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2013 Winter Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
Winter 2013 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman. This newsletter is eight pages.
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Rho Phi
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2013 Winter Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
Rho Phi Chapter at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology ‐ Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
During September 28 -29,
Rho Phi participated in the
second annual FIJI Football
run with the Hanover Fiji
chapter. For those who do not
know about the FIJI Football
Run, it is a collaborative effort
by both the Rho Phi Fijis and
the Hanover Fijis to run a
football from the RoseHulman campus to the football game at Hanover. If the
game is at Rose-Hulman, then
the football is run from the
Hanover campus to RoseHulman. Our chapters partner
with the Red Cross agencies
around our respective areas to
raise money for the Red Cross.
Our chapter raised
$4,582.94 for the Red Cross
this year. Since the game was
at Hanover, our chapter ran
This newsletter is
dedicated to Mike Cherbak
for his dedication and
service to the Rho Phi
Chapter. He will always
be in our memory.
Zach Howe (2012) and Caleb Comstock (2014) posing
for the camera while running the trail for the
2012 Fiji Football Run.
the football from RoseHulman to Indiana University
in Bloomington. We met the
Hanover Fijis at the Indiana
University house. The Hano-
ver Fijis ran the football the
rest of the way to Hanover
College with the help of some
attracting an extremely diverse pledge class.
Recruitment Chairman
Brandon Scroggins
“During Bid Tuesday,
50 bids were
given, with 40
of those accepting.”
Inside this
Michael Cherbak
Homecoming - A
FIJI Favorite
Welcome Pledges
Lost Brothers
Graduate Updates
(Continued on page 2)
Recruitment this year has
been an amazing process. The
Rho Phi Chapter has come
together with all classes working hard and contributing.
The Chapter had rush
events such as Poker Night,
ice cream social, bowling
and Noble Romans pizza.
But the most important part
of rush were the cook-outs
and tailgates that the Chapter had that show the variety of members we have
Winter 2013 Edition
(2014) said, "Rush has been
great this year. With so many
brothers coming over this
year, it really helped make my
job easier."
During Bid Tuesday, 50
bids were given, with 40 of
those accepting. Members
of the 2012 pledge class
include football players,
cross country athletes,
baseball players, ROTC
(Continued on page 3)
Pig Dinner
March 9, 2013
6:00 pm
Page 2
Brother Michael J. Cherbak, 58, of
Bloomington, passed away Friday, October 5, 2012, at his home with his loving
family surrounding him.
One of Mike's greatest pleasures was
helping with sound, video, lights, and
props for the Edgewood Choral Dept. He
was instrumental in establishing the
Edgewood Choral Foundation, TIS
(Christmas Show), and the Contest of
Champions. His endless support to the
kids at Edgewood Jr. High and High
School will never be forgotten. Mike was
also known as "Mr. Fix It". His motto
was "it doesn't need to be replaced if it
can be fixed."
Mike is survived by his wife of 35 years,
Rhonda (Crouch), daughters: Bryne
Yearby (Ronnie), Christi VanHorn
(Jeff); grandchildren; Addison and Michael Yearby; mother, Winifred Cher-
bak; brothers: Bill Cherbak, Ernest Cherbak, John Cherbak, Ed Cherbak, sister:
Andrea Balcerak, and Jean Meyers. He
was preceded in death by his father,
Ernest Cherbak, brothers, Derek Cherbak, Louis Cherbak and Emeric Cherbak
and sister, Wini Cherbak.
Mike will be missed by all who were fortunate enough to have known him.
Mike was a dedicated member of Phi
Gamma Delta. As an undergraduate,
Mike served as rush chairman and chapter president. Upon graduation, Mike
embraced “Not For College Days Alone.”
Mike served as both the president of the
Rho Phi House Corporation as well as the
president of the Rho Phi Board of Chapter Advisors. Mike was also active in
helping brothers secure internships as
well as permanent career positions. Mike
was quoted as saying, “The greatest joy is
giving, and the most satisfying work is
helping others.” In 2006, Mike was inducted into the Rho Phi Hall of Fame.
FIJI FOOTBALL RUN 2012 continued...
(Continued from page 1)
of our chapter members.
We, as a chapter, would like to thank all
the graduates, as well as parents, who
donated money this year. We are also
very appreciative of the donations from
our family members and friends. We
hope to keep the Fiji Football Run going
for years to come, so that we may continue to raise money for the Red Cross.
In order to do so, we will need to continue to be united brothers of Phi
Gamma Delta and donate money to the
run when we are capable.
Congratulations to Andrew
Siegle (2013), member of the
ISU installation team.
February 16, 2013
Indiana State University
Fall 2013
FIJI expansion to the
IUPUI campus
July 2014
Indianapolis to host
the Ekklesia
Much of our
communication with
graduates is through
email. However there
are some of you for
which we do not have
valid email addresses.
If you have not
received any email
from us in a while,
send us your email at
\r\nPage 3
Homecoming is one of our favorite
times of the year at the Rho Phi Chapter. Each year this is an opportunity for
us as an undergraduate chapter to
show our respect for those who have
gone before us. Each year, the festivities start off Friday night with the annual Pep Rally, Queen Coronation, and
Bonfire. This year, the homecoming
king was a Rho Phi member, Daniel
Maginot, who escorted the queen Alex
Bledsoe. Many of this year’s attendees
decided to view the bonfire for a very
short period of time, before being
drenched by the unfortunate torrential
The following day was filled with many
festivities, all of which centered around
the annual football game against Manchester College. The game proved to be
a close match, but in the end, the Fighting
Engineers won 28-26 in the last minutes,
defending a two-point conversion and a
Hail Mary pass. Rho Phi member Kyle
Kovach (2013) led the Engineer’s offense with three touchdowns.
During the football game, food and refreshments were served by current Rho
Phi members at the FIJI tent along the
sidelines. Games such as corn hole and
hillbilly golf were also provided. The atmosphere was one of enjoyment, and
pride in the fraternity of Phi Gamma
Delta. An even mix of graduate and undergraduate brothers were present, making
for an altogether pleasant experience at
the game. Following the game, a small
reception was held at the chapter house
for all graduate and undergraduate brothers.
We are proud to host and entertain our
graduate brothers every year at homecoming and we are certainly looking forward to Pig Dinner where we will see
your shining faces and flowing hair back
at our house.
Proud to be!
(Continued from page 1)
members, track and field athletes, and basketball players.
The Chapter is excited for the 2012 pledge class and has high hopes that these men will be the best pledge class ever. It was truly a
whole chapter effort with the seniors leading the way.
During the bowling rush event at Expo Bowl.
At the ice cream social rush event on the Union
Patio at Rose-Hulman.
Page 4
Chris Michael Grable
Cincinnati, OH
Biomedical Engineering
Tyler Jon Rockwood
Prineville, OR
Computer Science
Andrew Thomas Schuelke
La Porte, IN
Electrical Engineering
Matt Alexander Swintz
Indianapolis, IN
Civil Engineering
Barry William Tomasetti Jr.
Landenburg, PA
Mechanical Engineering
Colton Charles Motz
Wadesville, IN
Civil Engineering
Brandon David Bullitt
Lowell, IN
Biomedical Engineering
Addison David Williams
Fishers, IN
Biomedical Engineering
Ryan Clarence Dick
Mount Vernon, IN
Mechanical Engineering
Ryan John Meyer
Greenwood, IN
Mechanical Engineering
Andrew Arthur Thompson
Mundelein, IL
Mechanical Engineering
Gunnar Allen Hutchison
Vincennes, IN
Biomedical Engineering
Kevin Robert Garon
Naperville, IL
Chemical Engineering
Herman Zachary Lehman
Clinton, NY
Mechanical Engineering
Jeffery Joseph Ludwig
Cincinnati, OH
Biomedical Engineering
Nevin Beck Fansher
Noblesville, IN
Chemical Engineering
Clark Adam Schultz
Westfield, IL
Chemical Engineering
Craig Joseph Larew
Indianapolis, IN
Mechanical Engineering
Joseph Samuel Woodley Jr.
Shreveport, LA
Mechanical Engineering
Tanuj Khanna
Houston, TX
Chemical Engineering
Zack Michael Johnson
New Albany, IN
Civil Engineering
Blair Anthony Briscoe
Salem, IN
Civil Engineering
Trent Thomas Bauters
Akron, IN
Mechanical Engineering
Greg Rudolph Callegari
Kenilworth, IL
Computer Science
Tyler Randall Allison
Canton, OH
Chemical Engineering
Aaron Michael Abbott
Lebanon, OH
Mechanical Engineering
Corey William Vatter
Cincinnati, OH
Computer Science/Software Engineering
Georges Jerome Valcour
Burr Ridge, IL
Civil Engineering
Michael Tyler Albaugh
Hartville, OH
Civil Engineering
Nathaniel James Kinsella
Centerville, OH
Mechanical Engineering
Dakota Jacob Smith
New Palestine, IN
Mechanical Engineering
Christopher John Sander
Baileyville, IL
Chemical Engineering
Daniel Csaba Truckai
Saratoga, CA
Mechanical Engineering
Jason Tyler Waldenmeyer
Fort Thomas, KY
Mechanical Engineering
Jacob Allen Dye
Tipton, IN
Mechanical Engineering
Alec Tanner Mitchell
Newburgh, IN
Milan Daniel Thakker
Lebanon, NJ
Biomedical Engineering
Kyle Robert Geaestel
Belleville, IL
Mechanical Engineering
Casey Thomas
Bedford, IN
Mechanical Engineering
Michael Hallstien
Peoria, IL
Mechanical Engineering
\r\nPage 5
Pledge class 2016 on bid day.
Out of 880 living graduate brothers, we know where most of you are located.
However, there are a few who have slipped away from us. If you know the location
(or email, cell phone) of any of the following Rho Phi brothers,
send it to
Michael O. Breitmeyer, PhD
Lawrence J. Daly
Steven E. Mason
Donald B. Daugherty
Ian D. Todd
Jeffery A. Mathias
John N. Hostettler
Gregory W. Bielefeld
Mark R. Bower
Craig S. Dargan
Paul W. Kirkeiner
Thomas G. Wappes
Chris A. Leuking
Robin M. Riggins
Michael C. Arvesen
David A. Madsen
Christopher Williams
Neil E. Harrison
David M. Calarco
Quintin X. Coppola
Jonas L. Troyer
Page 6
Bob Meyer (1970)
On July 1, Bob retired from Procter & Gamble after more than 40 years. He and his wife Linda have relocated to beautiful Southern California and are currently remodeling a house they will soon move into. He has returned to sailing after more than 30 years
as a "landlubber," joining a local yacht club, and has started getting involved in other local activities. (No, golf is not one of them!)
Rick Pace (1970)
The latest news with Rick’s family is the marriage of his youngest daughter, Katharine
Cummings Pace, a recent Boston College grad.
Mike Lee (1974)
Mike just joined the old man club, turning 60 on November 30. No plans for retirement yet,
too much to do. He travels a fair amount, mostly with work, a small business that provides
concrete cooling equipment to larger projects around the globe. He recently took his two kids,
now grown, and his girlfriend, Kathy Edwards, on a trip to Honduras. They spent some time
at the ancient Mayan ruins at Copan and at the island of Roatan for snorkeling and fishing. He also has a new concrete treating process he is working on for his business. He bought
a new motorcycle last year - Ducati 1100 Monster. He stays reasonably fit. Did the Bloomington Hilly Hundred the last two years and has done some century rides with his brother
Ed. They tried to do the "Assault the Peak" to the top of Pikes Peak last summer but the altitude got them. They ran out of time and were turned back with one mile to go. Next year he’ll
train at altitude more and make it in time. He lives at about 6,000 ft in Colorado Springs so
he thought he'd be OK, but wasn't. Toward the end they were walking more than riding.
James D. Tribble (1974)
Rick Pace with a sippy cup
of water on the lawn trying to
get to the cocktail table.
Jim is working for Tredegar Film Products in Product Development and currently primarily living in Richmond, VA. His wife
Judy still works as the Librarian at SMWC and lives in Brazil. He gets back to Brazil/TH about once every 6 weeks or so. Now a
Grandfather 4X. His children are all doing well. He is into history reading when he is alone in Richmond. He is a member of
the Churchill Society and attends a few events in Washington, D. C. each year. His youngest graduated from Notre Dame in
2012. Last football season, Dennis Paustenbach (1974) made the trip from San Francisco to attend a conference at the UMich and went to a Notre Dame game with Mary Beth, Judy and him. They had a great time enjoying the victory over Navy and a
fine dinner and Mass at the Steppan Center.
Mike Hileman (1975)
Currently Mike still works as Vice President for Solomon Associates, a consulting firm in the refining, petrochemical and power
generation business. He recently received his second patent - just search USPTO site for my name if you are really interested. This year he has completed projects in South Africa, Curacao and Calgary. His son Derek (2000), Derek’s wife Ashley
(Rose EE 2002) and his two granddaughters are now living in CT. They have become his travel destination of choice - grandkids
are great!!
Dan “Monte” Montgomery (1976)
Dan is still running his family owned software publishing company, Imagine Products of 21 years (
They make applications for the professional video industry (broadcast, cable, corporate, etc.). This last year they ventured into a
few iPad apps including one for the construction industry (any of you Civils, check it out: He and his wife
Jane celebrated 30 years this year with their first trip to Hawaii. Their children have settled in DC and Chicago so they get to those
places frequently too. Much of their free time has been dedicated to their favorite charity They package 'just add water' meals for distribution through food banks and world hunger organizations.
\r\nPage 7
Steve Richey (1977)
Steve is shown running into the stadium in Durbin, South Africa, at the finish of the Comrades
ultra-marathon on Jun 3, 2012. Finishing time on the 56 mountain road course was 10 hours
and 49 minutes.
Brian “Cat” Balu (1981)
Brian “Cat” Balu reports that he and Brian Fowler (1981), both living in the Houston area,
get together for an occasional round of golf. Cat always manages to shoot a better score than
Fowler, primarily because Fowler buys a 6-pack from the Beer Cart Lady (with whom Fowler is
on a first name basis) at the turn. By the time they reach the 15th or 16th hole, Fowler’s back
nine score is ruined and Cat has yet another well-earned victory. Fowler also plays with a set of
20+ year old “King Cobra” golf clubs and a putter with a duct tape grip, which hinders his scoring somewhat.
Steve Richey
Scott Shaw (1983)
Hey 1983 grads: Our 30 year reunion is next year! Homecoming 2013 is Sept 20-21 weekend. Make plans to attend!
Christopher E Anderson (1999)
Chris has worked for GE Aviation for over 13 years since graduating from Rose, and lives in the greater Cincinnati area. Chris is
married to Angela, and has four kids – a daughter, and three sons, ages four through nine. Chris started his career as a structural
design engineer for four years, then moved into a business/finance role working for GE Corporate for three years. After completing that, Chris returned to GE Aviation as a business operations leader, and then plant manager in Albuquerque, NM. For the
past three years, he has moved into a commercial leadership role as a program manager. Chris is also the campus recruiting
leader for the entire GE company at Rose-Hulman, and recently led the first ever “GE Day” on campus this year. Chris and his
family enjoy staying active in sports, outdoor activities, and travelling.
Wes Bolsen (2000)
On October 7, 2012, Wes married Rebecca Johnson in Wheaton, IL. They now live in Palo Alto, CA, as they figure out the next
steps in both their careers. Wes, who joined Phi Gamma Delta more than 10 years after graduating from Rose, had a number of
other Graduate Brothers at his wedding, including Ben Giant (2003), Bobby Short (2012), Brad D'Agnillo (2012) and
Will Burchette (2012).
Tim Swan (2003)
Tim lives and works in Chicago. He went to Reykjavik, Iceland, this summer for a workshop on Robotics and Automation. The
conference was pretty boring (covered pretty basic stuff), but the bars in Iceland are crazy in the summer since the sun only goes
down for a couple of hours a night.
Aditya Kapoor (2005)
On Aditya’s end of things, the other side of the world (in India), he has been busy grappling with his one year old son growing up
so fast that he misses stuff in the blink of an eye! Professionally, the company for which he is the managing director, Puneet Resins ltd., was selected by Forbes last year in their annual list of Asia and Australia's top 200 companies under a billion dollars.
What makes this feat even more humbling for them, is that they have been selected on the same list again this year and he will be
going to Singapore at the end of November to receive the award from Mr. Forbes.
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
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Please detach and return with your contact information so we can update our records. We will feature graduate updates in
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Name________________________________________________________ School/year__________________
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News to share with classmates:
Occupation ______________________________ Employer _________________________________________
I am pleased to make a contribution to Rho Phi of : $1,000 $500 $250 $100 $50 $25 Other $_______________
I would like my donation to be used in the following area: _______________________________________________.
Donations can be made on-line at, by phone at (859)255-1848 ext 136 or send
checks payable to Phi Gamma Delta - Rho Phi to: Rho Phi Chapter/Rose Hulman Donations, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY
40544 and include this form.
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Winter 2013 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman. This newsletter is eight pages.