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2018 February Newsletter Beta Sigma (Ball State University)
February 2018 newsletter for the Beta Sigma chapter at Ball State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Beta Sigma
Ball State University
2018 February Newsletter Beta Sigma (Ball State University)
President’s Address
eta Sigma is starting
off strong this
spring semester
after coming off of an
excellent fall semester.
With 27 brothers initiated
in January, we have high
hopes for the contribution
of the Alpha Rho pledge
that we received our
semester report back from
the university for the fall
2017 semester, and we
maintained our spot as the
top fraternity academically.
We also had the highest
average number of service
hours per brother, as well
The chapter at Dance Marathon with Sigma Kappa and Pi Beta Phi
class to our fraternity.
They have demonstrated
a passion for the values
of Phi Gamma Delta that
we strive to instill in every
pledge class. They joined
us at State Day this year,
where we were recognized
for our excellence in
graduate relations, new
member education and
outstanding philanthropies
(The Ride and Move Your
Phi’t), among many other
awards. We placed third
for the Beta Cup, ending
our two-year streak, and
we’re looking to reclaim the
award for best chapter in
Indiana next year.
I am happy to announce
as the second highest
amount of philanthropy
dollars raised, a title that
we hope to claim once
again this semester with
your generous support.
Dance Marathon also just
concluded, and this year,
we paired with both Sigma
Kappa and Pi Beta Phi. We
raised $4,645 as a chapter
and $12,320 as a group For
The Kids!
Looking forward, we are
excited to announce that
we have a new philanthropy
in the works with the
USO to increase our oncampus presence as well
as further contribute to a
great organization. More
details on the philanthropy
will be shared in future
newsletters. We are also
looking forward to our
annual Ride Across the
Purple Valley, an event that
raised $10,000 for the USO
last year. We are looking
forward to yet another
big year in 2018, and
ask your help to make it
possible! Donate today, and
I promise that I’ll sweat out
every mile.
Finally, our continual
goal is to maintain strong
relations with the graduate
brothers and the parents
of undergraduate Phi
Gams and enjoy every
opportunity that gives us
the chance to do so. That
being said, for graduate
brothers, Pig Dinner is
April 7! Connor Manion
(2018) and I are the Pig
Dinner co-chairmen and are
excited for you to join us.
We are hosting events the
entire weekend to make
the trip more than a one
day reunion, giving you
a chance to connect with
your fellow brothers and
current undergraduates.
As for parents, we are
approaching Mom’s Day
on March 24, and we can’t
wait for you to visit! Stay
tuned for more details. As
we maintain our strive for
excellence, we appreciate
you all being along for the
journey. Perge!
◊◊ Raised $4,645 for
Ball State’s Riley
Dance Marathon
◊◊ Finished among the
top 3 FIJI chapters in
Indiana for the Beta
Cup award
◊◊ Awarded best
graduate relations
among FIJI chapters
in Indiana
◊◊ Highest grade point
average among IFC
fraternities with a
3.21 GPA
◊◊ Highest number of
service hours per
brother among IFC
◊◊ Initiated 27 new
members of the
Alpha Rho class
◊◊ Recruited 3 new
members during
Spring Rush for the
Alpha Sigma class
◊◊ Recognized for
excellence in new
member education
and philanthropic
efforts among FIJI
chapters in Indiana
Winter Retreat 2018 Review
Our 2018 Winter Retreat
was a great opportunity
for undergraduate and
graduate brothers to come
together and take a look
at our current position
and where we hope to
get to in the next year.
Because of inclement
weather, we were not able
to hold this in Lexington,
as is tradition, but instead
hosted it a few weeks later
at the Student Center
here on campus. We saw
extremely high attendance
from each pledge class
and were impressed with
the different opinions and
ideas that were brought
to the table for the 2018
calendar year. To kick off
the day, Justin Concannon
(2019), our historian, held
Beta Sigma trivia and gave
away old t-shirts, jerseys
and sweatshirts as prizes.
After this, we jumped in
to the SWOT analysis. The
SWOT analysis presented
many different areas of
opportunity for Beta Sigma
and areas that we can work
to improve.
As we broke for lunch,
new chair-positions met
with their predecessors to
discuss best practices and
specific requirements for
those positions. After lunch,
Chris Campaniolo (2000)
presented Beta Sigma
with a House Corporation
update that encompassed
everything from recent
renovations to future
renovations, reminders on
how to communicate with
the Housing Corporation
and plans for the future of
the Corporation.
Finally, our service,
social, philanthropy and
apparel chairs discussed
events that brothers would
like to see. Our external
social chair and apparel
chair, Hadden Yarbrough
(2020), discussed different
ideas for upcoming socials,
different organizations
to pair with, as well as
shirt and hat ideas for the
spring semester. Finally, our
philanthropy chairs outlined
new ideas for our fall
philanthropy and updates
on the Ride Across the
Brothers discuss roles over lunch
Purple Valley.
Overall, the 2018 Winter
upcoming plans for the
Retreat was a success,
positions. Our service
highlighting our strengths
chairs, Nick Schmaltz (2021) and pushing our brothers
and Jake Senne (2021),
to fulfill the potential of
discussed the specifics
Beta Sigma. We’re looking
of how to record service
forward to accomplishing
hours for the Office of
the goals we’ve set.
Greek Life and types of - Martin Coughlin (2019), Rec Sec
State Day 2018 Review
My experience at State
Day was truly invigorating
as I was able to see
exceptional Phi Gam men
from chapters all across
the state. Being a newly
initiated member, I was
in awe when witnessing
that this organization is
truly filled with gentlemen
of quality, leaders and
scholars that strive for
knowledge. It was exciting
and interesting for me to
see how other chapters
have many individuals that
share the same qualities
as the brothers in my own
chapter. We were similar in
the way that we all excelled
in our Greek communities
at our schools, but were
diversely different in our
philanthropies and chapter
It was neat to see how
some of the older chapters
were well established and
the newer ones were eager
and quickly growing. I was
invited and encouraged
to visit the other chapters
around the state. This
made me feel united and
were a variety of sessions
that I was able to attend on
topics such as social media
tips and advice, leadership
roles, FIJI lore and chapter
The chapter at State Day alongside graduate brothers Burklow and Meier
connected to brothers
from other chapters. In
addition to learning about
many FIJI chapters around
the state I was also able to
learn insightful information
about my fraternity and
being a member. There
development. The sessions
were very insightful and I
was able to walk away with
a lot of helpful information.
Seeing brothers in a variety
of professional fields and
being able to receive advice
from them was inspiring, as
well as motivating for me.
Going to all the different
sessions and learning more
about Phi Gamma Delta
gave a huge sense of
pride and belonging in this
One of the biggest
takeaways for me was
learning new ways I can
contribute as a member. I
was inspired and received
numerous ideas on what
I personally want to do to
help my chapter and future
leadership roles I plan to
acquire in my chapter to do
so. Overall, State-Day was
a great experience for me
that allowed me to learn
new knowledge to help me
improve as an individual and
to help my chapter excel in
positive direction.
- Nick Ash (2020), Internal
New Chair Position Goals & Plans
Community Service
The new philanthropy
a successful event at other
committee is very excited
FIJI chapters, and we are
about the opportunities
hoping to replicate the
we have coming up this
semester. We have created
Right now, we are
a set of ambitious goals,
aiming to have at least
and they are as follows:
three philanthropic events
raise over $10,000 through in the next year. We plan
philanthropy events, host
to have one this spring
one event that raises
semester, one at the end
over $2,500, host one
of this academic year (The
new philanthropy, host a
Ride Across The Purple
philanthropy that educates
Valley), and another one
about the USO (United
next fall semester (Humvee
Service Organizations)
Push). This gives us plenty
and co-host at least one
of time to properly prepare
philanthropy with another
and advertise these events.
Greek organization. We
We want attendees to have
feel that with the proper
fun at these events, but
planning and guidance we
we also want to educate
can, and will, reach these
and let people know what
they’re donating to.
One event that we
The new philanthropy
are planning is a humvee
committee is looking
push race, where teams
forward to the opportunity
of contestants will see
to raise money not only
who can push a humvee
for the good of the
a certain distance the
Chapter, but for the
quickest. We’re currently
good of the USO. We are
working to get a USO
eagerly planning our first
representative to be in
philanthropic event, and
attendance during the
we can’t wait to share
event to provide more
more information with you!
information about the
organization. This has been - Mike Lantz (2020), Philanthropy
With such a great
year of service from our
previous chairs behind us,
Nick Schmaltz and I are
looking forward to building
off the incredible work
they did and we’re excited
to serve as the community
service chairmen for the
Beta Sigma Chapter. We
are not only looking to
match their enthusiasm
and effort, but push our
chapter’s service efforts
to new heights. With such
a passionate and excited
leader like Nick heading up
our endeavor, there is no
question we will succeed
in doing so. We are hoping
to get at least half the
Chapter to reach their 15
service hour goal set by
the Chapter. Whether it
be grilling out, hosting
a dinner or monetary
rewards, we are looking
into providing incentives
for the brothers that meet,
or exceed, their goal. On
top of that, we want to see
over 75% of our brothers
get out in the community
and serve at least once
Nick, who is a
Muncie local, has many
connections within the
community, and we are
looking to take advantage
of that. Rather than just
going to the animal
shelter or food bank like
many have in the past,
we are expanding our
focus to other meaningful
organizations so that our
impact can be felt within
the Muncie community and
its surrounding areas. That
being said, we are aiming
to partner with at least
12 different organizations
in, or around, the Muncie
area. We also plan to pair
with PHA Sororities, NPHC
Organizations and IFC
Fraternities for community
service events more often
to expand our reach and
build better relationships
within the Ball State Greek
community. We have a
huge year ahead of us, but
I am more than confident
that our chapter can not
only attain these goals,
but exceed them and truly
make an impact in the
- Jake Senne (2021), Service
Brother Spotlights
Joe Krause (2019), Alpha Xi
Nick Rhoa (2020), Alpha Omicron
Joe has been editing music videos for
local artists in Indy to benefit Second
Helpings Food Bank for his immersive
learning class. He is also our New
Member Educator.
Nick is a member of the MCOB
Honor’s Program and recently
accepted an internship at Somerset
CPA’s for the spring semester of
2019. He is also our current Treasurer.
Max Reed (2020), Alpha Omicron
Brandon Sheets (2019), Alpha Xi
Max recently passed his FM actuary
exam and has made the Dean’s List
every semester at Ball State. Max
currently serves as a Judicial Board
Justice for the Beta Sigma Chapter.
Brandon had the highest brother GPA
last semester and will be joining IU’s
Respiratory Health program this fall.
He’s currently training for the Mr. Ball
State bodybuilding competition.
Graduate Brother Spotlight
From now on, each
Beta Sigma Newsletter
will include a graduate
brother spotlight article. The
article will seek to highlight
the graduate brother’s
achievements after leaving
Ball State and what the
Beta Sigma Chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta has done for
Our first ever graduate
brother spotlight highlights
Daniel Joyaux (2006). Daniel
graduated from Ball State
with a bachelor’s degree in
English. He was a member
of the Delta class and was
there for Beta Sigma’s
chartering ceremony on
February 24, 2001. As a
Beta Sigma undergraduate,
he was the first brother
to represent FIJI on the
Ball State Interfraternity
Council. Along with
being a brother of Phi
Gamma Delta, Daniel was
involved with the Student
Government Association
and Homecoming
Steering Committee. After
graduating, he wanted
to follow his passion to
become a music critic.
However, he decided not
to, because in Daniel’s
words, he “wasn’t that good
at writing about music.”
Post-college, he spent time
serving and bartending
before deciding to write
about another passion: film.
of the film descriptions and
information for the popular
festival. He describes his
work with the Sundance
Institute as “stressful, but a
great experience.” Over the
past few months, Daniel has
Daniel Joyaux at the Sundance Film Festival in 2016
In 2010, he grabbed his
laptop and started a blog
called Third Man Movies &
Culture. Daniel still writes
about movies and has been
a publications editor for
the Sundance Film Festival
since 2015. From the end of
October through January,
he works in Utah editing all
had three articles published
by Vanity Fair for his
coverage of the 2017 and
2018 Academy Awards and
was featured on Vanity Fair’s
podcast, Little Gold Men.
Daniel joined the Beta
Sigma chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta because he
wanted a grounded group
of people he could rely on
and “a piece of college”
he could always come back
to. His undergraduate
experience gave him a
great core group of friends
that he still connects
with on a regular basis,
including brothers Sean
Reilly (2004), Eric Maroun
(2008) and Beta Sigma’s
current Purple Legionnaire,
Ryan Burklow (2005).
Daniel’s most important
piece of advice for the
current undergraduates
was, “to defend each other
and choose sides based
on what is right,” which
I think is an important
statement and valuable
advice for a brotherhood
like Beta Sigma’s. Seeing
a graduate brother from
my own chapter succeed,
and succeed in such a
difficult and interesting
field, is inspiring. I hope that
one day, the Beta Sigma
Chapter is the “piece of
college” that helps me find
success, just as it has been
for Daniel.
- Ben Bertsch (2020), Corr Sec
Graduate Brother Updates
Our graduate brothers
have been up to quite a
bit as of late. Brothers Jay
Thomas (2004) and Rob
Dawson (2004) both have
had children in the past
couple of months. Jay had
a daughter named Anna
Kate on December 13,
and Rob had a son named
Harris Michael on January
30. Luke Woody (2014) got
engaged and now goes by
the name Luke Fehribach.
Dr. Adam Drummond
(2002) moved jobs, and
J.C. Obringer covering the Olympics
is now the Director of
Professional Learning for
the International Center for
Leadership in Education.
In other new job news,
Austin McMillan (2012)
recently started a new
position as the IoT Business
Development Manager
for ClearObject in Fishers,
IN. Meanwhile, in the
Chicagoland area, former
pledge brothers Dylan Pieri
(2014) and Andrew Bennett
(2014) have started a video
production company,
Digital Alliance Media.
Alex Whitted (2009) is
getting married in May, and
brothers David McCready
(2006), John Dahlgren
(2009) and Shawn Meier
(2009) will be groomsmen
in his wedding. Last, but
certainly not least, J. C.
Obringer (2017) recently
covered the X Games,
Super Bowl LII and the
2018 Winter Olympics
with ESPN’s Digital Video
Strategy group.
- Justin Concannon (2019),
House Corporation Update
It’s been a long time
since our house corporation
provided an update to
the brothers. The House
Corporation is in a good
position financially and we
are regularly updating the
house for our undergrads.
The house corporation
plans to have its debt
paid off in about two
years. We currently have
about $175,000 in debt
outstanding from our initial
$338,000 we took out in
2011. We are aggressively
paying down our debt.
Additionally, our reserves
for future repairs are
adequately funded and we
have a strong cash balance.
While we are in good shape
financially, our income only
allows us to perform dayto-day operations and to
periodically refresh areas of
the house after they take
a beating. While we add
to our cash balance each
year, we have to maintain
reserves for things that
will eventually have to be
replaced like flooring, air
conditioning and other
finishes. The house doesn’t
generate enough income to
let us do all the upgrades
we need or want, so we
have to be conservative
with the funds.
Over the past few years,
we’ve completed a lot of
improvements to the house.
Last year, we replaced the
roof and the windows at
the house. This fall, we
remodeled the kitchen
to make it cleaner, more
attractive and functional.
In previous years, we
remodeled the brothers’
bedrooms bathrooms and
added closet space. We’re
always painting.
Our board is really proud
of your house, and we hope
you are too. If you have any
questions, please email me
- Mike Lang (2003), HC President
Board of Chapter Advisors Update
In the 17 years since
chartering, Beta Sigma’s
graduate base has grown
to over 250 Brothers. While
this number is significant,
Beta Sigma needs
more graduate brother
volunteers that can help
prove that membership in
Phi Gamma Delta is “Not
For College Days Alone.”
The primary objective
of graduate support is
to provide the continuity
and leadership that
is often missing from
our undergraduate
chapter. Every year,
there is a change in our
undergraduate officers.
Every three to four years,
the chapter membership
changes over completely.
Graduate support fills the
void and Beta Sigma needs
your help!
The biggest challenge
for Beta Sigma’s BCA has
been that most brothers
leave Muncie for a variety
of reasons after graduation.
Historically, this distance
leaves many brothers with
the assumption that they
no longer fit the bill to
serve as a graduate advisor.
Luckily, text messaging,
video conferencing and
Google Drive file sharing
have the potential to help
us overcome this distance
With that being said, are
you a former recruitment,
social, service or academic
chair? Are you a former
cabinet member? Were
you involved with SGA,
IFC or Dance Marathon
during your college days?
If you answered yes to
any of these questions,
and can spare a few extra
hours every month, the
undergraduates of Beta
Sigma would benefit
greatly from your guidance
and advice. If you have
any interest, large or small,
please send an email to or
text message to (317) 4898220 and we can get the
ball rolling.
- Ryan Burklow (2005), PL
2018 Pig Dinner Reminder
If you haven’t RSVP’d for the 2018 Pig Dinner,
please do so as soon as possible. This year, the
undergraduate chapter will be hosting events
throughout the weekend, giving graduate brothers
the opportunity to reconnect with their pledge
brothers and make new connections with the current
undergraduates. Beta Sigma’s 2018 Pig Dinner
will be held at the Horizon Convention Center in
downtown Muncie and Brother Chris Kurtz (2006)
will be this year’s featured speaker. The following
graduate brothers will be in attendance for Beta
Sigma’s 2018 Pig Dinner:
◊◊ Andrew Miles (2017)
◊◊ Ryan Burklow (2005)
◊◊ Christopher Harrison (2010)
◊◊ Ryan McFarland (2002)
◊◊ Christopher Kurtz (2006)
◊◊ Sean Ratkus (2014)
◊◊ Eric Maroun (2008)
◊◊ Shawn Meier (2009)
◊◊ Erik Faigh (2006)
◊◊ Zach Herbst (2015)
◊◊ Justin Sorber (2009)
◊◊ Mark Tendler (2006)
◊◊ Jason Conn (2017)
◊◊ Mike Ashman (Indiana 1991)
\r\nNonprofit Org
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Academic Standing
After receiving the Ball State Office of
Dates to
Senne (2021) and Sam Kinghorn (2021)
Greek Life report for the fall 2017 semester,
finished their pledging semester with 4.0
we are proud to announce that we finished
GPA’s, and brother Brandon Sheets (2019)
with the highest GPA among all the
led initiated members with a 3.91 GPA.
Interfraternity Council fraternities. FIJI has
As we continue our strive for excellence,
had the highest IFC grade point average
we will continue to place an emphasis on
for 13 of the last 15semesters. We finished
our academics, making it one of our top
fifth among all Greek organizations with
priorities, holding true to the Phi Gam
a 3.21 GPA. The all-Greek average for
saying, “Scholarship, Fraternity, Self.”
Highest among IFC
fraternities for 13 of
the last 15 semesters
average being 2.92. New members Jake
- Ben Bertsch (2020), Corr Sec
◊◊ Ride Across
The Purple
May 7-10
Philanthropy Donations
Each year our chapter partakes in a
awareness to such a great organization.
Last year, we raised over $10,000 for the
(The Purple Valley). We start at Ball State
Indianapolis USO, and we couldn’t have
and go all the way from West Lafayette to
done it without the support of our families
Evansville and then back up to Indianapolis,
and graduate base. This year, we’re looking
visiting a total of nine different chapters.
to get a jump start on donations to raise as
Why do we ride? To raise donations for the
much money as possible. Donate at https://
Indianapolis branch of the United Service and support the USO and
Organizations (USO). We have enjoyed
our Ride Across the Purple Valley!
◊◊ Homecoming
Oct. 19-21
a close partnership with the Indianapolis
USO, and we’re proud to donate and bring
- Ben Bertsch (2020), Corr Sec
◊◊ Pig Dinner
April 6-8
◊◊ FIJI Spring
April 14-15
Ball State was 3.02, with the all-fraternity
bike ride to every FIJI chapter in Indiana
◊◊ Mom’s Day
March 24
Brothers at the Epsilon Iota chapter
If you have any questions
regarding future events or
would like to get more information about the Beta
Sigma Chapter, contact
us at ballstatephigam@ or follow us on
social media
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February 2018 newsletter for the Beta Sigma chapter at Ball State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.