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1998 Winter Newsletter Theta Tau (Tennessee Tech) - Graduate Letter
Winter 1998 newsletter of the Theta Tau chapter at Tennessee Tech. This newsletter is four pages.
This newsletter is a letter to graduate brothers.
Date/Date Range:
Theta Tau
Tennessee Technological University
1998 Winter Newsletter Theta Tau (Tennessee Tech) - Graduate Letter
Theta Tau Grad Gram
This Spring
Golden Eagle Fiji Returns!
Watch for it!
President: Kelly Irvin
Treasurer: Ryan Cizmarik
Rec. Sec: Jay Parker
Pig Dinner: April 17%, 6pm Reception
April 18", 8am Golf Scramble
April 18", 6pm Pig Dinner
Formal: All Grads are invited!!!
March 27,28-more to come
Things to Look For:
Web Page under new management
in Feb.
Quarterly Golden Eagle Fiji-
Like they used to be!
Monthly emails and/or Grad Grams
Things we need:
Your email addresses. Send to
Your Phone Numbers. Send to
Chairman’s corner.
1am looking forward to a great
year in graduate activities. I am
endeavoring to bring back the quality of
the Golden Eagle Fiji from the past.
Although, I am discovering that I don’t
know as much about printing publications
as I thought!
lam very aware of the
shortcomings of the past in letting you all
know what is going on. For this I sincerely
apologize, especially since I was not able
to get it going well again as Pres. This
year, we’re going to have some fun
though, because the undergrads are ona
high from last year and we want you up
Corr. Sec.: Brad Jenkins
Historian: Brent Ellis
Grad Relations: Brian Douglas #W
here with us! Plus we DO have the
funds and the desire to do it!!
As you can see by the side bar,
T have a lot of plans in the works,
including Pig Dinner, which I am also
doing. This Pig Dinner date will not
change so don’t doubt it for a minute!
OH, and there WILL be an Exile’s
Toast this time even if I have to learn
some more German!!!! And for the
golfers, don’t even think of stacking
your teams because it is going to be a
pot-luck drawing to see who really
knows what they’re doing.
If any of you would like to be a
guest speaker or do a presentation of
some kind, let me know because we’ll
do it! This is YOUR dinner and if you
don’t have fun I am not doing it right!
Also, if you have news you would like
to have included in the letters, send it.
I need to get email addresses
and phone numbers from all of you
since all I really have are addresses and
even those need work. Please help me
out there. If you need to call me, my
number is (93 1)525-3758, anytime that
is good for you.
You should find a Pig Dinner
form with this letter. Please fill it out
and mail it in by Feb. 27".
Have a Purple New Year!
\r\nApril 17 and 18".
Pig Dinner 1998
Please fill out and return this form by Feb
Your Name
Your Current Phone Number.
How many Pig Dinners have you attended?
Banquet Meal @ $30 each.
Phi Gamma Delta 150" Anniversery Shirts (similar to Logo above)
(17" Theta Tau Pig Dinner)
L $15 ea.
XL $15 ea.
XXL $17 ea.
XXXL $18 ea.
Golf @ $12 each -9 holes and cart
If any of you non-golfers feel brave enough for a game of paintball, that can also be
arranged. Just write a note on the bottom.
Please pay for T-shirts when you order. Please pay for golf and Dinner prior to
attending those functions either by mail or when you arrive. The web page is under
reconstruction (ie. new management) and should be well kept starting in Feb. and
This year’s Pig Dinner will be as traditionally correct as possible and will include
undergraduate and possibly graduate awards. Additionally, there will be trophies for the
winners of the golf scramble!!! You will receive additional information by mid March, but
the Pig Dinner date will not change even if we have to take over some place.
Please return this form to the chapter house as soon as possible, care of Graduate
Relations. And spread the word!! If you have any questions, please contact me at (931)
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Winter 1998 newsletter of the Theta Tau chapter at Tennessee Tech. This newsletter is four pages.
This newsletter is a letter to graduate brothers.