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2014 Fall Newsletter Tau Deuteron (University of Texas)
Fall 2014 newsletter of the Tau Deuteron chapter at the University of Texas. This newsletter is eight pages.
Date/Date Range:
Tau Deuteron
University of Texas
2014 Fall Newsletter Tau Deuteron (University of Texas)
The Longhorn Fiji–The University of Texas at Austin
Established 1883
Fall 2014
Last Chance to Join in This Historic Campaign
he campaign for Texas Fiji is drawing to a close! We have raised $5.34
million toward our $5.5 million fundraising goal. Due to the support
of numerous graduates, parents, and friends, the new addition is completed
and is spectacular.
As we look back over the past three years as Texas Fiji’s capital campaign
chairmen, we have been not only impressed but inspired by the tireless
work of our BCA, House Corporation, and campaign board. Coupled with
that was the dedication and financial support of our graduates and undergraduates to secure a sound and safe fraternity house for members to live in
during their college years. Truly, without the loyal support of our members
who contributed dollars early on, the new addition wouldn’t be possible.
So, to the 30% of our membership that has already contributed or pledged
to the capital campaign, we extend a hearty thank-you!
Though Construction Complete, Need to Reach $5.5 Million
A major accomplishment has been achieved in this new addition thanks to
your contributions. While we surely have one of the nicest Greek facilities
at Texas—if not the nicest, we want to ensure the Chapter maintains its success with the new addition and the overall facility. We cannot maintain our
home if we do not have the finances in place to carry day-to-day operating
costs and provide for our active Chapter.
Your Support Still Necessary
Pledges are still needed to cover the entire project cost. For those of you
who have given generously, you have made our success possible. If you
are able, please consider extending that pledge another year or making an
additional contribution. For those of you who have not given, we appreciate
any amount you feel you can give toward this massive project. Every dollar
counts to help us complete our minimum fundraising goal of $5.5 million.
Less Than $200,000 Left to Fundraise
We have less than $200,000 to go! The campaign is ending December 31, 2014.
(Continued on page 2)
Texas Fiji New Addition Dedication
Saturday, November 8
Please join your Texas Fiji brothers, both alumni and active, for the dedication of our new addition.
This coincides with Homecoming and the Texas vs. West Virginia game.
Beginning three hours before kickoff, we will host a dedication ceremony prior to the pre-game tailgate.
Make plans to attend this momentous occasion. We look forward to seeing you!
Make a pledge to the campaign today! Use the enclosed pledge form or use
our convenient and safe online giving form:
Phi Gamma Delta
New Addition Completed!
rothers, it is your leadership and service that allowed Texas Fiji to
open the new addition in September. We thank you for allowing us to
achieve this goal through your support of more than $5.34 million.
After another successful recruitment, the Chapter welcomed 54 new
members from 16 different cities. By adding 22 rooms in the new addition,
each pledge class is now able to live together at the Chapter House their
junior year.
The new addition will also have ample room for events, study halls, and
parties, which will take significant traffic and pressure off Buen Retiro.
Plans are being developed for a much-needed remodel and facelift of Buen
Retiro to start next summer. Your support is needed in this final phase. If
you are able, please considering making a gift using the enclosed form.
Marshall Merritt ’79 stepped down as president of the Board of Chapter
Advisors (BCA) in August. Marshall will continue to be involved in
various capacities and deserves a hardy well done for his valiant efforts
and significant accomplishments. We are thankful to Marshall and all the
members of the BCA for their tireless work and wise counsel.
The BCA will continue its alumni tailgates this season. Join us two hours
before each home game and reconnect with your Texas Fiji brothers.
However, please note that we will not host tailgates before 11 a.m. games
or the Thanksgiving game. Finally, everyone is invited to the unveiling and
dedication of the new addition on November 8. We hope to see you there!
Tom W. Shirley ’78
BCA President
(Continued from page 1)
Time is almost up in helping out with this campaign. All donors pledging at
least $2,500 by December 31 will see their names on a permanent plaque displayed in the new addition. Remember, we have a five-year pledge program to
stretch your gift to its full potential. Many of our Texas Fiji brothers have used
this program to make a larger gift. Use the pledge form enclosed to make your
gift or use our online giving form:
Thank you for your support. Please come
to the Chapter House this fall to see
your dollars at work. And make
plans to attend the Chapter House
dedication on November 8.
Campaign Chairmen
Bobby Orr PC ’75
(832) 428-8595
Kevin R. Snodgrass PC ’78
(713) 254-1315
a pledge to the
campaign today!
Use the enclosed pledge
form or use our convenient
and safe online giving
form: http://texasfiji.
Alumni Support Needed for Final Phase
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hank you to the following Texas Fiji brothers and friends for
committing $5,341,762 to the Texas Fiji: Not for College Days
Alone campaign. These donors recognize the importance of ensuring
the future of Texas Fiji and have demonstrated a sense of gratitude for
their personal experience.
Commitments are still needed from the rest of our alumni to achieve
our goal and complete this major project. All supporters of the project
pledging $2,500 and above will be recognized on a prominently
displayed plaque. All donors contributing $1,000 or more to the
campaign will be recognized in campaign publications. If an error has
been made in recording your gift, or your name has been mistakenly
omitted or listed improperly, we sincerely apologize. Please advise
our campaign coordinator at (785) 843-1661 so we can make the
correction. Thank you to those who have made a commitment!
Buen Retiro Society
($250,000 and above)
In honor of the
Pledge Class of 1970
1883 Founders Society
($100,000 to $249,999)
In honor of the
Pledge Class of 1974
The Waltmon Family
DeWitt Waltmon Sr. PC ’45
DeWitt Waltmon Jr. PC ’76
Scott M. Waltmon PC ’83
Austin Waltmon PC ’11
Jeff Heller PC ’58
The Young Family
John H. Young PC ’61
John R. Young PC ’87
David A. Ott PC ’64
Robert Canon PC ’72
The Blonkvist Family
Timothy B. Blonkvist PC ’75
Brady Blonkvist PC ’10
Robert C. Orr Jr. PC ’75
The Butter Family
Zane R. Butter PC ’81
Z.B. Butter PC ’10
Undergraduate Chapter
Black Diamond Society
($50,000 to $99,999)
The McCaig Family
Robert McCaig PC ’50
R. Shain McCaig Jr. PC ’78
Lindsay McCaig PC ’81
M. Shannon McCaig PC ’82
The Walker Family
Jim W. Walker PC ’54
Reid Walker PC ’86
Patrick P. Walker PC ’90
Scott Petty Jr. PC ’55
Jon Brumley PC ’57
C. Preston Butcher PC ’57
Bruce Hill PC ’73
M. Spencer Rigney PC ’76
Gary Schneider PC ’78
Shepherd 5 Points
Family Foundation
Eugene B. Shepherd PC ’78
The Snodgrass Family
Kevin R. Snodgrass PC ’78
Kevin T. Snodgrass PC ’10
Rob Walls PC ’78
The Towns Family
Thomas Keller Towns PC ’79
Thomas Keller Towns Jr. PC ’12
Bob Butchofsky PC ’80
Karl Rathjen PC ’82
Lee Jacobe PC ’86
Grady W. Roberts PC ’85
Mayes Middleton PC ’00
White Star Society
($25,000 to $49,999)
The King/Kinney Family
William G. Kinney II PC ’40
William G. Kinney III PC ’72
Stephen W. Kinney PC ’74
D. Craig Kinney PC ’76
Duane H. King PC ’79
David R. King PC ’83
Benjamin K. Kinney PC ’88
The Northington Family
Robert H. Northington PC ’48
R. Charlie Northington PC ’75
Robert C. Northington II PC ’03
The Fordtran/Stone Family
John S. Fordtran PC ’49
R. Bryan Stone PC ’76
William T. Teten PC ’03
Andrew John Stone PC ’08
The Coffee Family
Robert F. Coffee PC ’52
Roy C. Coffee Jr. PC ’55
Roy C. Coffee III PC ’82
\r\n3 Page 3
Texas Fiji
Join Your Brothers on This List by December 31
The Fraser Family
Charles D. Fraser PC ’52
Dr. Charles D. Fraser Jr. PC ’76
A. Duncan Fraser PC ’82
Charles D. Fraser III PC ’07
Curtis W. Mewbourne,
Oklahoma PC ’53
In honor of
Cameron W. Cuenod PC ’09
The Black Family
James M. Black PC ’60
William E. Black PC ’69
Robert F. Black PC ’72
John M. Black PC ’90
J. Benjamin Black PC ’03
William E. Chiles PC ’67
The Duncan Family
Vance C. Duncan PC ’70
Harrison Duncan PC ’12
Porter Farrell II PC ’73
In memory of
George J. and Margaret R. Farrell
David Lumpkins PC ’73
Larry McAfee PC ’73
Kyle R. Burnett PC ’76 Family
The Campbell Family
William J. Campbell PC ’76
William J. Campbell Jr. PC ’10
Andrew D. Campbell PC ’12
Ross M. Davis PC ’76
The Hudnall Family
Clayton H. Hudnall PC ’76
Clark C. Hudnall PC ’10
The Hickey Family
Jeff L. Hickey PC ’77
Russell C. Hickey PC ’10
James P. McGinnis PC ’78
In honor of the
1978 Pledge Class
The Rasmussen Family
Hal J. Rasmussen PC ’77
Christopher Rasmussen PC ’10
The Uhl Family
Arthur G. Uhl III PC ’77
James Uhl PC ’11
Robert T. Ray PC ’78
The Grimes Family
D. Link Grimes PC ’79
Nelson Link Grimes PC ’11
The Merritt Family
Marshall Merritt PC ’79
Will Merritt PC ’10
John D. Harkey Jr. PC ’80
In honor of
John D. Harkey Sr.
Richard A. Beeler PC ’81
James M. Nakfoor PC ’82
William T. Griffin Jr. PC ’83
The McLaughlin Family
Matt McLaughlin PC ’83
Stuart McLaughlin PC ’12
The Rochelle Family
Jeff Rochelle PC ’83
Thomas Rochelle PC ’12
Randall Mays PC ’84
Michael U. Ellington Jr. PC ’86
Jeffrey M. Jacobe PC ’90
Mark W. Muecke PC ’97
In memory of
Jackson Dudley ’97
The Roche Family
David Roche, Sewanee
Campbell Roche PC ’04
Jackson Roche PC ’08
The Doggett Family
Leslie Doggett
William Doggett Jr. PC ’05
Robert and Marcy Duncan Family
John Duncan PC ’08
William Duncan PC ’10
Thomas Duncan PC ’11
David Duncan PC ’13
Bill and Karen Case
In honor of
William Case Jr. PC ’11 and
James Robert Case PC ’13
Purple Owl Society
($10,000 to $24,999)
The Fowler Family
Dudley Fowler PC ’48
Bill Fowler PC ’73
Will Fowler PC ’03
Fred W. Patterson PC ’48
In memory of
Thomas V. Patterson, M.D. PC ’38
Robert T. “Sonny” Davis PC ’48
Judd Miller Jr. PC ’51
In memory of
Judd Miller PC ’25 and
Dale Miller PC ’27
In honor of
Roy Miller PC ’57
Bradley A. Fowler PC ’52
Delano Womack PC ’52
Lee Caldwell PC ’53
Robert M. Davenport PC ’53
Don M. Shine PC ’55
Fred W. Middleton PC ’56
James F. Mason PC ’57
In memory of
Joey Funk PC ’57
The Oliver Family
Thomas W. Oliver PC ’57
Thomas W. Oliver Jr. PC ’90
The Willerson Family
Dr. Jim Willerson PC ’57
Dr. Darrell Willerson PC ’59
Lon P. Carpenter PC ’58
Jodie Thompson Jr. PC ’58
The Stewart Family
Tommy Stewart PC ’59
Tom Stewart PC ’83
Michael Stewart PC ’86
Jeff Stewart PC ’14
The McCuistion/Wombwell Family
James H. McCuistion PC ’59
Stewart Wombwell PC ’13
Ernest H. Cockrell PC ’63
Al Thaggard PC ’65
Roger C. Letz PC ’71
In memory of
Paul Bradley PC ’71
The Pearce Family
Stephen M. Pearce PC ’71
Jonathan M. Pearce PC ’01
Taylor Y. Pearce PC ’03
Amanda Beck Foster
In memory of
Alec Beck PC ’74
The Finklea Family
William L. Finklea PC ’74
Larry L. Finklea PC ’76
J. McCurdy Cardwell PC ’09
David A. McAllister PC ’74
Kent Collins PC ’75
Gary McClure PC ’76
In honor of
Those Who Follow
Cecily and Thomas E.
Rodman Jr. PC ’76
Howard Bagby Jr. PC ’77
In memory of
Louie Schreiner PC ’77
John W. Elliott PC ’77
Thomas W. Robinson Jr. PC ’77
Bryan C. Campbell PC ’78
The Howard Family
Jeffrey A. Howard PC ’78
Hank Howard PC ’13
The Kuni Family
Douglas W. Kuni PC ’78
Kelly Kuni PC ’11
The Rodman Family
Jim Rodman PC ’78
Chris Rodman PC ’10
Steven D. Arnold PC ’79
Jeffrey C. Bailey PC ’79
Craig A. Bailey PC ’82
In memory of
Carson Alfred Bailey Jr. PC ’53
Drew Greene PC ’79
Randy Petersen PC ’79
John R. Rutherford PC ’79
Charlie Shears PC ’79
J. Marshall Adkins PC ’80
In memory of
Ted Westmoreland PC ’80
John N. McIntyre PC ’79
Craig A. Reid PC ’80
Ron D. Willis PC ’80
Michael V. O’Shell PC ’84
Doug Wall PC ’85
The Oldham Family
Steve Oldham PC ’87
Michael K. Oldham PC 89
Jason H. Downie PC ’88
Michael D. Grigsby PC ’88
Brian P. McCabe PC ’88
As of October 13, 2014
$5.5 Million
Fundraising Goal
Total Contributions
681 Contributors
1,987 Mailable Alumni
Edward Fisher PC ’92
Ryan D. Moss PC ’92
Ryan Wald PC ’93
The Families of
Scott Carr PC ’94 and
Zach Dorflinger PC ’11
In honor of
Their Pledge Classes
The Musselman Brothers
J. B. Musselman Jr. PC ’98
George A. Musselman II PC ’04
M. Allen Roberts Jr. PC ’02
The Finnegan Family
Nick Finnegan PC ’04
Scotty Finnegan PC ’12
The Williamson Family
J. Bryan and Susan Williamson
Brant Williamson PC ’09
Matt Williamson PC ’11
Scott A. Bayley
In honor of
Nicholas Graham Bayley PC ’11 and
Scott Adam Bayley PC ’13
Jack and Ruth Gay
In honor of
Steven Gay PC ’11
Larry and Sarah West
Dillon West PC ’11
Harrison West PC ’13
300 W. 27th Street Society
($5,000 to $9,999)
Robert W. Pratt Jr. PC ’48
Marshall T. Clegg PC ’49
Capt. Robert P. Fowler PC ’51
USNR (ret.)
In memory of
Jerry Burton PC ’51
The Robertson Family
Robert J. Robertson PC ’55
June Robertson
(Continued on page 4)
Phi Gamma Delta
(Continued from page 3)
Wukasch Foundation
Don C. Wukasch, M.D. PC ’55
Barry C. Wukasch, Ph.D. PC ’57
The Paddock Family
Bill Paddock PC ’57
Bob Paddock PC ’62
Davis Paddock PC ’90
Richard Paddock PC ’91
Jack D. Holford PC ’59
Wilson K. Mason PC ’60
Fain McDougal PC ’60
Michael A. Reilly PC ’67
Jeff and Amie Springmeyer
In honor of
Leigh Ellis III PC ’68 and
Ryan Springmeyer PC ’02
James L. Geary PC ’68
In memory of
Gary W. Whitworth PC ’68
The Head Family
Steve Head PC ’68
Scott Head PC ’98
Edward E. Stocker Jr. PC ’70
In memory of
Bobby Ratliff PC ’69
John C. Thomas PC ’69
Peter Barbour PC ’71
In memory of
Paul Bradley PC ’71
Frank Haughton Jr. PC ’72
The Thornton Family
Mark Thornton, M.D. PC ’72
Taylor Thornton PC ’11
Tom Cordell PC ’73
In memory of
Bobby Ratliff PC ’69 and
Bill Rudd PC ’71
Jay K. Turner PC ’73
Brian D. Barnard PC ’74
The Tobin Family
Patrick B. Tobin PC ’74
Thomas Tobin PC ’13
Scot D. Northern PC ’75
Kirk Wiginton PC ’75
Glen J. Ellis Jr. PC ’76
Paul C. Peters Jr. PC ’76
Jeff Webb PC ’76
Christopher P. Renaud PC ’77
Brian K. Gammill PC ’78
T. Grant Johnson PC ’78
Tim Morby PC ’78
The Scott Family
Louis A. Scott Jr. PC ’47
L. Allen Scott III PC ’78
The Shirley Family
Tom W. Shirley PC ’78
T. Walker Shirley Jr. PC ’13
Evan Williams PC ’78
Michael L. Calhoun PC ’79
Michael Kearns PC ’79 and Family
Brian T. McLaughlin PC ’79
Britt Smith PC ’79
Jeffrey J. Williams PC ’79
Mark C. Winter PC ’79
Douglas A. Dawson PC ’80
Ross T. Eastman PC ’80
Joe Merritt PC ’81
E. C. Fellbaum PC ’82
The Roberts Family
Rick Roberts PC ’82
Ford Roberts PC ’12
James L. Donnell Jr. PC ’83
The Duke Family
David J. Duke PC ’84
Will Duke PC ’13
Ellecia and Edmund Knolle PC ’84
Fred C. Kennedy PC ’85
John C. Nelson PC ’86
The Embrey Family
Ty Embrey PC ’90
Doak Embrey PC ’92
In memory of
Tully Embrey PC ’61
Laurens Fish III PC ’90
Michael M. Dellinger PC ’91
The Holcomb Family
Brandon K. Holcomb PC ’92
Blake F. Holcomb PC ’98
Jack Nelson PC ’94
Brian D. Cannon PC ’95
Robb Parks PC ’95
Michael Anderson PC ’97
In memory of
Jerry P. Dehlinger PC ’58
W. Daniel Meyer PC ’00
Matt T. Muecke PC ’00
Ryan Strawn PC ’00
William J. O’Brien IV PC ’02
S. Hamilton Madden PC ’03
Leonard W. Edwards II PC ’05
In honor of the
Pledge Class of 2005
Warren R. Williamson Jr. PC ’05
Eric and Teri Chang‑Tung
In honor of the
2010 and 2013 Pledge Classes
Thomas E. Smith Sr.
In honor of
Thomas E. Smith Jr. PC ’10
Tom and Jenny Fitzpatrick
In honor of
Charlie Fitzpatrick PC ’11
The Howden Family
In honor of
Spence Howden PC ’11
Cynthia and John Adkins
In honor of
John Adkins Jr. PC ’12
Gregory and Laura Jeckovich
In honor of
William Jeckovich PC ’12
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Moldawer
In honor of
Matthew S. Moldawer PC ’12
John and Allyson Pellegrin
In honor of
Jack Pellegrin PC ’12
R. Conrad Bernard
In honor of
Robert Bernard PC ’13
Charlie Giammalva III PC ’13
The Moore Family
Andrew L. Moore
Paxton Moore PC ’13
James and Healther Mulvihill
In honor of
Tucker Mulvihill PC ’13
Tau Deuteron Society
($2,500 to $4,999)
The Greenfield Family
Eric V. Greenfield,
Colgate PC 1901
Eric S. Greenfield PC ’51
Carlyle Greenfield PC ’82
Aubrey “Ace” Black PC ’46
In memory of
Blackie Dahlberg PC ’42 and
Steve Schneider PC ’42
The Nelson Family
Joe P. Nelson PC ’46
Skipper Nelson PC ’71
Rick Nelson PC ’74
Mike Nelson PC ’76
Charles M. Berkey PC ’47
In memory of
Charles Parker PC ’40 and
Charles Sowell PC ’48
Charles W. Bolin PC ’48
C. Daniel Jones PC ’49
In honor of
Fiji Brothers who served in the
armed forces during war time
Sam Crowther PC ’52
Pledge Class of 1954
In memory of
Tom Arnhold
John Dell Brasher
Walter Fondren
Buddy Frick
Bill Fullingim
Horace Greenstreet
Dan Hilliard
Gene Holmgreen
Don Hugus
Werner Rennert
Jim Walker
Jim Welch
Herb Hamilton PC ’54
Marc H. Stewart PC ’54
Peter Buenz PC ’55
Frank B. Jones Jr. PC ’55
The McNeill Family
William A. McNeill PC ’55
William G. McNeill PC ’91
In memory of
Mary “Mom” Pryor
Arlis B. Parkhurst PC ’55
William R. Weaver MD PC ’55
In memory of
Jerry P. Dehlinger PC ’58 and
Joe E. Funk PC ’57
Chancy Croft PC ’56
In memory of
Rex Greenstreet PC ’55
Walter S. Fortney III PC ’58
In honor of the
Spring Pledge Class of 1958
T.J. Jarrett PC ’58
In memory of
Ed Jarrett
Ed H. Esquivel PC ’59
E. Wayne Ray Jr. PC ’59
The Hall Family
Laurens A. “Larry” Hall PC ’60
Grant A. Hall PC ’89
Robert A. “Bob” Spears PC ’60
In memory of
Richard Lewis PC ’60
The Graham Family
Bert Graham PC ’61
Silas Graham PC ’94
Will Graham PC ’96
In memory of
Glenn Graham PC ’63
Thomas O. Harbison PC ’61
Roy A. Herberger PC ’61
In memory of
Dan Prescott PC ’63
Michael R. Boxwell PC ’62
The Smith Family
David P. Smith PC ’62
Patrick O. Smith PC ’92
David Herndon PC ’65
David M. Oliver PC ’65
G. Douglas Wiley PC ’65
John T. Fenoglio PC ’66
Robert H. Sewell PC ’66
Stephen T. Matthews PC ’67
James A. Boone PC ’68
Mark M. Connally PC ’70
Ras Redwine PC ’71
In memory of
Paul Bradley PC ’71
Campbell Patton PC ’72
The Neff Family
John Neff PC ’73
Greg Neff PC ’04
In memory of
John E. “Jack” Neff Jr. PC ’42
The Vance Family
John T. Vance PC ’74
J. Cullen Vance PC ’07
John Jett PC ’75
Sonny Anderson PC ’76
In memory of
Bill Anderson
James H. Hodge PC ’76
Dan McElroy PC ’76
Brent Ratliff PC ’76
Texas Fiji
Texas Fiji Capital Campaign by the Numbers
Join Today!
e have been fascinated with numbers during this campaign. Some
in recognition of your leadership gift to this campaign. Pledges may be
numbers you have seen before, such as our $5.5 million
spread over a five-year period to help maximize your support.
campaign goal and the more than $5.34 million we’ve raised
While cash in hand is very important, so is cash flow over the
to date. Others are interesting facts recently learned. Your
next several years. Pledges are just as important in their
Be a part
campaign chairmen thought they would share some of
own way.
these fun figures of the campaign.
of these num g the
98%: The percentage of all pledge classes with a living
that are imp as Fiji!
1,987: Active Texas Fiji alumni that we have a cur‑
member that have at least one donor.
rent mailing address for.
Send in yo
1954, 1955, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1983, 1989,
e enclosed
681: The number of generous alumni, undergradu‑
1992, 1994: The pledge classes with the highest giv‑
today. Use th
ates, parents, and friends who have donated to our
ing percentages. The pledge class of 1954 leads the way
pledge form
campaign. They comprise 586 graduates, 40 under‑
with more than 81% of members giving to the cam‑
give online a
graduates, 38 parents, and 17 friends. Not to mention
paign. Congratulations! Help your class increase its giving
the undergraduate chapter as a whole pledged $100,000
participation. A gift at any level will make an impact!
of their own money.
Below are the top three classes in each decade with the highest
$5,341,762: The amount donors have given to the campaign. Remem‑
participation thus far. Do your part today with a pledge and honor
ber, pledges of $2,500 and above will receive recognition on a donor plaque your class’s legacy!
in the new addition. Also, additional pledges over $25,000 can now be
100% tax deductible through the Phi Gamma Delta Foundation. All other
pledges to the Purple Owl House Corporation, though not tax deductible,
are greatly needed to minimize the debt on this project. If you haven’t
given, the time is now. If you have, consider an additional pledge and in‑
crease your overall giving.
$3,425,703: The amount of pledges already paid. To help with cash flow
for construction, a lot of donors paid their pledge early or front-loaded their
pledge to help even more. If you are one of these donors, we sincerely thank
you! If you are not, consider completing your pledge prior to December
31, 2014.
$7,844: The average gift size to this campaign. Many donors have felt this
is a very worthwhile campaign, much needed for Texas Fiji. Many know
the $2,500 threshold to get onto the donor plaque but feel their experience
was worth far more than that.
Mark L. Burleson PC ’84
Tavo Hellmund PC ’85
Paul A. Schweizer PC ’85
Bart Boxwell PC ’86
Stewart C. Black PC ’87
Peter Blomquist PC ’87
Robert L. Rogers ’87
Albert M. Gutierrez Jr. ’88
In memory of
Scott A. Turner PC ’88
Joseph B. Knauth Jr. PC ’88
Trey Chambers PC ’89
J. McCartt PC ’89
In memory of
Justin Gifford PC ’89
M. Scott Norman Jr. PC ’89
The Taaffe Family
Peter Taaffe PC ’89
Ryan Taaffe PC ’93
Brett Taaffe PC ’95
$41.67: Dollars per month for five years (a total of $2,500) to have your
name on a prominent, permanently displayed plaque in the chapter house,
The Beckham Family
John Beckham PC ’77
Rob Beckham PC ’82
The Hopper Family
Bart Hopper PC ’77
Chase Hopper PC ’06
Steven B. Johnson PC ’77
Scott Ramsey PC ’77
Bradley R. Dawson PC ’78
Kirk W. Boswell PC ’79
William B. Kingman PC ’79
Richard F. McCaleb PC ’79
Tom Rachal PC ’79
Bo Huggins PC ’81
Les Kilday PC ’81
George W. Graham PC ’83
Jay Henson PC ’83
In honor of
John Henson
Trace Shappell PC ’83
Curtis T. Hutcheson PC ’90
Doak Story PC ’90
Kirk Tucker PC ’90
In memory of
Chad McLaughlin PC ’90
Paul Cohen PC ’91
Matthew S. Daly PC ’91
Jeff Montgomery PC ’91
William H. Marsh PC ’92
Ben H. Montgomery PC ’92
Gantt H. Walton PC ’92
Chad R. Dickson PC ’93
John M. True PC ’93
David Anderson PC ’94
Robert A. Dullnig PC ’94
Michael Fertita PC ’94
The Wright Family
Stayton Wright PC ’94
Spence Wright PC ’96
Steve D. Aycock PC ’95
Ross R. Bates PC ’95
James Murchison PC ’95
Richard Barber PC ’96
Josh L. Galatzan PC ’96
Ben Bufkin PC ’97
William R. Henson PC ’97
John P. Hutcheson Jr. PC ’97
Brian R. Lent PC ’97
Chad L. Mabry PC ’97
James F. Mason Jr. PC ’97
Cullen B. Kappler PC ’98
Corbin Chaffin PC ’99
Daniel G. Zoch PC ’99
Willis A. Fawcett IV PC ’00
Joe W. Fly III PC ’00
In memory of his
Loving Grandparents
Rogan B. Giles III PC ’00
Tucker Hughes PC ’00
(Continued on page 6)
Phi Gamma Delta
(Continued from page 5)
Colin M. McConnell PC ’00
Parker P. Polan PC ’00
Will Rogers PC ’00
Will Walters PC ’00
Chandler Quisenberry PC ’02
W. Ryan Springmeyer PC ’02
Justin L. Cole PC ’03
Max O. Reinbach III PC ’03
Max Stubbs PC ’03
Robert B. Wooten PC ’03
Thomas S. Allen III PC ’04
Evan M. Ketabchi PC ’04
Spencer Branch PC ’07
The Schreiner Family
Griffin Schreiner PC ’08
Bobby Schreiner PC 10
Luke Schreiner PC ’12
In memory of
Louis A. Schreiner II PC ’77
Claudia and Gregg Laswell
In honor of
Nelson Laswell PC ’09
Jim and Brooksie Braden
In honor of
Brooks Braden PC ’10
Robert Ehrlich III PC ’10
Alex Perkins PC ’10
Jonathan N. Thompson PC ’10
The Marlow Family
In honor of
Cole Marlow PC ’11 and
Christopher Marlow PC ’14
The Thurmund Family
In honor of
Carter Thurmund PC ’11
The Arthur Family
Jay and Deirdre Arthur
Keller E. Arthur PC ’12
Paul and Jennifer Gregory
In honor of
Ryan Gregory PC ’12
Braxton Pratt PC ’12
Dan Strodel
In honor of
Ben Strodel PC ’12
Eltife Family Gift
Kevin Eltife
Jack Eltife PC ’13
Mike and Leah Hale Family
In honor of the
2013 Pledge Class
Brantley C. Harrington PC ’13
Danny Koudelka PC ’13
In memory of
Robert J. Koudelka
Lisa and Dennis Roossien
In honor of
Adam Roossien PC ’13
Jan and Bruce Saxon
In honor of
Henry Saxon PC ’13
The Stankey Family
John and Sharon Stankey
Bryan Stankey PC ’13
Willem Vanderstraaten PC ’13
John and Ann Woolridge
In honor of
Raleigh Woodridge PC ’13
Loyal Fiji Society
($1,000 to $2,499)
The Bailey Family
Carson Alfred Bailey PC ’27
Carson Alfred Bailey Jr. PC ’53
Doug Bailey PC ’69
Jeff Bailey PC ’79
Craig Bailey PC ’82
Robert R. Bridges PC ’40
Wm. G. “Billy” Dwyer PC ’40
William N. “Bill” Hamilton PC ’40
Howard W. Parker PC ’42
Dick O. Creamer, M.D. PC ’44
In memory of
Thomas F. Hogan, M.D. PC ’44 and
Charles H. Santelle PC ’44
Jack L. Phillips PC ’45
In honor of
Clay Abernathy PC ’68 and
Stephen Jack Mizer
Paul H. Smith PC ’45
Preston H. Dial Jr. PC ’47
In memory of
David Gardner PC ’46
Patrick H. Swearingen Jr. PC ’47
Basil E. Walker Jr. PC ’48
In memory of
R.C. Neely Jr. PC ’32
James A. Wood PC ’48
Dr. Fred W. Riley Jr. PC ’50
Joy B. Wilson
In memory of
Abner “Buddy” W. Wilson ’52
Roy E. Kimsey Jr. PC ’53
Frank Roddie PC ’53
David A. Rogers PC ’53
Dale Dowell PC ’54
In honor of the
1954 Pledge Class
Joe Gray, M.D. PC ’54
In memory of
Horace Greenstreet PC ’54
Larry L. Loyd PC ’54
In memory of
Gerald E. Veltmann PC ’38 and
David C. Bland PC ’32
James E. Suttle PC ’55
Bruce Shrake PC ’56
David O. Turner PC ’56
In honor of
Brad Fowler PC ’52,
1956 Pledge Trainer
Bill Brewer PC ’57
In honor of
Charley Brewer PC ’52 and
George Brewer
William I. Wyatt Jr. PC ’57
Jeff Hayes PC ’58
Jerry Peckham PC ’58
Tommy Wright PC ’58
In memory of
Jerry P. Dehlinger PC ’58 and
William H. Sides PC ’58
David F. Riley PC ’59
J. Currie Bechtol PC ’60
Ralph L. Arrell PC ’61
Daniel E. Jenkins III, M.D. PC ’64
Craig T. Scott PC ’64
Bill Nance PC ’66
In memory of Blue, Fiji Mascot
Bob Barnes PC ’68
David M. Keeton PC ’68
J. Preston Robinson PC ’68
James B. Smith Jr. PC ’69
The Newton Family
John Newton III PC ’71
John Newton IV PC ’00
Drake Moore PC ’73
Byron McKnight PC ’74
Howard C. Etheridge PC ’75
In memory of
Clark Etheridge PC ’32
Layne Thompson PC ’75
W. Dwight Chumbley PC ’76
In memory of
Louis Schreiner PC ’77
J. Rink Lanham PC ’76
W. Scott McAfee PC ’76
In honor of
Larry McAfee PC ’73
Russell E. Stith PC ’76
The Ames Family
Gene Ames III PC ’77
Asa Ames PC ’08
The Cahoon Family
Allan G. King PC ’78
Terry Atmar ’79
In honor of the
Pledge Class of 1979
Randy Cooper PC ’79
Frank M. Netherton PC ’79
Roger D. Trapnell PC ’79
Jim Wells PC ’79
Kirk Massey PC ’80
Chip Archer PC ’83
David S. Houston PC ’81
James C. Broussard ’83
Jim Erben PC ’84
In honor of the 1984 Pledge Class
Taylor D. Fyfe PC ’83
Brett Robertson PC ’84
Chad Auler PC ’88
Christopher C. Crow PC ’89
Richard Moseley PC ’89
C. Reid Sweet ’89
Darrell Hernandez PC ’91
Kevin Hunter PC ’91
John C. McGowan PC ’91
Christopher Ohmstede PC ’91
Sean M. Scott PC ’91
G. Douglas Wiley II PC ’91
Josh M. Zeller PC ’91
John A. Colglazier Jr. PC ’92
McKeever A. Darby PC ’92
Charles W. Matthews PC ’92
Greg H. Parker PC ’92
The Turlington Family
Kyle Turlington PC ’92
Gardner H. Dudley PC ’93
John Fainter PC ’93
Barney C. Wiley PC ’93
F. Michael Wood Jr. PC ’93
Stephen Cooper PC ’94
Henry “Bubba” Harkins III ’PC ’94
Payson Tucker PC ’96
In honor of
Vance Duncan PC ’70
Eric P. Belin PC ’97
Andrew Green PC ’97
Matt Klein PC ’97
Nathan M. Stedham PC ’97
William H. Alexander PC ’98
Scott Gardner PC ’98
In memory of
Jackson Dudley PC ’98
W. Spencer Perry PC ’98
James H. Dudley IV PC ’99
Grant W. Livesay PC ’99
Jacob Saour PC ’99
Jamie W. Weaver PC ’99
Marc Freeman PC ’01
Matt Thompson PC ’02
Chris Wallace PC ’02
Clayton R. Johnson PC ’05
Frederick S. Gottesman PC ’06
Adam Bridgman PC ’07
J.C. Clemens Jr. PC ’07
Taylor Cotton PC ’07
The Joseph Family
Lisa and Philip Joseph
Philip Joseph Jr. PC ’07
Christopher Joseph PC ’12
Tucker Moore PC ’07
In honor of the
Best Days of his Life
Chris Woldert
In honor of
Jerry Woldert PC ’10
Brew Houston PC ’11
Al and Julie Luna
In honor of
Matt Luna PC ’11
Chris and Karla Bell
In honor of the
2013 Pledge Class
Cynthia and Vincent Dawson
In honor of
Drew Dawson PC ’13
Parents of Will Deer PC ’13
Ruben DeLong PC ’13
In honor of the
2013 Pledge Class
Richard W. Dyess
In honor of the
2013 Pledge Class
Max H. Hart
In honor of the
2013 Pledge Class
Mark and Janice Thomas
In honor of the
2013 Pledge Class
Texas Fiji
Undergraduates Have Great Start to School Year
am glad to announce the start of
another great year for Tau Deuteron.
As we have entered the 2014-15 school
year we know it will be an incredible
year. It already started off very positive
when our summer recruitment efforts
brought in 54 new members.
- Recruitment Yielded 54 New Members
- Junior Pledge Class Moved into New Addition
the community and willingness to give
back. We also hope to work closer
around the University providing cleanup
for local areas.
With the completion of the backhouse
addition, we see a project nearly 20
years in the making finally come to
This year we will set the standard
fruition. It is an incredible new space
for the next several years. We are
that each and every Texas Fiji should
implementing new academic policies,
be proud of. It will provide an amazing
revamping our philanthropic goals, and
new social venue with limitless
the first class to live in the new addition
opportunities for study halls, functions,
has moved in. The completion of Buen
tailgates, and alumni gatherings. I,
Brothers handed out water during a Ram Racing
Fiesta looks to set a new tone in many
along with my pledge class, am so very
event as their first community service event this fall.
aspects of Texas Fiji.
thankful for all of the hard work that
alumni, parents, and friends have put in to allow us to be the first residents
in the new building. To have over 600 active alumni donors is quite a feat
Tau Deuteron is redefining our academic priorities on a large scale. Last for any organization. It is a testament that Texas Fiji continues to carry on
fall, our new members had the highest pledge class G.P.A. in recent the saying, “Not for college days alone.”
memory due to an increase in proctored study hours and a heightened
academic focus. This year, we hope to continue the trend with our actives Once again, thank you to everyone who helps make Fiji the best organization
by increasing their required study hall hours.
at UT, and I look forward to seeing you at tailgates this fall.
Over the course of the school year, we also look to continue our
philanthropic activity and provide service to the local community. Fiji’s
involvement with Reading ACES, Feed My People, Race for the Cure,
Habitat for Humanity, and RAM Racing has demonstrated our love for
Andrew Campbell PC ’12
Chapter President
William G. Kinney ’40 of Houston, Texas, passed away on June 19, 2014.
Sonny T. Davis ’48 of Austin, Texas, passed away on May 30, 2014.
Maury D. Guin ’50 of Palm City, Fla., passed away on August 14, 2013.
Luther “Dan” Prescott Jr. ’63 of Fort Worth, Texas, passed away on
June 10, 2014.
Tom R. Newton ’65 of Fort Worth, Texas, passed away on April 16, 2014.
n you can
view photos of all intramural champions
and runners-up for eons (since early 1900s)
but particularly the late ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s is
where you’ll find many Fiji teams and winners.
The UT Rec Sports Wall of Fame exists in
Gregory Gymnasium for viewing. Fiji has
historically done very well in intramural sports.
In the fall 2013 issue of Inside Rec Sports
magazine there is a two-page pictorial feature
story titled “Phi Gamma Delta Intramurals –
Winning In The ’60s” with individual member
profiles and classes. A link to the article
online is here:
\r\nAnother Exciting
and Strong Pledge
Class for Texas Fiji
exas Fiji recruitment is now over and
the 2014 pledge class is underway.
The recruitment team worked very hard
to get another great pledge class for Tau
Deuteron. The 2014 pledge class consists
of 54 young men from 16 cities and five
states. It contains 19 high school honor roll
students, four team captains, four national
merit scholars, and one valedictorian.
These young men have all proven they
have what it takes to become a Texas Fiji,
and we look forward to them joining the
fraternity. The recruitment team would
like to give a big thank-you to Bobby Orr
PC ’75 and Tom W. Shirley PC ’78 for
assisting us in this process.
Phi Gamma Delta
Buen Retiro Committee
P.O. Box 4769
Austin, TX 78765
Address Service Requested
Texas Fiji Recruitment Team
Stuart McLaughlin PC ’12 (Head)
Fort Worth, Texas •
Davis Atkins PC ’12 • Houston, Texas
Max McKamy PC ’12 • Richardson, Texas
Jack Pellegrin PC ’12 • Houston, Texas
Luke Schreiner PC ’12 • Salado, Texas
Brian Bell PC ’13 • Austin, Texas
Bennett Campbell PC ’13 • Dallas, Texas
David Duncan PC ’13 • Houston, Texas
Jack Eltife PC ’13 • Tyler, Texas
New Addition Dedication November 8. See p. 1 for details.
ATTENTION: This newsletter is intended for alumni and parents. If your son is still attending the University of Texas, he will
receive a copy at the Chapter House. If he has graduated, please send us his permanent address to update our records. Thank you.
Camden Arnold • Lubbock, Texas • Monterrey
(Brother Braxton Arnold PC ’12)
Andrew Avondet • Fort Worth, Texas • All Saints
Sam Aycock • Lubbock, Texas • Monterrey
Thomas Barfield • Baton Rouge, La. • Catholic High
Brandon Bengtson • Austin, Texas • Austin High
Luke Blaylock • Dallas, Texas • Episcopal-Dallas
(Father Lee Blaylock PC ’84)
William Butter • Dallas, Texas • Episcopal-Dallas
(Father Zane Butter PC ’83,
Brother Zane Butter PC ’10)
Jack Calhoun • Tyler, Texas • Robert E. Lee
Max Canon • Austin, Texas • St. Andrews
(Father Robert Canon PC ’71,
Brother Robbie Canon PC ’09)
Will Carney • Dallas, Texas • Jesuit
Henry Casscells • Washington, D.C. • St. Albans
Jack Crow • Dallas, Texas • Highland Park
Jared Daniels • Newport Beach, Calif. • Corona Del Mar
James Duncan • Houston, Texas • Kinkaid
(Brothers John Duncan PC ’08, William Duncan PC ’10,
Thomas Duncan PC ’11, and David Duncan PC ’13)
Pierce Durham • Dallas, Texas • Jesuit
Patrick Elliot • Austin, Texas • Westlake
(Father John Elliott PC ’77,
Brother Web Elliott PC ’12)
Tom Gilster • Austin, Texas • St. Andrews
Ben Graber • Houston, Texas • Memorial
Hunter Habash • Houston, Texas • Memorial
Kellam Hall • Dallas, Texas • St. Marks
(Brother Getty Hall PC ’10)
Matt Hancock • San Antonio, Texas • Alamo Heights
Grant Hatzmann • Dallas, Texas • Jesuit
John Henson • Abilene, Texas • Abilene High
(Father Jay Henson PC ’83)
Will House • Dallas, Texas • Highland Park
(Relation Dwayne House PC ’84)
Connor Howden • Austin, Texas • Austin High
(Brother Spence Howden PC ’11)
Richard Jackson • San Antonio, Texas • Alamo Heights
Max Jones • Austin, Texas • St. Andrews
(Father Kyle Jones PC ’87)
Ben Kelly • Dallas, Texas • Episcopal-Dallas
Christopher Marlow • Dallas, Texas • Highland Park
(Brother Cole Marlow PC ’11)
Robert McDonough • San Antonio, Texas • Alamo Heights
Patrick McIntyre • Raliegh, N.C. • Ravenscroft
Danny McNamara • Dallas, Texas • St. Marks
Matthew Milliken • Austin, Texas • Austin High
Mason Montgomery • Midland, Texas • Midland High
(Brother Ross Montgomery PC ’11)
Robert Murphy • Houston, Texas • Kinkaid
Collins Orr • Houston, Texas • Kinkaid
(Father Bobby Orr PC ’75)
Zach Overby • Kerrville, Texas • TivyFND
Jake Peters • Houston, Texas • Lamar
Barclay Proctor • Victoria, Texas • St. Josephs
(Grandfather Venable B. Poctor PC ’59,
Father V. Bland Poctor Jr. PC ’85)
Charles Schneider • Austin, Texas • Austin High
Wyatt Simmons • Austin, Texas • Austin High
Robert Sjoberg • Austin, Texas • St. Andrews
Powell Snelling • Dallas, Texas • Highland Park
John Snodgrass • Houston, Texas • Kinkaid
(Father Kevin Snodgrass PC ’78,
Brother Kevin Snodgrass PC ’10)
Wesley Sparr • San Antonio, Texas • Alamo Heights
(Brother Richard Sparr PC ’11)
Merrit St. Paul • Houston, Texas • Episcopal-Houston
Jeff Stewart • Dallas, Texas • Highland Park
(Father Tom Stewart PC ’83)
Zander Thomas • San Antonio, Texas • Alamo Heights
Ian Tomlinson • Dallas, Texas • Jesuit
(Brother Sean Tomlinson PC ’12)
Tommy Tyng • San Antonio, Texas • Alamo Heights
Scott Uhl • San Antonio, Texas • Alamo Heights
(Father Arthur Uhl PC ’77,
Brother James Uhl PC ’11)
Austin Villanueva • Austin, Texas • Lake Travis
John Waltmon • Houston, Texas • Memorial
(Father Scott Waltmon PC ’83)
Ben Winter • Austin, Texas • Austin High
(Father Mark Winter PC ’79)
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Fall 2014 newsletter of the Tau Deuteron chapter at the University of Texas. This newsletter is eight pages.