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2014 May Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
May 2014 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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2014 May Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
ace of diamonds
phi gamma delta
Ekklesia Returns to Indianapolis
after 102 Year Absence
By Joe Weist (Rose Hulman 1987, EI 2001)
of the First
May 24th
Epsilon Iota
June 7th
Steve O’s 40th
June 13th
In 1912 the big news of the year was the sinking of
the RMS Titanic on its maiden voyage to England.
Also, in 1912, Howard Taft was president. 1912 also
happens to be the last year Indianapolis hosted the Phi
Gamma Delta Ekklesia. After 102 years we are proud
to announce that Indianapolis will once again host the
Ekklesia, and you are invited!
The Ekklesia, the biennial convention of Phi Gamma
Delta, is a gathering of Phi Gams from all over North
America and provides for some of the largest social
gatherings in our Fraternity. The Ekklesia will be
held at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown from
Thursday, July 24 through Saturday evening, July 26.
Typically about 600-700 graduates and undergraduates
attend the Ekklesia.
Attend either the opening or closing
banquet. Both the opening and closing
banquets (Thursday and Saturday
evening) are open to brothers and
wives. Tickets for either banquet can be
purchased at the link below. The closing
banquet is formal - typically business
suit - but is black tie optional. Banquet
tickets are $100 each.
Scotch Day:
July 27th
If you would like to participate, there are several
Frank Norris
Pig Dinner:
November 15th
Just come hang out. If you just want
to pay a visit, there will be informal
gatherings each evening. You can
contact someone in the chapter and we
can let you know where we will be each
Attend the Friday night special event. On Friday evening.
night we have a pavilion reserved for the Brickyard
Grand Prix race (remember, this is Brickyard 400 We hope you can attend some part of
weekend). Included in this event is entrance to the the Ekklesia either in a formal or an
track, entrance to the Pavilion hospitality area, evening informal capacity. It will be a once in a
picnic, entrance to the track museum, and pit passes. lifetime opportunity to take part in an
This event is included for Ekklesia delegates. If you Indiana Ekklesia!
wish to attend this event separately, you can purchase
tickets at the registration link below. Tickets are $50 Register here:
per person, and family members are welcome. Please
purchase tickets early as there is limited space.
Spring 2014
Attend the entire Ekklesia. If you would like to attend
the entire Ekklesia, including all luncheons, dinners
and the Friday night event at the Indianapolis Motor
Speedway, the cost is $425 and you can register at the
link listed below.
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2014 Epsilon Iota Closing In
It’s been more than a year since the
last Epsilon Iota Open and people
are getting restless. On April 27,
2013, two dozen FIJI’s and friends
of FIJI’s gathered to once again
decide who would hold the Epsilon
Iota Cup, and who would carry the
titles of Champions of the World
for the next 12 months. Thanks to a
later Open in 2014, the current allaround champions and the current
all-FIJI champions have been able
to hang onto their victories for a
little longer. While they are surely
grateful for a few extra weeks on
top, the rest of the field has only
gotten increasingly agitated that
they are not the ones spooning the
EI Cup as they drift off to sleep.
will align on Clearcrest Pines
and the heralds will trumpet the
playing of the 2014 Epsilon Iota
Open. Teams have been formed,
boasts have been made, and prizes
have been ordered, but all will be
equal in Darmstadt on that coming
and fateful day. An impressive 20
participants have already registered,
and we have yet to hear from either
the overall champs or the all-FIJI
champs. Either they are waging
psychological warfare on their
opponents, or there will be new
victors in 2014. Cost is a mere $50
to play, a sizable portion of which
goes to support the Epsilon Iota
community. Hole sponsorships start
at $25. Registration or donation can
be made with Jon Kissel (EI 2006)
On June 7th , at 11 AM, the stars at or
(812) 550-4476.
The Ace of Diamonds anxiously
awaits the looming contest. Could
this be the first year in the spring
era (2012 to present) in which the
overall champs and all-FIJI champs
are the same team? Will friend-ofthe-chapter Nick Burch go home
empty-handed for the first time
since 2011? Is this going to be the
first year every team completes 18
holes in a timely fashion? All these
and more will be answered on June
7th. All teams must be registered
by June 4th , all hole sponsorships
must be in by June 5th. We look
forward to seeing as many of you as
possible in one of the highlights of
the EI FIJI year.
Epsilon Iota Congratulates New Graduates
Adam Barga earned his Bachelor’s of
Science in Exercise Science. He will
continue at UE as a member of the
Physical Therapy Doctoral program.
Aaron Griffin completed a BS in Electrical Engineering. He is moving to
Holland, MI to work as a Production
Support Engineer at Gentex Corporation.
Austin Lauer will be putting his BS in
Theater Performance to work in Los
Angeles. Look for him as Andy Dwyer’s
kid brother Randy on the upcoming
seventh season of Parks and Recreation.
After receiving his degree in Mechanical Engineering, Lee Pankau has accepted a job at Owensboro’s Boardwalk
Pipeline Partners as an engineer.
Michael Petcu earned a Psychology
degree, with a Business minor. He will
be moving to Nashville,
TN to look for work in
human resources, with
the possibility of attending grad school.
Austin White completed
a BS in both Accounting
and Business Administration with a concentration in Finance. He’ll be
working as an Assurance
Associate for Ernst &
Young in Indianapolis.
John Gentry earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, and will be pursuing related jobs in the Evansville or
Indianapolis area.
Spring 2014 Epsilon Iota Grads
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Have You Heard The Good News?
Ryan Ebersole (EI 2010) will be attending the University of Albany
in New York in the fall in pursuit of his PhD in psychology.
Peter Hanscom (EI 2010) is now the Caucus Director for the
Indiana House Democratic Caucus.
Dria Snodgrass, wife of Matt (EI 2005), gave birth to their third
child Charlie in February.
Tom Topper (EI 2004) and wife Mandy welcomed their second
child Margot in Februrary.
Chris Watkins (EI 2010) and Lauren Schafale celebrated their
engagement in March.
Tyler Tackett and fiancé Lindsay Kristine
Ryan Cramer (EI 2012) was married to Hilary Fisher in April. He
now works as an Affiliate Development Manager in the e-commerce
division at Evergreen Enterprises in Richmond, VA.
Nick Seibert (EI 2012) and Erin Copeland were engaged in March.
Matt Mueller (EI 2012) and Sara Hamilton were engaged in April.
In April, Tyler Tackett (EI 2005) proposed to Lindsey Kristine.
Branden Horne (EI 2006) and wife Amanda celebrated the birth of
their second daughter Hannah in April.
Thomas Bever (EI 2008) and Kristen-Bell-doppelganger Cassie Long
were engaged in April.
Sam Rodriguez (EI 2013) and Elizabeth Abbott are planning their
wedding, as of April.
Tom Topper with son Tommy and daughter Margot
Ray Baker (EI 2008) received his Master’s degree in educational policy
from the University of Illinois – Chicago in May.
Jordan Chapman (EI 2013) successfully proposed to Colleen Marty
on Cinco de Mayo.
What’s Distracting FIJI’s?
This issue, the Ace of Diamonds caught up with New Albany physical therapist
Scott Gurgol (EI 2003).
I love tennis. I coach it and I play it and love it. From March through November my
work schedule is based around my ability to hit the courts. If it’s sunny, I’m only
seeing 5 patients. If it’s raining I’ll load up for 7-8 patients. Getting some volleys in
is just more important than pulled hammies. I also string racquets for my players.
I also try to play golf at least once a week. Blaire Birge (EI 2000) and I usually walk
9 holes on Thursday mornings, then I try to get out on weekends for 18. I might be
part-hippie, because I’ve never found a tree I didn’t like.
Scott Gurgol and wife Lisa. Lisa’s trying
on Scott’s hat.
When not partaking in outdoor sports, I enjoy playing poker online. I live 20
minutes from a casino, but I’ve found there is more action online.
I joined a fantasy baseball league with several other EI FIJIs four years ago, and I
probably spend 30-40 minutes looking at baseball stats/news daily. I never even
watched baseball before joining.
\r\nA Letter From The President
Greetings Brothers,
It has been a great semester for Epsilon Iota, and I’m very excited to share some of our recent
accomplishments with you all. The semester started off with a bang, as 25 brothers attended
Indiana State Day and accepted awards for Best Recruitment Program, Best Philanthropy
Event, and Most Improved Chapter. These awards reflect the hard work and dedication of
our brothers, and highlight how far we’ve come as a chapter in recent years.
The chapter stayed busy and active on campus throughout the semester. Brotherhood
development events were hosted weekly, highlighted by the 2nd Annual Putt-Putt Classic.
The title was once again claimed by yours truly, as I coasted to an easy 5-stroke victory. The
chapter also hosted successful mixers with the ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Omicron Pi,
and Phi Mu, and participated in various intramural sports and campus philanthropies. The IM basketball team won its
second A-League championship in three years and Eric Stoessel (EI 2014) won AOII’s Survival of the Fittest. The bike
race team trained hard, held their heads high, and pedaled to a 5th place finish.
In late April, we hosted our annual philanthropy event Hot-Tub-a-Thon, benefiting Easter Seals. Perfect weather and
excellent planning by Brad Curtis (EI 2016) and Austin White (EI 2014) led to one of the most crowded and entertaining
HTOT’s in recent memory. A good time was had by all, and yearlong fundraising efforts resulted in a record-high
donation to Easter Seals. With your help, we were able to raise $14,000, upholding Hot-Tub-a-Thon’s longstanding
position as the top philanthropy event on campus. Thank you all for your continued support of this worthy cause.
The chapter has experienced tremendous growth over the past year. We are now one of the largest, most active fraternities
on campus. However, when one challenge is overcome, a new host of challenges presents itself. Going forward, it is
critical that we avoid complacency and continue to grow and develop as a chapter. This starts with next fall’s recruitment
season, and I am confident that we have the system in place to again secure a large pledge class of high-quality young
men. The chapter is motivated and enthusiastic about the opportunity to build on our recent achievements, and I am
confident that our unyielding commitment to the values of Phi Gamma Delta will precipitate many successes in the
coming years.
Feel free to contact me personally with any questions that arise.
Ben Broadhead (EI 2015)
(812) 629-8373
Jon Kissel, Ace of Diamonds editor
Hot-Tub-O-Thon information
Phi Gamma Delta
227 S. Lincoln Park Drive
Evansville, IN 47714
Visit Epsilon Iota on the web at
deepC is the musical alias of brother Geoff Keller.
His music can be found on iTunes, and for exclusive
deepC merchandise check out the new deepC shop:
90% of proceeds will be donated to the Malignant
Hyperthermia Association of the United States
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May 2014 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. The newsletter is four pages in length.