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2013 January Newsletter Iota Sigma (Indiana State University)
January 2013 newsletter of the Iota Sigma chapter at Indiana State University. This newsletter is four pages.
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Indiana State University
2013 January Newsletter Iota Sigma (Indiana State University)
January 2013 Issue
Lorem Ipsum
Leaders, Scholars, Athletes, and Gentlemen
Chartering Awaits
Iota Sigma gaining back its Charter in February
Two years ago, in February of 2010, the Alpha class was pledged into the ranks of Phi Gamma
Delta becoming the first class for the Iota Sigma Colony at Indiana State University. Two years later
and those same men along with even more brothers will be regaining their Charter on February 16th
this year. These men, with their newfound brothers have worked hard to recruit, fundraise, and
become all around better brothers within the community as well. These men could not have been any
happier when they were approved for re-chartering by the Archons and the undergraduate chapters.
Chartering weekend is officially set in stone for February 15th through the 17th.
Continued on bottom of Page
Iota Sigma Colony
January 2013 Issue
A Letter from the President
The Iota Sigma Colony is working hard in many areas. We
are currently anticipating our Chartering Weekend.
Last week, our new Cabinet held the annual Cabinet Retreat.
At the retreat, we decided to focus on two major areas in our
term: Scholarship and Recruitment. Our goal is to provide as
many tools for success as possible in the area of scholarship, as
our colony/chapter goal for this Spring Semester is a 3.4. In the
area of recruitment, our mission is to have 55 members by the
end of the Fall Semester. We feel as if these two areas are the
most important not only for the growth of Iota Sigma but also for
the personal growth of each of our individual brothers.
One other area of focus currently for us is planning our
Spring Philanthropy for the USO. Right now, we are in the
process of developing an idea for a successful philanthropy event
to benefit this great organization. More information will be
included in future newsletters.
Finally, the Cabinet officers are presently preparing awards
packets for State Day as well as the Order of Omega Awards at
Indiana State. We believe we have succeeded greatly in many
areas, especially Recruitment and Philanthropy/Service. Last
semester, we pledged 24 men and initiated 20, an incredible mark
for a group that began the term with just 16 brothers. In the area
of service, we collectively have over 2600 hours, 748 of which
came last semester alone. We take great pride in these areas, and
hope to be rewarded for our efforts.
I personally thank you for taking the time to read our first
newsletter, and we hope to see you at Charting Weekend!
Josh Cox
Press On!
Chartering Awaits…
The schedule for Chartering weekend is as follows:
Friday, February 15th: Formal Pledging
Friday, February 15th: White Star Reception (After Pledging)
Saturday, February 16th: Initiation (8:00 am)
Saturday, February 16th: Black Diamond Reception (Noon)
Saturday, February 16th: Installation Banquet (7:00 pm)
Saturday, February 16th: Installation Ball (After Banquet)
Sunday, February 17th: Founder’s Circle Brunch (10:00 am)
We hope you plan to attend these events!
Iota Sigma Colony
January 2013 Issue
Iota Sigma & Rho Phi Monthly Graduate Dinner
Gradates Gather at Mogger’s Restaurant for Monthly Get Together
On Tuesday, January 15th the Iota Sigma Colony and The Rho Phi Chapter held its second
monthly graduate dinner at Mogger’s Restaurant in Terre Haute. The Colony and Rho Phi Chapter
both times has held it at Mogger’s and has had a decent turn out. The first Monthly dinner was on
December 4, 2012. We are planning to have them around the second Tuesday of each month,
except for the month of February because of Chartering for Iota Sigma. Thank you for those who
have come to join us for the dinners thus far and we hope to see more graduates at Chartering in
February and at our next Graduate Dinner in March.
Learning from Academy
On January 4th through the 6th, three of our men went to Fiji Academy and had the time of
their lives there. These men had not been before and learned a great deal from this experience.
Here are a few of their comments about Academy.
Joe Milkowski liked the question, “What can you as a person do for Phi Gamma Delta today?
Thinking about that each day can help brothers become better brothers.”
Ryan Webster stated, “Academy was a very rewarding experience. I learned a plethora of new
things to lead the upcoming chapter. The tips they gave on recruitment, how to revamp our
scholarship program and networking will be beneficial to the whole group. The most important
was with the Treasury track where we learned about taxes, collection polices and budgeting.”
Josh Cox said, “I learned that being President of your colony/chapter requires a lot of
responsibility and leadership. If you do what is best for your brothers and the health of your
colony/chapter it will be a rewarding experience.”
Iota Sigma Colony
January 2013 Issue
To Costa Rica and Back
One Brother Travels on his Christmas Break to help Children
Nick Penington traveled on his
Christmas Break to Costa Rica to work
and help at an orphanage there. Here is
his story.
“While we were there we worked
around the orphanage and played with
the children while also teaching the
children simple English and health
skills. We worked each day with the
kids. We went to Costa Rica because we
wanted to make a difference in the lives
of these children. We wanted to give
back so much that was given to our ISU
study abroad students, who had been to
Costa Rica before. We also wanted to
learn as much as possible about the
Costa Rican culture. I, myself, wanted
to gain some international/intercultural
experience. I also wanted some
insight into the Costa Rican system
and beliefs to further educate myself.
We cleaned what we could, played
with the children, brought gifts and
donations to the orphans, and just
experienced a completely different
way of life.”
Contact us through either
our website or Facebook
Created by Mark R. Thurow
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January 2013 newsletter of the Iota Sigma chapter at Indiana State University. This newsletter is four pages.