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2012 Spring Newsletter Tau Deuteron (University of Texas)
Spring 2012 newsletter of the Tau Deuteron chapter at the University of Texas. This newsletter is six pages.
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Tau Deuteron
University of Texas
2012 Spring Newsletter Tau Deuteron (University of Texas)
The Longhorn Fiji–The University of Texas at Austin
Established 1883
Spring 2012
Graduates Get Involved and Ensure Tau Deuteron’s Success
New Mentoring Program Implemented for Undergraduates
fter a semester of learning the many aspects
of Tau Deuteron, I am glad to report that our
Chapter is stronger than ever. Change has been
the theme since August; we have a newly elected
Board of Chapter Advisors (BCA) and House
Corporation Board. These men are excited to get
involved and help give back to Phi Gamma Delta.
These changes are designed to encourage alumni
involvement and ensure transparency and financial stability.
BCA MeMBers Work TogeTher
To BAlAnCe BudgeT
The BCA consists of members from 12 pledge
classes and each member is assigned specific responsibilities. The BCA began this semester by
guaranteeing our fiscal and budgetary matters are
in line. Finance Chairman Mark Winter ’79 has
done a great job implementing financial safeguards and has worked closely with Treasurer
nelson laswell ’09 to make sure the Chapter adheres to its budget.
AluMni TAilgATes offer
opperTuniTy To Build
In the fall, the undergraduate Chapter hosted tailgates for alumni two hours before every home
football game. Buen Retiro came to life with live
music, food, and refreshments. This resulted in
some of the largest alumni, undergraduate, and
family gatherings we have experienced in years.
Texas Cowboys and Silver Spurs at DKR Memorial Stadium: Jackson Roche ’08, Robert Shulte ’08,
Wilson Albright ’08, Charlie Rexford ’08, Dawson Lewis ’08, and Jack Simone ’08.
We had an overwhelmingly positive response
from alumni about these events and we look forward to continuing them next fall.
inTernship And eMployMenT
MenToring progrAM for
This semester, we have spent time refining
pledge education and strategizing for recruitment. Bobby orr ’75 is spearheading a new
program to help seniors obtain internships and
post-graduate employment opportunities. If you
are interested in mentoring or have an internship or job opportunity available, please contact
Bobby at
My role in the growth of Tau Deuteron is extremely fulfilling, and stepping through the doors
of Buen Retiro brings back priceless memories. I
encourage you to get involved with the Chapter
or just stop by Buen Retiro to say hello.
Marshall Merritt ’79
BCA President
Bill Chiles ’67 Recalls Memories of Tau Deuteron Brotherhood
Joined Phi Gamma Delta Because It’s the Best
have always felt that the Fijis are the best fraternity on campus,
so why go for anything but the best?” With that attitude, Bill
Chiles ’67 joined Tau Deuteron because of the athletic orientation, the lake club, and the strength of the membership.
During his sophomore year Bill became engaged and married as
a junior. He remembers his time as an undergraduate fondly and
says the experience meant a lot to him. “I matured quite a bit and
loved the Fraternity.” Some of his favorite memories are “having
fun with my pledge brothers, Mom Pryor, Ivory, and the food at
the house.” Bill earned a bachelor’s degree of business administration in petroleum land management and an MBA from SMU.
As he remembers his time as an undergraduate, Bill passes on
some advice. “Find your passion and stick with it. Do not always
think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Always
do the right thing and realize that servant leaders realize that it is
(Continued on page 2)
InSIDE: Successful Recruitment 3 • Alumni Update 4 • Join Us for Pig Dinner 6
Page 2
Phi Gamma Delta
Bill Chiles ’67
Rad Weaver ’94 Shares His Fiji Experience
(Continued from page 1)
not about them, but about serving the needs of
their team.” He also gives young alumni interview advice. “If someone shows up in a
beat-up jalopy, covered in tattoos, rings in
every orifice, bad hair, and bad clothes, they
won’t get hired.”
Bill is the president and CEO of Bristow
Group Inc., the largest civil helicopter operator in the world, operating approximately 550
helicopters with 3,400 employees in 20 countries flying offshore for oil and gas exportation
and production companies. His experience in
leadership has served him well. “Strong leadership is the cornerstone of any successful enterprise. We work on leadership at Bristow
every single day in everything we do.”
Bill and Wendy live in Houston, Texas, and
have five children: Ashley, Brett, Clay, Brayden, and Alexandra. In his free time, he enjoys
golfing, skiing, running, bird shooting, and
spending time with his family. You can contact Bill at
Encourages Undergraduates to
Get Involved on Campus
ames “rad” Weaver ’94 visited several fraternities, but Phi Gamma Delta was the best fit for
him. He was the first person from his family who attended UT and he decided to be a part of
Greek life. “My time at Phi Gamma Delta is a cherished time. My brothers are terrific guys, most
of whom I’ve stayed in contact with. It’s important to me in my personal and professional life.”
As an undergraduate, he was elected by Fiji members to the Silver Spurs. Some
of his favorite memories don’t necessarily include Fiji parties. “I enjoyed spending time with the guys at the Chapter House or wherever we were living.” Rad
suggests that undergraduates get involved while they are on campus. “There are
multiple events going on every day. It’s easy to get locked into a routine; get
out of that routine and get involved.”
As the CEO of McCombs Partners, Rad has encountered many leadership styles.
He believes that “doing is better than talking. It’s important to lead by example and have a strong
work ethic.” He believes that smart guys hang out with smart guys. “My biggest takeaway from Fiji
was that it’s a diverse set of guys. Everybody was somebody, but you have to make friends, and that
friendship translates into the business community and careers.”
Rad and his wife, Ashley, have a 5-year-old daughter and are expecting a son. He enjoys spending
time with his family on their ranch and farm. Rad also enjoys traveling, hunting, and fishing. You
can contact him at
Delano Womack ’52 Inducted into
Texas High School Football Hall of Fame
elano Womack ’52 will be admitted into the Texas High School Football Hall of Fame in May. Delano was a running
back at Austin High School. He is the fifth Tau Deuteron Fiji to receive this honor. He joins Charles Brewer ’52,
quarterback at Lubbock H.S., Jack Collins ’57, running back at Highland Park H.S., John Treadwell ’59, linebacker at
Austin H.S., and Walter fondren ’54, running back and quarterback at Houston Lamar H.S.
Jon Brumley ’57 Honored
with Distinguished Alumnus Award
Phi Gamma Delta Offers Our Congratulations to Jon
rumley, a resident of Fort Worth, is chairman and CEO of Bounty Investments, LP. He was named, along with his son, as “Entrepreneurs of the
Year” in 2005 by Forbes magazine. Brumley has worked for, founded and acquired several companies in the energy business, including eight companies
listed on the New York Stock Exchange, most notably Southland Royalty Co.,
Cross Timbers (XTO) and Mesa Petroleum.
Like the other honorees, Brumley is still actively involved with the University
of Texas and McCombs. He was the keynote speaker at the 6th Annual McCombs Alumni Business Conference on Feb. 25, where he described his career in the energy industry
and the importance of having a strong business plan.
The above excerpt appeared in the fall 2011 issue of McCombs TODAY.
You can read more on Jon Brumley ’57 and
the McCombs School of Business at
Join Us
for Pig
Saturday, April 14
See the back page
for formal invitation.
\r\nPage 3
Texas Fiji
Undergraduates Attend Fiji Academy and Build Leadership Skills
reetings from Buen Retiro! I am happy to
report the completion of another successful
fall semester at Tau Deuteron and a great start to
the spring semester. We are proud to announce
the newest active members of our Fraternity, the
pledge class of 2011. We extend our hearty congratulations to the newest group of Fijis. Recruitment efforts are ongoing and we are recruiting
men who exemplify the standards of Texas Fiji.
A concert was held at the Chapter House by
Robert Earl King and we enjoyed a great time,
great food, and brotherhood. Another success of
the past semester was our strongly attended tailgates before home football games. It was great to
see graduates from different eras congregate at
Buen Retiro. We look forward to maintaining this
momentum and building upon these Fiji bonds
this semester and the year to come. Please mark
your calendars for Parent’s Weekend on March
30-31 and Pig Dinner on April 14. Graduates are
always welcome to visit Buen Retiro. We hope to
see you there!
Yours in the Bond,
Chris renaudin ’10
Chapter President
The recruitment captains for 2012 are Brady
Blonkvist ’10, Zane Butter ’10, and peyton Mcdonough ’10. Thank you to all graduates for
your continued support and involvement during
our recruitment process. The incredible strength
of Tau Deuteron is attributed to your support.
During the winter break, scott lange ’10,
Thomas smith ’10, and Will Merritt ’10 had
the opportunity to visit the Fiji Academy in St.
Louis. During that time, they attended seminars
with Fijis from across the nation and were educated on various chapter operations, rituals, and
leadership in Fiji. The junior intramural football
team won the Greek League championship
against the Kappa Sigs this year. We are challenging our intramural teams to maintain their
premier status.
The pledge class of 2011 volunteered for the Austin Fire Disaster Relief.
Additional Donors to
Recruitment 2011
he following graduate donations helped
make recruitment possible. We apologize
for our error that left them off the list printed
in the fall 2011 newsletter.
Jim Mason
Bill Weaver
Ben West
Recruitment Chairmen Reflect on
Freshman Road to Initiation
he freshman pledge class concluded a successful pledge period during the fall semester
at Buen Retiro. The pledges built picnic tables, benches by the fire pit, structures for
social events, and hung our famous Christmas lights. They also volunteered for different disaster relief programs, fundraisers, and the local Feed My People organization in Austin. They
attended study halls on campus four nights a week. These study halls are proctored by the academic committee. The pledge class has maintained the fine tradition of Tau Deuteron and
will continue to be exemplary members of Texas Fiji for years to come.
Brett robertson
Ben Bennitt
Cris renaud
John Mcintyre
robert s. McCaig
Tommy stewart
Jeremy J. sanders
s your 2012 recruitment captains, we are very
excited about the opportunity to meet and get
to know not only the incoming freshmen this summer but also the graduates throughout the process.
We look forward to following the great example
of previous captains and continuing the precedent
of another great pledge class. That feat is only
possible with your help and guidance. As recruitment grows and more men go through the process,
we welcome your input on gentlemen you know
who would make good Fijis. We appreciate your
support and look forward to hearing from you.
Recruitment Chairmen
Brady Blonkvist ’10 or (210) 262-7700
Zane Butter ’10 or (214) 405-0592
peyton Mcdonough ’10 or (903) 574-3230
Page 4
Phi Gamma Delta
Ad AsTrA
Joe h. Bradley ’45 passed away October 3, 2011, surrounded by his
family. He and his wife, Jenny, were married for 64 years. They have
two daughters, Becky and Sally, and seven grandchildren.
Charles “sonny” sowell ’48 passed away October 8, 2011. He and
his wife, Joann, have three children and five grandchildren. He was
an avid outdoorsman and family man.
dr. harold Brumley ’51 passed away January 31, 2012. He was
preceded in death by his first wife, Marilyn. Their four children
survive them: Maryann, Bonnie, Jill, and Wayne. He leaves behind brothers Carl Brumley ’50 and Jon Brumley ’57, his
second wife, Kay, and many family and friends.
Tommy h. Tomlinson ’54 passed away from heart
failure on December 4, 2010, in Miami, Fla., his
home of 43 years. His family reports that Tommy
was a very proud member of Phi Gamma Delta.
AluMni neWs
Bill T. Campbell ’40 is a “super senior” as of October 2011. He and his wife, Louise, reside in Sugar
Land, Texas. He is healthy and enjoying life, family, and
golf. E-mail:
William B. Campbell ’43 taught in the Peace Corps, at
Schreiner University and Oxford University, and in India. He is
now retired and resides in Austin, Texas.
William g. dwyer ’45 is a retired attorney. He and his wife, Margaret,
reside at the Buckingham Retirement Home in Houston, Texas.
Charles M. Berkey ’48 served 41 years in the U.S. Army and worked
as a manager for Procter & Gamble until retiring in 1987. He and his
wife, Betty, live in San Antonio, Texas, and are involved in multiple
committees and foundations. E-mail:
fred W. patterson sr. ’48 retired in 1999 as a publisher emeritus
for Denton Publishing Co. He and his wife, Patsy, reside in Denton,
Texas. They have two grown children, Fred and Riley. E-mail:
Judd Miller Jr. ’51 and his wife, Patricia, live in Cuero, Texas. He is
the retired vice president of Exxon Company, U.S.A. E-mail:
Ted C. hager ’52 founded Hager Containers Inc., which he sold and
retired in 2003. He and his wife, Louise, reside in Dallas, Texas. They
have three grown children: Steve, Linda, and Debbie.
donald r. Mighell ’52 is enjoying retirement at his place on the Chesapeake Bay. He is staying active as the investment advisor for Rho Phi
Chapter and as an advisor to the graduates working on the Delta Colony
at Indiana State University. E-mail:
richard l. gannett ’54 is a new grandfather to twin boys who are
“obviously future Fijis.” He retired in 2009 and resides in Dallas,
Texas. He enjoys collecting vintage Mercedes-Benz cars and is
interested in selling a beautiful ’79 450 SL Model. E-mail:
lon p. Carpenter ’57 is an executive vice president for Frost
Bank. He and his wife, Ann, reside in San Antonio, Texas.
richard h. Carnahan Jr., dds ’60 is a dentist with his
own practice. He and his wife, Chrissie, reside in San Antonio, Texas. E-mail:
roy e. rushing ’61 retired in December 2010 to
return to work part time as a registered
investment advisor for Murray & Co Wealth
Management LTD. He and his wife,
Ruthann, reside in Austin, Texas. E-mail:
steven d. Arnold ’79 resides in Houston, Texas.
When he is not working for Three Lights Management
Company, he volunteers on the advisory board of Texas
Children’s Cancer Center. The organization is the top-rated
pediatric cancer center in the southwest and largest in the USA.
rick o. Weed ’80 is an attorney for Weed & Co. LLP. He and his
wife, Ellie, reside in Newport Beach, Calif. They have four children:
Genevieve, Erica, Adelaide, and Walter. E-mail:
Walter T. price iV ’86 was elected Texas state representative of
House District 87 and resides in Amarillo. He and his wife, Karen,
have four children: Brooke, Cody, Abby, and Curry. E-mail:
robert A. dullnig ’94 has sold farms and ranches since 1999. He has
sold over 165,000 acres and was listed in San Antonio Business Journal as top ranch broker four out of five years. He and his wife, Linda,
reside in San Antonio, Texas. E-mail:
Colin M. McConnell ’00 is a director of investor relations for Satori
Capital. In January 2011 he married Emery, and they reside in Dallas,
Texas. E-mail:
parker p. polan ’00 founded a law practice in Austin specializing
in personal injury trial law and criminal defense. E-mail:
Warren r. Williamson Jr. ’05 is an investment banking analyst for
Tudor, Pickering, Holt and Company LLC in its New York office.
\r\nPage 5
Texas Fiji
The brothers spent time skiing over
winter break at Breckenridge, Colo.
Robert Ehrlich ’10, William Duncan ’10, Cole Purswell ’10,
Nash Frisbie ’10, and William Campbell ’10 hunt together.
sAn AnTonio
Brian Cavanaugh, Highland Park
Thomas Duncan*, Kinkaid
(John duncan ’12, William
duncan ’14)
Sam Boyce*, Tascosa
(Beaumont Boyce ’04)
John Paul Ackels, Jesuit
William Case, Kinkaid
George Shaw, Alamo Heights
Zach Dorflinger, Parish
William Reade, Kinkaid
ATlAnTA, gA.
Alex Bryan, Southlake
Matt Luna, Lamar
James Uhl*, Alamo Heights
(Arthur uhl ’77)
Austin Shealy, Holy Innocents
Cole Marlow, St. Marks
Buc Howard, Memorial
Carson Ashbaugh, Trinity
John Cotton*, Memorial
(Taylor Cotton ’11,
John Cotton ’14)
Billy Bedillion, Austin
fT. WorTh
Brew Houston, Austin
Reid Hairston*, Austin
(kyle hairston ’10)
Preston Moore*, All Saints
(Arden Moore ’77, Tucker
Moore ’11, hudson Moore ’12)
Spence Howden, Austin
Hayden Carson, Arlington Heights
Jack Scharnberg, St. Andrews
Corpus ChrisTi
Connor Mannon, Episcopal
Reed Clemons, Ray
Dillon West, Episcopal
Holden Hamblen, Episcopal
Burwell Thompson, Corsicana
Kelly Kuni*, Memorial
(doug kuni ’78)
Chase Russo, St. Thomas
Austin Waltmon*, Stratford
(deWitt Waltmon ’19,
deWitt Waltmon sr. ’45,
deWitt Waltmon Jr. ’76,
scott Waltmon ’83)
Dylan Case, Lubbock Christian
Matt Williamson*, Kinkaid
(Brant Williamson ’09)
Steven Gay, Kinkaid
Richard Sparr, Alamo Heights
Coley Kellogg, St. Mary’s Hall
Taylor Thornton*, St. Mary’s Hall
(Mark Thornton ’72)
Mickey Chevans, Robert E. Lee
Will Deshazo, Robert E. Lee
WiChiTA fAlls
Graham McGregor*, S.H. Rider
(robert edwards ’66, Joe flack
’69, Mark edwards ’74, Joe
flack iii ’98, J.p. finley ’01)
Will Huddleston, S.H. Rider
Graham Bayley, Kinkaid
Jay Mullen, Kinkaid
Carter Thurmond, Alamo Heights
Ross Montgomery, Midland
Nelson Grimes*, Trinity
(link grimes ’83)
*Legacy; relative in parentheses
\r\nThe Undergraduates of
Tau Deuteron of
Phi Gamma Delta
The University of Texas
Would Be Honored by
Your Presence at Our
2012 Frank norris Pig Dinner
On the Fourteenth day of April,
Two Thousand Twelve
at Buen Retiro
P.O. BOx 4769
AUSTIn, Tx 78765
Address Service Requested
$75 per person (actives and alumni only)
Cocktails start at 5:30 p.m.
Dinner served at 7:00 p.m.
We have a fantastic program planned:
speaker: Mr. gene shepherd ’78
Tau Deuteron Pledge Class of 1978; 1979-80
President of Tau Deuteron Chapter; Executive
Vice President and CFO of Brigham
Exploration (up through their sale to Statoil
in January of this year); Consultant to
Anthem Ventures LLC
presentation of diamond, gold,
and silver owl pins
(Pledge classes from fall of 1961/spring of 1962
and fall of 1986/spring of 1987)
Announcement of scholarship recipients
and 2012 honored fijis
Special recognition for the reunion of the
graduates from the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s,
as well as recognition of all past presidents
from those years
Master of Ceremonies: Ed Clements
KLBJ Radio Personality (Father of ferris
Clements ’10)
r.s.V.p. using the form to the right.
If you wish to pay by credit card or if you
have any questions, contact Sue Raymond at or
call (512) 473-2322.
noTe: Additional financial donations of
ANY amount to help subsidize the expenses of
the 2012 Norris Pig Dinner are graciously
accepted at the mailing address to the right.
ATTEnTIOn: This newsletter is intended for alumni and parents. If your son is still attending
the University of Texas, he will receive a copy at the Chapter House. If he has graduated,
please send us his permanent address to update our records. Thank you.
Join Us for The norris Pig Dinner
Saturday, April 14 at Buen Retiro
Pig Dinner Registration
Name/Nickname: _______________________________________ Pledge Year: ________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________
Phone: _____________________________ E-mail: ______________________________
dinner cost is $75 per person (alumni and actives only).
Total amount due: $_________
please mail this registration form and payment by April 1, 2012,
to Sue Raymond, Phi Gamma Delta, P.O. Box 4769, Austin, TX 78765.
Make your check payable to Phi Gamma Delta.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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Spring 2012 newsletter of the Tau Deuteron chapter at the University of Texas. This newsletter is six pages.