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2019 April 22 Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
April 22, 2019 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2019 April 22 Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
A Publication of the Rho Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, Rose–Hulman Institute of Technology - April 22, 2019
1848 Club News...
Upcoming Dates for 50th
Anniversary Celebration:
Casino Night - May 3
Pig Dinner Gala - May 4
Sendoff Brunch - May 5
May 1st is Phi Gamma Delta’s “Day of Giving”
Fiji Rho Phi Brothers,
If you are unable to join us for the Rho Phi 50th Celebration - WE STILL NEED YOUR
We set a goal to have 50 graduate brothers making a contribution of $18.48 per month or
more to help fund undergraduate scholarships at the Rho Phi chapter. We have not yet
reached this goal! Please go to the following to sign up: or
follow the instructions below to submit a tax-deductible contribution of $221.76 or more
made out to the "PGD Educational Foundation" to become an 1848 Club member.
6th Annual Indianapolis
Indians Baseball Outing
May 18
1848 Club Committee
Wes Bolsen, chair
David Steinbock
Ed Fain
Jake Whitacre
Joe Weist
Rho Phi House
Ed Fain, president
Doug Collier, vice pres
Andy Horton, secretary
Matt Baber
Chip Bradway
Rob Bunch
Nate Richter
Randall Ridgway
Jacob Whitacre
Some of you may have received a letter or seen on social media about the upcoming Phi
Gamma Delta National "Day of Giving" on May 1. It will work differently this year than last
year. Clicking on the Day of Giving link will contribute to the general fund, and not directly
benefit the undergraduate brothers of Rho Phi.
There are three ways to be part of the Day of Giving on May 1, in addition to contributing to
Rho Phi undergraduate scholarships:
1) Preferred method: Make out a check for any amount to the "PGD Educational
Foundation" now, and mail it THIS WEEK so that the check is received no later than
Tuesday, April 30 to be counted in the May 1 day of giving. Mail the check to: Joe Weist,
2142 Wabash Ave. Terre Haute, IN 47807
This method also works if you want to give $221.76 or more and become (or renew) being a
member of the Rho Phi 1848 Club this year. We would ask anyone who cannot make it back
to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the chapter with us to consider becoming an 1848 club
member and support undergraduate scholarships. ( or by
mailing a check to the above address.
Option 2) Go onto and click on the gold Donate link in the top right and then
select "other" in the designation and type in "Rho Phi Endowment" in the Comments
message box. You can do this now or on May 1, the actual day of giving as well.
Option 3) For larger donations: Reach out to 1848 Committee Chair, Wes Bolsen
( or cell: 650-387-9962) and we will work with you personally on a taxdeductible contribution to a named endowed scholarship at the Educational
Foundation. These funds will directly benefit the Rho Phi chapter in perpetuity. We have
had a large number of brothers making direct contributions from their Schwab, Fidelity, and
Vanguard retirement accounts or a Donor Advised fund in connection to mandatory
\r\nA Publication of the Rho Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, Rose–Hulman Institute of Technology - April 22, 2019
50th Anniversary Celebration...
226 Registered to Attend Gala Event - May 3-5
Not too late to register
The weekend of May 3-5, 2019 is promising to be the best graduate event in chapter history. It’s not too late to be
part of this historic weekend.
You can still register for the event by going to the chapter’s website at and follow the links to 50th
Anniversary Events and register through the Eventbrite link. Don’t forget that you can bring a date. You must
register trough this process. While you can register all the way up until May 2, we would appreciate early
registration for the caterer.
If you want to see who is already registered:
Here is a schedule for the weekend. Also keep checking back at
Friday, May 3
5:00 pm - Reunion Dinner for classes of 1968-1976 (M. Moggers Restaurant)
If you are attending this dinner, and need to register, email
It is not on the Eventbrite schedule.
7:30 - 10:30 pm - Casino Night & Opening Reception (The Ohio Building)
Saturday, May 4
8:00 am until Noon - Informal breakfast on your own (Clabber Girl)
9:00 am - Rho Phi Open (Rea Park)
10:00 am - 5:00 pm - Informal reception (Casa Urbana)
10:30 am - Tours of Rose-Hulman campus (leave from The Ohio Building)
Noon - 6:00 pm - Video Interviews (Casa Urbana)
1:00 pm - Museum walking tour (leave from The Ohio Building)
4:00 pm - Rho Phi House Corporation Meeting (Casa Urbana)
5:00 pm - Pre-dinner reception (Casa Urbana)
6:00 pm - Pig Dinner (The Ohio Building)
8:30 pm - Formal Dance (Casa Urbana)
Sunday, May 5
10:00 am - 1:00 pm - Brunch on your own (Terre Haute Brewing Company)
\r\nA Publication of the Rho Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, Rose–Hulman Institute of Technology - April 22, 2019
50th Anniversary Celebration...
Venue Locations and Contact Information for
50th Anniversary Events
Casa Urbana
672 Ohio Street - second floor of The Ohio Building
Clabber Girl
900 Wabash Avenue
M. Moggers Restaurant
Cannot attend, but want to be
part of the weekend?
If you want to receive in the mail a couple keepsakes from
the weekend, please drop an email to Joe Weist at with your name and mailing address and
we will mail you a couple items from the weekend. We will
only send these items out to those who request them.
908 Poplar Street
The Ohio Building
672 Ohio Street - first floor
Rea Park
3500 South 7th Street
Terre Haute Brewing Company
401 South 9th Street
On Friday contact Conner Helbling at 720-833-1933
On Saturday contact Will Byers at 970-361-1695
On Sunday contact Conner Helbling at 720-833-1933
On Left: Chapter President Robert C. Meyer (Rose 1970) receives
charter from Legate, J. Kurt Mahrdt (DePauw 1928)
\r\nA Publication of the Rho Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, Rose–Hulman Institute of Technology - April 22, 2019
Annual Family Baseball Outing
Don’t Forget to Register for our
6th Annual Family Baseball Outing on May 18
With all the 50th anniversary publicity, we don’t want you to forget the 6th
annual Indianapolis Indians baseball outing. This year’s outing is at Victory
Field in downtown Indianapolis on May 18 with a 7:05 pm start. The
Indians face off against Norfolk.
As in the past, the tickets and a $10 meal/beverage voucher are on us. You
can bring a date and your kids for a fun, family-oriented outing. Please
email Joe Weist at before May 9 with the number of
tickets you need. More details will be sent to those attending.
We will meet up starting at 5:30 pm at the JW Marriott to grab food and
leave for the game at 6:45 pm. We hope you can join us.
Are you a current member of the 1848 Club?
Your $221.76 annual dues are renewable each year. Please consider donating today.
Thanks to our current donors.
Gary W. Gladish (Rose 1970)
James M. Lowes (Rose 1970)
Richard Pace (Rose 1970)
Steven C. Goble (Rose 1971)
Thomas M. Hendrickson (Rose 1971)
Jay D. O’Sullivan (Rose 1971)
James H. Graham (Rose 1972)
Timothy S. Harlan (Indiana State 1972, Rose 2008)
Thomas L. Jackson (Rose 1972)
William L. Gibson (Rose 1974)
Dennis J. Paustenbach (Rose 1974)
James D. Tribble (Rose 1974)
Robert M. Bunch (Rose 1975)
Michael J. Hileman (Rose 1975)
Michael A. Huhnke (Rose 1975)
David J. Steinbock (Rose 1975)
Bob Carter (Rose 1976)
R. Edwin Fain (Rose 1976)
Mark L. Ress (Rose 1976)
Randal A. Ridgway (Rose 1977)
Gerry Dail (Rose 1978)
Nathan Edwards (Rose 1978)
Michael A. McKee (Rose 1984)
Chuck Moss (Rose 1984)
Jonathan T. Richardson (Rose 1984)
Joseph A. Weist (Rose 1987, Evansville 2000)
Chris Lueking (Rose 1991)
Alan Manche (Rose 1991)
Todd R. Hubbell (Rose 1996)
Lewis Adrian Reid (Rose 1996)
Aaron M. Weishaar (Rose 1997)
Bill Morphew (Rose 1998)
Wesley J. Bolsen (Rose 2000)
Joshua D. Zabek (Rose 2005)
Quintin X. Coppola (Rose 2009)
Nathan P. Richter (Rose 2009)
Matthew M. LaCross (Rose 2010)
Shane Boschert (Rose 2013)
Brian J. Soller (Rose 2015)
Tyler J. Rockwood (Rose 2016)
Jacob C. Whitacre (Rose 2017)
Daniel D. Ferguson (Rose 2018)
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April 22, 2019 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is four pages in length.