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1987 March Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
March 1987 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1987 March Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
APR0 719S7
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Ill- ^".y'A ^FtllSc OLONO, ME..
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MARCH 1987
Cherish Is The Word For Years
Of Fraternal Association
Brother Serota '66 To Speak
At Norris Pig Dinner
A Tribute To Ted Curtis '23
Arthur D. Serota '66 is an
attorney-at-law, a columnist, a
talk show host, and an author
Graduate Brother Ted Curtis' membership in Phi Gamma
Delta has been a lifetime experience, one that he enjoys sharing.
whose work appears in several
prominent journals and maga
In the living room of his 123 Main Street home in Orono,
zines. He is also an Omega Mu
amidst a collection of antique furniture, is a table covered with
several photographs. While Ted gazed at these neatly displayed
graduate brother, and he will be
snapshots, his mind took a journey back through time.
the guest speaker at the annual
Norris Pig Dinner on April 11.
He recalled the names of several brothers and de.scribed the
times he shared with them as if the events had happened just the
day before. He explained how coal was delivered to the house by
work crews who spent hours shoveling the black fuel into the
basement. (The house where that coal was delivered burned in
1924.) He described how, on weeknights, brothers had to observe
mandatory study hours and how, at dinner, brothers sat at a
diamond-shaped oak table with cabinet officers at each point.
Times have changed. Webber Energy, Inc., delivers oil ami
pumps it into a fuel tank; Pink Floyd, the Doors, and R.E.M. are
sometimes heard emanating from room stereo systems on week-
nights; and cabinet officers eat in the same style as the rest of the
is a
partner in the law firm of Serota,
Katz, Sasson & in Spring
field, Massachusetts. He special
izes in civil rights, ci\ il, criminal
defense, and api^ellate cases.
Between 1980 and 1981, Serota conducted development and
aid work in Zimbabwe. He was a developer, fund-rai.ser, and
projects administrator for a variety of rural development, agri
cultural, and educational projects from 1985-'86.
In 1980 Serota was a member of the board of editors of the
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, a journal that serves the bar and
But there are more important ways to measure the strength of
a chapter. They are the characteristics of brotherhood and the
ability to work together through gofxl times and bad. These, says
Ted, have not changed.
"Over the years, my association with the chapter house has
judiciary. In 1982 he was a columnist for the Springfield In
quirer, a black community weekly, and he has since published
articles in the Springfield Sunday Republican. Win Magazine.
Journal of Social Change and Development, and Peacework.
been excellent, and I commend the performance, formulation,
Open Forum radio program, a daily talk and interview program
and duties of all the cabinet officers and the many challenges
they've responded to."
Behind him lay a thick pile of correspondence, its paper
brittle and faded with age. Ted reachedoverand gently pit ked up
on WTCC-FM. He has also had considerable experience as a
the pile, then gingerly removed the elastic band that has held the
letters, together for neatly half a century.
ordinator of the Western Massachu.setts (xtalition Against Apart
heid; chairman of the Bench-Bar Committee for the District
ing Ted's 30-year reign as Purple I.egionnaire. Otbers were for
mal reports sent to national headquarters. Ted's bundleof paper
Western Massachusetts American Friends Service Ciommittee. He
is also a fund-rai.ser and administrator for the Youth Ciontact
Some letters were written to Ted by past cabinet officers dur
is written proof of times good and bad and of the many chal
lenges of maintaining a healthy chapter.
Between 1976 and 1980, Serota was a host and producer for the
speaker and lei turer at universities, churches, and community
Since returning from Zimbabwe, .Serota has .served as co
Courts of Hampen Cioimty; and a member of the area board of ihe
Centre Scholarship Service, which he founded while living in
He searched further into the collection of photos and pulled
Brother .Serota has leturned to his law firm in Springfield and
out an original of the first Gmega Mu chapter house before it
continues to do cotntnunity service. He writes that he hopes
someday to leave the law practice atid to devote himself toiotn-
burned to ashes in 1924. On the front steps were several Fijis
(continued on pa^e two)
tnutiitv work oti a fitll-tiitie basis.
Marathon Nets $4G For Charity
Our major social service project of the year was the Fiji
24-Hour Relay Marathon, which was held on February 7 and 8 in
the fieldhouse here at the University of Maine. This year's mara
thon was a huge success and helped us raise approximately
$4,000 for the Maine Division of the American Ciancer Society.
Preparations for this event began in earnest as the committee,
led by Social Service Chairman Mark Russell, met last October to
discuss ways to improve the marathon over the preceding one.
Since the participation of off-campus teams had been decreasing
in recent years, we decided to obtain the servic es of the most pop
ular radio station in the area, VVVVFX, in an attempt to rec ruit
more entrants from across central Maine. Although the airwaves
were inundated with our marathon ads for four weeks prior to the
event, only two off-campus teams entered. One of these two, the
Maine House Democrats from Augusta, won the "most money
raised" trophy. Led by Representative Steve Bost, this team con
tributed more than $1,000 toward the fight against cancer. Also of
Cherish Is The Word, continued
note was the extraordinary unicycle team that was entered.
whom Ted knew after he joined the house as a sophomore in the
This .sort of project requires 100 percent participation, and
I'm happy to report that the brothers of Fiji gave it their all. Ten
early '20s. A graduate of Free|X)rt High .School, Ted was enrolled
brothers ran on our team, and the other 35 were responsible for
counting laps. Although exhausting at times, the Fiji Relay
Marathon was an exciting and fun-filled 24 hours for all who
Stephen Cosgrove '87
Cabinet Members Cite Goals
The newly elected cabinet is a tnixture of older and younger
President Michael Klein is a senior economics major from
Duxbury, Massachusetts. He tincl the other officers have two
main goals: ccjiuluc ting a succ essful rush and reduc ing the house
debt. "I feel thtit rush is the key, " says Klein. "Cietting the rush
numbers will take care of the debt."
When asked what spec ial skills he is bringing to the job, Mike
replied, "I feel my greatest asset will be my enthusiasm."
This semester's treasurer is Harry "Chip" Taylor, a sopho
more math tnajor from Holden, Massac huseits. Hisgoal, hestiys,
in the University erf Maine's school of agriculture.
There was ;i moment of silence as Ted collected his thoughts.
His face momentarily revetiled his emotions as he recalled the
names of brothers who, during his undergraduate career, helped
lead the chapter to athletic victory. The 1986 inductee tcr the
University of Maine Sports Hall of Fame, Ted remembered the
year the house took the intramural btisketball championship. He
also recalled simikir victories in cross-country led by Brother Bud
Herrick and winterskiingslaloms with Brother "Scrapper" Hay.
He clapped his knees and grinned as he remembered chef Tom
Tier, who cooked for Omega Mu for nearly 31 years. "Tom Tier
was a great chef. He meant an awful lot. You could come back
after seveial years, and he always remembered your name."
Among the pile of scattered photos was one of the QTV house,
the earliest fraternity at the University of Maine, established in
1870. Pictures of QTV's founders were placed on the same sheet.
Ted's Main Street home is over 150 years old. Beneath its
anticiue ceiling (mticleof materitil imported from Italy) are rooms
of anticiue furnituie and shelves of hardcover books tuc keelnetuly
in the corners. Aset of Frenc h doors, the glass of which iswarped
with iige, gives way to an historical room.
It was in this loom that Dean James N. Hart, who in 1887 was
named the first clean of the University of Maine, and George H.
Hamlin, ;i professor of engineering, studied the survey ing plans
for the kind upon whic h the first Fiji cluipter was built. Gurtis
is to reduce the chapter's $8,000 clefic it. "I'm looking forward to
doing a good job for the brotherhood," he says.
Historian Brian Durkin, a junior political science major from
bought the house from Dean Hart and h;is lived there since.
According to Gurtis, every 1,000 feet of the 33'2-;urc lot was
MtinslitJcl Township. New Jersey, has several goals: "I'll work
hard with the new initiates; ... I plan on laying a solid founda
tion lor the future of the house; 1 also plan c)n kee])ing tin
ace iiitue and strtiightforwaicl history of the house."
Ciamma Dc lt;i and the ntnnes of Brothers Hart ;mcl Handin were
•As a sophomore, Brian received the Educational Foundation
.\waicl, the house's undergiacluate ac hieveinent award.
I he new tccording secrettiry is Mark Russell, a senior econ
omics major from Edclington, Maine. " This is an important job
lot me, " he stiys, "and 1 feed that 1 can do a very good job for the
house and biotherhoocl. Living out of the house as 1do, 1 htive a
different irerspec tive on my role." Russell is also the soc ial service
(haiiinan tmd is the man behind this year's maiathon.
mtirked off bycedtir posts. ()n the lop ofeac h post, symbols ol Phi
.Suspended from the ceiling ;u the f;n end of the room is a
brown and withered tapestry covering shcdves of trophies and
pkiciues tluit highlight Ted's athletic ac hievements.
"Em very happy about the years of tissoc iation I've had with
the chtipter. I'm glad to have seen the good parts ;mcl the bad parts
and seeing the experience of others ,go through them."
Robert Hardy '87
.Steven Moore, from Lewiston, Maine, is this semester's corre-
sponcliiig secietary. " There is a lot ol personal, individual work
with this position," he says, "but there is also a great deal of
responsibility. . . . My greatest ,go;d is to ust my position to
tepresent and aid the biotheihood as a whole."
Published by the Omega Mu Ghapter erf Phi Ciamma Delta
Fraternity at the Unicersity of Maine for its members and friends.
Mooie, a junior liuance major, honed his skills in ititerpersonal ccjinmunication as the I«istle's I'MFB repiesentative
well crme and mav be sent to Alumni Rcxorcis Oflic e, Pbi (»amma
;md also as a membei of the (.eneial Student Senate.
Delta Frauanity.'p.O. Box 8228, Portland, ME 04104-8228.
News contributions, address corrections, and pfiotographs are
\r\nMARCH 1987
President Aims For Strong Rush And Improved Finances
Another spring semester is upon us iiere at the Castle, and it is
with great enthusiasm that my cabinet and I take over the admin
0.23 quality points above the all-men's average and third among
the 17 fraternities on campus. Alscj, we just completed our
istration of Omega Mu.
annual running of the F'iji 24-Hour Relay Marathon. Thanks to
We begin the new semester with two primary objec tives: to
continue the work of the last cabinet in eliminating our financial
the special efforts of Mark Rus.sell '87 and Steve Cosgrove '87, this
problems and to maintain a strong rush program over the next
In coticlusion, I would like to eticourage all of you to attend
this year's Norris Pig Ditiner on .April 11. Brother Rick Blaisdell
'87, our graduate relations chairmati, assuies me that this year's
pig dinner, like those of years jtast, will help renew the spirit of
two semesters. Rush is especially crucitil, as we must deal with
the loss of 17 brothers to graduation.
Omega Mu currently has an active hrotheriiood of 43 mem
bers. February finds us with a new pledge class of 12 men, th;mks
to the efforts of Rush Chairman Joe McCluskey. Brother A1
year's marathon was a great success.
brotherhood among all Phi Gamma Deltas. I look forward to
meeting and talking with all of you in April.
Douville '87, our pledge educator, is very pleased with the new
pledge class.
One of our recent accomplishments was the improvement of
our house grade point average from 2.20 to 2..56. This places us
Michael P. Klein '87
Omega Mu Bids Farewell To John "J. T." Thomas
As the spring '87 semester comes to a close, we at Omega Mu
mark the etid of an era. Ottr master chef, John "J.T." Thomas,
has decided that after 16 semesters of dedicated service to the
fraternity, it is time for him to move on. He will be greatly
missed, atid we wish him success in all his future endeavors.
John H. Thomas was horn on February 17, 1941, in DoverFoxcroft, Maine. He graduated from Bangor High School in
19,59 and then attended the Academy of Dramatic Arts in New
York City. Most recently, in 1986, John received a degree in
international affairs at the University of Maine.
Brother Thomas was employed by the U.S. Army from 1962'65 as a court stenographer iti Germany. He theti spent four years
with the 3M Ciompany in Minnesota, Ohio, and Maine.
John has had m;my different types of jobs over the years. He
has worked as a theatrical producer, director, and perlormer, and
he recently played the part of Daddy VVttrbucks iti Annie. He has
been affiliated witb the Mis.H America Scholarship Pageant as
both judge and prtxiucer. He has worked for two radio stations,
and he has taught Spanish in public schools.
He is the proprietor of "Le Petit Gourmet," a well-resitected
Megan is a sophomore at Bangor High School.
catering service that boasts such clients as Vice Presidetit Bush,
Brother Thomas first became associated with Phi Gamma
Senator Bill Ckahen, and Governor John McKernon. Still, John is
probably best known as the executive chef at the Asticov Inn in
Delta in the fall of '79 when William Horr '79, then president of
Omega Mu. sitggested that heapirly for the chef's position at Fiji.
Northeast Harbor, Mtiine.
.At that time John wanted a job that would allow him summers
John has been married for 24 years to the fortner Joyce
lAindgren. They have three children—Jenny, Matthew, and
Megan. Jen is a senior and Matt a freshman at the university;
off to work on the Maine coast.
After 16 semesters, or eight years, as an employee of the chap
ter. John has seen thebrotlierhood go through high periods and
low periods. One of those highs occurred on October 26. 1985.
wben John was sworn in as a dul\ initiated brother in the
fraternity of Phi Ciamma Delta. Thiswasa proud moment forall
of the brothers who have benefited over the yearsfrom his advic e.
good humor, and genuine contern lor the chaptei.
The list ofwhat"J. T." has done for the chapter seems endless.
It inc ludes leading us tocic tory in the Crieek .Sing and creating
incredible feasts for Homecoming, the Norris Pi.g Dinnet. Pat
ents Weekend, faculty clinneis. formals. and C'.iiristmas parties.
We also owe him out thanks foi helihng us earn extra money
with his catering busntess; baking us birthday cakes, enteittiin-
ing us with his somcnvhat fabric atecl stories; helping us in both
private and fraternity matters; putting upwith out complaining,
leticling us his car; . . . the list goes on and on.
"J. T" hopes someday to teac h high school in CTcrmatiy . pio-
duce musicals on Broadway, own a Freiic h-style lestaurant. and
write a hook. Whatever the future has in stoic lor you. "J. T."
your brothers wish you happiness and good fortune. .As vou al
ways said (in your hospitable way). "For vou the door to the
Gastle is alwavs open, and there is alwavs a pot on the stove.
We Hear From Our Graduate Brothers
1933 — William Bartlett Pond is a retired engineer who worked
for IBM, Bendix Aviation, Space Techlabs, and Aerojet Generan
in Hillsboro, Oregon, for many years. He now operates bis own
consulting business, which specializes in electronics. He and his
wife, Jane, have three children—Alden, Richard, and Barbara—
and live at 1001 NE 21st Ave., #23, Hillsboro, OR 97123.
1940 — Arthur W. Richardson is an education officer with the
U.S. Power Squadron. He is retired from Westinghouse, where
he was employed as a professional engineer. This former house
historian enjoys boating, golf, and fishing, and he and wife Bess
reside at 6023 Cassowary l.ane. New Bern, NC 28560.
1944 — After receiving a bachelor's degree in mechanical engi
1956 — Donald V. Shields was recently elected to the board of
trustees of the Sunhaze Chapter of Trout Unlimited. He is the
owner and president of the Lifetime Home Products Company in
Bangor, and in his spare time he enjoys Atlantic salmon fishing.
1960 — Attorney Donald L. Mooers is president of the 15,000-
member George Washington University Law Alumni Associa
tion. He is also chairman of the University of Maine Cumberland
County Alumni Chapter Scholarship Fund. Brother Mooers is
the father of four children—Don Jr., Elizabeth, John, and Tory—
and can be reached at his business address of Mooers 8c Mooers,
111 Commercial St., Portland, ME 04101.
neering, Charles E. Stickney Jr. attended Harvard Business
.School and earned an advanced degree in management. He is
1960 — After more than 25 with Libbey-Owens-Ford Co., Freder
ick W. Pierce 111 recently accepted the position of chairman and
chief executive officer of Harding Glass Industries, a $60 million
now an executive for Deering Ice Cream in Portland. Brother
glass wholesaler and retailer. The former chapter president and
Stickney has four grown children—Andrew, Anne, Alice, and
recording secretary has two children, Frederick IV and Susan,
Elizabeth. He makes his home with his wife, Anita, at Oilman
Rd., Yarmouth, ME 04026.
and lives with his wife, Diane, at 9104 W. 115th Terrace, Overland
Park, Kansas City, MO 66210.
1945 — A retired professional engineer, Charles Furbish enjoys
photography and collecting antique automobiles. Brother Fur
bish has two children, Gary (a Lambda Chi from Cornell) and
Sherry. He and Dorothy can be reached at RED #1, Box 102,
Topsham, ME 04086.
1969 — Raymond W. O'Keefe earned a master's degree from the
University of Southern California and is currently a student at
the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, the National Defense
University, Fort McNair, Washington, DC. This former chapter
historian is married to Nancy McKeone, a Chi Omega of 1970,
1952 — William W. Russell is a self-employed insurance agent in
and they make their home at 8912 Narem PI., Annandale, VA
HaVnilton, Mas.sachu.setts. He has two daughters, Janet and
Patricia, both of whom are graduates of the University of New
1971 — Robert Alfred Duetsch is Cxtmmander for the U.S. Navy
Reserve, Fitron Two Zero One, Naval Air Station, Dallas, Texas.
He is the father of two children, Robert Christopher (8) and
Meghan Elizabeth (3). He lives with wife Susan and the kidsat 11
Sue Court, Mansfield, TX 76063.
1971 — Dick Paganucci is a property claim manager for the
A Message From The Editor
With the new year comes anew /oo/t
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March 1987 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is four pages in length.