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2014 Fall Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Fall 2014 newsletter of the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. This newsletter is five pages.
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Indiana University
2014 Fall Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
The HoosierFIJI
Phi Gamma Delta
Zeta Chapter
Fall 2014 Edition
Zeta Introduces New Graduate Brother Network Program
For many years, the undergraduate brothers of the Zeta
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta have reaped the benefits of the
unrelenting support of graduate brothers who aid in the process of job searching and life after college. We cannot thank
our graduates enough for the opportunities we receive from
them on a weekly basis through emails, recruiting and career
fairs. The Zeta Chapter is pleased to introduce a new system
that we believe will help us to better connect our brothers
to the numerous companies and job opportunities that our
graduates offer. The Zeta FIJI Graduate Brother Network
will consist of a “point man” that serves to direct our undergraduates to the graduate brothers who best fit their major,
personality, field and preferences. The point man will work
closely with an Advisory Board, whose job will be to extend
and strengthen our reach to opportunities and graduates in
every field of the work force. Among the undergraduates,
there will be a selection process to determine the strongest
and most worthy candidates. In addition, there will be leaders
who carefully examine and inform the point man about every
capable undergraduate entering the job market. This will
allow the point man to more precisely direct the undergraduates according to their interests and potential. We look
forward to seeing more of our undergraduates find the job
opportunities that best fit their capabilities and to hear back
from graduates, who will now be much better connected to
an insightful, hard-working group of brothers. We ask that
our graduates please check their mail for a more detailed
explaination of our forthcoming Network and to please reach
out to Matthew “Shotgun” Moheban (2012), William
“Chow” Sloss (2014) and Collin “Simba” Campbell
(2017) at if you would like to be
involved with our Advisory Board. We thank everyone for
their continuing support and look forward to connecting our
graduates to our Network.
Bike Team Finishes 5th
After Final Lap Wreck
Last Spring, the FIJI bike team rode in the 2014 Little
500, which featured arguably the most exciting Little 500
finish in the past five years. The team rode a race characteristic of a true FIJI bike team: staying on the lead pack
with superb burnouts and exchanges as well as maintaining
excellent position the entire race. Despite their fantastic
performance, on the 199th lap, the lead pack of seven riders (among them was FIJI rider Scott “Clutch” McClary
2016) experienced a crash, which left only the Black Key
Bulls still up and running. “Clutch” managed to get back on
the bike and finish the race and the FIJI bike team took 5th
place. The brothers would like to thank senior rider Charlie “Little Boy” McClary (2014) for all of his time and
effort with the FIJI bike team. This upcoming Spring, FIJI
will welcome back three riders, seniors Michael “Corky”
Khamis (2015) and John “Jockey” Hunzicker (2015)
as well as junior Scott “Clutch” McClary (2016). As the
team prepares for this year’s race, they will look to build
upon last year’s exciting performance and maintain FIJI’s
strong reputation among the Little 500 teams.
From Left: Michael “Corky” Khamis (2015), Charlie “Little Boy” McClary (2014), Scott
“Clutch” McClary (2016), and Toby “Real World” Orme (2017)
Also included in this edition:
Beechwood Second Century Campaign
Progress Update (Pg. 2-3)
Welcome Pledge Class 2018 (Pg. 5)
Undergraduate Update (Pg. 5)
\r\nBeechwood Second Century Campaign
Progress Update
Fall 2014
IU Trustees Approve Plans for New FIJI House at 8th & Woodlawn
Thank you Zeta House Corporation and Building Committee!
On June 19th, 2014, the House Corporation received the approval of the building design for Beechwood at Eighth and
Woodlawn by the University Trustees. This action represents the conclusion of significant hours of work, discussion and
negotiations with the University by the House Corporation (HC) and the Building Committee. Thank you brothers for
your great work. The Building Committee is led by Brother Jim “Lupey” Troutman ‘78, Brother John “Stu” Stewart ‘75,
Brother Pat “Weeble” Lindley ‘84, Brother Steve “Monk” Dunn ‘76 and Brother Bill “Richie” Miller ‘62. Your Zeta House
Corporation is led by Brother Pete “Sky” King ’76 (President), Brother John “Sledge” Morris ’82 (Vice President), Brother
Jim “Lupey” Troutman ’78 (Treasurer), Brother John “Stu” Stewart ’76, Brother Bill “Richie” Miller ‘62, Brother Adam
“Tonka” Gemmer ‘10, and Brother Taylor “Cream” Houghland ‘08.
Thank You Brothers!
% of Goal
Total B2CC Pledge Dollars ($)
Total B2CC Pledge Gifts (#)
\r\n176 brothers donated totaling $6.0MM!
Today, we are 28% of our donor participation goal and 60% of our fundraising goal
Pledge Class Campaigns Ramping Up!
Special thanks to our Pledge Class Captains and
participating brothers for their extraordinary efforts so far in
leading the communication with their respective pledge
classes. While space restrictions prevent us from publishing
all success stories; we wanted to share a few of the
inspirational stories that continue to develop across the FIJI
NATION in pursuit of our $10,000,000 goal.
Class of 1979
The results are in ... and they are terrific! Congratulations to all
participating Brothers of the graduating Class of '79. You all have
demonstrated our commitment to Phi Gamma Delta "Is not for College
Days Alone"! Today, we have completed the solicitations from our class
for supporting the B2CC. As we said in our opening letter last spring .....
"a group of men who we never knew, over 100 years ago, stepped up and
enabled 143 years of excellence for our Zeta Chapter at 631 E. 3rd Street.
The time has now come for Zeta Chapter to move to a new address at
8th & Woodlawn. The address is new but the excellence will continue as
we build an outstanding new house that will enable future Zeta Chapter
members to excel for the next 100+ years.
Our class is leading the way to help make this goal a reality.
Today, we have 78% class member participation and pledges
totaling 104% of our $1.5M goal ($1,567 Million)!
These commitments from our class will be a significant contribution to
the $10 Million overall fundraising goal needed to build the new house.
With our long Zeta Chapter history, we have had generation after
generation of great classes. We believe the Class of '79 is a great
example of outstanding men unified towards achieving a special goal
and this is shown through your individual and our collective efforts!
In closing, it has been an honor for us to co-chair our class campaign and
get the chance to re-connect with many Pledge Brothers. We take great
pride in our class, truly appreciate your generosity and ongoing
commitment to our Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Thank you all, so much, for this support!
Jeff "Boomer" Fettig & Ron "Pinky" Remak
Class of 1965 - Brother Harry Lamberson
Special thanks to Brother Harry Lamberson,
and all participating brothers from the Class of
1965 for 100% class participation and pledges
totaling over $220,000!
Class of 1984 – Class Captains
Pat Lindley, Dan Peterson, Doug Elmore
Special thanks to Weeble, Smooth, & Chopper
for their leadership. Today, the Class of 1984
has pledges totaling $575,000!
Pledge Commitments
Class Captains
To the Beechwood Second Century Campaign:
As a proud member of Zeta Chapter, Class of 1985, I am pleased to let you know that I am
pledging a total of $31,550 to the Campaign as a “Son of a Sire” contribution in honor of my
father, James Frey (Zeta 1959), and all the Beechwood brothers I’ve had the privilege of
knowing since first visiting 631 East Third Street as a rushee in the spring of 1981.
As I reflect upon my experiences at Zeta, so many wonderful memories come to mind. One
of the most vivid was sitting in a room with several brothers, including my rush host Pat
“Weeble” Lindley, Steve “Ghengis” Kahn, and high school classmate Dan “Smooth”
Peterson, and receiving a bid to pledge FIJI after an amazing Rush Weekend in the spring of
From the Sunday afternoons spent in the Laundromat parking lot down the street from the
house with our entire pledge class, to “Study Table” Sunday through Thursday evenings in
the dining room, to intramural games and having the sidelines PACKED with Zeta brothers,
to the early “Christmas Party,” to afternoons at the track watching the Bike Team prepare
for Little 5, culminating at an amazing “Senior Dinner” in the spring of 1985, Zeta has held,
and always will hold, a special place in my heart.
Some of the most special times at Zeta for me were when my dad would visit. The stories
he would tell from his days in the house are with me to this day. Seeing him reminisce
with his pledge brothers (Tom Troeger, Dave Barrett, Gene McGarvey, just to name a few)
who are fathers of my pledge brothers (including one Dad’s weekend where they walked
up 3rd Street to serenade the Tri Delts and the Pi Phis) are just as memorable…truly “Not for
College Days Alone!”
Although our paths have diverted and members of the Pledge Class of 1985 are spread
across the US, I feel I can reach out to any member of the chapter at any time and have an
instant connection. The 2nd Century Campaign has given me a chance to reconnect with a
number of Zeta Phi Gams that I haven’t seen in years, and to see and hear of their love,
pride, and dedication to Beechwood in spearheading and supporting this campaign has
truly been heartwarming.
I encourage EVERY member of Zeta to support this critical initiative to ensure the living
conditions for the current and future chapter members are reflective of the quality
individuals who represent how Zeta will continue to be the flagship fraternity on the IU
campus, and the most admired Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. Perge!
David “Deep” Frey -”85
\r\nThe Undergraduates of Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at
Indiana University
would be honored by your presence at our
122 nd Annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner
on Saturday, the 25th day of October, 2014
NCAA Conference Center & Hall of Champions
700 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Special Guest Speaker
Brother Mitch Daniels (Purdue Graduate Initiate 2013)
Former Governor of Indiana and President, Purdue University
5:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Check-in – NCAA Hall of Champions, Indianapolis, IN
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Cocktail Reception – NCAA Hall of Champions
Meet the Building Committee and review the design drawings for the new FIJI house
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
122 Annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner
NCAA Conference Center - Palmer Pierce Ballroom and Atrium
NOTE: The Annual Meeting of the Graduate Chapter will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. at Beechwood in Bloomington, IN.
Meeting will adjourn and those brothers attending will travel to Indianapolis for Pig Dinner.
Please RSVP to Brother Tom Strobel, Corresponding Secretary, 631 E . Third Street, Bloomington, IN 47406
Em ail:
\r\n- Zeta Welcomes PC’18 In August 2014, the Zeta Chapter welcomed twenty-eight young
gentleman who we feel are well suited to maintain and build upon the
principles and standards of our chapter. High expectations accompany
this well-rounded group, which boasts an average high school GPA of
3.7, an average ACT score of 30 and twelve were directly admitted to
the Kelley School of Business. Additionally, the pledge class of 2018
collectively represents seven different states and contains fourteen legacies. Through the hard work and dedication of our graduate brothers
involved in the Fundraising Campaign and Building Committee, the
plans to build a brand new chapter house on 8th and Woodlawn are
rapidly becoming a reality. Our anticipation is that the pledge class of
2018 will carry our old principles and traditions into the new chapter
house, while making the necessary adjustments for improvement, as
they will likely serve as leaders on the first cabinet. Without a doubt,
the pledge class of 2018 will have what it takes to do so.
- Upcoming Dates October 18th: Homecoming and Annual Chili Brunch at Beechwood
October 25th: The 122nd Annual Norris Pig Dinner at The NCAA
Hall of Champions in Indianapolis
November 22nd-30th: Thanksgiving Break
December 15th-19th: Finals Week
- Undergraduate Update Last Spring, the undergraduate brothers earned a cumulative GPA of
3.20. Congratulations to brothers Michael “Beans” Mattei (2017),
Joe “Friday” Froehle (2017), Scott “Clutch” McClary (2016) and
Jack “Stepdad” Dooling (2015) for earning a 4.0.
As always, the brothers are looking forward to this year’s Indiana
University Dance Marathon which will start on November 14th. This
year, five Fiji’s are members of the executive board: Jack “Stepdad”
Dooling (2015) - President, Nick “Neville” Kolar (2015) - VP of
External, Ross “Wilbur” Lubbers (2015) - VP of Events, Will “LA”
Tenbarge (2014) - Director of Corporate Relations, and Sam “Rabbit” Reed (2015)- Director of Entertainment. If you have any interest
in donating to this great cause, which many of our undergraduates are
participating in, please contact Jack Dooling at
Do you have a potential rush candidate? Please send any potential rush
candidate’s contact information to Also,
please direct the candidate to the website at where they
can fill out a rush form and learn more about the chapter.
Questions for the undergraduate chapter? Did someone you know not
receive the newsletter? Please reach out to Tom Strobel at tstrobel@ if you would like to be added to the Zeta mailing list or
have any questions.
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Fall 2014 newsletter of the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. This newsletter is five pages.