this fall, including the
football season. We hope to see you at our tailgates before home games.
Once again, we appreciate your loyal support. The importance of our
alumni’s influence cannot be overstated. Thanks to you, our Chapter
remains special, and we will always remember our time at Buen Retiro as
the best years of our lives.
James Uhl PC ’11
Chapter President
The junior class canoed the
Buffalo National River in Arkansas over spring break.
New Member Education
The structure of pledgeship will receive a creative new look this fall with
construction going on. The pledges will continue to partake in a multitude
Sires and Sons Club
he Sires and Sons Club was founded in 1925 by Texas Fiji Calvin
Coolidge. It was created as a special club within Phi Gamma Delta to
acknowledge fathers and sons (and grandsons) who have pledged Texas Fiji.
Earlier this year, William G. Kinney Jr. PC ’40, Joe P. Nelson PC ’46,
and DeWitt Waltmon Sr. PC ’45, along with their sons and applicable
grandsons, were welcomed as members of the Sires and Sons Club. The
group was honored at a party in April in Houston, Texas, where they were
presented with certificates of membership to the club.
Back Row, from left: Ben
Kinney PC ’89, Stephen
Kinney PC ’74, Bill Kinney
III PC ’72, Craig Kinney
PC ’76, Scott Waltmon
PC ’83, DeWitt Waltmon
Jr. PC ’76, Mike Nelson
PC ’76, Rick Nelson PC
’74, and Skip Nelson PC
’71; Front Row: William
“Willie” Kinney Jr. PC
’40, DeWitt Waltmon Sr.
PC ’45, and
Joe Nelson PC ’46.
Successful Recruitment
Creates Pledge Class from
Near and Far
2013 Pledge Class Focuses on Geographical Diversity
he recruitment captains of Texas Fiji are proud to report that we had
an outstanding year for recruitment. We started the summer with 223
young men on our list. And throughout the summer, we did our best to get
to know each young man. To say that we struggled greatly to narrow down
the list is an understatement. As representatives of the Fraternity, we did our
best to choose the men who meshed well with each other in order to create
a cohesive pledge class. As usual, we began recruitment with Studio 54 in
February and ended with the memorable Austin-State weekend in August.
During the six months in between, we held events such as Island, the New
Orleans trip, barges, late nights, and dinners. These were great opportunities
to get to know the recruits and show them what Texas Fiji is about.
When it came time for the young men to start making their decisions, we
had a problem that any fraternity would love to have: virtually every recruit
accepted his bid, leaving little space for last-minute additions. PC ’13 is
(Continued on page 6)
Texas Fiji
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Class Competition in
Full Swing
Participation Is Up and More Than
$150,000 Raised Since Competition Began
he class competition is heating up and participation has
really increased. Thank you to all who are making this
campaign a success! If you’ve not yet made your pledge to the
Texas Fiji: Not for College Days Alone campaign, the time is
now. Your pledge can make a difference! Classes that excel in
the campaign will be honored in the new addition. Each class
that has the highest participation percentage in their decade will
receive rights to name a room.
By making a pledge now you are not only bettering your class’s
chance at naming a room, you are also vastly impacting the Texas
Fiji campaign. This campaign requires broad participation and
a wide range of pledges. We have a convenient pledge program
with the opportunity to make multi-year pledges up to five years.
Many alumni have been able to increase their giving capability
utilizing this program. Please give your pledge some thought and
respond appropriately.
Kudos to the classes in the 1950s and the 1970s; those decades
have high participation percentages. You are leading the way,
brothers. If more classes will give at these levels we will reach
our $5.5 million goal.
Below are the top three classes in each decade with the highest
participation thus far. Do your part today with a pledge and
honor your class’s legacy!
Campaign Chairmen
Bobby Orr PC ’75
(832) 428-8595
Kevin R. Snodgrass PC ’78
(713) 254-1315
Campaign Giving Is More
Than Just Brick and Mortar
Gary Schneider PC ’78 Supports the
Success of Future Fijis
n his first visit to the University of
Texas, Gary Schneider PC ’78 knew
this was where he wanted to go to school,
and Phi Gamma Delta was the fraternity
he wanted to join. “The guys I met were
awesome: down to earth, smart, and fun. I
could see how close these guys were with
each other. It made me feel I could be a part
of something special,” Gary said.
The gut instinct to pledge has never faltered,
and Gary is grateful for the values instilled
in him from the brotherhood. He says, “I became a better, stronger
person in school due to my fraternity brothers. I saw the drive they had
to succeed and the plans they were making for a post-school career, and
it helped put me on a more focused career path.”
Gary graduated from the University of Texas with a bachelor of science
in radio, television and film. He began his career in advertising sales and
worked his way up through sales management positions. His first general
manager’s job was in Houston with the Gaylord TV station. Today, Gary
is the president and general manager of the CBS television stations in
Dallas, KTVT and its sister station KTXA. He manages operations for
these two stations in the Dallas, Fort Worth metroplex, with most of his
time spent with the sales, news, and marketing teams.
To Fijis entering the job market, Gary says attitude and passion are
paramount. In the field of television and ad sales, Gary says, “I need
people who are intuitive and have street smarts, as well as book smarts.
Potential employees need to show they enjoy working with people, are
fearless, and have strategic ideas that can grow our business.”
Seeing other Fiji brothers succeed was a strong motivator for Gary’s own
career. “I was able to ask their advice in business and in my personal life.
I have a lot of respect for the business savvy many of my brothers have.”
He remains very close with his ’78 pledge class and is very proud to be
a member of such a quality group.
These strong friendships and life lessons are what motivate Gary to give
to the capital campaign. He said there was no question as to whether he
would give back. “I am better today because of being a Texas Fiji.” He
feels that the expansion of housing will put Texas Fiji in an even stronger
position to attract and graduate the best. “When I go to the house, I’m
impressed with the quality of men I meet and I’m proud to be their
fraternity brother.”
Gary encourages his fellow alumni to support the Chapter and the
campaign. “Getting involved today will help future Texas Fijis become
successful fathers, businessmen, and leaders,” he said. Any involvement
and any dollar amount advances the Chapter toward their goal. “It’s more
than brick and mortar. It’s about helping people,” Gary said.
Gary and his wife, Vicki, live in Flower Mound, Texas, and have five adult
children. Gary and Vicki are avid tennis players. He plays drums in his free
time and was a band member of Rolaid & The Tums in his college days,
alongside fellow Fijis Kell Cahoon PC ’78, John Elliott PC ’77, and
Terry Atmar PC ’79. Contact Gary at
Phi Gamma Delta
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e are so grateful to the Texas Fiji graduates and friends listed below for making commitments to the Texas Fiji: Not for College Days Alone campaign.
Their loyalty and generosity demonstrate a sense of gratitude for their personal experience. Commitments are still needed from the rest of our graduates
to achieve our goal and complete this major project.
All supporters of the project pledging $2,500 and above will be recognized on a prominently displayed plaque; all those contributing $1,000 or more will be
recognized in campaign publications. Please join your brothers on this list, using the enclosed pledge form and envelope to make your pledge today. If an error has
been made in recording your gift, or your name has been mistakenly omitted or listed improperly, we sincerely apologize. Please advise our campaign coordinator
at (785) 843-1661 so we can make the correction. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to Texas Fiji!
Buen Retiro Society
($250,000 and above)
In honor of the
1970 Pledge Class
1883 Founders Society
($100,000 to $249,999)
In honor of the
1974 Pledge Class
The Waltmon Family
DeWitt Waltmon Sr. PC ’45
DeWitt Waltmon Jr. PC ’76
Scott M. Waltmon PC ’83
Austin Waltmon PC ’11
Jeff Heller PC ’58
The Young Family
John H. Young PC ’61
John R. Young PC ’87
David A. Ott PC ’64
Robert Canon PC ’72
The Blonkvist Family
Timothy B. Blonkvist PC ’75
Brady Blonkvist PC ’10
Robert C. Orr Jr. PC ’75
The Butter Family
Zane R. Butter PC ’81
Z.B. Butter PC ’10
Undergraduate Chapter
Black Diamond Society
($50,000 to $99,999)
The McCaig Family
Robert McCaig PC ’50
R. Shain McCaig Jr. PC ’78
Lindsay McCaig PC ’81
M. Shannon McCaig PC ’82
The Walker Family
Jim W. Walker PC ’54
Reid Walker PC ’86
Patrick P. Walker PC ’90
Scott Petty Jr. PC ’55
C. Preston Butcher PC ’57
Jon Brumley PC ’61
Bruce Hill PC ’73
Howard Bagby Jr. PC ’77
In memory of
Louie Schreiner PC ’77
M. Spencer Rigney PC ’76
Gary Schneider PC ’78
Shepherd 5 Points Family Foundation
Eugene B. Shepherd PC ’78
The Snodgrass Family
Kevin R. Snodgrass PC ’78
Kevin T. Snodgrass PC ’10
Rob Walls PC ’78
The Towns Family
Thomas Keller Towns PC ’79
Thomas Keller Towns Jr. PC ’12
Bob Butchofsky PC ’80
Karl Rathjen PC ’82
Grady W. Roberts PC ’85
Lee Jacobe PC ’87
Mayes Middleton PC ’00
White Star Society
($25,000 to $49,999)
The King/Kinney Family
William G. Kinney II PC ’40
William G. Kinney III PC ’72
Stephen W. Kinney PC ’74
D. Craig Kinney PC ’76
Duane H. King PC ’79
David R. King PC ’83
Benjamin K. Kinney PC ’88
The Northington Family
Robert H. Northington PC ’48
Robert C. Northington PC ’75
Robert C. Northington II PC ’03
The Fordtran/Stone Family
John S. Fordtran PC ’49
R. Bryan Stone PC ’76
William T. Teten PC ’03
Andrew John Stone PC ’08
The Coffee Family
Robert F. Coffee PC ’52
Roy C. Coffee Jr. PC ’55
Roy C. Coffee III PC ’82
The Fraser Family
Charles D. Fraser PC ’52
Dr. Charles D. Fraser Jr. PC ’76
Charles D. Fraser III PC ’07
The Black Family
James M. Black PC ’60
William E. Black PC ’69
Robert F. Black PC ’72
John M. Black PC ’90
J. Benjamin Black PC ’03
William E. Chiles PC ’67
The Duncan Family
Vance C. Duncan PC ’70
Harrison Duncan PC ’12
Porter Farrell II PC ’73
In honor of
George J. and
Margaret R. Farrell
David Lumpkins PC ’73
Larry McAfee PC ’73
Kyle R. Burnett PC ’76 Family
Campbell Family Gift
William J. Campbell PC ’76
William J. Campbell Jr. PC ’10
Andrew D. Campbell PC ’12
Ross M. Davis PC ’76
The Hudnall Family
Clayton H. Hudnall PC ’76
Clark C. Hudnall PC ’10
The Hickey Family
Jeff L. Hickey PC ’77
Russell C. Hickey PC ’10
The Rasmussen Family
Hal J. Rasmussen PC ’77
Christopher Rasmussen PC ’10
James P. McGinnis PC ’78
In honor of the
1978 Pledge Class
The Uhl Family
Arthur G. Uhl III PC ’77
James Uhl PC ’11
Robert T. Ray PC ’78
The Grimes Family
D. Link Grimes PC ’79
Nelson Link Grimes PC ’11
The Merritt Family
Marshall Merritt PC ’79
Will Merritt PC ’10
John B. Berry PC ’80
John D. Harkey Jr. PC ’80
In honor of
John D. Harkey Sr.
Richard A. Beeler PC ’81
James M. Nakfoor PC ’82
William T. Griffin Jr. PC ’83
The McLaughlin Family
Matt McLaughlin PC ’83
Stuart McLaughlin PC ’12
The Rochelle Family
Jeff Rochelle PC ’83
Thomas Rochelle PC ’12
Randall Mays PC ’84
Michael U. Ellington Jr. PC ’87
Robert and Marcy
Duncan Family
John Duncan PC ’89
William Duncan PC ’10
Thomas Duncan PC ’11
Jeffrey M. Jacobe PC ’90
Mark W. Muecke PC ’97
In memory of
Jackson Dudley ’97
The Roche Family
David Roche, Sewanee
Campbell Roche PC ’04
Jackson Roche PC ’08
The Doggett Family
William Doggett Jr. PC ’05
Bill and Karen Case
In honor of
William Case PC ’11
Purple Owl Society
($10,000 to $24,999)
Bradley A. Fowler PC ’52
Delano Womack PC ’52
Robert M. Davenport PC ’53
Don M. Shine PC ’55
Fred W. Middleton PC ’56
The Willerson Family
Dr. Jim Willerson PC ’57
Dr. Darrell Willerson PC ’59
Jodie Thompson Jr. PC ’58
The McCuistion/Wombwell Family
James H. McCuistion PC ’59
Stewart Wombwell PC ’13
Ernest H. Cockrell PC ’63
Al Thaggard PC ’65
Roger C. Letz PC ’71
In memory of
Paul Bradley PC ’71
The Pearce Family
Stephen M. Pearce PC ’71
Jonathan M. Pearce PC ’01
Taylor Y. Pearce PC ’03
The Finklea Family
William L. Finklea PC ’74
Larry L. Finklea PC ’76
J. McCurdy Cardwell PC ’09
As of October 3, 2013
$5.5 Million
Fundraising Goal
Total Contributions
427 Contributors
1,930 Mailable Alumni
David A. McAllister PC ’74
Kent Collins PC ’75
Gary McClure PC ’76
In honor of
Those Who Follow
Cecily and Thomas E.
Rodman Jr. PC ’76
John W. Elliott PC ’77
Thomas W. Robinson Jr. PC ’77
Bryan C. Campbell PC ’78
Jeffrey A. Howard PC ’78
The Kuni Family
Douglas W. Kuni PC ’78
Kelly Kuni PC ’11
The Rodman Family
Jim Rodman PC ’78
Chris Rodman PC ’10
Steven D. Arnold PC ’79
Jeffrey C. Bailey PC ’79
Craig A. Bailey PC ’82
In memory of
Carson Alfred Bailey Jr. PC ’53
John N. McIntyre PC ’79
Randy Petersen PC ’79
John R. Rutherford PC ’79
J. Marshall Adkins PC ’80
In memory of
Ted Westmoreland PC ’80
Ron D. Willis PC ’80
Charlie Shears PC ’79
Michael V. O’Shell PC ’84
The Oldham Family
Steve Oldham PC ’87
Michael K. Oldham PC 89
Jason H. Downie PC ’88
Michael D. Grigsby PC ’88
Brian P. McCabe PC ’88
Texas Fiji
Page 5
Edward Fisher PC ’92
The Families of
Scott Carr PC ’94 and
Zach Dorflinger PC ’11
In honor of
Their Pledge Classes
Ryan Wald PC ’94
The Finnegan Family
Nick Finnegan PC ’04
Scotty Finnegan PC ’12
The Williamson Family
J. Bryan and Susan Williamson
Brandt Williamson PC ’09
Matt Williamson PC ’11
Larry and Sarah West
Dillon West PC ’11
Harrison West PC ’13
300 W. 27th Street Society
($5,000 to $9,999)
Robert W. Pratt Jr. PC ’48
Marshall T. Clegg PC ’49
Capt. Robert P.
Fowler PC ’51, USNR (ret.)
In memory of
Jerry Burton PC ’51
Lee Caldwell PC ’53
The Robertson Family
Robert J. Robertson PC ’55
June Robertson
Wukasch Foundation
Don C. Wukasch, M.D. PC ’55
Barry C. Wukasch, Ph.D. PC ’57
Lon P. Carpenter PC ’58
Fain McDougal PC ’60
Michael A. Reilly PC ’67
James L. Geary PC ’68
In memory of
Gary W. Whitworth PC ’68
John C. Thomas PC ’69
Edward E. Stocker Jr. PC ’70
In memory of
Bobby Ratliff PC ’69
Peter Barbour PC ’71
In memory of
Paul Bradley PC ’71
The Thornton Family
Mark Thornton, M.D. PC ’72
Taylor Thornton PC ’11
Tom Cordell PC ’73
In memory of
Bobby Ratliff PC ’69 and
Billy Rudd PC ’71
Jay K. Turner PC ’73
Scot D. Northern PC ’75
Glen J. Ellis Jr. PC ’76
Paul C. Peters Jr. PC ’76
Christopher P. Renaud PC ’77
Brian K. Gammill PC ’78
T. Grant Johnson PC ’78
Tom Shirley PC ’78
Evan Williams PC ’78
Michael L. Calhoun PC ’79
Brian T. McLaughlin PC ’79
Britt Smith PC ’79
Mark C. Winter PC ’79
Douglas A. Dawson PC ’80
Ross T. Eastman PC ’80
Joe Merritt PC ’81
E. C. Fellbaum PC ’82
The Roberts Family
Rick Roberts PC ’82
Ford Roberts PC ’12
John C. Nelson PC ’86
Michael M. Dellinger PC ’91
Jack Nelson PC ’94
Robb Parks PC ’95
Michael Anderson PC ’97
In memory of
Jerry P. Dehlinger PC ’58
W. Daniel Meyer PC ’00
Matt T. Muecke PC ’00
Ryan Strawn PC ’00
William J. O’Brien IV PC ’02
Thomas E. Smith Sr.
In honor of
Thomas E. Smith Jr. PC ’03
Leonard W. Edwards II PC ’05
In honor of the
Pledge Class of 2005
Warren R. Williamson Jr. PC ’05
Tom and Jenny Fitzpatrick
In honor of
Charlie Fitzpatrick PC ’11
Cynthia and John Adkins
In honor of
John Adkins Jr. PC ’12
Tau Deuteron Society
($2,500 to $4,999)
Aubrey “Ace” Black PC ’46
In memory of
Blackie Dahlberg PC ’42 and
Steve Schneider PC ’42
The Nelson Family
Joe P. Nelson PC ’46
Skipper Nelson PC ’71
Rick Nelson PC ’74
Mike Nelson PC ’76
Charles M. Berkey PC ’47
In memory of
Charles Parker PC ’40 and
Charles Sowell PC ’48
Fred W. Patterson PC ’48
In memory of
Thomas V. Patterson, M.D. PC ’38
C. Daniel Jones PC ’49
In honor of Fiji Brothers who
served in the armed forces
during war time
Sam Crowther PC ’52
Pledge Class of 1954
In memory of
Tom Arnhold
John Dell Brasher
Walter Fondren
Buddy Frick
Bill Fullingim
Horace Greenstreet
Dan Hilliard
Gene Holmgreen
Don Hugus
Werner Rennert
Jim Walker
Jim Welch
Herb Hamilton PC ’54
Marc H. Stewart PC ’54
Frank B. Jones Jr. PC ’55
Arlis B. Parkhurst PC ’55
Chancy Croft PC ’56
In memory of
Rex Greenstreet PC ’55
T.J. Jarrett PC ’58
In memory of
Ed Jarrett
Ed H. Esquivel PC ’59
The Hall Family
Laurens A. “Larry” Hall PC ’60
Grant A. Hall PC ’89
Robert A. “Bob” Spears PC ’60
In memory of
Richard Lewis PC ’60
The Graham Family
Bert Graham PC ’61
Silas Graham PC ’94
Will Graham PC ’99
In memory of
Glenn Graham PC ’63
Michael R. Boxwell PC ’62
G. Douglas Wiley PC ’65
Robert H. Sewell PC ’66
James A. Boone PC ’68
Ras Redwine PC ’71
In memory of
Paul Bradley PC ’71
The Vance Family
John T. Vance PC ’74
J. Cullen Vance PC ’07
Dan McElroy PC ’76
Brent Ratliff PC ’76
Jeff Webb PC ’76
The Beckham Family
John Beckham PC ’77
Rob Beckham PC ’82
The Hopper Family
Bart Hopper PC ’77
Chase Hopper PC ’06
Steven B. Johnson PC ’77
Scott Ramsey PC ’77
Kirk W. Boswell PC ’79
Tom Rachal PC ’79
Bo Huggins PC ’81
Mark Burleson PC ’84
Paul A. Schweizer PC ’85
Bart Boxwell PC ’86
Joseph B. Knauth Jr. PC ’88
The Taaffe Family
Peter Taaffe PC ’89
Ryan Taaffe PC ’93
Brett Taaffe PC ’95
Kirk Tucker PC ’90
In memory of
Chad McLaughlin PC ’90
Paul Cohen PC ’91
Matthew S. Daly PC ’91
Jeff Montgomery PC ’91
The Holcomb Family
Brandon K. Holcomb PC ’92
Blake F. Holcomb PC ’98
William H. Marsh PC ’92
Ben H. Montgomery PC ’92
Ryan D. Moss PC ’92
Gantt H. Walton PC ’92
Chad R. Dickson PC ’93
David Anderson PC ’94
William R. Henson PC ’97
Corbin Chaffin PC ’99
Daniel G. Zoch PC ’99
Rogan B. Giles III PC ’00
Chandler Quisenberry PC ’02
Max Stubbs PC ’03
Thomas Allen PC ’04
Eric and Teri Chang Tung
In honor of the
2010 Pledge Class
Robert Ehrlich III PC ’10
The Thurmond Family
In honor of
Carter Thurmond PC ’11
The Arthur Family
Jay and Deirdre Arthur
Keller E. Arthur PC ’12
Paul and Jennifer Gregory
In honor of
Ryan Gregory PC ’12
Braxton Pratt PC ’12
Loyal Fiji Society
($1,000 to $2,499)
The Bailey Family
Carson Alfred Bailey PC ’27
Carson Alfred Bailey Jr. PC ’53
Doug Bailey PC ’69
Jeff Bailey PC ’79
Craig Bailey PC ’82
Wm. G. “Billy” Dwyer PC ’40
William N. “Bill” Hamilton PC ’40
Howard W. Parker PC ’42
Jack L. Phillips PC ’45
In honor of
Clay Abernathy PC ’68 and
Stephen Jack Mizer
Paul H. Smith PC ’45
Preston H. Dial Jr. PC ’47
In memory of
David Gardner PC ’46
Patrick H. Swearingen Jr. PC ’47
Basil E. Walker Jr. PC ’48
In memory of
R.C. Neely Jr. PC ’32
James A. Wood PC ’48
Roy E. Kimsey Jr. PC ’53
Frank Roddie PC ’53
David A. Rogers PC ’53
Joe Gray, M.D. PC ’54
In memory of
Horace Greenstreet PC ’54
Larry L. Loyd PC ’54
In memory of
Gerald E. Veltmann PC ’38 and
David C. Bland PC ’32
The McNeill Family
William A. McNeill PC ’55
William G. McNeill PC ’91
James E. Suttle PC ’55
Bruce Shrake PC ’56
David O. Turner PC ’56
In honor of
Brad Fowler PC ’52,
1956 Pledge Trainer
Jerry Peckham PC ’58
E. Wayne Ray Jr. PC ’59
David F. Riley PC ’59
J. Currie Bechtol PC ’60
Ralph L. Arrell PC ’61
Craig T. Scott PC ’64
David Herndon PC ’65
Bill Nance PC ’66
In memory of
Blue, Fiji Mascot
Bob Barnes PC ’68
David M. Keeton PC ’68
J. Preston Robinson PC ’68
James B. Smith Jr. PC ’69
Cambell Patton PC ’73
Byron McKnight PC ’74
W. Dwight Chumbley PC ’76
In memory of
Louis Schreiner PC ’77
The Ames Family
Gene Ames III PC ’77
Asa Ames PC ’08
The Cahoon Family
Allan G. King PC ’78
Kirk Massey PC ’80
David S. Houston PC ’82
Richard Moseley PC ’89
Darrell Hernandez PC ’91
Kevin Hunter PC ’91
John C. McGowan PC ’91
Christopher Ohmstede PC ’91
Sean M. Scott PC ’91
G. Douglas Wiley II PC ’91
Josh M. Zeller PC ’91
The Turlington Family
Kyle Turlington PC ’92
Gardner H. Dudley PC ’93
Barney C. Wiley PC ’93
F. Michael Wood Jr. PC ’93
Stephen B. Cooper PC ’94
Henry “Bubba” Harkins III ’PC ’94
Eric P. Belin PC ’97
Ben Bufkin PC ’97
Andrew Green PC ’97
Payson Tucker PC ’97
In honor of
Vance Duncan PC ’70
William H. Alexander PC ’98
Scott Gardner PC ’98
In memory of
Jackson Dudley PC ’98
Nathan M. Stedham PC ’98
James H. Dudley IV PC ’99
Grant W. Livesay PC ’99
Jacob Saour PC ’99
Jamie W. Weaver PC ’99
Adam Bridgman PC ’07
J.C. Clemens Jr. PC ’07
Tucker Moore PC ’07
In honor of the
Best Days of his Life
Chris Woldert
In honor of
Jeremyy Woldert PC ’10
Brew Houston PC ’11
Al and Julie Luna
In honor of
Matt Luna PC ’11
\r\nTexas Fiji 2013
Pledge Class
Ford Albert
Dallas, Texas
Cistercian Preparatory
Cole Bailey*
San Antonio, Texas
Alamo Heights
High School
Ryan Baumgartner
Houston, Texas
Memorial High School
Adam Bayley*
Houston, Texas
The Kinkaid School
Brian Bell
Austin, Texas
Austin High School
Robert Bernard
Houston, Texas
Episcopal High School
Bennet Campbell
Dallas, Texas
Highland Park
High School
James Case*
Houston, Texas
Episcopal High School
Evan Chang-Tung*
Dallas, Texas
St. Mark’s School
Ben Clements*
Austin, Texas
Austin High School
Walker Coffman
Dallas, Texas
Highland Park
High School
Charlie Combs
Austin, Texas
Austin High School
Clayton Comoeaux*
San Antonio, Texas
Alamo Heights
High School
Drew Dawson
San Antonio, Texas
Alamo Heights
High School
Will Deer
Mountain Brook, Ala.
Mountain Brook
High School
Ruben Delong
Tyler, Texas
Robert E. Lee
High School
Will Devlibis
Wichita Falls, Texas
Wichita Falls
High School
Trip Dickey
Abilene, Texas
Abilene High School
Paul Dragna
Farwell, Calif.
Farwell High School
Will Duke*
Austin, Texas
Austin High School
David Duncan*
Houston, Texas
The Kinkaid School
Walker Dyess
Fort Worth, Texas
All Saints’
Episcopal School
Jack Eltife
Tyler, Texas
Robert E. Lee
High School
Phi Gamma Delta
Buen Retiro Committee
P.O. Box 4769
Austin, TX 78765
Address Service Requested
Tyler Freed
San Antonio, Texas
Alamo Heights High
Luke Gholston*
Lake Highlands, Texas
Lake Highlands
High School
Charlie Giammalva
Houston, Texas
Episcopal High School
Will Griffin*
Houston, Texas
St. John’s School
Mason Hale
Houston, Texas
Episcopal High School
Luke Hart
Atlanta, Ga.
The Lovett School
Brantley Harrington
Midland, Texas
Trinity School
Hank Howard*
Dallas, Texas
Highland Park High
Hayden Kiger
Austin, Texas
Austin High School
Danny Koudelka
Dallas, Texas
St. Mark’s School
Cooper Loposer
Tulsa, Okla.
Cascia Hall Preparatory
Max Montoya
Dallas, Texas
Greenhill School
Paxton Moore
Atlanta, Ga.
The Westminster Schools
Tucker Mulvihill
Englewood, Colo.
Kent Denver School
Will Pollard*
Tyler, Texas
Robert E. Lee
High School
Elliott Reese*
Austin, Texas
Austin High School
James Rodman*
Austin, Texas
Austin High School
Blake Rosenthal*
San Antonio, Texas
Alamo Heights
High School
Adam Rosien
Dallas, Texas
Trinity Christian
Henry Saxon
Tulsa, Okla.
Cascia Hall Preparatory School
Mason Shaw
Dallas, Texas
Highland Park High School
Walker Shirley*
Dallas, Texas
Highland Park High School
Brian Stankey
Dallas, Texas
Jesuit College Preparatory
School of Dallas
Thomas Tobin*
San Antonio, Texas
Alamo Heights High School
Robbie Thomas
Fort Worth, Texas
All Saints’ Episcopal School
Will Vanderstratten
Dallas, Texas
Highland Park High School
Harrison West*
Houston, Texas
Episcopal High School
Ryan Williamson
Pasadena, Calif.
Pasadena High School
Raliegh Wooldrige
Houston, Texas
Episcopal High School
Xander Young*
Kerrville, Texas
Tivy High School
Successful Recruitment
(Continued from page 2)
one of the most diverse groups of freshmen this Fraternity has
ever seen. We focused on geographical diversity and have already
seen friendships beginning to form between pledges from different
schools, cities, and states.
We would like to thank the alumni who played a significant role
in our success, including Bobby Orr PC ’75, Jeff Hickey PC
’77, Marshall Merritt PC ’79, and Tom Shirley PC ’78. Their
leadership and guidance were invaluable through these events.
Also, thank you to those who donated and made these events
possible. Because of you, this has truly been a year to remember.
You will find a list to the left of the 53 members of the Texas Fiji
Pledge Class of 2013. We hope you all have a great year, and we
look forward to seeing you at Buen Retiro in the near future.
Texas Fiji Recruitment Team
Dillon West PC ’11 (Head)
(713) 319-7127
Chase Russo PC ’11
(832) 721-9506
Nelson Grimes PC ’11
(432) 352-7535
Carter Thurmond PC ’11
San Antonio
(210) 255-0644
Spence Howden PC ’11
(512) 586-3774
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Fall 2013 newsletter of the Tau Deuteron chapter at the University of Texas. This newsletter is six pages.