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2013 Fall Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
Fall 2013 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages.
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University of Alabama
2013 Fall Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
Theta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Alabama s fall 2013
Theta Chapter Plans
Expansion of Chapter Room
Donate Today to Secure the Future
of Phi Gamma Delta at Alabama
heta Chapter needs you. Specifically, we are in desperate need
of a new Chapter Room that will accommodate our membership
of nearly 135 brothers. Presently, we can only get about one-half of
the members inside the Chapter Room. We commissioned Carey
Hollingsworth, Auburn ’80, whose grandfather, father, and two
sons were Theta members, to design a new Chapter Room, to be
constructed above the Alumni Hall. Carey’s design is beautiful. It is
not only functional and presents the most cost-effective option for a
new facility, it also dramatically enhanced the overall appearance of
the house.
The cost of the new Chapter Room will be approximately $450,000.
We have, and continue to maintain, that for those of you who
generously contributed to the Not for College Days Alone campaign,
we are not asking you to give again but welcome your participation.
We are asking and encouraging our brothers to pledge, over a five-year
period, a meaningful gift that will help us accomplish this goal. The
gifts are made payable to the University of Alabama, with Phi Gamma
Delta in the memo line. These gifts are tax deductible.
We could embark on this project by taking on debt but will not. It is the
decision of the Board of Chapter Advisors and the House Corporation
that we will make the improvement only when we have pledged funds
representing 100% of the cost. Enclosed you will find a pledge card
with information needed to make a commitment to the new Theta
Chapter Room. We ask that you complete the card and mail it to us in
the envelope provided. Online giving is also an option. You can visit
The University of Alabama’s website at, direct
your gift to Greek Building Funds, and select Phi Gamma Delta as
your account.
Brothers who pledge at least $500 will be listed on a handsome plaque
to be displayed in the Chapter Room. Also, for brothers contributing
$1,000 or more, a personalized plaque will be presented at either
Homecoming or Pig Dinner, when the goal is met.
I hope you will take this opportunity to give back and show your
support for the future of our Fraternity.
Jim Andrews ’81
2013 Pig Dinner Held at
Bryant-Denny Stadium
n April, our annual Norris Pig Dinner event was a little different. We
held it in Bryant-Denny Stadium, where we had access to a closed spring
practice in our own private suite. We spent the afternoon watching practice
and enjoyed food, fellowship, and refreshments in the air-conditioned
suite. Afterward, we attended the Red Elephant Club’s meeting, where
Coach Saban spoke and summarized spring training, as well as a few
specifics about the team.
Coach Saban also came and spoke to us privately. A special thank-you to
Mike Brunner ’85 for help in arranging our access to Coach Saban and
the practice. We were allowed to stay and walk on the field before going
back to the house for a casual dinner. There were approximately 250 Theta
Fijis in attendance, and it was an overall great experience. We hope to see
you next year!
Neal Hutchinson ’84
Visit our website to find updates on alumni events, Chapter
activities, and to recommend someone for membership.
Theta Chapter Facebook Page
Go to and search for Theta Fiji,
or click on the Facebook link on our website.
First Fraternity House on Campus Page 2 • Alumnus Spotlight Page 3 • New Pledges Page 3
\r\nPAGE 2
Theta Fiji
Historical Marker Honors First
Fraternity House on Campus
Theta Thrives at the University of Alabama
t never gets old reporting good news, and the spring 2013 grade report
is once again good news for Theta. This past spring, Theta recorded
the third best grades among fraternities with over 100 members. Our
cumulative 3.10 GPA ranks above the all-men’s average, the all-fraternity
average, and the all-undergraduate average. Additionally, eight brothers
achieved a perfect 4.0!
of Alumni Hall. Theta has made great progress in retiring our debt from
this construction, and we appreciate the overwhelming participation. That
said, please consider fulfilling your pledge or making a new pledge. All
donations are tax deductible and will allow Theta to continue to thrive on
campus. For more information on making a pledge or fulfilling an existing
pledge, please contact Clay Morris ’83 at
Please join me in welcoming Cary Beck ’13 as our new Purple Legionnaire.
Cary has served the undergraduate Chapter in many capacities, most
recently as corresponding secretary. Cary will do a great job in this very
important role. On that same note, Billy Pritchard ’10 will be joining the
House Corporation after several years of service as a Purple Legionnaire.
On October 5, 2013, the Crimson Tide will host Georgia State for
Homecoming. This day will be special for Theta as we celebrate the
centennial anniversary of the first fraternity house on campus at The
University of Alabama. In addition to the regular Homecoming festivities,
there will be a ceremony to unveil the new historic marker that is being
placed in front of the Chapter House. Please make plans to join us for this
special event. More details are forthcoming.
After many years of dedicated service, including a term as the House
Corporation president, Jim Watson ’79 is stepping down from the
House Corporation. Jim has gone above and beyond the call of duty and
his service has been invaluable. While Jim will take a step down, I am
pleased to report that he will maintain an advisory role as a member of our
Emeritus Committee.
We are now several years past our major house renovation and the addition
Hughston Nichols ’03
House Corporation President
Theta Chapter Welcomes New Members
Chapter Looks to Build on Spring Accomplishments
ith the start of the 2013-14 school year,
the Theta Chapter at the University of
Alabama is excited to welcome back its active
members and introduce a class of new members.
I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the
Theta Chapter’s accomplishments from the
spring semester.
In the classroom, our active members averaged
a 3.10 GPA, which is .13 higher than our spring
2012 average. We look to build from this and
achieve an even higher standard of excellence
this year. As you may recall, our new members
in the fall of 2012 had an average GPA of 3.24,
which was the highest among all IFC fraternities.
We pride ourselves on the emphasis that we
place on academics for our incoming members.
The Theta Chapter is very involved with the
Tuscaloosa and UA communities. Many of our
members perform community service through
organizations such as Tuscaloosa’s One Place
and Al’s Pals. In addition, we hosted multiple
cookouts throughout the year supporting
different charities and organizations. One of our
favorite programs is the 5th Quarter Program. It
is truly a remarkable program that helps the West
Alabama Food Bank, and we are very excited to
carry this new Phi Gam tradition into its second
year of operation.
With the great work in and out of the classroom, it
is no surprise that Phi Gam is heavily represented
in various student organizations across campus.
These organizations include the Honors College,
University Fellows Experience, Jasons, Golden
Key Honor Society, Order of Omega, Capstone
Men and Women, ODK, Mortar Board, and
Campus Crusade for Christ.
William McLeod ’15, Bradley Bringardner ’15,
Davis Hudson ’15, and Andrew Pickering ’15
at Bryant-Denny Stadium during
Pig Dinner festivities.
The spring of 2013 was a great semester for the
Theta Chapter. Through our hard work, we will
continue to show other students, faculty, and
administrators what it means to be a Phi Gam.
As always, we encourage any alumni in the area
to stop by the Chapter House and see for yourself
the accomplishments of Theta Chapter.
Robby Anderson ’14
Chapter President
(205) 568-1471
Griffin Arnold ’14, Drew Schneider ’14,
Charlie Deer ’14, Chris Branch ’14,
Jack Brown ’14, and Joe Azar ’14 enjoy
spring break in Breckenridge, Colo.
\r\nPAGE 3
The University of alabama
Carl Jamison ’79 Shares How Fraternities Make a Lifetime Impact
improve Alabama’s business climate. Through
this, he has been able to reconnect with Will
Brook ’78, who was the outgoing chairman. “He’s
been in Birmingham, and I’ve been in Tuscaloosa,
so we didn’t get to see each other much, but being
on the board with him we were able to spend more
time together. It was really rewarding.”
he challenge of going through recruitment
is finding a fraternity that feels like the right
fit. For Carl Jamison ’79, he had the benefit of
knowing several members of Phi Gamma Delta
before he joined. “There were a lot of guys
from Tuscaloosa in the house, so I had friends
already and people I knew from high school in
my pledge class.”
Carl served the fraternity as the recruitment
chairman for three years. “It was a lot of fun.
I really enjoyed seeing the guys come through
the house.”
The memories he made as an undergraduate made
a lasting impact on his life. “The friendships
have been great. The Fraternity was a good
training ground for learning how to interact with
my peers and develop social skills. It also helped
that there were a lot of guys in the house that
were accounting majors; having people to study
with and a support system was a good benefit.”
After earning his bachelor’s degree in accounting
in 1981, Carl went to work for Jamison Money
Farmer PC. The firm was founded in 1920
by his grandfather, and Carl became the third
generation to lead the accounting firm. Being
able to work with his father, who is also a Phi
Gamma Delta alumnus, was a great opportunity.
“We have great clients, a lot of closely held
family businesses that are really rewarding to
work with.”
Carl has served as chairman on several charitable
and civic boards but says a highlight has been
serving as the chairman of the Business Council
of Alabama, which works with the legislature to
His advice to undergraduates is to develop
people skills. “It’s so different now from when I
started with all the technology and social media,
but the most important thing is still developing
personal relationships. Being able to interact
with people on a professional and personal level
is something that the Fraternity can really help
with. Also, the people that you come into contact
with as a member of the Greek system, you will
continue to run across over the years. It’s good
training for the future.”
Carl and his wife, Julie, have two sons, Thornton
and Almon, both University of Alabama
graduates. Carl’s hobby is managing a 2,000acre timber farm in Green County. He maintains
the house, barn, and wildlife.
Welcome, Fall 2013 Pledges
Mitchell Adams
Charlotte, N.C.
Sam Centeno*
Birmingham, Ala.
Leland Hosto
Nashville, Tenn.
Walker Purvis
Huntsville, Ala.
Evin Talton
Tupelo, Miss.
James Ash
Birmingham, Ala.
Will Clements*
Montgomery, Ala.
Kyle Ingram
Decatur, Ala.
Will Ruppel
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Allen Tate
Charlotte, N.C.
Clark Attaway
Phoenix, Ariz.
Paxton Clemmons*
Decatur, Ala.
Alex Larry*
Birmingham, Ala.
Dan Shelton
Birmingham, Ala.
Yates Thomas
Huntsville, Ala.
Will Baker*
Athens, Ala.
Spencer Conti
Fort Worth, Texas
Peter Lowe*
Huntsville, Ala.
Henry Shook
Birmingham, Ala.
Michael Tyner
Montgomery, Ala.
Worth Bell
Nashville, Tenn.
Griff Cooper
Birmingham, Ala.
Trace Markwalter
Huntsville, Ala.
Karter Smith*
Huntsville, Ala.
Hayes Vinson
Montgomery, Ala.
Scott Boyd
Fort Worth, Texas
Jacob Denny
Birmingham, Ala.
Roger McCoy*
Birmingham, Ala.
Alex Smith
Nashville, Tenn.
Price Wicks
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Adam Brandau*
Mobile, Ala.
Stuart Harmon
Birmingham, Ala.
Thomas Mercer
Montgomery, Ala.
Clint Smith
Nashville, Tenn.
John Buckley
Dallas, Texas
Thomas Harris
Tupelo, Miss.
Chas Mitchell
Montgomery, Ala.
Charlie Stakely*
Augusta, Ga.
JD Cage
Nashville, Tenn.
Faulkner Hereford
Birmingham, Ala.
Mark Powers*
Athens, Ala.
Carter Standeffer
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
James Caudle
Huntsville, Ala.
Charlie Horton*
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Taylor Propst
Huntsville, Ala.
Rob Stokes*
Brewton, Ala.
\r\nSave the Date
October 5, 2013
Alabama vs. Georgia State
Join Theta’s
Football Tailgate
Phi Gamma Delta
Theta Chapter
P.O. Box 131385
Birmingham, AL 35213
Address Service Requested
ootball season is upon us! It’s time for alumni,
family, friends, and potential new members
to check the football schedule and make plans
to visit the house and see old friends or make
new ones. Tailgates begin at the Chapter House
two hours prior to kickoff with plenty of food,
beverages, and entertainment. We promise a good
time will be had by all. We look forward to seeing
you this fall. Go to the Facebook page or www. for detailed game-day schedules.
Alabama Home Football Games
Ole Miss
Georgia State (Homecoming)
Chapter Eternal
Richard E. Coffee Jr. ’50 entered Chapter
Eternal June 21, 2013, at the age of 91. He served
as a member of the 10th Armored Division of
Patton’s 3rd Army in World War II, earning a
Purple Heart. Following the war, he enrolled
at the University of Alabama, graduating in
1950 with a degree in advertising from the
Commerce School. He then founded Dick
Coffee Enterprises, which published a number
of magazines, including Birmingham Doin’s
and Tuscaloosa Doin’s along with similar
visitor’s guides for Huntsville, Montgomery,
Decatur, Savannah, Memphis, Brunswick, and
the Golden Isles. In addition, he printed annual
football and basketball guides. He was an active
member in his church and was involved in many
organizations affiliated with the University of
Alabama. He was named as the University’s
Alumnus of the Year and was an honorary
member of the A-Club for lettermen in athletics.
Dick attended every Alabama football game
from November 30, 1946, through January 8,
2013, a total of 781 consecutive games. In 2010,
he was named College Football’s #1 Superfan by
ESPN. The New York Times acknowledged that
Attention: This newsletter is intended for Phi Gamma Delta alumni and parents. If your son is
still attending The University of Alabama, he will receive a copy at the Chapter House. If he has
graduated, please send us his permanent address to update our records. Thank you.
he was the creator of the “Charge” cheer, which
has been heard at athletic events throughout
the country for many years. Dick was an active
member of the Birmingham Rose Society. He
and his wife of almost 60 years, Nora, had
as many as 375 rose bushes in their garden,
and he earned the designation as a consulting
rosarian for the Deep South District of the
American Rose Society. He is survived by Nora;
son Richard III; daughter Linda; grandchildren
Brett, Matt, and Eliana; a number of nieces and
nephews; and countless friends.
Leo M. Karpeles Jr. ’62 entered Chapter
Eternal on January 26, 2013. Leo was a beloved
husband, father, grandfather and friend to many.
He had a distinguished professional career, most
recently with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
and previously as VP of Taylor & Mathis in
Birmingham. Leo attended The Baylor School
in Chattanooga, Tenn., and graduated from the
University of Alabama. He dedicated his life
to the help and support of others. He provided
community support acting as a board member
for St. Vincent’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital
and The Club. He was also an active member of
The Rotary Club of Birmingham, The Redstone
Club, Monday Morning Quarterback Club, and
The Country Club of Birmingham. Leo presided
as King of the Beaux Arts Krewe. Anyone who
knew him knows that aside from family and
friends his next loves were Elvis and Alabama
football. Leo is survived by his wife of 39 years,
Laide Karpeles, daughter Margaret Karpeles,
son Leo Karpeles III, granddaughter Adelaide
Karpeles, and sister Marion Tortorici. Leo also
leaves many nieces, nephews and friends.
Board of Chapter Advisors
BCA President
Hughston Nichols ’03
Vice President and
Clay Morris ’83
Immediate Past President
Jim Andrews ’81
Tommy Keene ’70
Billy Bates ’78
Donny Troiano ’79
Mike Ballard ’80
Sid Philips ’83
Chass Horton ’83
Neal Hutchinson ’84
Thornton Hydinger ’84
Chas Pell ’85
Taylor McElroy ’95
Jonathan Wells ’03
Steven Nichols ’05
Joe Griffin ’06
Mike Roy ’06
John Collier ’06
Josh Clinton ’08
Billy Pritchard ’10
Purple Legionnaire
Cary Beck ’13
George Nolen ’70
Baker Crow ’78
Winn Kelley ’78
TJ Willings ’78
Jim Richardson ’79
Jim Watson ’79
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Fall 2013 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages.