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2014 March Newsletter Alpha Omega (Ohio University)
March 2014 newsletter of the Alpha Omega chapter at Ohio University. This newsletter is seven pages.
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Alpha Omega
Ohio University
2014 March Newsletter Alpha Omega (Ohio University)
Ron Sages
Subject: on behalf of Alpha Omega Graduate Association []
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 8:43 PM
2014 Pig Dinner Highlights
Alpha Omega Graduate Association
Pig Dinner 2014 Newsletter
March 26, 2014
The FIJIs Are Back at OU!!
FIJI House
20 South College Street
Athens, Ohio
Undergraduate Colony Brothers will be returning to 20 South College Street this
coming Fall Semester! Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, which has rented our house for the
past five years, has rented, with an option to purchase, the former Phi Mu House on
North College Street from a local real estate developer and will be moving to that
location later this semester. This unexpected development is extremely positive as the
Ohio U Greek System will be strengthened by the presence of another fraternity on
College Street, giving our Delta Colony an immediate "identity" leading into fall
recruitment later this year.
\r\nOn or about May 1st, AOGA, Inc. will begin the process of extensive cleaning and
preparing the house for occupancy by Alpha Omega Delta Colony Members later this
Over the summer months, several weekends will be scheduled to bring Dads, Graduate
Brothers and Colony Brothers together to work on the house, to paint rooms, obtain
and organize supplies, and ensure that everything is functional for the coming
academic year. Stay tuned for announcements on when we will be seeking assistance
from interested Graduate Brothers in Athens.
In this issue:
Pig Dinner 2014 Review
Pig Dinner Photos
Scholastic Achievements
Alpha Omega Delta Colony News
Pig Dinner 2014 Review
Alpha Omega Celebrates 48th Anniversary Norris Pig Dinner in Grand Style
Pig Dinner Weekend 2014 is now history, but it won't be
forgotten anytime soon! The weekend was chock full of
excitement as Graduate Brothers returned to campus to
meet the new Alpha Omega Delta Colony Brothers and
On Thursday evening, past AOGA Presidents Dave Slater
'67 and Ron Sages '73 met with Colony Members to walk
through the financial and operational aspects of the house
at 20 South College Street at Grover Center. Pizza and
beverages were provided to all in attendance.
On Friday afternoon, Colony Members and Graduate
Brothers toured the 20 South College Street facility,
currently being occupied by the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity.
Painting the Wall - 2014 This was the first opportunity that the Colony Members
had to see firsthand the entire floor plan and interior of
the house. There were quite a few smiles and positive comments as the house tour
progressed from the interior to the back yard featuring the parking lot and the
basketball court. The Phi Psis have been good stewards of the physical plant over the
past five year period, and with the exception of normal wear and tear, the house
appears to be in great shape.
On Friday evening, many Colony Members, Graduate Big Brothers, and other AOGA
Grads went to Bob Wren Stadium to watch the Ohio U Bobcats host Central Michigan in
baseball. Although the Bobcats did not emerge victorious, all in attendance had a great
time watching baseball and becoming better acquainted.
The AOGA Annual Membership Meeting was held at Grover Center at 11:00 a.m. on
Saturday morning. Detailed reports were given on the condition of the house, finances,
\r\nscholarship, plans for the fall semester, recruitment, the upcoming Ekklesia this
summer (July 24 - 27) in Indianapolis, IN, several By-Law Amendments and
Resolutions, and the election of Officers and Trustees.
Financial highlights include:
The mortgage on the house was fully repaid last July, 2013. AOGA, Inc. is
completely debt free.
Sums advanced from the Capital Reserve Fund for operating shortfalls and
capital repairs during the past five years have been fully repaid. The Capital
Reserve Fund is at the same dollar level as it was when the chapter's charter
was revoked in June, 2009.
Phi Psi Fraternity is current through March, 2014 on all rent payments due
AOGA, Inc.
As you will recall, Officers and Trustees are on staggered, rotating terms of two years
each. This year, Jason Phillips '95, Chad Miller '01 and Charlie Weckman '93 were up
for re-election and all three were re-elected unanimously. Cole Platt '09, who has
served as an AOGA Trustee for the past five years, joined the Board of Colony Advisers
(BCA) for Pledge Education this past fall and was obligated to relinquish his position on
the AOGA Board. In his place, Jim Schraepfer '09 ran for Cole's unexpired term of one
more year and was elected as his successor.
Officers and Trustees of AOGA, Inc. for the coming year are:
President - John Ziza '78
Treasurer - Jason Phillips '95
Secretary - John Clark '79
Trustee - Tim Davis '90
Trustee - Chad Miller '01
Trustee - Jim Schraepfer '09
Trustee - Charlie Weckman '93.
The Board of Colony Advisers (BCA), a completely separate entity, provides guidance
to the Delta Colony in all areas of Colony operations. Members of the BCA and their
areas of specialization are:
Chair - Chris Ferguson '89
Purple Legionnaire - Erik Hildebrand (BGSU '05)
Faculty Advisor - Jesse Neader, OU Student Organizations Coordinator
Pledge Education - Cole Platt '09
Pledge Education - Eric Doland '09
Pledge Education - Ryan Edmiston (OSU '08)
Recruitment - Tiger Thiel '85
Recruitment - Mike Mehta (OSU '12)
Member Development - Matt Howells '09
Finances - Matt Phillips (Missouri State '13)
Graduate Relations - Bob Strasburg (OWU '58).
Following the conclusion of the AOGA Board Meeting, Graduate Brothers and Delta
Colony Members convened uptown for lunch and socializing.
The Pig Dinner Banquet began at the Ohio University Inn at 6 p.m. with over fifty
attendees! Chris Ferguson '89 served ably as this year's Symposiarch, while Chris
Moehring '74 recited "An Exile's Toast" in remembrance and honor of those Alpha
Omega Graduate Brothers unable to make it to Athens for this Pig Dinner. This year's
Keynote Speaker was former Archon Treasurer Ron Sages '73, who talked about
\r\nleadership values and the significance of continuity in the management of the Delta
To view a pictorial of this year's Pig Dinner festivities, please click this photo link.
Many thanks to Chris Ferguson '89 for his diligence and efforts in capturing Pig Dinner
2014 in photographs!
At the conclusion of the dinner, all in attendance gathered 'round the room for a
chorus of "Then Brothers Ere Again We Part."
Many thanks to the following Alpha Omega Graduate Brothers who generously
sponsored Pig Dinner meals for members of the Alpha Omega Delta Colony:
Tim Adams '88
Chris Jones '88
Tim Davis '90
Chad Miller '01
Tim Guesman '81
Brian McGarry '97
John Petrone '67
Jason Phillips '95
Pete Puttmann '81
Jeff Reed '71
Michael Ricks '06
Ron Sages '73
Bob Zicht '79
John Ziza '78
All Colony Members' meals were sponsored this year. Thanks again to all!
Plans for the:
49th Anniversary Norris Pig Dinner (2015)
are already underway, and the date has been set for the weekend of
April 17 - 19, 2015.
Please mark your calendars now and let as many Graduate Brothers as possible know
of this event.
Many thanks to Graduate Pig Dinner Chair Tim Davis '90 for an extraordinary fraternal
48th Anniversary Pig Dinner Celebration!
Looking forward to seeing you all next year!
Scholastic Achievements
White Star Scholarships Awarded
As you are aware, the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta adopted a strategic
Growth Initiative in 2006 to increase the number of undergraduate chapters from 126
at that time to 170 active undergraduate chapters by the Fraternity's 170th birthday in
2018 ("170 by 170"). As part of this initiative, the International Fraternity provides up
to $1,000 in White Star Scholarships, which are available to any undergraduate male
on campus who participates in the initial recruitment effort for the new Delta Colony.
\r\nOver last summer, the AOGA Board voted to augment this pool of recruitment
scholarships by donating an additional $5,000 for use by the Phi Gamma Delta
Expansion Team led by Director of Expansion Josh Moore (Illinois '10) and Field
Secretary Adam Wagner (OSU '13). During the Delta Colony Recruitment process the
month of October, many prospective Colony members were interviewed by Josh and
Adam, leading to the initial formation of the Delta Colony in early November.
A total of six undergraduate men were awarded White Star Scholarships, five of whom
became Alpha Omega Delta Colony Founding Fathers. They include current Colony
President Dylan Lewis '15 ($2,000), Corresponding Secretary Pete Folz '17 ($1,000),
Treasurer Chris Gagianas '16 ($500), Historian Brad Schreiber '15 ($500), and
Intramurals Chair Manny Dance '17 ($500). The remaining scholarship was awarded to
an individual who remains keenly interested in Phi Gamma Delta and is on the Colony's
radar for the Fall Semester 2014 Pledge Class Recruitment.
At the AOGA Annual Membership Meeting over this past weekend, an additional $5,000
was set aside for the awarding of White Star Scholarships this coming Fall Semester
during recruitment. Going forward, the Colony will determine the recipients, timing of
disbursement and amount(s) of each award among those students participating in the
formal recruitment effort.
Alpha Omega Delta Colony Earns Highest GPA for Fall Semester 2013!
OU Assistant Director of Greek Life, Kristen Kardas, has announced that the Phi
Gamma Delta Fraternity, Alpha Omega Delta Colony, achieved the highest overall
grade point average of 2.96 among Ohio U IFC member organizations for the Fall
Semester 2013!
Way to go Colony Brothers!
Alpha Omega to Award $5,000 in Restricted Tuition Scholarships for 2014!
During the past several years of solid market performance, the AOGA Restricted
Tuition Scholarship Fund, which is managed by the Phi Gamma Delta Educational
Foundation, appreciated to a balance of $124,444. The Restricted Tuition Scholarship
Program is designed to award one or more $1,000 scholarships to a full time member
of the Alpha Omega Delta Colony each year. Up to 5% of the fund's balance may be
awarded annually based on earnings from the prior 12 month period; the fund
principal is restricted in perpetuity.
For the 2013-14 academic year, the AOGA Restricted Tuition Scholarship Committee
will be able to award five $1,000 tuition scholarships to eligible Delta Colony
applicants. Scholarship applications and supporting documentation must be submitted
by the May 31st deadline in order to be considered for one of five tuition scholarship
Alpha Omega's Semester Scholarship Program Fall Semester Awards
With the recolonization of Alpha Omega complete, AOGA will once again be awarding a
$500 scholarship each semester to the Active Brother earning the Highest Semester
GPA. Though there were no "Active" Members last semester, a $500 scholarship will
nevertheless be awarded to the Member with the Highest GPA during the 2013 Fall
Semester. The first recipient of the Fall Semester 2013 Scholarship Award will be
Dylan Lewis '15 who earned a 3.776 semester gpa Fall Semester. CONGRATULATIONS,
\r\nAlpha Omega Delta Colony News
Bobcat Fiji Happenings
Delta Colony President Dylan Lewis '15 reported on the achievements
of the Colony since its formation in early November, 2013.
Alpha Omega
Delta Colony
President Dylan
Lewis '15
During Fall Semester 2013, the Colony achieved a 2.96 overall
accum, which was the highest among IFC Fraternities on campus! In
addition, the Colony is planning its first philanthropy project, FIJI
Race for a Reason, to benefit the USO, which entails participating in
four events encompassing a Mud Run, Triathalon, 5K Run and 3K
Walk. The Colony is still looking for sponsors and you can support
their effort by making a donation by clicking on the following link:
Please consider making a donation to help the Delta Colony achieve success in their
first philanthropic project.
Over the weekend of June 6 - 7, Delta Colony Members will participate in the Phi Gam
Recruitment Workshop at International Headquarters in Lexington, KY. This workshop
is held annually featuring the recruiting techniques espoused by Phired Up Productions,
which has presented at FIJI Academy and Ekklesia Conferences many times in the
From July 24 - 27, Alpha Omega Delta Colony Members will join several Graduate
Brothers in attending the 166th Ekklesia in Indianapolis, IN. This will be our first
opportunity to present our accomplishments to the Committee on Expansion and
demonstrate our capabilities to all of Phi Gamma Delta.
Colony Officers who will serve until the end of Fall Semester 2014 are:
President - Dylan Lewis '15
Treasurer - Chris Gagianas '16
Recording Secretary - Ryan Lysaght '17
Corresponding Secretary - Pete Folz '17
Historian - Brad Schreiber '15.
Please drop any of us a line with graduate news or questions you may have.
Stay Tuned For More Information Later this Spring and Summer!
Alpha Omega is definitely back and the excitement is growing daily! Stay tuned and
check your email regularly for the latest updates. In addition, we will be working on a
new website to serve the needs of undergraduate and graduate Alpha Omega
\r\nDon't forget to mark your calendars: Pig Dinner 2015 will be held April 17 - 19, 2015.
Looking forward to seeing you then!
John Ziza
Alpha Omega Graduate Association
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March 2014 newsletter of the Alpha Omega chapter at Ohio University. This newsletter is seven pages.