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1998 Winter Newsletter Pi Iota (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Winter 1998 newsletter of the Pi Iota chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Pi Iota
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1998 Winter Newsletter Pi Iota (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Pi Iota Chapter of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Fall / Winter ^98
Pi ^.1,
?^3l layr
ITInrrriiirr |IrliiU^rlntTr jliiPtUitlr
"Moving into the Future... With Our Eyes on the Past"
Fall / Winter '98
\r\nPi Ides
Fall / Winter '98
Phi Gamma Delta
The cover of this magazine has read for some time now, "Moving Into the Future With Our Eyes
on the Past," and it was said in the last issue of Pi Ides that this couldn't be more true with the passing of
our friend and brother, Matthew Rex. This was true then and it is true now. However, our future is a bit
more uncertain now. Luckily, even with the adversities our chapter and our national fraternity has faced
in the past two years and with the new strict regulations our school has placed on all fraternities
regarding rush policies and party policies, we remain determined to thrive as a brotherhood and an
organization. We do this through combined efforts to rush successfully, set precedents for following the
new WPI and National Phi Gamma Delta regulations to the letter, and serve our community as well as
With our National enforcing rules regarding underage drinking and drugs, and our school
implementing new and extreme rush rules, we as a whole and as individuals have had a lot of adjusting
to do. Through this issue of Pi Ides we hope to communicate too all graduate brothers our efforts to
adjust to these changes and those in the entire national Greek system on an individual basis, as an
organization, and as a brotherhood.
Keith A. Romano,
Editor, Pi Ides Graduate Newsletter
\r\nPi Ides
Phi Gamma Delta
Fail / Winter'98
President's Report
In a time of
our philanthropic efforts. In addition to
transition for fraternities. I
these activities, we have brothers on
am proud to say that Pi
e\ery \ arsity. club and intramural team
here at WPI. We are extremely active
Iota has emerged as a
leader for chapters at WPI
and across the nation! For
many fraternities, it is
becoming harder and harder to attract
increasing numhers of quality men each
new year. This is definitely not the case
for our chapter. We have consistently
initiated about fifteen freshmen per year
over the last four years and these
freshmen have proved to he great brothers
and distinguished students here at WPI.
Phi Gams are always known all over
here at Pi Iota because we understand
that invoh ement makes everything more
meaningful and a lot more enjoyable.
Aside from campus activity, we
complete IQPs. MQPs and Sufficiencies. I
was fortunate enough to study in Germany
last D-term and can attest to how
wonderful the program really is.
Understandably, every brother in Pi Iota is
encouraged to take advantage of this
opportunity. However, we have had to
make many changes in our chapter to
have made great strides in improving our
account for the one-term loss of the over
chapter from the inside out. In an effort
to increase individual participation in
decision making within the fraternity, the
ten brothers per year. To help ease some of
the financial burden of traveling abroad.
Cabinet held a By-Law Review retreat in
September to re\ amp some of the out-of-
campus for their outstanding community
date by-laws and add new ones in order
to stay current in these changing times.
One of the most notable changes
involvement. This year we had three
in\ olves the selection of our future
F.A. Morse has agreed to the Cabinet's
proposal for billing rent on a per-term
basis. Now brothers can travel abroad and
still afford to live at the house when they
return. This plan also lessens the financial
blow for the brothers not leaxing for a term
who otherxvise would have been paying
brothers serve as Orientation Leaders to
leaders. Today Pi Iota holds a "general
more to cover the invariable chapter
WPFs incoming freshman class. Two
brothers have just begun their terms on
the Intrafraternity Council E.xecutive
election" of house positions instead of
the Cabinet appointments of years past.
operating budget. We have also made it
board. Fuji \'oiccs are also heard at all
We hope that this may increase personal
accountability by supplying a now bigger
•Student Go\ernment meetings, as there
are four acti\ e Fiji student officers this
motix ate our "elected" committee
year. Brock Idincrt. a junior, has recently
represented Fiji well by organi/ing a
chairmen to excel at their positions. This
year we also have two sophomore
lever arm. the entire brotherhood, to
career fair here at WPI that was open to
brothers on the Cabinet, which goes to
area high school senit)rs so that they
might better understand the whos. whats
and hows of today's job market. Brock
has also participated a new program called
Skin Deep, which is an organized lorum
for stLidcnts to express their thoughts and
feelings on topics of racism and sexism in
show the strength of each new class that
enters Pi Iota. To improve the house
from the business end. we are now usinsi
Omega Financial to assist us in the
possible for our chapter's leaders to take
part in the GPP by electing interim Cabinet
otficers to fill in whenever necessary. Last
year John Lehane presided over Pi Iota in
my absence, which proved to work out
These important changes, as well
as many others, were made possible
because of the strong leadership of the
Cabinet and the extraordinary involvement
by F.A. Morse. We are very proud of what
we were able to accomplish in one year and
collection of accounts receix able. This
look forward to more success in the year
tirgani/ation serves as a third party
ahead. We would like to thank all the
graduates for their continued support, both
linancially and as advisors. If you are in
students who need someone w ith whom to
billing agency that accepts credit card
payments, ofl'ers 24 hours internet access
to personalize billing information,
rcserx es the power to utilize collection
agencies for delinquent payments, and
supplies the fraternity with a wealth of
know ledge concerning all financial
interact and dcnclop a meaningful
relationship. This program has become so
popLilar that the junior high school
expantled it by more than double the
As many of you may already
know . WPI has an phenomenal program
called the Global Perspectives Program
number of students and now other
(GPP) that exists to send students
fraternities from WPI arc joining Fiji in
\ irtuallv atnwhere in the world to
our community.
Two years ago Pi Iota spear
headed a Big Brother program called
Campfirc where brothers spend a few
hours a week with area junior high school
the Worcester area, please feel free to stop
in and meet us. If you have any questions
or comments you can reach me at 799-
889.'J or at tboscotP' Mighty
Tim Bosco '99
Chapter President
Pi Ides
Phi Gamma Delta
Table of Contents
Editor's Introduction
President's Report
FIJI Finds It's Place in Puerto Rico
Rush Report
Philanthropy Report
House Report
Sports Report
Graduate's Corner
Fiii Finds Its Place in Puerto Rico
Three undergraduate brothers certainly seemed to have found their place last C-term. While participating
in the Global Opportunities Program here at WPI, brothers Tim Igo, Rick Gallimore, and Matt Koski spent all of
C-term completing their IQP in Puerto Rico. Of course, even while working hard for those seven weeks, they
still found the time to enjoy themselves. All Three of them will tell you it was an absolutely fantastic
experience and if you're ever there and need a place to eat... FklTs is the place to go!
\r\nPi Ides
Phi Gamma Delta
Fall / Winter "98
Fall 1998 Rush Report!
Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Iota
Chapter Class of2002!
'here were several ehanges made
in rush this year by WPl and
IFC. During A term, each
fraternity was allowed to have several
school sponsored events somewhere on
campus. These events were not
necessarily geared towards rush but to
give freshmen, male and female, the
chance to meet and socialize with other
WPl students during their first weeks
on campus. Official rush was delayed
until B term and only lasted for three
weeks. This meant that each brother
had to hustle and make extra efforts to
meet and get to know rushes. Rush
was \'ery hectic this year. We had
about three rush e\ ents a week because
of the shortened time period. In the
end. fifteen guys signed bids on Bid Night. We feel confident that these fifteeti guys will tiiake substantial contributions to Pi lota atid
Ole "99 o\ er the tiext four years and the years to follow.
Philanthropy Report
Gtie of Pi lotii's goals
year is to significantly
philanthropy events held
Mtiny ideas have been
rtiisetl ;it meetitigs ;md quite a lew have
already been acted out.
eotilitiuoLis braitislormitig as a group we
hope to come up with eveti more ideas
by the end of the year.
In addition to events performed
its a group mtmy brothers tire presently
doing Worcester's children ;i tretnendous
serv ice
Brightitii and Women's Hospital.
2pm. selling raffle tickets for which the
proceeds were donated to the I'mass
Medical Center to heneflt terminally ill
In tidditioti to these e\etits held
so fiir this year, we ha\e two other ideas
for bigger ev ents that we hope to work out
soon. Otie being a High Sclntol or Jr.
as "big
party and rush policies, we are working
together to do our best to do the satne
with our public service.
Michael Quigley
PhilatUhropy Chairtnan
Pi lotii has tilso donated titne to a
raffle this past No\ember.
Wednesday the I Ith to Fridtiy the l.'^th we
sat in the wedge etieh d;iy from lOam-
Campllre Menfor Program is designed
to giv e unilerpriv ileged children ol the
Worcester eommimitv positive role
efforts we raised $400 which wtis donated
to The Miike ;i Wish Foundation and the
I he
.Saturda)' night during B-tertii to help run
a coffee/cookie stand during the
intermission of the on-campus showing
of the play, "Saint Joan,". With our
High School dance, which we plan to
brothers" ami visit their "little brother
organize, decorate, and run All money
otiee etieh week, taking them on field
trips, tmd speakitig with thetii tibout the
will be ilomited to ;i eharttv
The other is
vet to be
a .Ton-3
issues thiit these children tire ftieed with
(tlrugs. iileohol. teen
pregtitmev, etc.).
Gamm Slam" for w hteh the etitranee fees
I'liis progrtim htis beeti a verv sueeesslul
will go to atiother charitv. This event has
philtmthro|i\ event for our ehtipter over
the |i:ist lew vears timl eontinties to
gooii phinning, we hope th;it this yetir will
interest more and more brothers.
be a gretit otie.
In other ellorts to help with out
goal main brothers gave up a Fridav or
for other IViiternities re>z;iixlme new Vv'Pl
h;ul mixed stieeess iti the p;ist. but with
In tiddition to setting the example
\r\nFall / Winter "98
Pi Ides
House Manager's
Phi Gamma Delta
The WPI club teams of Rugby
and hockey also contain Fiji's on their
rosters. Greg Halloran, Mike Quigley
Sports Report
and Jason Cardinal arc members of the
The WPI Varsity Football
This past summer new reinforced
walls and doors were installed
on the second floor and more
recently a new carpet was
installed in the foyer. The combination of
these two renovations gives the house a
wonderful aesthetic improvement. The
back stairs are newly refinished and the
stair railings were also repaired. And
finally, a new dumpster fence is being
put up to replace the old one. This, along
with the new gravel around the dumpster
will greatly increase the beauty of this
Overall the chapter is working
very well to maintain the appearance of
the house. With the continued support of
P.A. Morse and the help of the graduate
and undergraduate chapter the house
continues to improve.
- Dana Griffin & Timothy Briggs
with a 4-5 record.
Beckett (DE) had a good
season as a third year
Other notable Phi
Gamin players are Kurt
Haggstrom (FB), Brock Ehncrt (SS), and
Justin Dyer (RB).
The Varsity Soccer team was also
Rugby team. The Hockey team, which
is greatly improved, show off the play
of Goalie Jon Keaney and Sophomore
Adrien Robenhyrner.
Once again, Fiji Pi lota is in
the race for the Sports Cup of WPI
intrarnurals. After the fall competitions,
Fiji was tied for first.
This was
accomplished by winning the Intramural
Cardinal, Chris Mahoney, Mike Young,
Jon Rich and Junior Goalie Ryan Fournier
led the squad to an 8-4-4 regular season
Football championship and placing high
in the other sports as well.
Fiji intramural players include
many of the phiyers already mentioned
along with Sports chair Mark Brito,
Club Lacrosse Captain Tim Igo, Paul
helped by a large number of Fiji's.
Sophomore starters Ben Wilson, Jay
The team was knocked out of the
playoffs in the second round but they show
Mike Spencer, Rick Gallimore, Stun
much promise for next season.
Cherenzia and Dan O'Donnell.
Golf team
record with the help of Junior Jamie
Carlson and sophomore Matt Bielik.
Seniors John Lehane, Doug
LaCamera and Greg Martin will lead a
promising Basketball team this year with a
number of Fiji's such as Juniors; Ryan
Thomas, Greg Burnett, Dana Griffin, Tim
Briggs, Max Gomez, Greg Halloran, Ryan
Fournier and Sophomore Matt Bielik.
Good luck to Pi lota for a great
Spring sports season!
- Mark Brito
Sports Chair
House managers
Graduate's Corner
Congratulations to Chandler Jones, Class of 1926, for reeieving his Diamond Owl award for 75 years of membership in Phi
Gamma Delta. Chandler, or "Jigger" as he was known as back in the day, served as chairman for the most recent 75"' Anniversary
fund drive and says that he was quite pleased to receive the Diamond Owl Pin and Certificate.
Brett Peroni graduated in '9.5 and since then has been living life in the fast lane, "Is anyone keeping up?" he asks! Brett was
married in December '96 after building a new house the month before, and only four months later got a new job and eoneei\ed his first
child. Brett's lavorite Fiji memory must have been a good one, because we can't print it... HF'.S MARRIED NOW! Best of luck to
you Brett!
\r\nPi Ides
Fall / Winter '98
Phi Gamma Delta
Pi Ides: Graduate Brother's Response Section
"We want to here from you!"
We are interested in what you have been doing and where you are. If you want to tell your friends the
latest news, send out a message to another brother, or even just write us comments, please fill out this form and
return it to the house "Attn: Graduate Relations." Many responses will be printed in the next edition of Pi Ides.
Your brothers are waiting to hear from you!
Below are some suggestions about what types of messages you may want to send, but feel free to say
anything you like!
Are these addresses new?:
What's new with you, your job, or your family?
A message to another brother?
Favortie FIJI memory:
Comments or Suggestions on this edition of The Pi Ides:
Please return this to:
Graduate Relations
Phi Gamma Delta
99 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
Look for us on the web at http://www.wpi.edii/~phigam
\r\nPi Ides
Fall / Winter '98
Phi Gamma Delta
The Fraternity of
PI IOTA Chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
First Class
99 Salisbury St.
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Winter 1998 newsletter of the Pi Iota chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter is eight pages in length.