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2013 Spring Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
Spring 2013 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman. This newsletter is eight pages.
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Rho Phi
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2013 Spring Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
Rho Phi Chapter at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology ‐ Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
Spring 2013 Edition
On March 9, our chapter celebrated our annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner. In attendance
were 15 graduate brothers,
Former Archon President
Bill Miller (Indiana University, Purdue University 1962), as well as our
keynote speaker and the Educational Director for the International Fraternity Bill
Bracewell (Georgia
1968). Bracewell provided us
with a hilarious speech consisting of harmless little jokes
poking fun at undergraduate
brothers for some of their
embarrassing moments. Bill
also included a very powerful
message to our chapter of
brotherhood and having the
drive to improve our chapter
Rho Phi Open
May 18, 2013
Hulman Links in
Terre Haute
Jeff Ludwig (2016) kissing the pig while Shane
Boschert (2013) watches.
to be the best in the international fraternity.
Along with Bill’s speech, our
undergraduate brother Aus-
tin Marshall (2013) presented a phenomenal Exile’s
Toast. The dinner itself in(Continued on page 2)
By: Tim Harlan (Indiana State 1972) - Purple Legionnaire
With grades hovering around
the 3.0 mark for the past few
quarters, we decided to make
scholarship improvement a
priority for the 2012-13 year.
Then-Scholarship Chair
(now newly-elected President) Ryan Landwehr
(2014) decided to have an
all-day review marathon on
the Sunday prior to fall finals. While it was initially
geared toward our new 40man pledge class (with up-
perclassmen tapped as tutors
by major), it soon became a
“We decided to
make scholarship
improvement a
priority for the
2012-13 year.”
chapter-wide session with
anyone needing help attend-
ing. Ryan reserved Olin 267
(a huge room with multiple
whiteboards), and I provided
refreshments: donuts, fresh
fruit, milk and orange juice.
It began around noon, and
by mid-afternoon we had in
excess of 65 brothers and
pledges combined. The
ChemE’s worked together,
the ME’s worked together
and so on. Before the day
(Continued on page 3)
Inside this
New Rose Hulman
Introducing the
New Cabinet
Continued Dominance
in Track and Field
Fiji Flashback
Graduate Updates
Page 2
By: Michael Bush (2014)
On March 4, the Rose-Hulman Board
of Trustees named James Conwell,
PhD, PE as the new president of the
institution. Dr. Conwell received his
bachelor’s and a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering from
the University of Tennessee. He went
on to earn his doctorate in mechanical
engineering from Vanderbilt University.
Dr. Conwell most recently worked as
the vice president of Jacobs Engineering Group, one of the world’s largest
providers of technical, professional,
and construction services. Over the
past five years, Conwell led his team to
record financial performance. His responsibilities included engineering
operations, business development, marketing and public relations, staff recruitment, and budget management. Prior to
this, Dr. Conwell taught engineering at
Vanderbilt University, Louisiana State
University and Grove City College.
The search for the new president took
just over nine months. William Schindel, the Search Committee chair, said
that “The Rose-Hulman strategic plan,
the alumni community and the campus
community were all vital to this search.”
the vision of the institute moving forward at a very positive pace.” Rob Coons
has been promoted to the position of
senior vice president and chief administrative officer, where he will focus most
of his efforts in the implementation of
the school’s strategic plan.
During the search, Rob Coons has
served as interim president since the
death of President Matt Branam last
April. Board Chairman William Fenoglio
states that “Rob kept the business and
Much of our communication with graduates is through email. However
there are some of you for which we do not have valid email addresses.
If you have not received any email from us in a while, send us your
email at
2013 Pig Diner Recap continued...
(Continued from page 1)
cluded devouring a 260 lb. pig cooked to perfection and a night full of fellowship and
We, as a chapter, would like to thank all of the graduates who were in attendance.
Next year, we are considering combining the Frank Norris Pig Dinner with the Rho
Phi Open in order to create a graduate weekend. If this interests you and you would
like to see this done next year, please send an email to
Right: Keynote Speaker Bill Bracewell
addressing our chapter at Pig Dinner.
\r\nPage 3
Shane Boschert - Mechanical Engineering
Austin Marshall - Mechanical Engineering
Timothy Buell - Mechanical Engineering
Jordan Martin - Mechanical Engineering
Trey Cahill - Computer Science
Travis Nong - Biomedical Engineering
Andrew Eslinger - Mechanical Engineering
Caleb Richer - Mechanical Engineering
Matt Fuson - Electrical Engineering
Kris Geyer‐Roberts - Mechanical Engineering
Derek Gagne - Electrical Engineering
Garrett Roecker - Electrical Engineering
Brent Gregory - Chemical Engineering
Alex Sonneberger - Mechanical Engineering
Daniel Guiney - Mechanical Engineering
Andrew Siekmann - Chemical Engineering
Zackary Howe - Civil Engineering
Alex Will - Chemical Engineering
Corey Humbert - Electrical Engineering
Scholarship on the Rise continued...
(Continued from page 1)
was over, every white board was filled
with problems and equations. Even
though fall quarter fraternity GPAs do
not include pledge grades, our own
chapter GPA rose to a 3.02 (from a
2.99), and 39 of the 40 pledges made
grades to continue pledgeship. (It’s
worth mentioning that the remaining
pledge DID make grades during winter
quarter and is now officially a Rho Phi
pledge). It’s rare, but welcoming, when
100% of the pledge class ultimately
makes grades.
With that success under his belt, Ryan
again initiated the all-day study session
for winter quarter finals. It should be
mentioned that SCHOLARSHIP was a
huge priority for the pledge class and the
chapter at large. Many, many brothers
gave of their time to assist pledges in
studying for tests or figuring out labs.
This time, the pledges had been initiated, so their GPAs did count for the
entire chapter. We again had a huge
brother participation with Ryan asking
freshmen to attend their major study
sessions and bring with them any handouts to assist in their preparation. I
again provided refreshments, and we
utilized Olin once more.
notes to be sorted. And then there are
the huge Scholarship Chairman shoes
to fill. But for right now, Rho Phi is #1
in scholarship, and everyone is mighty
proud to be a FIJI!
The freshmen swear it’s their stellar
pledge class that made the difference
and—truth be told—they really ARE an
academic bunch! When winter quarter
grades came out, Rho Phi was #1 among
all the fraternities, higher than two of the
sororities, and above both All-Fraternity
and All-Men’s averages with an amazing
3.16 GPA! Nobody in recent memory
(and we went back 10 years) could remember our grades being that high. It
feels so good to set the bar high, and everyone is now engaged in promoting
strong scholarship.
There is still lots to do. The chapter is
behind in scanning old labs and exams
into Fiji files, and there are folders of
Kevin Garon (2016), Nevin
Fansher (2016), Chris Grable (2016),
Brandon Bullitt (2016) and Jeff
Ludwig (2016) studying hard during
finals study sessions.
Page 4
By: Trey Cahill (2013)
The Rho Phi Chapter has recently elected a new cabinet for the 2013-2014 school year.
This year we had quite a bit of competition for all cabinet positions from all classes. Here is the newly elected cabinet:
President - Ryan Landwehr (2014)
Ryan is a junior electrical engineering major from Tipp City, Ohio. He is currently on the football
team as a quarterback and tight end/receiver and maintains a 4.0 GPA. Ryan was previously the
scholarship chairman, and during his reign he led the chapter to first place in All-Men’s Greek
Treasurer - Brian Soller (2015)
Brian is a sophomore civil engineering major from Indianapolis, Indiana. Brian is on the football
and baseball teams. Brian was previously on cabinet as the Corresponding Secretary and corresponded excellently during his term.
Recording Secretary - Tyler Rockwood (2016)
Tyler is a freshmen computer science major from Prineville, Oregon. Currently he is on the football and the track and field teams, where he runs the sprints.
Corresponding Secretary - Ryan Meyer (2015)
Ryan is a sophomore mechanical engineering major from Greenwood, Indiana. He is on the cross
country and track teams where he runs distance races, including the Steeple Chase. Ryan pledged
this year as a sophomore and quickly became involved in the Fraternity.
Historian - Corbin Oliver (2014)
Corbin is a junior mechanical engineering major from Columbus, Indiana. He participates on the
football team as a defensive back.
\r\nPage 5
By: Ryan Meyer (2015) - Corresponding Secretary
In the 2012-2013 Indoor Track and
Field season, the Rose-Hulman men
continued to dominate the competition,
ending the indoor season with their
third straight Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference title in February at Defiance College.
In the running events for the Fijis, Andrew Thompson, junior, ran in the
mile taking second with a time of
4:21.23. Ryan Meyer, sophomore, and
Brandon Bullitt, freshman, competed
on the distance medley relay team taking second. Later that evening, Meyer
and Thompson returned competing in
the 3,000 meters, scoring points with
Thompson taking fourth and Meyer tak-
ing seventh. Addison Williams, freshman, ran in the 5000 meters and placed
eighth. Continuing their reign on the
track, in the 60 hurdles, junior Phil
Koranteng placed second, sophomore
Blake Schulthies placed fifth, and
freshman Tyler Rockwood placed
For the Fijis in the field events, competing in the weight throw senior Trey
Cahill placed third, junior Andy
Hunkeler placed fifth, and sophomore
Zac Erba placed sixth. Hunkeler also
came home with second place in the
shot put. All of the Fijis who competed
in the meet scored points for the team
accounting for 55 of the 206.5 points
Andrew Thompson (2014) left and
Ryan Meyer (2015) right.
scored by the Fighting Engineers. At the
end of the meet, the Engineers destroyed the competition, outscoring second place team Franklin by 88 points.
The men opened the outdoor season on
March 23 with a win over Franklin and
DePauw, and had 11 first place finishes.
The Fiji men accounted for six of them
with victories in the 3000 steeple chase,
400 meter hurdles, 1500 meters, 5000
meters, shot put and hammer throw.
These men look to continue their conference winning streak in the outdoor season by winning their sixth outdoor title
on April 26 and 27 at Manchester College.
Phil Korantang (2014) left and
Tyler Rockwood (2016 ) right.
Rho Phi Open - May 18
Hulman Links in Terre Haute, IN
Details coming soon...
Page 6
November 1969 - Charter Initiates
Seated front (l to r): Richard Newman (1970),
Donald Morris (1970), Stephen Whitesell (1970),
Robert Meyer (1970), Steven Goble (1971), Daniel
Phelps (1969), Bruce Williams (1970), Sidney
Stoffer (1970). Second row (l to r): Albert Wernz
(1971), James Lowes (1970), Jay Sensibaugh
(1972), Robert Harrison (1970), George Butkovich,
Jr. (1970), Walter Dye (1970), Thomas Jackson
(1972), Richard Pace (1970), Thomas Hendrickson
(1971), Dale Zelzenik (1972), Loren Doyle (1971),
Roger Martindell (1971), Kevin O’Sullivan (1972).
Standing (l to r): Thomas Dehne (1971), John
Smith (1971), Jay O’Sullivan (1971), Theodore
Smith (1970), Gregory Montgomery (1970), Gary
Groff (1970), Gary Gladish (1970), John Hodsen
(1970), James Graham (1972), Joel Sanders (1972).
Rho Phi 1995 Owen Cup Winner
Rho Phi pledges enjoying billiards (l to r): Matt Jackson
(2004), Travis Stafford (2004), Andrew Gullonne
(2004), Kurtis Preston (2004), Josh Smith (2004).
Distinguished Guests at Installation
Seated (l to r): Joseph Carney (DePauw 1950),
Donald Mighell (Texas 1956), William R. Miller
(Indiana, Purdue 1962), Frank Guthrie
(Hanover 1950), J. Kurt Mahrdt (DePauw
1928). Standing (l to r): Robert Harker (Iowa
State 1943), Owen Obetz (W & L 1962), Warner
Paige III (Indiana 1964), Robert Faul (Wabash
1968), Philip Williams (OK State 1969), Louis
“Bud” Mangels (Indiana 1956), Daniel Phelps
(1969), Ralph Jones (Indiana 1942).
\r\nPage 7
Ron Andrews (1974)
Ron still has a day job as a process engineer for Bausch + Lomb, but he is working on other
options. Photography has long been a passion. He just (self-) published his first book. It is a
small coffee table book entitled "Waterfalls of Rochester". If sales got to double figures, he will
be happy. This goes along with his image editing service. If you have a photo that needs help to
be great, he can help. He has had a few orders, but it is not keeping him busy yet. He is also
exploring options to do some consulting with statistical design of experiments. Maybe one of
these endeavors will keep him occupied if he ever retires from B+L.
Alan Smock (1973)
Alan is still living in beautiful southern Indiana.
Aaron Weishaar (1997)
Aaron and his wife Amber are expecting their 2nd daughter in late April. Their 1st daughter, Meghan, is very excited about
being a big sister.
Andrew Tochterman (2001)
Andrew and his family relocated from New York to San Diego as part of a new job opportunity with Volcano Corporation. Andrew is the associate director of Diagnostic Angiography helping to develop the marketing and launch programs for
two of the company’s global cardiovascular initiatives.
Nick Klaserner (2008)
Nick and his wife Laura had their first child on February 22, 2013
(pictured). They had a girl and named her Gracely Jean Klaserner.
She was 6 lbs. 5 oz. at birth. Everyone is doing well.
Send your graduate update to Corresponding Secretary
Ryan Meyer at
Homecoming 2013
September 20-22
Graduates! Mark your calendar now to join us!
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
Nonprofit Org
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Information Update - Tell us about you!
Please detach and return with your contact information so we can update our records. We will feature graduate updates in
upcoming newsletters. If you want to share your recent news, fill in the news section for your information to be published.
Name________________________________________________________ School/year__________________
Phone (H)______________________________________(W)_______________________________________
News to share with classmates:
Occupation ______________________________ Employer _________________________________________
I am pleased to make a contribution to Rho Phi of : $1,000 $500 $250 $100 $50 $25 Other $_______________
I would like my donation to be used in the following area: _______________________________________________.
Donations can be made on-line at, by phone at (859)255-1848 ext 136 or send
checks payable to Phi Gamma Delta - Rho Phi to: Rho Phi Chapter/Rose Hulman Donations, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY
40544 and include this form.
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Spring 2013 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman. This newsletter is eight pages.