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2013 Winter Newsletter Mu Upsilon (Miami University)
Winter 2013 newsletter of the Mu Upsilon chapter at Miami University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Mu Upsilon
Miami University
2013 Winter Newsletter Mu Upsilon (Miami University)
A New Year, Limitless Possibilities
Brothers look back on a successful 2013 and push for
continued improvement in 2014
As we move through the winter months and
the new spring semester, we take a look
back at what has been a successful year and
look forward to a promising future. The
heart of the brother of the Mu Upsilon
chapter has truly been put to the test over the
past year following the loss of our home at
130 East High.
Since the tragedy, the brothers have been
operating and thriving out of the formerly
vacant Sigma Chi house, rented to us until
the completion of our new home. The
fraternity’s goals to better itself in all facets
of the organization have not been shaken
however; and substantial progress in being
made, exhibiting the persistence we all pride
ourselves on.
We are currently in the process of
continuing to build a
graduate/undergraduate network and we
need all of your help! If you have
changed residency or are planning to
move, please let us know where we can
contact you. In the future we would like
to increase the number of events we
have planned for grad-relations in
addition to Pig Dinner. Also, if you
could please provide information about
your profession, as we would like to
create a communication chain for
brother in the same areas of
study/profession. Please relay
communication to our Corresponding
Secretary (Andrew Karle). Contact
information will be provided at the end
of this publication.
Thank You!
This success has amplified a push back to
Greek excellence. New brothers are eager to
positively influence the chapter and bring
prosperity into the future. Between all of the
recent successes, the displayed enthusiasm,
and the promising future, it’s hard to contain
the excitement we have for this chapter.
Page 1
Page 1………………………………...Status of the Chapter
Page 2,3…………………………………State of the House
Page 3…………………………………………Philanthropy
Page 4………………………………………….Recruitment
Page 5……………………………..57th Annual PIG Dinner
Page 6,7…………………………..Letter from the President
Page 7………………………………..Like us on Facebook!
Page 8………...………….Thanks Grads! And Contact Info
We regret to inform you that early on
Saturday morning, May 25th 2013, 130 E.
High Street was lost to a massive house fire,
which has since been declared an act of
arson. Though losing the house was an
absolute tragedy, we can only be grateful
that no one was injured. There is still an
ongoing investigation surrounding the event
and we hope that it concludes soon, giving
the chapter it’s much desired closure.
We are in need of funds and will be
fundraising for
renovations/projects. Any donations
are greatly appreciated.
Thank You!
Since the incident we have made great
progress towards making a full recovery. To
start, we have secured temporary
arrangements for a chapter house located at
401 East Sycamore St. It is our intention to
occupy this property and operate as business
as usual until we are able to move back to
Page 2
With the rebuild process comes a lot of
exciting news as well. The city of Oxford
has approved 130 E. High as a historical
building allowing us to keep the façade of
the old building and rebuild the rest.
Additional space will be added to the West
end of the building extending it to within a
few feet of Dubois Bookstore. This
supplemental space will allow for an
additional family, social/gathering space and
beneath will be an official chapter room in
the basement.
The new house will accommodate around 40
brothers, most being able to live in either
single or double rooms. The house will also
feature a fully functional kitchen allowing
for an in house meal service. Our chapter
hopes to see the first group of brothers move
back in the fall of 2015 and we are excited
about the great opportunities to come with
these new beginnings.
The newly elected philanthropy chairs have
been hard at work this past semester
organizing and planning yet another great
series of charitable events. The project that
highlights the efforts of the committee the
most this fall would be the Canned Food
drive the brothers put on in unison with the
Sigma Pi fraternity
It was truly a pleasure to be able to reach
across the table and work with another
proud group of men to do good for the
community. Students all over campus,
Greek and non-Greek, helped in the success
of the campaign, donating generously to the
cause. Thanks to everyone’s fine efforts we
were able to collect over 800 pounds of
canned goods to help make the
Thanksgiving holiday more accessible and
more enjoyable for the needy families of
We are very pleased to have three strong and
active brothers at the helm of our
philanthropic branch and are very eager to
see what new, innovative tactics these men
can use to help lead the Mu Upsilon chapter
in giving back to the community which has
given us so much.
Philanthropy Chairs
Brian Ballard (Left)
Teddy Wellington (Middle)
Drake Powers (Right)
Page 3
Coming off another strong year on campus,
Phi Gamma Delta is anxious to continue the
strong efforts put forth by the upper
classmen in last year’s rush. It was clear
from the get go that incoming freshmen
were eager to see what the FIJI brothers
were all about.
Our first recruitment event was the, now
annual, Phi Gamma Delta Fall Recruitment
Cookout, which has been a hit since it was
first implemented. We were pleased with the
event, drawing over one hundred freshmen
in attendance and the feedback we received
remained positive. They had a chance to
take tours throughout the house and enjoy
burgers cook on the grill. Overall we believe
the freshmen, as well as the brothers of Phi
Gamma Delta, had a great experience
getting to know each other.
Greek Mega Fair sustained the excitement
for upcoming rush in the spring semester.
Students displayed more enthusiasm by
introducing themselves and expressing their
interest in the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity.
Our whole chapter has put in the work and it
has surely paid off as we are pleased to
announce that 38 great gentlemen, with a
cumulative 3.22 GPA, have accepted bids
and are currently pledging. Among the class
are Honor Students and Varsity Athletes
alike. Most importantly however, they are
men whose values coincide with that of the
Phi Gam’s and they exemplify exactly the
men we hope to become valuable new
members of the Mu Upsilon Chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta.
Recruitment Chair
Nate Flahive
Not pictured:
Mark Bennett, Kyle Sheahan
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PIG Dinner 2014: 57th Reunion
This New Year will mark the 57th anniversary of the founding of the Mu Upsilon
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. We hope that all Graduate brothers can return to the end
of the slant for the 57th annual Big Pig Dinner on April 26th, 2013!
This is your chance to return to beautiful Oxford this spring to experience the fun and
brotherhood that we all know and love! The festivities will begin on Friday, April 25th
and conclude on April 27th. Feel free to come a night early (Thursday night, April 24th)
to stop by the house and speak with current brothers etc., while later a dinner at Mac
N’ Joe’s is planned. On Friday the 25th, we will be having cocktails with the members
of the Porch Club at the Elms Hotel in Oxford. The Pig Dinner will be held on the
night of Saturday, April 26th at the Elms.
In 2007, over 500 graduate brothers attended this great event, a number that stands as
the record for our international fraternity. We plan on beating that mark this year. We
hope that through a successful Pig Dinner we not only will generate donations to go
towards the rebuilding of our 130 E. High home & the betterment of the chapter, but
also to spark stronger relationships through networking between both Grads and
Undergrad brothers.
Most of our activities will take place right at the Elms so you might want to book your
rooms now if you would like to stay in the hotel. We have a black of 50 rooms reserved
under “Phi Gamma Delta” so all you have to do is call the hotel direct at 513-524-202
and tell them you are with the PGD group and they will take excellent care of you.
Finally, we encourage all Grads to visit the official website of the Mu Upsilon FIJI
Brotherhood,, to get in contact with their classmates
via LinkedIn, and to join the group “Mu Upsilon of Phi Gamma Delta”. Also don’t
forget to like our Facebook page “Phi Gamma Delta Mu Upsilon Chapter – Miami
Come join our brothers for what promises to be a memorable weekend!
Corresponding Secretary
Andrew Karle (left)
Strategy Manager and Pig Dinner Chair
Jack Onulak (right)
Page 5
Letter from the President
My name is Andrew Bell and I am the new Chapter President of Mu Upsilon. I am very grateful to be
given this opportunity to leave a lasting impact on this chapter as I believe in the positive influence the
values and brotherhood of Phi Gamma Delta adds to the individual and the Oxford community. Certainly
this past year has proven to be one of the most trying times for Mu Upsilon, losing our house to a fire,
but I am proud to say that this chapter fully exemplifies the saying “what does not kill you makes you
stronger”. I have truly been inspired by efforts of both our alumni and undergraduate members to
battle through adversity and ensure that Phi Gamma Delta remains as a top performing fraternity on
Miami University’s campus.
We closed out 2013 with many great successes to look back on and appreciate as FIJI at Miami
University continues to become stronger and grow as an organization. In the spring we initiated one of
the largest pledge classes in recent history, welcoming 30 new brothers to the Chapter. In April, we
enjoyed our alumni returning for a weekend of reminiscing and brotherhood at our 56th Pig Dinner. We
then closed out the semester by hosting two philanthropies. Monday Night Football, a flag football
tournament with Alpha Chi Omega Sorority and Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity and Kappa dog night, where we
sold hot dogs with Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Both raised funds for a Cleveland based ALS research
foundation called Bright Side of the Road.
Coming back for Fall semester our chapter was determined to return without missing a beat ensuring
that losing our house would not hinder the great momentum of our past successes. Through the tireless
efforts of many brothers, we were able to secure a provisional chapter house under an extremely short
timeline allowing for 30 men to move into our temporary “home base”. FIJI continued into the semester
with a strong presence in the Greek and Oxford Community participating in Greek Week, and hosting a
canned food drive with Sigma Pi Fraternity. Bobby Bodner, a junior FIJI who is also heavily involved with
Nourish International, actively recruited many brothers to participate in a 5k obstacle course that helped
raise money to eradicate poverty globally.
Though temporarily losing 130 may have knocked us down, I am 100 percent confident that FIJI is poised
to take advantage of all the great opportunities at our hands. This is mainly because I believe we have
strong talent in our younger and new members. In November, we elected a fresh executive board
consisting of myself, Eric Eschliman (Treasurer), Matt Smith (Recording Secretary), Andrew Karle
(Corresponding Secretary), and Ian Huron (Historian). I am fully confident that these individuals have the
drive and desire to see FIJI continue to be successful at Miami University.
Looking back on 2013 I am extremely fulfilled by what has been accomplished by our brothers. I see
great direction in the chapter and I am delighted to see each brother step up and do his part. This spring
we look forward to initiating another strong pledge with the aspirations to continue to advance FIJI at
Miami University, as well as the celebration of our fraternity at the 57th Pig Dinner in April.
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On behalf of the brothers of Mu Upsilon Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, I thank you for all the dedication
and support and I hope to see you in Oxford this spring!
Andrew M. Bell
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\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
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Winter 2013 newsletter of the Mu Upsilon chapter at Miami University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.