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2013 Winter Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
Winter 2013 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Epsilon Iota
University of Evansville
2013 Winter Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
ace of diamonds
phi gamma delta
EI Phi Gam’s Dive Into Politics
Bolton’s 60th
February 26th
Middle Name
Pride Day
March 10th
of the
of Jesse James
by the coward
Robert Ford
April 3 rd
Epsilon Iota
April 27th
winter 2013
While some may view the US election season as a time to
purge argumentative Facebook friends and fast-forward
through all the campaign ads on during Jeopardy,
others see it as the peak period of their working lives.
Epsilon Iota FIJI’s are increasingly finding themselves in
the latter group. Having spent their undergrad careers
recruiting new members, running for Cabinet office, and
navigating the murky politics of the chapter, government
seems like a natural receptacle for their Fraternityhoned skills. Whether organizing, campaigning, or
teaching, EI FIJI’s have dove into politics as a natural
outgrowth of their Fraternity experience.
Peter Hanscom (EI 2010) and Ben Deutsch (EI 2011)
both spent the election season working for the Indiana
Democratic party. Deutsch spent his time in the 8th
District, working to get Dave Crooks elected to the
US Congress. Along with 2 other coworkers and their
supervisor, Deutsch was responsible for identifying
persuadable voters, and then coordinating volunteers
throughout the entire district to reach them, including
several Epsilon Iota undergrads. This Herculean task was
aided by a tracking progam, administered by Hanscom
at the statewide level out of his office in Indianapolis. As
a Deputy Campaign Manager for both the Joe Donnelly
Senate campaign and the Judd Gregg gubernatorial
campaign, Hanscom found himself criss-crossing
Indiana many times over. His long list of responsibilities
included analyzing how voters come into contact with
campaign material, supervising and training staffers like
Deutsch and more than thirty others in best practices,
and taking part in strategic meetings.
While Deutsch and Hanscom were drumming up
support for their chosen candidates, Wes Bishop
was knocking on doors for himself. Running as a
Libertarian for the 96th state representative district in
Indianapolis, he hoped to bring his beliefs of limited
government, in all arenas, to the Indiana Statehouse.
As a first-time candidate with limited resources in a
Drew Landry, stressing that the blue of the
map is the water.
predominantly Democratic district,
Bishop spent time at community events,
ranging from the state fair to Tea Party
events. Bishop also worked closely
with Rupert Boneham, the Libertarian
candidate for governor, helping his
campaign organize its activities.
Drew Landry (EI 2006), the world’s
biggest West Wing fan, brought his
passion for politics and government
into academia. An instructor at South
Plains College in Texas, Landry took
advantage of the election as a teaching
aid. He regularly used the day-to-day
functions of both local and national
races to elucidate terms and processes
that would have seemed more abstract
in an election off year. Landry
could easily demonstrate the importance
of a soundbite in a political campaign
every time a presidential candidate
was unwittingly recorded at a Florida
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EI Phi Gam’s Dive Into Politics, continued Have You Heard The Good News?
Despite their hard work, Deutsch and Bishop were unable to get their candidates, or themselves, elected. Hanscom had more
success, as Joe Donnelly is now the junior Senator from Indiana. He couldn’t be too disappointed in losing the governor’s race
to Mike Pence (Hanover 1981). At least he’s also a FIJI. When asked what they’ve taken from the election, each brother had a
different reply. Deutsch is no longer with the state Democratic party, but after months of arguing for his side, he feels he’s gained
a lot of insight into himself, people that feel differently than he does, and the political process in general. Bishop, undeterred by
his loss and buoyed by his strong standing among non- Democrats, feels that much more ready for the next election. Landry
found himself surprised by the way many races upended accepted wisdom, and has since converted to the cult of Nate Silver.
Hanscom, now political director for the state party, learned that a political candidate shouldn’t talk about rape in an insensitive
way. All anxiously await our country’s and our state’s next round of elections, even while most of the rest of us are just glad to
see 85% less waving corn fields in our television commercials.
2012 Pig Dinner a Somber, Joyful Affair
In 2011, graduates and undergraduate
made the joint decision to move Pig
Dinner to the fall. While this change
fit in much better with the undergrads’
yearly schedule, it had the unfortunate
one-time side effect of no Pig Dinner
being scheduled for 18 months. The two
Epsilon Iota Open’s held in the interim
helped to ease the pain, but there
is no substitute for badge attire and
roasted, squiggly-tailed animals. As
the Doxology lyrics slowly faded into
memory and grads forgot each other’s
names, the undergrads have not missed
a beat. Despite the long hiatus, Epsilon
Iota still knows how to throw an intimate
and meaningful Pig Dinner.
From Chicago to Atlanta, brothers from
all over the country reunited at the
Cambridge Country Club. Additionally,
we were deeply honored to welcome the
wife, brother, and mother of the recently
deceased Geoff Keller (EI 2008) at Pig
Dinner. Master of Ceremonies Peter
Hanscom (EI 2010) got the evening
started with a few jokes, and after a
rousing Exile’s Toast, we sat down to an
excellent dinner. To the congregation’s
collective dismay, no desserts were
smashed. Once all the dishes had been
cleared, the keynote speaker, IHQ’s
Educational Director Bill Bracewell
(Georgia 1968), brought the house
down with his speech. Brother
Bracewell had been in town since Friday
afternoon, and had spent a portion of
that time learning interesting things
about some of the brothers. He then
incorporated what he learned into his
speech, earning a raucous response
from all in attendance. After everyone
calmed down, Brother Bracewell made
a seamless transition into a deeply
meaningful speech about the value
of his Fraternity brothers and their
friendship. The Ace of Diamonds gives
Brother Bracewell its full endorsement
as a Pig Dinner keynote speaker, and
looks forward to a repeat performance.
The evening concluded with a tribute
to Brother Keller. First, for his joyful
countenance and for reminding them
that their time together is precious, the
undergrads named Geoff the Graduate
Brother of the Year and presented
his wife with the award. Then, a new
award to be called the Geoffrey Warren
Keller Sweetest Influence Award was
presented. In perpetuity, this award will
be voted on by the undergrads and will
be given to the brother whose presence
most improved the lives of his fellows.
After a speech and a slideshow of
moments from Geoff ’s life, the award
was presented to Jordan Stoltz (EI 2013)
by Geoff ’s wife, Ashli. Brother Stoltz
tearfully accepted. Framed certificates
of the award and its description were
also presented to Geoff ’s family in
attendance. After many tears and hugs,
undergrads and grads both adjourned
to Ginny’s Place, a questionable decision
that was soon discarded. The much
better location of Bar Louie was decided
upon, where we enjoyed a beautiful fall
night and annoyed the staff with our
loitering long after closing time.
Chris Cook (EI 2002) proposed to his girlfriend, Kathy, in September. They’ll be married
next summer.
Jon Sturgeon (EI 2012) and his wife Jessica were married in late September.
David Kirkwood (EI 2012) was recently hired as a New Model Engineer at Greenville
Technology in Greenville, OH.
Joe Setnor (EI 2007) has accepted a new job at Theoris Engineering/Theoris Scientific.
Ryan Cramer (EI 2012) and his fiancé Hilary were engaged to be married in October.
Eric Roberson (EI 2005) and his wife Sara are expecting their first child, a son, in
Phil Love’s (EI 2005) wife Stephanie gave birth to their son Cooper in November.
Matt Korn (EI 2005) and his wife Kim welcomed their second child and first daughter,
Adalyn, in August.
Andrew Bradley (EI 2006) was married to his wife Amanda in October.
Scott Gurgol (EI 2003) and his wife Lisa were married in November.
Sean Riley (EI 2005) and his wife Mindy welcomed their second son Kellen in January.
What’s Distracting FIJI’s?
Jon Sturgeon and his new wife, Jessica.
This issue, the Ace of Diamonds caught up with Ray Baker (EI 2008). He’s got a lot on his plate.
Special thanks go to Grant Hales
(EI 2015) who organized this year’s
excellent Pig Dinner celebration. Many
in attendance named it one of the best
in recent memory. We all look forward
to next year.
I've recently taken up hunting at the Michael Hughes (EI 2008) Hunting Lodge in Boonville.
I'm less interested in deer hunting than I am in critter-level animals. A few more trips and I'll
hopefully have bagged enough squirrels to sew my wife a fur coat. She's always wanted one.
Planning for the annual Pi pledge class reunion has fallen to me this year, after 2012's very
successful excursion to the Wonder Spot in the Wisconsin Dells, and I've been busy making
arrangements for it at the Burning Man Festival. Dave Knox (EI 2008) told me he's been looking
for a place to show off his fishnet shirt, and Burning Man would be extremely appropriate.
I've also got a new job as the Chicago liaison of the World Roofball Association. The WRBA,
pronounced WoRBA, has identified Chicago as a fruitful new market, what with all the roofs. It's
Ray and his wife Becky, dressed a lot of hard work, but if I can help teach just one kid how to needlessly put his parents' satellite
up to see their favorite
dish at risk, it'll all have been worth it.
Twilight movie.
2013 Epsilon Iota Open Fever! Catch it!
Bill Bracewell, crushing it.
Registrations are now being accepted for the upcoming Epsilon Iota Open. On April 27 th, FIJI’s, friends of FIJI’s, the press,
and fans of the game will assemble once more at Clearcrest Pines for the right to call themselves the best. Current champions
Steve Sanders (EI 1999), Sean Riley (EI 2005), and friends of the chapter Nick Burch and Don Stucki anxiously anticipate a
repeat of their 2012 glory days. Meanwhile, Kevin Brown (EI 2012), Brandon Watkins (EI 2012), Ben Broadhead (EI 2015),
and Josh Stauber (EI 2015), the best-performing all-FIJI team and holders of the EI Open cup, hope to hang on to the trophy
for another year. Lots of interesting threads to follow for what should be an epic contest. To take part in it, contact Jon Kissel
at or at (812) 550-4476. Entry fees are $50, a significant chunk of which goes to support the Epsilon
Iota chapter. We hope to see you there, unless you think you’re not good enough.
\r\nA Letter From The President
My name is Austin Lauer, and I am honored to tell you that I have
been elected as the next president for Epsilon Iota. I would like to
take this opportunity to introduce myself to all of you. I am a junior
theatre performance major with an associated study in marketing
and communications. During my tenure as president, I aim to
significantly improve three aspects of the chapter: scheduling,
apathy, and recruitment. Furthermore, I hope to establish a
concrete framework to expand upon in these areas by the end of
my presidency.
Before addressing the future, I should inform you of our recent
accomplishments. In the fall, we had a total of eight men sign bids
with Fiji, thus becoming the Theta Deuteron pledge class. All eight
Austin Lauer, grateful for that rope barrier.
members of the fall pledge class have successfully completed their
pledge education and will be initiated at IHQ in January (pending grades). More recently, we have had two men sign bids with us to
become the first Iota Deuterons of the spring pledge class. We plan to recruit more heavily in the spring and add to the initial two
pledges. To that end, we have set a goal to sign a spring pledge class of at least six members.
The chapter has also held a successful parents’ dinner this semester, as well as a deeply meaningful Pig Dinner. We finished second
overall in homecoming. In the individual events, we made the tastiest chili in the chili cook-off, and finished in second place in the
dance crew, game show, and homecoming booth events. Additionally, several brothers have received job offers, scholarships, and
internships, and we finished the semester with another unforgettable gift exchange.
With the fall semester in the books, it is now time to focus on the future. The new cabinet and I analyzed the chapter’s scheduling this
past semester and discovered that the chapter did not spend enough time on important areas, specifically on brotherhood development.
As a result, some brothers have become less connected to the chapter and have developed more apathetic behavior. In order to combat
this, we will be establishing a point system where brothers will have to acquire a to-be-determined number of points through chapter
involvement to either live in the house or attend formal. With regard to recruitment, we will be marketing our chapter in new ways
and we will be reviving the summer recruitment workshop so that every brother is completely prepared to bring the best young men
possible into our chapter. The chapter agrees with our assessment and is extremelyenthusiastic about these changes. We are willing to
work hard to make our goals successful.
I am incredibly honored to take on the responsibility of president and I am very passionate about leading the chapter. Feel free to
contact me personally with any questions. I will relentlessly strive toward the excellence that all Phi Gam’s aspire to and I firmly believe
that this next year holds great things for the Epsilon Iota chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Austin Lauer (EI 2014)
(502) 777-7062
Jon Kissel, Ace of Diamonds editor
Austin Lauer, Chapter President
Phi Gamma Delta
227 S. Lincoln Park Drive
Evansville, IN 47714
Hot-Tub-O-Thon information
Visit Epsilon Iota on the web at
deepC is the musical alias of brother Geoff Keller.
His music can be found on iTunes, and for exclusive
deepC merchandise check out the new deepC shop:
90% of proceeds will be donated to the Malignant
Hyperthermia Association of the United States
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Winter 2013 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. The newsletter is four pages in length.