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1998 Winter Newsletter Kappa Omicron (Oregon State University)
Winter 1998 newsletter of the Kappa Omicron chapter at Oregon State University.
Date/Date Range:
Kappa Omicron
Oregon State University
1998 Winter Newsletter Kappa Omicron (Oregon State University)
The Beaver Fiji
A Publication of Kappa Omicron of Phi Gamma Delta
Kappa Omicron
348 NW 25th St., Corvallis, OR 97330
Winter 1998
Meet Our Newest Brothers
as an assistant in the lab. He is also a member of
the Environmental Science Association and the
Campus Crusade.
David Klinkenberg: Dave is a sophomore from
West Linn majoring in politcal science. A member
of the Honors College, he is also an accomplished
fiddle player with hopes of making his own CD in
the near future.
Minh "Kevin" Long: A senior majoring in
psychology, Kevin hails from Los Angeles. He will
be the first of the new class to graduate. After
graduation, he will pursue his master's degree.
Charles Woods: Charles is a sophomore
geography major from Eugene. He is in the Air Force
ROTC program and the Civil Air Patrol. Not surpris
ingly, he looks forward to duty in the Air Force after
Not pictured are two new pledges who joined
us in February.
Gabriel Carleton: Gabe is a sophomore from
Hillsboro, Oregon; he is a chemical engineering
Initiates are pictured with graduate brothers following the initiation
ceremony on November 30, 1997. Front row (1-r): Brandon Antoni, Dave
Klinkenberg, Andrew Ibert, Kevin Long, Vincent Kimura, and Bill Ander
son. Back row: Tom Henshaw, Rupert Fixott, Alan Thayer, Tom Talbot,
Don Bourne, and Tom Lewis.
We have seven new brothers at the KO Chapter. This exciting new group
of young men started with nothing but a stately old chapter house and in
one term have organized themselves into a working nucleus of a new chapter!
They were initiated into Phi Gamma Delta on November 30, 1997.
The initiation ceremony was conducted by graduate brothers Tim
Hornecker,'78-957, Tom Henshaw,'44-318, Tom Talbot,'43-307, Rupert Fix
ott, '43-293, Don Bourne, '42-278, and "Scram" Graham, '35-178, aided
by Section Chief Alan Thayer,'81-1002, and Purple Legionnaire Tom Lewis,
'60-592. We all enjoyed going through the now 150-year-old ceremony with
these fine young men. Here is a little bit about each of them:
William Anderson: A sophomore. Bill is a construction management
major. As the house manager, he is very involved in our repair projects. Bill's
home is in Eugene.
Brandon Antoni: From Tigard, Brandon is a sophomore majoring in
business and German. He is active on campus — a member of the Associated
Students of Oregon State University, the Student Conduct committee, the
Academic Requirements Committee, and the Financial Aid Committee. Bran
don was elected chapter president and is a candidate for ASOSU vice
Andrew Ibert: Andrew's home is Portland; he is a junior mechanical
engineering major. He is our resident electronics expert, able to work on
everything from sound systems and TVs to the house telephone system.
Vincent Kimura: From Honolulu, Hawaii, Vincent is a sophomore ma
joring in environmental science. He is active in the OSU computer center
Jeffrey Elliott: A sophomore in computer
science, Jeffs home is Concord, California.
With the chapter getting started again, these
seven new brothers represent the foundation for
growth that we need for the "new KO." They have
embraced our new standards of substance-free liv
ing, high academic standards, and excellence. If you
are in Corvallis, stop by and meet them. You will like
what you see. — Tom Lewis, Purple Legionnaire
The "New KO" Alive and Well!
As you probably know, when we re
opened last fall, we did so with a new mis
sion and an upgraded set of expectations.
Some of the new rules include the following:
1. We are substance free. No alcohol or
tobacco products are permitted in the
chapter house or at any Fiji function.
2. We are emphasizing scholarship.
The pledging and initiation minimums have
been raised to 3.0 GPA (from high school)
and 2.75 GPA (from OSU).
3. Financial stability.
4. No hazing.
5. Focus on campus involvement and
personal development.
\r\nPage 2
How Are We Doing?
Phi Gamma Delta International and two other national
fraternities have announced that all chapters will be substancefree by the year 2000. Kappa Omicron is there today. We are
also the first and only fraternity at OSU to have already im
plemented this policy, leading to a more positive environment.
For all three terms of our last full year of operation (1995-96),
Phi Gamma Delta placed 24th out of 25 fraternities at OSU in
scholarship. This fall, we were 12th! Considering all the distrac
tions of organizing a new chapter from scratch, we can see what
an accomplishment this was for our newest brothers. Five of the
seven earned a GPA better than 3.0, and members have set their
sights on being number one for this term. We require a 3.0 GPA
from high school or a 2.75 GPA at OSU for pledging and initia
tion. These high scholastic standards have set us apart.
House bills are no longer paid monthly. They are paid on
the first day of each term, in full. The house bill only covers
**landlord** responsibilities — mortgage, electricity, gas, taxes,
etc. The rest of the expenses are paid by the brothers from their
own fund, which they administer. The undergraduates determine
how much each brother pays. Also, each brother is eligible for
a $200-per-term reduction in his house bill if he earns above a
3.0 for the previous term. These scholarships have motivated
the brothers we have and offer an excellent recruiting tool for us.
Hazing is a thing of the past. All Fijis, regardless of their
class or membership status, participate in housework. We have
a house manager who assigns the duties, and all participate.
This procedure is working well; it seems to be a matter of what
a person is used to.
We are urging the brothers to be involved in campus ac
tivities. Brandon Antoni, for example, is a candidate for ASOSU
vice president. Also, our Section Chief, Alan Thayer, *81-1002,
is developing a personal development program that has good
possibilities of being adopted by Phi Gamma Delta International.
We hope to begin using that program in the near future.
Now that we have a nucleus of good men, our next challenge
is to build our numbers. The new brothers have set scholarship
and recruiting as their two main priorities for winter term. We
hope that the next Beaver Fiji will introduce you to yet another
set of new brothers at KO. — Tom Lewis, *60-592, Purple
Remodeling Continues
Thanks to the fantastic efforts of brother Ron Enna, *65-672,
and his KO Capital Campaign Committee, and the dedicated
efforts of brother Norm Seethoff, *45-346, our chief project
manager, we have spent about $60,000 on much-needed repairs
to our old chapter house. The house is basically in good shape.
At age 75, however, it needs some upgrading. Furthermore, at
the close of the last full year of operation in 1996, a fire in the
kitchen caused severe damage to the stove and the air handling
systems. Here is a list of some of the things that have been done
with your generous contributions and what we plan to do as ad
ditional funds become available.
Completed fall term 1997:
Repaired the damage caused by the kitchen fire
Purchased new mattresses for the sleeping porch
Installed new electrical outlets at all study desks (code
Updated/repaired boiler and heating system
Replaced toilets on second floor
Recarpeted second-floor hall, study rooms, library, and
sleeping porch
Upgraded fire protection systems and exit lighting
Winter t998
Replaced front gutters
Repaired chain-link fence on basketball court
Created a bicycle lockup area near back door
Installed fireproof door on sleeping porch
Performed general repair, carpentry, and wall patching
Planned for next cycle, in 1998:
Replace the roof
Replace floor covering on first floor — carpet and tile
Resurface the basement floor
Repair chapter-room entrance and ventilation system
Planned as funds are available:
Repair exterior wood trim
Paint inside and outside
Recarpet third floor
Repoint brick facing
Replace deteriorated beams in front and drive-through
Upgrade basement area
At present, the third floor is not in use. We do not plan to
open the floor or to spend any funds on it until the number of
brothers increases to the point that we need the space on that
level. In the meantime, the repairs have made a great deal of
difference. The old chapter house is looking better, and the
brothers enjoy living there.
In addition to the work done by contractors, the new brothers
have painted the sleeping porch and cleaned out all of the study
rooms and the attic, and are fixing up the basement. They have
also spent many hours keeping the yard mowed and raked.
Many thanks to all of the brothers who made contributions
to the Capital Campaign. If it were not for the generosity of all
of you, we would not be open for business at OSU. Thank you!
We hope that many more brothers will find a way to help us.
We have come a long way, but we still have a lot to do.
A special thanks to brother Bob Morrison, *43-402, who
organized the "Fabulous Forties** to procure a mountain of clean
ing supplies, a leaf blower, and a weed whacker for the brothers.
He and Bob Wiegand, *43-310, even drove from Portland, to
deliver all the stuff to the house. That is the true Fiji spirit that
we have regularly seen from this fantastic group of brothers.
Thanks to each of you.
Kappa Omicron Gets $20,000
from the International Fraternity
Our chapter has been awarded two grants from the Inter
national Fraternity in Lexington. The first, for $10,000, is a grant
from the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation recogniz
ing our early implementation of the Alcohol-Free Housing In
itiative that will make all Fiji chapters alcohol free by the year
2000. We will use the funds to install a network in the chapter
house and acquire computer equipment and services for attach
ment to the OSU campus systems. We had expected to use future
Capital Campaign funds for this expenditure, so this grant will
free up additional dollars for other purposes and enable us to
be on-line much sooner than we expected.
The second grant, also for $10,000, is from the International
Fraternity itself to be used for upgrading life safety systems. We
will use this money for upgrading our fire sprinkler system, in
stalling new battery-operated exit lighting and smoke detectors,
upgrading the fire alarm system, and other safety-related proj
ects. Again, because we had planned to pay for these from the
Capital Campaign, we will be able to use these funds for other
needed projects.
We will receive both grants in the near future and will use
the funds during 1998. We owe our thanks to Executive Director
Bill Martin for his support of our chapter.
\r\nWinter 1998
Page 3
1997-98 Kappa Omicron Capital Campaign
dwindled since our second mail compaign in November. It is vital
that we hear soon from many of you, the brothers we know are
interested in helping but who we have failed to hear from.
Campaign Highlights
Cash donations $89,053.53
Pledges 31,580
Of the approximately $89,000 in cash collected, we have
already spent $61,000 in the past six months. Most of the ex
Total $120,633.50
penses, $59,000, went to direct improvements to the chapter
house; the balance was devoted to campaign expenditures.
We extend a very purple thank-you to the Fiji brothers who
have responded to the major capital fund-raising venture we
kicked off last June. A significant number of you — 150 — have
stepped forward with a contribution of at least $100! Even more
impressive, 40 KO brothers have qualfied for our "1848 Club"
with a cash contribution or pledge of $1,848 during a three-year
period.(The number 1848 was selected because the fraternity
was founded in that year.)
Robert P. Moser, '28-98
Malcolm S. Bryant,'34-162
★ ★Henry W. Brands, Jr., '35-174
★ ★C. H. "Scram" Graham,'35-178
Grant W. Perry, '35-183
Philip M. Brandt, Jr., '36-187
S. D. Eason, '36-189
William S. Hood,'37-198
★ Charles V. Ruzek, Jr., '37-203
Warren D. Jones, '37-214
M E. "Bud" Mercer,'38-216
Richard H. Mote,'38-217
John M. Alexander, '39-223
★ ★Jack E. Morrison, '39-235
We need your help now\ Add your name to the list below
and become a recognized contributing brother. Also, if you have
already made a pledge and can move up the timetable on your
next contribution, that would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
Make checks payable to Kappa Omicron Association and
As of February 26, 1998, the fund total is approaching 50%
of our original goal of $300,000. However, contributions have
Charles M. Cartwright, '30-114
William B. Johnson, '30-118
★ L. Wade Sims,'30-122
George E. Covert, '31-124 (dec.)
Hubert M. Cook,'32-133
John M. Foorman, Sr., '32-140
Arthur J. Porter, '32-141
Our cash balance is now down to $27,000, not nearly
enough to take care of the large cash requirements coming up
this spring, namely, replacing the roof and painting the exterior.
send them to 10260 SW Greenburg Rd., Suite 530, Portland,
OR 97223. — Ron Enna, Campaign Chairman
★ Robert M. Mosar,'45-344
★ ★Normar Seethoff, '45-346
Donald Bergis, '46-350
J. O. Centers, '46-352
★ James J. Collins, Jr., '46-353
Leland R. Dressier, '46-355
Charles A. Gassman,'46-356
C. H. Herman,'46-358
Walker Lundberg,'46-363
★ ★Edward E. Wilson, '46-371
★ J. D. Rowell, '48-377
★ ★Bud J. Curtner, '49-381
★ Frank G. Sauer, '49-396
Allan E. Bankus,'50-399
John R. Deniston, '51-403
David S. Ellsworth, '50-406
Jack A. Grey,'50-409
Richard R. Harlow, '50-410
Richard M. Bixler, '51-425
★ Richard N. Dodd,'51-426
★ ★Richard B. Bailey, '40-243
Richard L. Engdahl, '51-427
F. Robert Hedges,'51-432
John W. Barnes, '40-244
Allan E. Lindstrom, '51-433
John E. Tuomy,'40-253
Richard A. Schoenberg, '51-437
Theron C. Gorden,'52-450
Ralph E. Peterson, '52-455
Keith Petrie. '52-456
Myron E. Doty, '41-259
★ ★John S. Fisk, '41-261
★ Ralph G. Leedy, '41-264
★ ★Berlan Lemon,'41-265
★ Alvin E. Olson, '41-269
Walter H. Smith,'41-271
Robert A. Weibel, '41-274
★ ★Karl D. Berman,'42-277
★ ★Donald A. Bourne, '42-278
Robert Geyer,'42-282
Joseph Sweeney,'42-287
John C. Briggs, '43-292
Rupert E. Fixott, '43-293
★ ★★Burton A. Lind, '43-299
★ ★Robert A. Morrison, Jr., '43-302
★ ★Richard G. Paulson, '43-303
★ Gordon Petrie, '43-305
Edward A. Schaeffers, '43-306
★ ★★Thomas E. Talbot, '43-307
Jesse J. Truax, '43-308 (dec.)
★ ★Robert E. Wiegand,'43-310
★ Bryce J. Brisbin, '44-311
★ David W. Graham,'44-316
Thomas B. Henshaw, '44-318
Emmett E. Woodward,'44-329
Byron F. Disselhorst, '45-334
★ G. Patrick March, '45-342
J. Thomas Schneider, '52-458
A. T. Woodhouse,'52-459
Joseph J. Cornell, '53-465
Arthur H. Kroeger, '53-469
J. R. Kuse, '53-470
George D. Shields, '53-477
★ Richard M. Weaver,'56-521
Robert R. Dueltgen, '59-560
J. Robert Grant,'59-564
William C. Long,'59-568
Marc H. Nelson, '59-571
Bryce C. Rickson, '59-574
★ Thomas H. Lewis, '60-592
★ ★Robert D. Moody,'60-593
Neal C. Reiling, '60-596
Kenneth M. Stevens, '60-599
Lawrence M. Baugh.'61-602
★ ★Kenneth R. Poorman,'61-610
Gary W. Runes. '61-612
★ Samuel R. East. '62-622
John K. Hedges. '62-625
Tom A. Stone. '62-634
David L. Long. '63-640
★ ★Gary A. Wildish. '63-649
Thomas F. Basgen,'64-652
Philip M. Brandt HI. '64-654
John E. Geiger. '64-658
★ Bert E. Loughmiller, '64-661
Robert J. Wilhelm. '64-668
★ ★Ronald 1. Enna. '65-672
Steven H. Adams.'66-687
Gerald R. Durbin. '66-695
Colin L. Walker. '66-707
James C. Daulley. '67-712
Stephen A. Enna,'68-733
William D. Brandt, '69-751
★ Dale A Campbell,'69-752
Jeffrey L. Wissler. '69-778
William R. Graham.'70-783
★ ★Courtney C. Smith. '70-796
Bruce G. Bronson. '71-802
Terrance H. Dunn. '71-808
James S. Robinson, '73-858
Steven N. Stonecipher, '73-863
Neil J. St. Pierre, '74-880
Jeffrey L. Hjorth. '75-889
Terry W. Smith. '75-^00
Thomas 1. Meeks,'76-^12
Thomas H. Newman,'77-931
Daniel C. Dressier. '77-943
Timothy Hornecker. '78-957
Kenneth A. Middleton, '77-963
J. Stephen James,'80-979
Mark A. Harris, '80-991
Larry N. Wood,'80-994
Theodore G. Squilanti, '82-1010
Paul C. Harvey, '81-1037
Jeffrey J. Lindquist, '84-1056
J. Henry Hermon,'85-1081
Keith W. Backsen, '87-1128
Terry D. Chubb,'88-1150
David J. Reggiani, Jr., '88-1158
Gerald E. Van Zant, '90-1170
Andrew W. Orear, '89-1179
★ D. James Allen, '90-1188
Patrick C. Faesler, '90-1204
Christopher C. Clark, '92-1241
Javier A. Ortiz, '92-1242
Eric C. Jensen. '92-1247
Jason R. Shaw. '93-1265
★ 1848 Club Pledge
★ ★ 1848 Club Qualifier
★ ★ ★ Royal Purple Club($5,000 or more)
\r\nPage 4
Fabulous Forties Reunion
Attention, all members of the "Fabulous Forties":
We want to celebrate another year of activity of our group
with a get-together at the chapter house for some good old frater
nity fellowship. Mark the dates of June 16-17-18, 1998,for the
big event. We had a reunion five years ago, and now it is time
for another. We don't need to tell you that it will feature great
fun, fine food, and years of memories to swap.
Save those dates now. We'll gather at the chapter house on
Tuesday afternoon and be ready to head home about Thursday
noon. The ladies are definitely invited to share the good times
with us. A lot of work has been done on our old house, and I'm
sure you will all be pleased to see it. Most of the meals will be
Winter 1998
Financial Condition Stable
The financial situation surrounding our chapter is stable,
at least in the short term. As this article is written, we have ap
proximately $20,000 in our operating and savings accounts.
Though this sounds like a good sum of money, in truth, it is
barely adequate and does not provide any protection in the case
of an emergency requiring a large outlay of funds.
For example, just the mortgage payment, property taxes,
and liability insurance total more than $15,000 annually. Add
utilities and smaller expenses, and you can see that the money
on hand will last roughly twelve months without even consider
ing any extraordinary expenses, the kind that often seem to come
up with a physical structure as old as the Fiji chapter house.
at the house, and the sleeping porches will be ready for our
On a more positive note, the generosity of our brothers is
tremendous. Each time we publish The Beaver Fiji, brothers rise
to the occasion and contribute around $4,000. Some of this
Watch for a mailing to be sent out in April. If you don't hear
from us by May 1, contact either of us:
money pays the cost of the publication, but about two-thirds of
each dollar collected goes into the pot to help pay the bills. We
would be in a much more dire situation if these contributions
Jim Collins
Chuck Classman
5307 SW 33rd Dr.
Portland, OR 97201
3816 SW Lyle Ct.
Portland, OR 97221
— Jim Collins, '46-353, Chairman
Editor's Note: You "Fabulous Forties" brothers continue to
inspire all of us involved in the rebirth of the chapter at OSU.
Thank you for all you do. 1 look forward to meeting even more
of you in June. — Tom Lewis
Meet Lawson Knight
Lawson Knight is our new resident advisor. Originally from
Independence, Oregon, Lawson was initiated into Lambda Chi
Alpha while at OSU. He graduated in 1995 with a degree in
biology. While a student, he belonged to Mortar Board, Cardinal
Honors, Thanes, and-the ASOSU Academic Regulations
After graduation, he spent three years as a new-student
recruiter at OSU and later was the sales manager for Eola Hills
Wine Cellars. Now he is employed by the OSU Alumni Associa
tion as a program coordinator.
had not been forthcoming. COMCOA,Inc., the publisher of The
Beaver Fiji and many other fraternity newsletters, regularly prints
statistics which show the KO brothers either first or second
among all the Oregon State University fraternities in supporting
the undergraduate chapters. Since these contributions are over
and above those made to the Capital Campaign, this statistic
is even more amazing. We all owe a big thank-you to those
brothers whose names appear on the back page of each issue
of The Beaver Fiji.
Another contributing factor to the relative stability in our
finances is the group of young men living in the house. The
money they pay in rent covers the immediate cost of keeping
the chapter house open. Without their rent, we would be using
up what little cash we have even faster. We cannot go on in
definitely with only seven or eight guys in the house, but their
presence is a positive factor as we go about trying to increase
the numbers in the house.
1 invite any brother who has an interest in rebuilding the
KO Chapter to contact Alan Thayer, Tom Lewis, me, or anyone
else who is involved at this time. The need is tremendous and
varied. Finances are important; contributions are most welcome.
More importantly, we need men who will become involved. We
need leaders, we need workers, we need name
it and we need it.
Because of his fraternity and recruiting background, we think
Lawson will be a great help to us in our rush efforts and in contin
uing to learn the ins and outs of running a fraternity chapter.
He will live in the housemom's quarters on a year-round basis
and will be a contact for alums who want to come by the house
during off times. Welcome, Lawson!
Ekklesia Travel Money Needed
This summer,the 150th Ekklesia will be held in Pitts
burgh during August. It marks the 150th anniversary of
our fraternity.
We hope to send at least three of our new brothers.
Any help you could provide to help pay their expenses
will be greatly appreciated. Send me a check, made out
to Phi Gamma Delta, and I will use it to help pay for their
travel and living costs. Any excess funds received will be
donated to the capital campaign. Thanks, in advance,
for your support!
A public thanks to each of the following brothers: Paul Louis,
Paul Davis, Jim Allen, Tom Lewis, and Alan Thayer. Others have
been and are working to see KO rise again, but these five have
gone way above and beyond the call of duty. Their service proves,
once again, that Phi Gamma Delta is not for college days alone.
— Dan Forth, President, KO House Corporation
Robert S. Stewart, '25-74, died July 20, 1997. His
daughter, Catherine S. Hunnicutt, wrote,"It is with great sadness
that 1 write to tell you of the death of my father. Phi Gamma
Delta was an organization in which he took great pride and enjoy
ment. He was an active member when all were required to have
the Greek letters tattooed on their arms. 1 still recall times when
a fellow member would recognize the letters and introduce
himself. My mother, after nearly 65 years of marriage, has
decided to wear her sweetheart pin once again! My mother's ad
dress is Meadowood at Worcester, 101 Laurel House, Lansdale,
PA 19446."
George E. Covert,'31-124, died November 2, 1996, ac
Mail contributions to:
cording to his wife.
Tom Lewis, Purple Legionnaire
3940 SW Brooklane Dr.
William D. Aitken,'32-131, passed away in August 1996
in Bronxville, NY."Scram" Graham reports that Bill graduated
Corvallis, OR 97333
from Stanford and was a longtime employee of Matson Steam
ship Lines. Later, he went into the travel business in New York
and Connecticut.
\r\nWinter 1998
Albert J. Moser,'32-139, a Seattle resident, died November
17, 1997. "Scram" Graham notified the office.
Philip M. Brandt, Jr., '36-187, died March 1, 1998, in
Salem. Born in Columbia, Missouri, on June 18, 1915, he moved
with his family in 1917 to Corvallis. His father was a professor
at OAC. He graduated from Corvallis High School, and in 1936,
from Oregon State. He edited the award-winning 1936 yearbook.
Except for World War II service with the US Army, brother
Brandt spent his entire career with the Farm Credit Administra
tion and later the Willamette Production Credit Association. He
served as chief executive from 1938 until 1980, when he retired.
He was active in numerous civic projects in Salem, and
served OSU as a member of the boards of the ER Jackman Foun
dation of the College of Agriculture and the OSU Friends of the
Brother Brandt's hobby for most of his life was music; he
played trombone in various bands and orchestras.
He is survived by his wife, Mary Edwards Brandt; by his
former wife, Eunice Cottrell Brandt, and their children, Philip
M. Brandt III [*64-653] of Kathmandu, Nepal, William D.
Brandt f69-751]of Salem, Oregon, and Lark Brandt Meredith
of Hillsboro, Oregon; four grandchildren; three stepchildren; and
five step-grandchildren.
Meredith M. Huggins,'38-212, died November 26, 1997,
at the age of 82, according to The Oregon Stater, Born in Oakes,
ND,"Hug" moved to Washington as a child. He graduated from
Oregon State in 1938, and the same year married Frances
Doolittle, who died in 1980.
He spent ten years in the infantry, including service in World
War 11 in the Pacific. He received a presidential citation and the
Distinguished Service Cross and won the Purple Heart three
Page 5
office. "Dick was a Fiji pledge in the class of 1941 or 1942. He
left school to enlist in the US Navy, where he served nearly four
years in WWII, mostly aboard aircraft carriers in the South
Pacific. Dick and 1 were very close, especially during our retire
ment years. 1 shall miss him very very much."
Fiji Fables
Bud J. Curtner,'49-381, a retired road contractor, writes,
"Survived a stroke in 1985, but it ruined my golf game. 1 also
had to sell my airplane...could not pass the medical. Remember
when we bombed Eugene in 1947 with orange leaflets just before
the game?" Bud and his wife, Lois Hubbard Curtner, live at 7410
SW East Lake Ct., Wilsonville, OR 97070(phone 503-694-2750).
They are the parents of Debra Detwiler (41, OSU)and Pamela
Starnes (40, OSU). He is a former district governor of Rotary
Raymond P. Koch,'49-388, writes,"Great to hear the news
of the reactivation. Good luck!" His address is 2904 Old Dufur
Rd., The Dalles, OR 97058.
Roy E. Phelan,'50-418, has been retired from his job as
a Boeing manager for seven years. He says he "keeps busy with
home improvement and serving on the condo association board
for Quelah in Sunriver, Oregon." He and Norma Mclnnes Phelan
(AT, OSU)also like to travel."We are usually in Sunriver spring
and fall since we rent during the summer, mostly. Call us — we
are in the phone book." The rest of the time, they live at 3253
W. Lake Sammamish Pkwy, SE, Bellevue, WA 98008 (phone
425-746-3725). The Phelans have two sons, two daughters, and
eight grandchildren, ages 6 to 20."Surely do hope the new plans
for the house work out," concludes Roy. "Long overdue. Our
oldest granddaughter was a freshman at the UDub last year, and
she was thoroughly disgusted with the drinking at the fraternity
In 1949, brother Huggins began working in Medford as an
independent distributor for Mobil. A few years later, he joined
classmate Frank Ramsay and OSU football coach Tommy
Prothro in acquiring the Coca Cola/7-Up Bottling Company for
southern Oregon and northern California. In the mid 60s, the
Huggins retired to Hawaii.
He supported OSU faithfully, serving as president of the
him at 503-690-2557, or send e-mail to
"I retired in 1990 from running the ad department of The Oregonian" reports Bix. "Then 1 did a Michael Jordan and came out
of retirement two years ago to direct the ad department of the
Hillsboro Argus^ the largest nondaily paper in the state.
OSU Alumni Association, as well as on the OSU Foundation
board, the Dads Club board, and the Intercollegiate Athletics
Crazy???" When not at the Argus, he enjoys golf, sportscar rac
ing, and antique radio restoration. The Bixlers have four children,
board. His monetary contributions qualified him for member
ship in the Strand Society.
He is survived by his daughter, Meredith Gilley of Portland,
a brother, Charles of Seattle, Washington, a sister. Donna Clark
of Everett, Washington, three grandchildren, and several
William H. Egan,'49-383,"died three years ago," accord
ing to a note from his daugther, Ellen Egan.
Julianne C. Tourtillott, former housemother at KO, died
October 5, 1997, in Corvallis. After an active career in public
relations, Mrs. Tourtillott came to the Fiji house in 1973, where
she became "Mrs. T'to the undergraduate members. She retired
in 1986.
An article in the Fall 1983 Beaver Fiji makes note of "Mrs.
T's" contributions. Titled "In Appreciation of Personnel," it was
written by House Manager John Home. He stated,
"First and foremost on my list of *hard workers' is our
housemother, Mrs. Julie Tourtillott. Not ony does this lady
organize the Mothers' Club, help with Homecoming, organize
Moms and Dads Weekends at KO, and help out with the Pig Din
ner, she also handles the operation of ordering food and sup
plies for the kitchen."
She is survived by a son, John David Tourtillott of Fresno,
California, a daughter, Martha Gale Hazel of Corvallis, and two
Richard Theis, pledge, passed away December 23, 1997.
His brother, Robert H. Theis, '39-241, notified the graduate
Richard M. Blxler,'51-425, and his wife, Jan, make their
home at 14955 NW Channa Dr., Portland, OR 97229. Phone
Kim, Mike, Laurie, and Melady.
George D. Shields,'53-477, is retired from the real estate
business. He receives mail at PO Box 154, Tolovana '^ark, OR
97145, and phone calls at 503-436-2368. He says they have a
"bunch" of children (9), as well as 13 grandchildren and 3 great
grandchildren. He wrote to offer a rush recommendation.
{Thanks, George!)
Paul R. Bruner,'55-496, is married to Anita C. White, MD
(U of Texas, Southwestern Medical School). He has two
daughters, Lisa Ann Rice (32) and Elisabeth Ruth Bruner (29),
and two "step childs," Glenda Cole (39) and Gerald White (37),
as well as five grandchildren."Just spent marvelous time in Per
sian Gulf as agriculture minister for the government of the state
of Bahrain," he reports.'The Gulf War was scary(Desert Storm),
but not threatening. Loved it there, but most happy to be home
in Oregon and often commuting to Texas." A retired agricultural
scientist,"Durango" now busies himself with "conservation, not
environmental interests." He belongs to Ducks Unlimited and
Order of the Antelope. Write to him at 01814 SW Riverdale Rd.,
Portland, OR 97219, or phone him at 503-636-4317.
Bernard T. Lantis,'68-738, has been president of Mooney
Aircraft Corp., but announces,"Just entering retirement! Leaving
Mooney Aircraft after its sale to an American investor and plan
to work on the golf handicap." "Bing" lives at 13755 Vista
Dorada, Salinas, CA 93908, with his wife, Sara (Sally Vernier).
Amy and Julie, both 23, complete the family. Bing's phone
number is 408-484-2260.
\r\nPage 6
Winter 1998
John L. Smith,'68-744, of 714 W. 1900 N., Clinton, UT
84015, writes, "I moved to Utah in late 1996 to pursue a selfemployment opportunity selling library books and library
automation software to schools and libraries." He has owned
hood and my professional life — as a civil engineer with CRW
Engineering Group — keep me busy these days. Haven't seen
any brothers since 1995. Send me an e-mail or something." Jon's
e-mail address is; his phone number is
High Ridge Media Associates for one year. The Smith family i.
eludes wife Laura and children Karen (28), Michael (26), Josh
(24), Jennifer (22), and Nathan (18). ^My wife accepted a posi
tion wtih Health First in Knoxville as its national Hospice
Volunteer and Bereavement Director. Our older daughter mar
ried in June; our younger daughter graduated from Lewis & Clark
in May." A member of the Powder Mountain Ski Patrol, John en
joys fly fishing and skiing in his spare time. His e-mail address
is, and his phone number is 801-776-9096.
6940 SW Oleson Rd., Portland, OR 97223.
Kevin L. Cheek,'78-945, and his wife. Sue (Cal State-
Hayward), reside at 1056 Dartmouth Lane, Los Altos, CA 94024,
with Lauren (11)and Kelly (5). Their phone number is 415-9684614, and Kevin's e-mail address is "I'm
working at a networking start-up," says Kevin, marketing direc
tor at Freegate Corp."I got my MBA at Santa Clara University
and was previously at Cisco Systems. I'm interested in finding
out if there are any Bay Area OSU Fijis from my era."
Douglas M.Raitt,'80-981, has been construction manager
at Morrison Knudsen Co. for 15 years."I am responsible for field
operations for construction of a 30-mile section of E-470 beltway
around Denver," he reports. "We're enjoying Colorado very much.
Alliance Bowl for the Beavers in '98 and a curse on El Nino."
Douglas and his wife, Margaret, are the parents of Jordan (18),
Garret (10), and Mary (3 mos.). "Geritol, please," cries Doug.
They live at 20152 E. Maplewood PL, Aurora, CO 80016(phone
303-766-8273). His e-mail address is
Paul K. Davis, '85-1084, writes, 'Took a new position,
marketing analyst, with Columbia Forest Products in the same
business line I was in previously with Georgia-Pacific — hard
wood plywood manufacturing. I had a great time working on the
chapter over the years. Drop me an e-mail at pdavis@columbia" Or call Paul at 503-452-9545. He lives at
Anthony J. Pullcella,'87-1145, directs business develop
ment at Koopman Ostbo Marketing Communications. He says,
"All is very well. Spending most free time remodeling our 1927
Tudor in Eastmoreland and keeping my golf scores in the 70s.
Hey, big bro Bob Beamon f86-1116], where is ya? Big hello
to all the bros of the 80s — let's bring the frat back!""Biff' and
his wife, Maureen (KA, U of WA), live at 7420 SE 31st Ave.,
Portland, OR 97202, with Lauren Taylor (6) and Colin James
(4). Their phone number is 503-775-6514.
Terry D. Chubb,'88-1150, notes, "I've been an employee
in law enforcement/corrections (Descutes County parole officer)
for the past eight years. I got married just over a year ago —
just hangin' out in Bend and lovin' life." You'll find "Leenus," his
wife, Carlie (ASU), and children Jonathan (10) and Sarah (7)
at 2010 NE Purser Ln., Bend, OR 97701. Their phone number
is 541-317-9057.
Donald A. Hostler,'91-1192, lives at 1400 N. Hayworth
Los Angeles, CA 90046."After OSU,exercise changed
my life," he writes. "If you want to know more, call or write. I
Jon H. Hermon,'85-1081, and his wife, Victoria(OSU '85),
now teach exercise all over the world and have a celebrity
live at 17401 Palos Verdes Dr., Eagle River, AK 99577, with
daughter Andie (3) and son Mathias, who was born May 10,
1997. "We've been living in Alaska since 1990," says "Hermz."
"Before 1990, we lived pear Seattle, Washington. I worked at
Boeing with John 'the Fudge' Home ['84-1054]. I'm having a
good life. Had a ten-year wedding anniversary recently. Parent
clientele, including Toni Brzixton, Laurence Fishburne, and Yancy
Butler, among others. I am an elite athlete and as happy as one
person could be." "Little Indian" was silver medalist in the 1997
National Aerobics Championships. He recommends that readers
check out "Sports Aerobics Athlete" on ESPN. Call him at
1997 Honor Roll of Contributors
Thanks to each of the 81 Fijis listed below. Their 1997 contributions totaled $6,215, an impressive sum.(Those who contributed
$100 or more have a star beside their names.)In these critical times, it's important that we hear from as many members and friends
of Kappa Omicron as possible. Please send your contribution of whatever size today!
★ Charles M. Cartwright
★ William B. Johnson
Harry A. Dyhrman
John T. Keelcr
Malcolm S. Bryant
★ Richard J. Heimann
★ C. H. "Scram" Graham
★ William S. Hood
Class Yr. & No.
★ Charles V. Ruzek, Jr.
Jerome F. Ruzek
in memoriam 37
★ Walter M. Hulden
Warren D. Jones
★ John M. Alexander
Robert H. Theis
John W. Barnes
Robert S. Binford
Myron E. Doty
Walter H. Smith
Donald A. Bourne
Joseph Sweeney
Robert E. Wiegand
★ Robert R. Bergis
Edward E. Wilson
★ John D. Rowell
★ Bud J. Curtner
Raymond P. Koch
★ Allan E. Bankus
★ Richard R. Harlow
★ Roy E. Phelan
Martin L. Reilly
William R. Graham
Robert A. Morrison III
Jon P. Hudson
James E. North
William L. Beckley
Andrew M. Martin
John E. Wisti
Richard A. Schoenberg, Jr.
Douglas M. Raitt
Richard M. Bixler
Richard N. Dodd
★ Richard L. Engdahl
★ F. Robert Hedges
★ Richard A. Schoenberg
★ J. Thomas Schneider
★ A. T. Woodhouse
Robert T. Bragg
Arthur H. Kroeger
★ George D. Shields
★ Gordon R. Everett
Raymond G. Zinckgraf, Jr.
★ Paul R. Bruner
Robert D. Moody
★ Neal C. Reiling
Kenneth R. Poorman
★ Michael S. Lucas
★ John E. Geiger
Bert E. Loughmiller
★ John N. Constans
★ Gerald R. Durbin
★ Kendell L. Brunton
James C. Daulley
★ Bernard T. Lantis
★ John L. Smith
Richard M. Hulden
★ Larry N. Wood
Theodore G. Squilanti
Paul C. Harvey
John K. Hedges
★ Jon H. Hermon
Paul K. Davis
David S. Halsey
Jon R. Hytinen
Anthony J. Pulicella
Terry D. Chubb
Donald A. Hostler
★ Patrick C. Faesler
★ Javier A. Ortiz
Cory M. Cunningham
Scott K. Campbell
R. Keith Henley N. Alabama
\r\ni »
Kappa Omicron Chapter
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Friendships are important! Our fraternity is important! Let's perpetuate both of them, not only for our own benefit,
but so that our sons and other young men may share in the fellowship offered by Phi Gamma Delta.
MAIL TO: Phi Gamma Delta
Kappa Omicron Graduate Office
PO Box 0
Corvallis, Oregon 97339
Phi Garnrna Delta
Execut ive Director
Please report address changes or corrections to
the Graduate Office.
PO Box 4599
Lexington, KY
Please return this form with your contribution.
1998 Voluntary Alumni Contribution for Beaver Fiji, etc.:
□ $100
□ $75
□ $50
□ $25
□ $.
Support for the KO Building Fund:
□ $100
□ $75
□ $50
□ $25
□ $.
Enclosed is my check payable to "Kappa Omicron Association" in the amount of
Contributions are NOT deductible for Federal income tax purposes.
Detach Here
Imagine the Possibilities!
In 1997, 81 Fijis sent a total of $6,215 via the alumni communications program. Con
tributors were generous, giving an average of $78.67 each!
The number who donated — 81 — is just 8% of those on The Beaver Fiji mailing list.
Imagine how Kappa Omicron could be secure in its return to OSU if a larger percentage
of alumni sent donations!
Kappa Omicron is at a critical juncture in its history. The fraternity is setting the
pace at Oregon State University by adopting an alcohoI-free policy in advance of others.
The young men recently initiated are setting the pace, as well, in the way they conduct
themselves on campus.
At the same time, the national fraternity prepares to celebrate its 150th year of ex
istence. allowing Fijis the chance to look backward as well as forward. What an im
pressive record of achievement has been forged during those 150 years — and each one
of you is a part of that record!
If you haven't sent a donation recently, please give now. You'll demonstrate that
Phi Gamma Delta remains important to its members long after the years at the chapter
house are past!
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Winter 1998 newsletter of the Kappa Omicron chapter at Oregon State University.