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2014 Fall Newsletter Zeta Deuteron (Washington & Lee University)
Fall 2014 newsletter for the Zeta Deuteron chapter at Washington & Lee University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Washington & Lee University
2014 Fall Newsletter Zeta Deuteron (Washington & Lee University)
Zeta Deuteron Chapter ‐ Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity ‐ Washington & Lee University
November 2014
Volume 3, Issue 1
By: Michael Donnellan (2015) - Chapter President
Greetings Brothers,
My name is Michael Donnellan. I’m a senior business major from Kingsport, TN, planning on working in marketing
upon graduation. I previously
served Zeta Deuteron as Social
Chair, Rush Chair, and Corresponding Secretary.
As the 2014 fall term wraps to
a close, the Fiji house is abuzz
with activity as usual. It has
been a blast living in the house
again with all the young members, despite the change it has
affected in my sleeping habits.
Our new class of members
have enjoyed living in the
house, and I have not seen this
amount of energy in the house
during my time at W&L.
Luckily we’ve been able to
channel this energy into productive avenues so far. As you
all know, Zeta Deuteron had
its first Norris Pig Dinner in
recent memory last spring;
planning for the next one is
already underway. The brothers are all hard at work completing National’s requisite
alcohol training so that, in
time, we can once more utilize
our beautiful basement. We
were happy to send three
sophomores to Ekklesia, and it
seems they all had quite the
eye-opening experience in
Indianapolis. A
few of our
have also expressed interest
in running for
an IFC position, which
would undoubtedly be a
boon to the
fraternity. I’ve
been lucky to
witness the
Brothers, graduates and dates alike enjoy the 2014 Norris
Pig Dinner on the porch of the FIJI house.
personal and
collective proer it be with Campus Kitchen,
members and alumni alike,
gress made by these young
Habitat for Humanity, the
for your continued support.
men in the short year since
Food Bank and other local
Without your help, there
they joined the fraternity.
charities. By the end of this
would be no way we could
achieve what we have up to
In other extracurricular news,
serthis point. This position has
all of our athletes have been
been one of the most reperforming quite well so far.
warding experiences of my
The men’s XC team came in 3rd
Overall, everything is running
life so far, and it wouldn’t be
recently in conferences, the
smoothly this semester at the
so without all of you.
rugby team has played to their
Fiji house. However, we are all
usual successes, and the men’s
trying to keep each other foQUESTIONS?
soccer team made semi’s in the
cused on the goals we began to
conference tournament. The
lay out a year ago. We’ve seen a For questions regarding the
fraternity has also continued
activities or state of the Zeta
greater commitment to the
building on our philanthropic
Deuteron Chapter, please
fraternity, with increased philefforts, which began last year.
contact Corresponding
anthropic efforts and attention
We are planning to partner
Secretary Corey Guen.
paid to traditions. And so far,
with ADPi here on campus to
members have been very com(603) 988-5562
raise money for Toys-for-Tots,
mitted to reminding one anwhich should be well underother that the effort must
way by the time you read this.
main continuous.
Brothers are constantly work112 W Preston St
ing on smaller projects, wheth- I want to thank you all, current
Lexington, VA 24450
\r\nW&L FIJI
Page 2
Ulemj “Lenny” Enkhbold: Teaching German
Brother Lenny Enkhbold has taken
advantage of a unique extracurricular
opportunity this semester, volunteering at Fairfield Elementary School
outside of Lexington to teach German
in a gifted student program. Lenny is
a Questbridge Scholar majoring in
German and Computer Science as
well as minoring in Philosophy. He
participates in both the Screaming
Minks club rugby team and the
CRUX Climbing Team at W&L, as
well as serving as FIJI’s rush chair.
In a class titled Applications and
Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, Lenny was approached with the
possibility of teaching a 45 minute
German class at nearby Fairfield Elementary. He gladly accepted and has
greatly enjoyed working with the chil-
dren, a group of 9 4th graders participating in an enrichment program.
Lenny spoke of how the approach to
language acquisition and teaching is
rapidly changing, and described a
system known as the natural method
that he uses with his class. By mimicking the way in which one learns
his or her first language, the natural
method uses realistic vocabulary and
associative images to teach language
and strengthen linguistic recall. This
method allows 150 classes worth of
material to be absorbed in only 100,
as well as tying in cultural teachings.
Lenny with graduate brother Kane
Thomas (2014).
one special example of the myriad of
activities the current members of the
Lenny has enjoyed putting together
Zeta Deuteron chapter of Phi Gamlessons and interacting with the kids, ma Delta are involved in; two more
and he hopes to continue teaching
brothers will be featured in the wininto the winter term. Lenny and his
ter showcasing more outstanding
work at Fairfield Elementary is just
Ted Hurst: Varsity Soccer
pitch. Hurst, a computer science major and a math minor, was the Washington and Lee Generals’ starting
defensive mid player. During the
first season of new Head Coach Michael Singleton, the Generals went 11
-5-2, a large improvement from last
Ted Hurst has shined this season as
a starter for W& L.
Sophomore brother Ted Hurst had a
successful season on the soccer
Hurst – who also goes by the nickname “Beast” – believes that part of
the team’s success came from their
new style of play. Coach Singleton
changed the team from being more
defensive-focused to being more attack-oriented. Hurst’s position in the
midfield was key to sparking fast
counter attacks. Despite Hurst’s position being mainly defensive, he
managed to score a game-winning
goal against Hamden-Sydney during
a late September game. He also had
several assists during the season and
was integral to the team’s defense.
Hurst has been playing soccer since
he was a six-year-old. Hailing from
Rochester, Mich., he has always been
either playing for a club team or a
school team. This summer his U18
club team, Waza, won Michigan’s
state cup and won the Midwest regional title.
Though the season was cut short
when top-seed Roanoke defeated the
Generals in the ODAC semifinals,
Hurst is already looking forward to
next time he can put on his #2 jersey. He has faith in the team’s new
coach and thinks that the team has
the potential to attract strong recruits.
\r\nPage 3
Clippings from 30 years ago
were discovered this summer
during renovation of the
chapter house.
Left: A clipping dated Jan. 3,
1985, showing the devastation to
the back of the FIJI house. A
plaque in the house memorializes
co-president Thomas J. Fellin
(1986), who lost his life in the fire.
A headline from the April, 1984 issue of the Washington
& Lee University student newspaper the Ring-tum
Phi, detailing the tragedy of the fire.
Phoenix: The cover of the 1987
edition of The Phi Gamma Delta
depicts the newly built house.
\r\nNonprofit Org
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
US Postage Paid
Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
The annual Norris Pig Dinner is scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2015 during Alumni Weekend,
likely in the late afternoon. The date recalls Phi Gamma Delta’s official founding, May 1, 1848.
It will be a wonderful occasion for graduate brothers to get reacquainted with the house and
with each other. PLEASE RSVP by email
our chapter started raising funds to create a New Member
Scholarship to assist deserving potential members with
financial constraints. We believe that a brother’s character,
not his finances, should be the most important prerequisite
for joining our fraternity. We’d like to give special thanks to
John Popular (1956) and Dave Kori (2012) for their
generous contributions. This year, all proceeds from the
spring Pig Dinner will go to support this effort. With your
help, we hope to establish the first scholarship for 2015-16.
To learn more about the scholarship or to contribute, please
Michael Donnellan (2015) - President
Zac Richey (2016) - Treasurer
Corey Guen (2017) - Corresponding Secretary
Grant Cokeley (2016) - Recording Secretary
Mark Gensburg (2016) - Historian
Ulemj Enkhbold (2017) - Recruitment Chairman
Bren Flanigan (2016) - Social Chairman
Mina Shnoudah (2017) – Pledge Education Chairman
Billy Fries (2016) – Philanthropy Chairman
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Fall 2014 newsletter for the Zeta Deuteron chapter at Washington & Lee University. The newsletter is four pages in length.