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2014 October Newsletter Tau Nu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
October 2014 newsletter of the Tau Nu chapter at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. This newsletter is sixteen pages.
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Tau Nu
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2014 October Newsletter Tau Nu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Ee. Yew
\r\nThe Tau News
Letter to the grads .................... 3
Welcome to the church ............ 4
Tau Nu in the Polytechnic .......... 5
Graduate responses ................. 6
Undergraduate responses ....... 8
Housing plans ......................... 10
Community service ................ 11
Intramural Sports .................. 13
Pg. 2
/ Fall 2014
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 3
/ Fall 2014
Letter to the Grads
I would like to start out by saying thank you to all of our grads. You guys
have been fantastic throughout this whole process, and none of this would have
been possible if we didn’t have such an amazing group of graduate brothers.
You’ve shown us how Fiji is truly “not for college days alone” and how much of
an impact alumni can have on an undergraduate chapter. I think I speak for all
of the undergraduate members when I say that we are excited to pay it forward
and help out future Fijis in the same way you have helped us.
At this point, we have all successfully moved into the new house and are
slowly adjusting and moving the rest of our things out of storage and finding
a place for them. If you haven’t gotten the chance to get a tour of the house
yet, I would highly recommend taking a trip to Troy at some point in the near
future. We would be happy to host, and we have a guest bedroom waiting for
you if you’d like to stay a night. Just send an email to,
and we can make arrangements.
Although the past few months have been pretty crazy, I feel privileged to
have been a part of this process, and I am glad I could play a role in making
the dream of owning a chapter house into a reality. I have gotten to work with
some great men on the housing corporation and the board of chapter advisors,
and I can only hope to live up to their standard for graduate involvement one
day. You all make me mighty proud to be a Tau Nu Fiji!
Garrett Mitchell Szafman
President, Tau Nu Phi Gamma Delta
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 4
/ Fall 2014
Welcome to the New House
82 3rd Street stands next to historic Barker
Park in downtown Troy. At 22,445 square
feet, it is one of the largest fraternity houses
on the east coast. Its most defining feature,
the white steeple of the former church, can be
seen all the way from the RPI campus, rising
distinctively from its surroundings. The front
door, situated between six impressive columns,
leads up to a spacious main room with highrising ceilings and stained glass windows. In
the back of the room proudly hangs the flag
of Tau Nu Fiji. Underneath the former chapel
sits a recreational room, as well as a kitchen.
Attached to the church is the former
schoolhouse, which has been converted
into a residential area. There are 20 rooms
with a general minimum of 100 square
feet per occupant, for a total maximum
occupancy of 37 brothers. The building
also boasts a smaller recreational room,
the Bob Pringle Library, and a kitchenette.
Find more photos, news, and much more on our Facebook:
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 5
/ Fall 2014
Tau Nu FIJI in The Polytechnic
The October 15th issue of The Rensselaer Polytechnic (run and partially staffed
by Tau Nu brothers) ran an article summarizing our history with the purchase
and renovation of the church. It included the expected facility accomodations,
living spaces per brother, and community service plans.
As it turns out, our living spaces are better than originally thought—the article’s
listed average of 100 square feet per brother has turned into an approximate
minimum, with many brothers receiving over 150 square feet in their rooms.
You can read their full article online at
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 6
What do the
grads think?
This was a weekend that I will not soon
forget! I felt very, very proud to be a FIJI
as brothers from the initial colonization
efforts through today’s pledges came
together with family, friends and some of
our new neighbors to celebrate 30 years of
Tau Nu FIJI. And what a celebration. A
beautiful new house, long in dreams of the
brotherhood, but now a reality.
I hope for many happy years in this new
home, for undergrads and alumni alike.
And undergrads remember, this great
legacy is being entrusted to you. Strive to
make this home a better place every year.
I am humbled by the warm greeting that
Tau Nu FIJIs have given me. Though I am
from another chapter, my two sons have
called Tau Nu FIJI home. And now they
are both sons and brothers to me. I could
not ask for a greater gift!
/ Fall 2014
We asked grads from classes
throughout Tau Nu’s history
what their responses were
to the church and 30th
Anniversary Weekend.
Here’s what they had to say!
I think the entire weekend was outstanding but I think the most memorable part had to be
hosting a grand opening dinner while you guys
were all moving into the building! That is the
clearest example of ‘being part of history’ that I
can imagine.
In terms of advice, keep the place spotless. I’m
aware that coming from the RAHPs there was
no way a work party could ever get those places
clean, 30 years of accumulated soap scum is a
tough opponent. Fortunately, that’s not the case
here. Keep the toilets safe for use by the opposite
sex, and the common spaces worth being shown,
you’re likely to get graduate visitors wanting to
check the place out in the least expected times.
And my personal highlight was the standing
ovation for Edna. Loved their thank you note as
I’ll see you and the chapter in April.
Bob Pringle
Penn ‘83
William Brand
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 7
/ Fall 2014
What do the grads think? (continued)
It was an honor to participate
in the ceremonies and witness
Tau Nu history in the making.
I was pleased and impressed
to see the community
participation and urge our
undergraduate (and graduate)
brothers to always remember
that we need to earn that
community support by our
actions every day if we are to
keep our new house. It was
great to see so many graduates
made the effort to attend and
I especially enjoyed the roll
call of brothers spanning three
decades. And I smiled to
realize that our House banquet
hall will easily seat all of our
graduates now and when Tau
Nu celebrates its centennial!
Mike Keats
Advice: Don’t forget what a privilege it is for our chapter to
own our house. While I am confident the guys moving in
now “get-it”, soon there will many who never knew RAHPs.
Set the right precedent and teach those who come after you
to respect and protect the house.
Keith Downes
Be heard!
Whether you’re a recent grad living in
Troy or an old-timer enjoying a Hawaii
vacation, we want to connect with you.
Reach out at any time via email or
on our Facebook page—we love
hearing from you!
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 8
/ Fall 2014
...and the undergrads!
It’s amazing to see what a group of brothers set on a single goal
can accomplish. It was not easy to get where we are now and it
will not get easier as we strive for further greatness. Only through
our constant persistence may we may finally call this amazing
church our own.
-Patrick Hesselbach (Class of 2017, PCF14 Pledge)
“It’s a really nice house! It’s big; everything’s all spiffy and well done.
I can’t wait to stay in it next year! This house means a lot to us, and
we’ll do our best to maintain it and keep it as nice as it was when the
first brother moved in.”
- Aniket Mitra (Class of 2017, PCS14)
“As someone who’s never lived in Greek housing before, I can’t
think of a better way to spend the next three years of my life. I hope
to see the new house usher in a prosperous era for Tau Nu.”
- Nicholas Seguljic (Class of 2017, PCF13)
\r\n9 / Fall 2014
The Tau News
...and the undergrads! (continued)
“I’m really excited. It’s really awesome to actually have a house. For
years, brothers of our chapter have hoped to live in a chapter house
as an undergrad, and we’re lucky enough to be the ones who finally
get to do so. And it’s awesome that grads have done so much to make
this a reality.”
- Zachary Shute (Class of 2016, PCS13)
“The church marks a truly exciting time not only for our
chapter, but for the RPI and Troy communities as a whole.
This strengthens us as a fraternity chapter and helps bridge
the gap between the university and the local communities.
Enjoy Troy!”
- Terrance McGovern (Class of 2015, PCF12)
“Fiji is full of go-getters, motivators, future millionaires, jokesters,
artists, and people finding their way. But best of all, it’s full of people
I can call my brothers. The church, our new home, is full of history
that will only grow with us here.”
- David Vanderzee (Class of 2015, PCS12)
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 10
/ Fall 2014
Plans for the New House
Persistence prevails. Beautifying and maintaining the new house will require
as much persistence and determination as obtaining it did in the first place.
We pledge to cherish and maintain this property in honor of the generous
contributions of all our graduate and undergraduate brothers.
Phase One
• Buy the property!
• General paint/usage
• Kitchen smokehood,
• Sanctuary sprinklers
Phase Two
• Paint the steeple
• Walk-in facilities
(fridge, freezer)
• First floor
bathroom(s) for
social functions
Phase Three
• Extending the fire
escape, staircase to
fenced rooftop
• Revamp kitchen
• Replace windows,
panes with double /
heat retaining glass
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 11
/ Fall 2014
Community Service
Barker Park Cleanups
With the acquisition of our new chapter
house in downtown Troy, we have aspired to
integrate our chapter as contributing citizens
of our local community. It just so happens
that we neighbor Barker Park, a small but key
piece of the community. We made contact
with the park early in the church negoations
and planned ways we could assist the park’s
efforts. We have already held numerous
chapter service events, including involving our
graduate brothers during Grad Weekend for
a park cleanup, yardwork during the summer,
and event set-ups. We plan on continuing our
great relationship with the park and hope to
further our integration into the community
through our efforts.
Bicycles for Humanity
On September 17th and 18th, 2014, our
chapter hosted a bicycle collection to support
Bicycles for Humanity (B4H). Tau Nu
partnered with the local Adirondack chapter
of B4H to help fundraise their second Bicycles
Empowerment Center (BEC)—a bicycle shopin-a-box. Our two-day collection was geared
to bridge the gap of our transition to the new
chapter house. The first day was held on campus
at the Student Union, while the second day was
held at our church. With the combined efforts
of the B4H chapter, our brothers, and nearby
organizations, we collected enough bikes to
send the BEC to a developing community in
South Africa.
\r\n12 / Fall 2014
The Tau News
Community Service (continued)
FIJI/AOE Blood Drive
Teaching Technology
Every Wednesday from 2-4 pm, we have
been leading teaching sessions with the RPI
Computer Science Club at the local Shaker
High School for their Coding Club. of about
20-30 members. The Python-centered lessons
have ranged from the basics of coding,
to simulated website “hacking”, to puzzle
activities similar to real life situations.
Soon, the program will be extended to at least
two other schools in the Troy area, so we’ll be
sustaining this program over the coming years.
We feel very lucky to have this opportunity to
get teenagers interested in computers and give
the other RPI students experience teaching.
On Tuesday, October 7th, 2014, we
partnered with the sisters of Alpha Omega
Epsilon to co-host an American Red Cross
Blood Drive on campus. Together, we spent
the week prior to postering and tabling
efforts, and manning the registrationand
canteen tables during the drive. outstanding
106% of our goal! In addition, and potentially
more significantly, we took in 28 first-time
donors. By participating in this simple service
event, we not only got the opportunity
to strengthen our relationship with other
organizations on campus, in this case the
sisters of AOE, but we made a direct impact
on 77 lives—77 people who will be eternally
grateful for our efforts.
Do good!
Have a good deed for us to do?
Email our dedicated community service
chair any time at commserve@taunufiji.
com! We’re always looking for ways to
give back to the communities around us.
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 13
/ Fall 2014
Intramural Sports
Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee has been and continues to be Fiji’s strongest sport. We have won the
Engineer’s league Division 2 championship for the past two fall seasons and have put up strong
performances against even the best of the IFC teams in the spring. This season’s team looks to
be strong, if not stronger, than any team in the past two years and we will try to continue the
winning tradition. Halfway through the season we are sitting at 2-1, with the only loss coming
on a sudden death point against Skeleton Kru in a game where many of our key players were
missing. The players’ enthusiasm for the game, and the support from the sidelines every game
has never been better. Hopefully, we will soon be able to close out the season strong and meet up
with Skeleton Kru again in the playoffs for a chance to win the division a third time.
\r\n14 / Fall 2014
The Tau News
Intramural Sports (continued)
Outdoor Soccer
Unfortunately, the season has
been tough, with the first four games
against RSE, Pikes, LXA, and Zeta
Psi, all teams in the top 5 of the
IFC rankings. Despite the tough
competition, the Fiji squad has
played very well, being tied or within
one goal in the last ten minutes of 3
of the 4 games. The last ten minutes,
however, became an issue and the
games started to slip away, resulting
in losses of 1-5, 0-4, 1-4, and 2-4. The
last game of the season was against
a very good Chi Phi team. A rough
start led to a 0-3 deficit early in the
second half. However, two quick
goals turned the game around, giving
us the momentum and setting up
rookie pledge Albert Chen ’18 to
score the game tying goal with less
than a minute to go. There were a
couple more close shots in the closing
seconds, but the game ended in a 3-3
tie. Although the results won’t show
it, this has been a great season for the
development of the team.
Indoor Soccer
Indoor soccer has been significantly more
successful in the past year. The Spring 2014 team
breezed through the regular season with a 6-0 record,
the closest game being a 4-2 win, before the season
came to a disappointing end in the semifinals against
the eventual champions. Since the last season, we
have added more talent and will look to come back
for revenge against the team that beat us last year.
Some members of the team recently placed second
in an “Armory After Dark” tournament, losing one
game to two in a close best of three series for the
championship. The fall season kicks off in the next
week and is looking to be a successful one.
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 15
/ Fall 2014
Again, many thanks to the generous graduate brothers who have contributed
to the Tau Nu chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. Without your hard work and
generosity, especially considering the work of the House Corporation, neither
this article nor its contents would have been possible.
Additional thanks to Joshua Goldberg, Cassie Murray, and Geoffrey Rosenthal
for providing photography services, and Andrew Geary, Javier Camino,
Brendan Cazier, Joshua Goldberg, Tyler Gumina, Christopher Leong, Terrance
McGovern, Spencer Pilcher, Joseph Pringle, Geoffrey Rosenthal, Anthony
Ronda, Kirk Smith, Garrett Szafman, and Harrison Tarr for providing content
inception, writing, and editing services.
The Tau News
Official Graduate Brother Newsletter - Tau Nu Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Volume AC, Issue 1
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
82 3rd Street, Troy, NY
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October 2014 newsletter of the Tau Nu chapter at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. This newsletter is sixteen pages.