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2013 Spring Newsletter Kappa Chi (William Woods University)
Spring 2013 newsletter for the Kappa Chi chapter at William Woods University. The newsletter is three pages in length.
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Kappa Chi
William Woods University
2013 Spring Newsletter Kappa Chi (William Woods University)
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Kappa Chi Chapter
Spring 2013
Famiiy Weekend By: Kyle Hendrix
Come Have Fun With Us
March 23rd. At noon
se baskets have had
other we all miss our
we will have lunch in
family and go home
the ivy Room and will
be auctioning off the
fruit, candy, gift
cards, movies, soap
At one time or an
for the weekend but
inside this issue:
enjoy each
we ask you
others com
to come see
pany back at
us. We the
the house till
men of Phi
3pm. At this
Gamma Delta
time we will
would like to
invite you to
go to the
bowling ally
our Family
then have din
ner at Arris
Everyone is
Pizza at 5pm.
What's Going On
Contact Information
Moms, Dads,
Brothers, Sisters
and Grandparents.
Our Family Week
Members doing community service
with a grad brother at the Fulton
end will be held here
Family Weekend Times
Lunch at Noon in the
Auction will follow
Ivy Room
ect. After this we will
now its time
on campus Saturday
parents "goodie bas
kets" In the past the
So please
come and join
us for a fun day
and get to meet
you sons family
and brothers and
make some friends.
Lending A Helping Hand To Domestic Violence Awareness
Relax at the house till
2:45 pm
Bowling at 3 pm
Dinner at Arris Pizza
at 5pm
there philanthropy
On February 20th,
we joined up with
week were we do
the woman of Al
nated $1 50 to
pha Chi Omega and
there organization
decorated lanterns
and released them
to help promote
fighting against Do
mestic Violence. We
also participated in
domestic; violence
\r\nFamily Weekend By: Kyle Hendrix
Page 2
Court Warming
c^ttLrson Serena
Congratulations to the brothers that got nomi
nated for Court Warming and to Tayior
Oestreich for earning Court Warming King
What's Going On Outside The House
Not only do we push to make the house better but we push to make our school and community better also. This is a list of who
has what positions and clubs our men are in not only to do with the house but also on campus and in the community.
Scott Barker-Track, Cross Country, Intermural chair and Fundraising chair;
Mitch Beck- House Historian and track;
Justin Bogucki- Recruitment Chair, ATSO and Sigma Alpha Pi;
Wesley Bowers- Social Chair, Co-Recruitment Chair, So. Rep on House Judicial Board and Education Club;
Shawn Claypool- Presidents Twenty and University Ambassador;
Alonzo Findley- Track CAB and House Improvement Chair;
T.J. Green- Community Service Chair, Film Club, CAB, Caption of the Improve Team, Jesters, Sigma Alpha Pi, WWU Theater
Calvin Hawkins- Film Club President, Improve Team, SigmaTal Delta, CAB,WWU Theatre and Radio DJ @ Y107 106.9;
Kyle Hendrix- House Corresponding sec. Education Club Vice President, Track and Show Choir;
Dennis Hobbs-Jr. Rep on House Judicial Board, DECA and Cru;
Cameron Hodgetts- Fr Rep on House Judicial Board and Film Club;
Jaryd Kalvans- Brotherhood Chair, Talon, Hoot and CAB;
Matt Kornegay- Philanthropy Chair and Greek Council Officer;
Joseph Merlotti-Jesters and Pledge Educator;
Mosem Murillo- President's Twenty, DECA, IJM and Multicultural Affairs Club;
Taylor Oestreich- FA Mentor, Orientation Mentor Order of Omega, Special Olympics Basketball Coach, Soar Program and House
Lincoln Pervis- House Recording Sec, Film Club Sec;
Ian Rose- Scholarship Chair, Psychology Club and Campus Recycling;
Corey Samples— Education Club, Track, Cross Country and Sr Rep on House Judicial Board
Bryce Smithwick— Saddle seat Club
Benjamin Struemph— SAC, CA,Treasure for ATSO, WWU Rep for MOATA SEC, President of District 5 MAATA SEC, Head Men's
Basketball Student Associate, Sigma Alpha Pi and house Treasure
Marrtell Washington— Track, Film club and C.A.B.
Austin Wilson-Track and CRU
Eukas Woodman- Risk Management chair. Talon, Hoot and C.A.B.
\r\nSpring 2013
Page 3
5 Values
Phi Gamma Delta along side
Alpha Chi Omega working together to
promote fighting Domestic Violence
Not for
college days
Brothers that graduated Fall 2012
Contact Information
Any questions about anything, feel
free to e-mail me.
Kyle Hendrix
Corresponding Secretary
Kappa Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma
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Spring 2013 newsletter for the Kappa Chi chapter at William Woods University. The newsletter is three pages in length.