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2013 Summer Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Summer 2013 newsletter of the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Indiana University
2013 Summer Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Phi Gamma Delta
Zeta Chapter
Summer 2013 Edition
Zeta House Corporation and IU Reach
Agreement on Beechwood Relocation
After over five years of negotiations and very careful
and diligent analysis, your House Corp Board (HC) has
reached a formal agreement with IU to sell the property
at 631 E. Third for a combination of cash plus title to
a new lot that will be made ready for new construction
near 8th and Woodlawn (immediately south of the Kappa
Alpha Theta sorority house on Woodlawn) in the center
of campus. This agreement allows the undergraduate
brotherhood to continue living at 631 E. Third while HC
raises additional funds and constructs an outstanding new
chapter house, estimated to be ready for move-in as early
as the fall of 2016. HC has formed the Beechwood Second Century Campaign for the purpose of raising funds
and you will hear more from that campaign when it officially launches on October 19th at the Norris Pig Dinner
in Bloomington.
2. The ability to remain living (rent for $1.00/year) in
631 E. Third until a new house is ready for occupation.
3. Substantial funds from the University to help complete construction of an outstanding house that the best
chapter on campus deserves.
HC has determined that the negotiated offer from IU is
by far the best alternative for continuing the excellence of
Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Beechwood Second
Century – The New
The new location for Beechwood is in the center of campus
and provides a larger footprint, allowing substantial increase in
square footage for the new house while maintaining equivalent
or slightly improved on-site parking. Design work is in progress, but the house will be in a classic, traditional limestone
style that will incorporate many historic artifacts and features
Why are we moving?
of 631 E. Third. HC expects to be able to show renderings at
The house at 631 E. Third is very rapidly approaching the Pig Dinner.
the point of being impossible to keep properly repaired and
is becoming a competitive disadvantage for recruiting the
While IU is providing a fair and significant settlement
best young men. HC has determined that the only viable to purchase Beechwood, The Beechwood Second Century
solutions would be a massive renovation, tear down and re- Campaign (B2CC) will need to raise substantial additional
place, or relocation. The first two options would require dollars to meet the objectives of building an outstanding,
100% funding by HC and would require the brothers to debt-free house and average-or-below house bills. Brothmove out and find temporary housing – very likely split ers Jeff “Boomer” Fettig ’79 and Alan “Felix” Graf ’75 are
among multiple locations – for at least one academic year the Honorary Co-Chairmen of the campaign which will
and perhaps more. Further, IU has approval authority over be chaired by HC President Pete “Sky” King ’76 and HC
either of these options and they have indicated they would Vice President John “Sledge” Morris ’82. Tim “Doc” Stonot likely approve. While HC evaluated the possibility of ry ’75 will chair the Sires and Sons campaign and Louis
fighting for these options, the likelihood of winning is very “Bud” Mangels ’56 will assist with contributions from the
remote, and would therefore likely result in an eventual, Beechwood Educational Foundation which he chairs. Jeff
forced relocation to a much less desirable location (the Jor- “Chuckles” Andress ’83 will have daily responsibility for the
dan extension). Even a “win” would, as previously noted, execution of the campaign. If you are interested in helping
require more funds and temporary relocation.
with B2CC as a class captain or in any other way, please
The offer provides:
contact Chuckles, Sledge, or Sky (contact info below).
1. An extremely desirable new location (arguable supeFurther Details
rior to 631 E. Third, other than historical considerations),
As mentioned, the campaign will formally kick off in
with full legal ownership to the new land.
See HC Update on p. 4
\r\nPage 2 Hoosier FIJI
Phi Gams place 8th
The 2013 FIJI Bike team rode in
a way that had not been seen in the
past two years. Matt “U-Haul” Andress (2013), Charlie “Little Boy”
McClary (2014), Michael “Corky”
Khamis (2015), and Scott “Clutch”
McClary (2016) took the track for
the Phi Gams. The team set two goals
this year: to crack into the top 10 and
to be on the lead lap for the finish.
They accomplished both. As a team,
they trained harder than they have in
the past and it showed. Overall, the
team appeared smarter on the track,
expending energy only when needed
and understanding how to efficiently
use the pack. The biggest difference
from this year to last year involved
the team positioning themselves in
a way that we did not get caught up
in any wrecks. The race consisted of
at least 4 wrecks that occurred very
near to the Phi Gams during the
race, but because of smarter riding than years past regarding the
team’s position in the pack, they
were able to be in front of the wrecks
each time and avoid any disasters.
The team shined around lap 120
where they planned to break away
and attempt to stir up the pack. The
strategy in the move was to trigger other teams to bridge the gap
and help us narrow the leader pack
down to a small handful. Such a
strategy was the team’s best chance
at the Borg Werner Trophy since it
would be tough to out time trial Beta
Theta Pi, who completed down an
extremely fast team time trial during the spring series, or out sprint
Kevin Depasse for the Cutters, who
has proven in USAC races that he was
the man to beat. The Phi Gams were
successful in getting over a straightaway ahead of the pack; however,
because this was done relatively early
in the race, the top teams that FIJI
hoped would bridge up, were not
quite ready to make their move. The
pack worked together and brought
the Phi Gams back after a couple of
laps. The team then sat in the pack
waiting for other opportunities later
Seniors cheer on the bike team at the Little 500
in the race. At this point, rookie Scott
McClary took the longest set of the
day for the team. Scott completed
two separate 20 lap sets during the
race, something that hasn’t been done
in years. Around lap 175, other teams
started to make their moves in attempt to run away with the win. FIJI
was able to maintain its position and
stay on the lead lap for the remainder of the race finishing 8th place.
Looking forward, three of the four
race day riders, Charlie McClary, Michael Khamis, and Scott McClary,
will return for another shot at the
2014 Little 500. In addition John
“Jockey” Hunzicker (2015), who
rode in the 2012 race, will also return next year to give it another go.
A special thanks needs to be given
to Matthew Andress, who graduated this May, for giving three years
of service to the team and the house
The Phi Gams hope to continue
the growth of the program and return the FIJI Bike team back to its
spot as a continuous top contender.
Junior Charlie McClary coming around the fourth turn.
\r\nPage 3 Hoosier FIJI
The Undergraduates of Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Indiana University
would be honored by your presence at our
121st Annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner
on the 19th day of October, 2013
Special Guest Speakers
Jeff “Boomer” Fettig ‘79
Alan “Felix” Graf ‘75
House Corporation Board update
On the status and future of Beechwood
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Check-in and Reception – Beechwood
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm – House Corporation Town Hall Meeting – Beechwood
4:45 pm – 5:00 pm – Begin walking to Indiana Memorial Union Tudor Room
5:00 pm – 5:45 pm – Cocktail Reception – IMU (Tudor Room)
5:45 pm – 6:00 pm – 121st Annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner – IMU (Tudor Room)
Meet brothers old and new at Fiji’s finest annual tradition
Please return the form below by October 12 to:
Peter Krusing, Corresponding Secretary, 631 East 3rd Street, Bloomington, IN 47406
Yes, to I plan attend this year’s Pig Dinner!
Enclosed is a check for $
This check includes costs for:
Pig Dinner ($30)
Graduation Year:
No, I cannot make it to Pig Dinner this year, Home Number:
but please accept my donation of $
Cell Number:
No, I cannot make it to Pig Dinner this year Email:
\r\nHC Update, from p. 1
Bloomington on October 19th at the Norris Pig Dinner. Brothers
are strongly encouraged to attend and have a chance to see the new
house design and have any questions answered. In the meantime,
if you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to any
of the brothers listed below.
Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta remains incredibly strong
and arguably the strongest chapter on campus with a GPA over 3.2,
a nearly unbroken streak of winning of All-Fraternity Intramurals,
great performance in Little 500, and brothers occupying many of
the top campus leadership positions. This great chapter deserves
a great house. We are thrilled that we have a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to build a house that matches the chapter, and we are
counting on the support of the brotherhood to make that happen.
Pete “Sky” King ’76,, 812-372-8461
John “Sledge” Morris ’82,, 630-207-3082
Jeff “Chuckles” Andress ’83,, 317-509-1313
-Undergraduate UpdateThe Zeta chapter finished third amongst fraternities in grades this spring with a GPA of
3.261. Congratulation to PC ‘15 for earning
the strongest pledge class GPA with a mark
of 3.47. Classes resume Aug. 26 this fall,
and the brothers will be looking to improve
on the mark above. The brothers performed
strongly again in intramurals with another
intramural championship. Zeta won championships in both tennis and table tennis this
past year. Zeta also has begun another successful rush effort as we have 27 bids signed
for PC ‘17 with formal rush still in the fall. If
you have a potential rush candidate, please
e-mail the Rush chairmen at phigamrush@ If you know of someone who
did not receive this or any other newsletter,
please contact Pete Krusing at peterkrusing@ or visit
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Summer 2013 newsletter of the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.