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2013 Spring Newsletter Omega Chi (Chapman University)
Spring 2013 newsletter of the Omega Chi chapter at Chapman University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Omega Chi
Chapman University
2013 Spring Newsletter Omega Chi (Chapman University)
Volume 1 Issue 1
Spring 2013
Omega hronicle
Chapman University
est. 2006
April 4th-6th
Purple Tie
April 7th
Pig Dinner
April 20th
Vegas Formal
May 3rd-5th
President’s Address
Benjamin Smith ‘14
Allow me to introduce myself on behalf of our chapter, and
give you a warm welcome to the 2013 edition of The Omega
Chronicle. My name is Benjamin Smith, and I am the current
President of the Omega Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
I am excited to share some of the great accomplishments of
our chapter during the 2012-2013 year so far.
We are excited to welcome into our brotherhood the Nu
Pledge class. Fifteen fine gentleman were initiated on February 15, and have since become some shining stars of our
chapters. As a pledge class, they held a Movember Fundraiser which generated over $1,000 for a movement focusing on raising money for prostate cancer. We are excited to
see what these emerging leaders can offer to our chapter,
campus and community.
The chapter continues to devote its time and efforts to
both the university and to the surrounding community.
Currently, the chapter has big footsteps to follow, especially
after contributing nearly $30,000 in donations to organizations such the Red Cross and the Boys and Girls Club of
Tustin last year. In the fall of 2012, brothers volunteered in
a collective 650 hours to local organizations, which is yet
another reflection of our dedication to service.
We are also excited for some of our upcoming events.
Our largest philanthropy, Purple Tie, has historically generated around $15,000 during a one night gala. The event has
gained national recognition by the Fraternity for our chapter. This coming year will be no different; with brothers
hard at work, we have set a chapter goal to raise more than
$20,000 for the Make-A-Wish foundation.
We are excited for some of our upcoming events. Our
largest philanthropy, Purple Tie, has historically generated
around $15,000 during a one night gala extravaganza. The
event has gained national recognition by the Fraternity for
our chapter. This coming year will be no different; with
continued on page 2
\r\nVolume 1 Issue 1
spring 2013
President’s Address Letters from Abroad
continued from page 1
brothers hard at work, we have set a chapter goal to raise
more than $20,000 for the Make-A-Wish foundation.
This event will be taking place on April 7th. The Omega Chi chapter will also be hosting Pig Dinner on Saturday, April 20th. We are looking forward to celebrating our
chapter, our Fraternity, and above all, our amazing Graduate Brothers from the local area.
Finally, let me give the deepest of thanks to our outstanding graduate advisors and graduate brothers. BCA
President, Dave Norman, and Purple Legionnaire, Steve
Caine, along with our graduate brothers make everything
that we do here possible. Without their support, the Omega Chi Chapter could not function as well as it does. They
are a true example that Phi Gamma Delta is “not for college days alone.”
Thank you on behalf of our chapter, and please feel free
to contact me with any questions!
By Poya Osgouei ‘13
It would be a colossal understatement to say that my life’s
experiences have only played a small part in shaping the
person I have become. This past semester was no different.
I was very fortunate to live and work in our nation’s capital,
Washington DC.
Spending a semester in Washington was nothing short
of extraordinary. Not only was I able to learn more about
the principles that have made this country unique, but I
was also able experience the day-to-day operations of the
federal government and research institutions and other organizations involved within the public sector.
This opportunity allowed me to learn more about my
future. My main goal in life is to become an individual who
can make a meaningful contribution to society. Because of
this experience, I am more appreciative of the world I live
in and I am looking forward to the experiences that the
world has to offer.
Houston Bradley ‘15
This semester has been big for chapter fundraising thus
far. Our annual FIJI Flower Grams campaign, held from
February 11 through February 15, raised nearly two thousand dollars. For this Valentine’s Day centered fundraiser,
the Fraternity offered hand-delivered roses for different
prices and quantities to the meetings of various fraternities
and sororities on campus. The buzz for Flower Grams was
huge, partly due to the prize we offered to the Greek organization that sold the most Flower Grams: free standing
letters, hand crafted and designed by our very own FIJI
brothers. This year, the ladies of Alpha Phi sold the most
flowers, and will be receiving these letters shortly. Through
this event, the Chapman community noticed our chapter’s
presence on campus in a very positive light, and our hand
delivery of the flowers certainly reflected the Fraternity’s
gentlemanly principles upon which we were founded. We
will continue to carry out this campaign in years to come.
As a chapter, we plan on raising the bar for how much
fundraising we achieve this semester. We plan on contacting some of the famous Phi Gams as a means of collecting
merchandise, signed memoribilia, etc. to auction off at
our Omega Chi exclusive Pig Dinner being held in April.
Also, the chapter will raise a significant chunk of fund-
Delta Gamma with their Flower Grams 2012 prize.
ing through the sale of FIJI apparel and swag both in and
outside of our chapter. The money raised will go towards
various parts of the chapter, including scholarships, social
events, and philanthropies. We’ve had a great start to the
semester, and plan to continue this momentum as the year
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\r\nOmega hronicle
Cabinet Introductions
Volume 1 Issue 1
spring 2013
Benjamin S. Smith ‘14 (K)
Robert M. Adamson ‘14 (I)
Moraga, CA
Business Administration (Marketing),
Leadership Studies Minor
San Diego, CA
Accounting & Business Administration
FIJI has fostered my personal development from a young man into a
passionate leader. I would not have
remained at Chapman University had
it not been for the brothers of the
Omega Chi chapter. It is rare for a
young man to enter college and leave
with more than 100 men that he may call brothers, but
I have been one of the fortunate few who have found
their place in the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
In five years I hope to be working and traveling as
either a Foreign Affairs Officer for the United States
Government or pursuing my passion in a marketing
position at a Fortune 500 firm.
Patrick B. Schoenberg ‘14 (I)
Newport Beach, CA
Communications Major
In five years, I want
to be just out of grad
school, finding some
place to become a
FIJI, aside from the
obvious plethora of
new tank tops, has given me too many
things to mention. From a group of
brothers that provides me with a bottomless well of support to gather from,
to a multitude of positions that I can
put on my resume, FIJI has given me
enough experiences and stories to go on
for the rest of my life.
This summer I will be engaging in an
audit internship with Ernst & Young.
I hope to sign with the firm full time
post graduation and pass my CPA
within my first year of working.
Fiji, more so than anything else, has
made my college experience special. It
not only gives me a network that has helped with everything from study groups to internship opportunities,
but also a true brotherhood and support system unlike
any other. Fiji has given me my best friends and my
best memories to go along with them, which I wouldn’t
trade for anything.
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
FIJI has definitely
helped my personal and
professional development in a big way.
Personally, I have come
out of my shell and
have developed into a
better leader, friend, and overall person.
Professionally, I have an entire network
of lifelong friends who will always have
my back and provide great connections
into the real world.
In five years, I’d like to be represented
by a respected agency so that I can look
for work as a screenwriter in either film
or television.
In 5 years, hopefully
I will be working as
a Clinical Pharmacist
with a graduate degree
from some accredited
Initiation into the
Fraternity was probably one of the best
nights of my life. It ultimately solidified
my membership into an organization
that I was very emotionally invested
in. All the hard work, endeavors that
I overcame, and devoted persistence
finally paid off.
Steven M. Holster ‘14 (I)
San Carlos, CA
Screenwriting Major
Adverstising Minor
page 3
Jordan L. Adajar ‘14 (I)
La Crescenta, CA
Biological Sciences Major
Psychology Minor
\r\nVolume 1 Issue 1
spring 2013
Rush at Chapman FIJI Ξ Pledge Class
Benjamin Sornsen ‘15
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at Chapman University just
recently ended the 2013 Spring Rush season, and we pulled together one of our strongest pledge classes yet. Of the 53 men
that came out to our various rush events throughout the week, we
selected thirteen of the best gentlemen. All are men whom we envision will embody principles of Phi Gamma Delta to the highest
As a whole, the entire FIJI community at Chapman University felt that the spring rush process was one of the smoothest
we have ever had as a chapter. During a time in Spring semester
which everyone is normally very stressed, the Phi Gams and our
rush process seemed more relaxed than usual. Everything felt very
organized and at ease.
Though the process did seem smoother than usual, there is
always room for improvement when it comes to Rush. In the future, I would like to show more chapter unity when we are at rush
events. Often times, I believe that rushies have a hard time locating
brothers because they are hard to identify when if they are not
wearing their letters. I plan to implement brother dress code and
attendance policies so that brothers will be present and easy to
spot when the rushies are trying to make the decision could greatly
influence their entire future.
All in all, the 2013 Spring Rush Class was a tough one to pick,
but in the end, the process was a huge success! We look forward to
what the Xi pledge class will bring to the table in all of their future
Garrett Aanestad ‘16 - Temecula, CA
Brian Bressinger ‘15 - Poway, CA
Jake Cleland ‘15 - Manhattan Beach, CA
Jason Cohen ‘16 - Seattle, WA
Brandon Demerest ‘15 - Scottsdale, AZ
Bryson Eastwood ‘14 - Anaheim Hills, CA
Nickolas Gates ‘16 - Irvine, CA
Omar Khawaja ‘16 - LaCanada, CA
Daley King ‘15 - Honolulu, HI
Sam Miller ‘16 - Carlsbad, CA
Stephen Neil ‘16 - Escondido, CA
Cormac O’Connor ‘15 - Santa Barbara, CA
Michael Wan ‘15 - Woodside, CA
Ben Sornsen
Recruitment Chairman 2013
Pleasanton, CA
Sophomore Business Major
Rush Recommendation?
Rush Chair
Ben Sornsen
(925) 519 8988
Ben Smith
(925) 286 4378
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\r\nVolume 1 Issue 1
spring 2013
Pledge Education
Ryan Huffman ‘13
My name is Ryan Huffman, and I am the Pledge Educator
for the Omega Chi chapter’s Xi pledge class this Spring
semester. Being that I am a senior and have been in this
chapter for four years now, pledge education is something
that I have always wanted to be a part of. Even though I
am graduating in less than three months, I took on this
position because it gives me the opportunity to give back
and still be involved with the chapter. At the same time,
since I have seen a good amount of pledge educators pass
through this chapter, I feel like I am really able to develop a strong pledge education program from everything I
have observed. With that in mind, I am confident that this
pledge class will be one of the best this chapter has had.
Dustin Lester is helping as the Assistant Pledge Educator, and I am really looking forward to working with him
this semester. We have a lot of plans for this pledge class,
and are really focusing on increasing brother and pledge
relations. In the past, pledges have said they sometimes
feel disconnected from initiated brothers in the chapter,
so Dustin and I have been working hard to bring both our
younger and older members together to be a part of this
process. Last Tuesday, for example, we were able to have
a Taco Tuesday brotherhood at Austin Huffman’s house,
and it was a huge success. Both brothers and pledges were
able to relax and eat some good food, all while getting to
know each other better. Additionally, we have introduced
a modified interview process that allows pledges to meet
brothers, hear hilarious stories from past pledge classes, and ultimately get more insight into the benefits and
strengths of this chapter.
The Xi pledge class had their first meeting as a pledge
class this previous week, which included their pledge class
elections. Since the pledge class is on the small side, everyone has a Cabinet or cair position, so all can do their part to
contribute to their pledge class. Additionally, each pledge is
required to meet with the brother that holds their position
in the chapter so they can learn how our fraternity operates.
The first meeting went very smoothly, and it is clear that the
Xi’s will be very successful throughout the remainder of the
Overall, Dustin and I are really excited to be working
with these new pledges and are confident that this class will
really grow together and someday, make great additions to
our chapter.
Pledge Educator
Ryan Huffman ‘13
San Diego, CA
Assistant Pledge Educator
Dustin Lester ‘15
Yorba Linda, CA
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\r\nVolume 1 Issue 1
spring 2013
Rock Solid Brotherhood
By Steven Wilcox ‘13
Chapman FIJI has continued its high standard of quality
brotherhood amongst Chapman University Greek Life. The
Omega Chi Chapter has won the award for Brotherhood of
the Year at the Chapman University Greek Awards Ceremony two years in a row, one in 2011 and the other in 2012.
These two awards were largely due to the many activities
we do throughout the year that help us develop a strong
One example of brotherhood in action is our softball
team, The Lone Rangers, which plays every Sunday at Hart
Park. Another factor leading to the achievement of our
awards is the continued recognition of brothers for their
excellent service to the chapter through Brother of the
Week. The Chapter has continued to have great turnouts
at Brotherhood Retreats. This year Chapman FIJI had the
fall semester Brotherhood Retreat at Dana Point, and in the
spring, the took place at Lake Perris, a location we have always favored. Many brothers hiked the local mountains and
some even brought mountain bikes to ride together.
This year, we have brought back some old traditions
and even started a few new ones. A couple things we have
brought back to the Omega Chi Chapter is FIJI Feast and
The Purple Napkin Award. These were two events that had
slipped under the radar, and bringing them back has provided great opportunities for brothers to spend time with
one another outside of the typical weekend social gathering.
The newrdy tradition we are proud to announce is that
this last Fall, Chapman FIJI held its first annual FIJI Dads
Day. On this day, Omega Chi invited their fathers to share in
their collegiate and fraternity experience. This event allowed
brothers to meet the parents of their best friends and discover more about one another and what makes each one of
us such outstanding people. Fathers flew in from all around
the country for the event, and it was a great success. We are
expecting an even better turnout next year!
Another tradition Omega Chi has started are pledge
and brother dinners. Taco Tuesdays and Wing Wednesdays
are becoming a regular thing within the chapter, and both
pledges and brothers are always invited to enjoy good food
while simply hanging out and socializing with their friends.
These dinners are held at brother’s homes and it gives Chapman FIJI a brief look at what having an actual fraternity
house would be like. 30-40 brothers and pledges eat and
gather around to watch NBA basketball Games and Sometimes the odd NHL match.
We are hoping to stay at the top of the totem pole this
spring at Chapman University Greek Awards, but Chapman FIJI understands that brotherhood is not about shiny
trophies. Instead, it is really about the trust and respect
each brothers has for one another, and having a good time
through the best years of our youth.
page 6
\r\nVolume 1 Issue 1
spring 2013
Philanthropy Purple Tie 2013
Forrest Bagley ‘14
One of Phi Gamma Delta’s five founding principles, Service, is exemplified by the brothers of the Omega Chi
chapter on a frequent basis. Mary’s Soup Kitchen, only
a few miles from Chapman’s campus, serves as a weekly
spot for many brothers to meet up and prepare meals for
the homeless and impoverished, while still having a good
time with brothers. Recently, several also brothers participated in the semiannual Greek Day of Service. Hosted
by the university, this event allows the Greek community
to participate in dozens of projects ranging from working at children’s daycare centers, to completing the educational Coastkeeper Garden. Furthermore, the global cancer fundraising event, Relay for Life, will be taking place
at Chapman on April 26th and 27th, and the Omega Chi
chapter will again be participating with our own team, led
by Brother Kyle McGanty, throughout the entire twenty-four hour process.
However, our largest philanthropy and service event
is our annual Purple Tie gala, hosted in the spring to raise
money for a specific charity chosen each year. Last year,
the beneficiary was the Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Tustin,
and through generous contributions by various donors via
silent auction, we raised over $15,000 for the foundation!
Additionally, brothers volunteered at the Club all yearlong, and a few even served as mentors to the children,
providing educational and personal assistance at least once
a week.
Josh Berris ‘15 and David Gindi ‘15
This year Chapman FIJI has decided to host its annual
Purple Tie Affair for the Make-A-Wish Foundation in
Orange County. This benefit includes a three course
meal, silent auction, live band and entertainment, and
raffle where more than 250 people attend. The Omega
Chi chapter is immensely proud of this event, and invites
relatives, alumni, faculty, and anyone of interest.
This event will take place on April 7th from 6:009:00 at Chapman University’s Sandhu Conference
Center, during the weekend of Skit. If any alumni
or graduate brothers wish to visit the chapter, this
would be a great weekend to do so! Each plate costs
To RSVP or for further sponsorship details, please
contact our Purple Tie Chairmen.
Josh Berris
(310) 595 5786
David Gindi
(949) 632 2191
Dean’s List
Class of 2013
Class of 2014
Class of 2015
Class of 2016
Chris Joondeph (3.88)
Chris Babcock (3.91)
Connor McCarl (3.94)
Tim Marks (3.73)
Josh Walker (3.884)
Colby Yoshimura (3.67)
Danny Lee (3.6)
John Kostick (3.67)
Steven Holster (3.5)
Colton Kirkegaard (3.84)
Evan Lee Loy (3.84)
Ben Sornsen (3.75)
Ryan Richards (3.7)
Alex Comfortes (3.5)
Tucker Gilles (3.5)
page 7
Bijan Givechian (3.737)
Nick Hikita (3.68)
Edric Ruiz (3.6)
\r\nNonprofit Org
US Postage
Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
Special Thanks To
James Marria ‘14
This year, the brothers of Chapman University will be hosting its first Pig Dinner separate from the University of California at Irvine Chapter. Pig Dinner will be held at Aliso
Viejo County Club on April 20th. We are very excited to
begin a new stage in the growth of the chapter. In the past
we have participated in joint Pig Dinners with UCI, but
felt with a growing graduate base that it was time to host
a Pig Dinner exclusive to Chapman graduates. Pig Dinner
will be MC’d by Miles Acker (SDSU 1987) and the Exiles
Toast will be performed by Jeff Downey (UCLA 1983). We
are thoroughly excited for this years Pig Dinner and think
it will be a great success. If there are any questions please
do not hesitate to contact James Marria at james.marria@
Gardner Royce
Newsletter Chairman
Class of 2015
Takoma Park, MD
Journalism Major
For collecting all the articles for this newsletter and ultimately making our
first edition a success.
Theta Cabinet at FIJI Academy with Purple Legionaire,
Steve Caine.
Any questions, comments, concerns, or change in
addresses contact:
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Spring 2013 newsletter of the Omega Chi chapter at Chapman University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.