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1998-1999 Winter Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Winter 1998-1999 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
00/00/1998 - 00/00/1999
Indiana University
1998-1999 Winter Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
The Hoosier Fiji
Published byZeta Chapter of the
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at Indiana University
WINTER 1998-99
Zeta Chapter graduate and under
graduate brothers enjoyed the many
activities at the 150th Ekklesia, held
in August in Pittsburgh, PA.
Undergraduate brothers David
Rosen '99, Scott Grieger '99, Spencer
Heindel '99 and Amar Bajpai '99
joined graduates Bud Mangels '56,
Bill Miller '62, Jim Ramsey '64, Bob
Whitacre '67 and Tom Frank '70
during the five-day event.
Zeta brothers discussed issues
affecting our fraternity and the Greek
system and enjoyed fellowship with
Fiji brothers from around the country.
Zeta Chapter brothers attend Ekklesia in Pittsburgh.
Foundation Creates Scholarship Program
based on criteria established by BEE.
ing in Indiana will help support a
newly created scholarship program
sponsored by our Beechwood Educa
$2,000 grants will be made available
to qualifying high school senior men
scheduled to graduate in 1999. This
program is the first of its kind and will
encourage top men in Indiana high
tional Foundation. As many as four
schools to select and attend Indiana
school career and excels in academ
University in Bloomington.
Dozens ofZeta graduates will serve
on regional selection committees to
review applications from as many as
500 applicants. Awards will be made
unique scholarship opportunity. If you
have questions, please call Tom Frank
at (317) 261-2104 or BEF President
Zeta's House Corporation and the
many Phi Gam graduate brothers liv
'P7 Cheney Cup
At Ekklesia closing ceremonies,
Zeta Chapter was recognized dur
ing competition for the Cheney
Cup, awarded to chapters demon
strating the greatest all-around effi
ciency in fraternity activities. Zeta
was bestowed an honorable men
tion award, falling slightly short in
bringing the Cup back to Beechwood.
Zeta has a proud history of win
ning Cheney Cup, and has set its
goals high for the 1998 competi
tion. The University of Georgia
won the overall Cheney Cup com
petition for 1997.
Recipients will be recognized at our
pig dinner banquet in April 1999.
If you know a high school senior
man who has a distinguished high
ics, make sure he applies for this
Bud Mangels.
Brother Runsfor State Rep.
Peter "MIA" Lee '94 wrote to us in January, "Iplan to run for state represen
tative in Washington in November 1998. I will also be marrying Sarah Otte
(KA0) on December 19, 1998. We celebrated the birth ofourfirst child, Frank,
on December 8, 1997. My new brother-in-law will be Frank Otte (Fiji 93). His
nickname was Scout. "
Peter, an IFC president during his undergraduate days, has been employed as
a sales manager for Baxter, a hospital supply company, for four years.
He also writes, "Phi Gamma Delta at lU has taught me to go out and be a
difference in the world. Being surrounded by such talented brothers in the early
1990s was the most important part of collegefor me. "
Phi Gam brothers can find out the election results, and find out more about
this brother's wedding plans, by writing to Peter at 1511 First Ave., Seattle, WA
\r\nPage 2
Winter 1998-99
Brother Whitacre '67 Named Archon VP
Robert N. Whitacre '67 was named
archon vice president at the 150th
Ekklesia in Pittsburgh during its clos
ing ceremonies. "Whit's" two-year
term as vice president follows his term
as a councilor of the fraternity. Bob
will help support and guide fraternity
affairs at the national level.
Bob has taken an active interest in
the fraternity, having served as under
graduate president in 1967 when Zeta
won the coveted Cheney Cup. Bob
served as president of Zeta's House
Corporation for many years and re
mains on the House Corporation
Board of Directors.
Bob is president of Cornerstone
Companies in Indianapolis. He has
two sons, Rob and Jay, who are also
Zeta Fijis. Congratulations, Brother
Whitacre—job well done!
Bob Whitacre (left) with fellow archon officials
Fiji Scores High
1999 Norris Pig Dinner to Feature
in Academics
Golf Tournament, Cyclist Tribute
In academic news, the spring
semester of 1998 was another banner
year for the Zeta Phi Gams. Senior
Jim "Willy" Lohman, Junior Daniel
"Miggs" Branam, Sophomores Ryan
"Neuman" Tierney and Ryan "Dozer"
Pettibone, and Freshmen Stephen
"Cringe" Worth and Justin "Ichabod"
Lienemann all scored perfect 4.0s.
Altogether, 74 Fijis had academic
averages of at least 3.0 for the semes
ter. Overall, the house average was a
strong 3.10, but unfortunately the Zeta
Phi Gams were edged out by the Evans
Zeta's 1999 Norris Pig Dinner, scheduled for Saturday, April 17, 1999, will
feature a golftourney. It is anticipated that at least 12 foursomes will be formed
to play ina "best ball" format sothe golfers can joinpig dinner festivities later at
Beechwood. Brother Denny Smith '69, chairman of the golf tourney, will be
looking for golfers once a course is selected in January.
Also, a special tribute to all former Fiji bike riders will set the tone for
honoring new inductees into the Fiji Cyclists Hall of Fame. Fiji continues to be
recognized as the all-time points leader in the lUSF Little 500 bicycle race. It is
only fitting that former bike riders be recognized for their hard work and
dedication to the Fiji tradition of winning Little 500 and keeping Fiji at the top. If
you rode the bike, don't miss pig dinner in 1999!
Scholars by a mere 1/100 of a point.
Stephen "Cringe" Worth
Scholarship Chair
The Hoosier Fiji is published
regularly by the men of Phi Gamma
Delta at Indiana University for
members and friends.
Graduate news, photographs and
change of address notices should be
sent to Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta, c/o Newsletter Program
Headquarters, P.O. Box 1311,
^loomington, IN 47402-1311.
Brothers prepare the Zeta house for Fiji Isle.
\r\nPage 3
Winter 1998-99
New Zeta Freshmen Class
Jeffrey Michael Arnold
Gregory Witte Berman
Samuel Mattern Blossom
Aaron Michael Copeland
Decatur, IL
Columbus, OH
Ian Graham Essling
Martin Liam Flaherty
Joseph William Frank
Keith Lawrence Hancock
Thomas Richard Havehs
Christopher Neil Hochschild .... Northbrook, IL
Mark James Keim
Michael James Nierengarten
Justin Michael Padgett
James Daniel Pollom
Nicholas Michael Ryan
Paul Matthew Scott
Brett Bitting Spitzer
Aryn Micael Stack
James Russell Stanley
Columbus, OH
Batavia, IL
Lake Forest, IL
Wilmette, IL
Andrew Michael Vetor
Andrew Barclay Vote
Andrew Walker Wilson
John Paul Wyard
Adam Campbell Yelton
New Harmony
Sports Management
Criminal Justice
Thomas Troeger
922 E. Colfax
South Bend, IN 46617
Christopher R. Scherrer '94
5633 Indianola Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Vincent W. Todd Jr. '95
6109 Indianola Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Political Science
Robert W. Byrne Jr. '60
1670 Shiloh School Rd.
Kilmarnock, VA 22482
Power of Two Percent
Since the founding of the American
college fraternity movement in 1776,
fraternities have grown to symbolize
leadership, independence, scholastic
achievement and service to their vari
ous campuses and communities.
Fraternity men represent a very
small percentage, only two percent, of
the male population in the United
States. However, that two percent is a
very powerful group of individuals!
Fraternity men have gone on to hold
iTiany of the top positions in our na
• Approximately 80 percent of the
top executives of Fortune 500
companies are fraternity men.
• The majority (71 percent) of those
Fiji freshmen
Zeta Fijis are Intramural Champions
The Zeta Fijis have once again
taken home the intramural champion
ship trophy. The win marks the 16th
straight year that the Phi Gam under
graduates have won the overall award.
Under the leadership of Brian Mosby
'00 and David Majors '00, Fiji just
managed to edge out Theta Chi by 10
points in the final tally. The narrow
listed in Who's Who in America are
fraternity men.
. Seventy-six percent of US senators
and congressmen are fraternity
and dominating most of them. This
year saw several teams make it to deep
rounds of the playoffs, including the
fall soccer team, 3-on-3 basketball,
. Forty percent of the 47 Supreme
Court justices since 1910 have been
tennis, darts and billiards.
So far this year, Zeta is again off to
a great intramural start. Majors is
joined by Daniel Skehan '01 in lead
ing the effort. Currently Fiji leads the
fraternity men.
One hundred of 158 cabinet
members since 1900 have been
fraternity men.
All but two US Presidents since
1825 have been fraternity men.
portance the house has placed on field
standings by 70 points, but is looking
to expand the margin with two teams
It is no surprise that today's college
and university students express a keen
ing players for every intramural event
in the flag football playoffs.
interest in the Greek system.
margin of victory emphasizes the im
\r\nPage 4
Winter 1998-99
Zeta Chapter Graduates Share News
R. Phillip Harker '54 sends this note,
"I gave the Pig Dinner address the
year before my pal Frank O 'Bannon
did! I helped him work out his speech.
I also helpedpledge George Ginn, Bud
Mangees and Pete Obstremsky. Phi
Gamma Delta has influenced my
whole life. I am close to my brothers
Hatch and his family currently reside
at 3305 Interlaken, West Bloomfield,
ter, Sarah, 15.
He writes, "I received a doctor of
Ml 48323.
ministry degree in May 1997 from
Graduate Theological Foundation. I
Eugene D. Fletchall '32 and his wife,
Jane (KA0), are retired. They have
one grown daughter. This former
president has been volunteering at lU
studied at Donaldson in Indiana and
then and now. "
for 25 years. Find out more by writing
Phil retired as a special agent
supervisor for the FBI. He is president
ofthe Frankfort Historical Society and
to him at 3173 Coppertree Dr., Bloomington, IN 47401.
James also enjoys playing golf.
Renew bonds with him at 6036 Hagen
member of the American Legion. He
Donald C. Tyte '48 sends this news,
Charles D. Baillie '40 writes, "Un
has two grown children.
Brothers can get back in touch with
Phil at 8 E. Avery St., Frankfort, IN
"I retired in 1991 after 40 years of
dental practice. I live at the
Bloomington Country Club andplay a
lot ofgolf. I also travel. "
Donald is the father of three Fijis,
fortunately I was never close enough
to lU after graduation to participate
Mark D. Hedges '79 is director of
sales for Ferro Corp, where he has
been employed for two years.
Mark is a member of the Chamber
of Commerce and Methodist Temple
Finance, and his hobbies include golf,
exercise and sporting events.
He writes, "My fraternity experi
ence helped me have effective commu
nication withpeople—both in business
and social events. I am president of
the Society of Plastic Engineers. My
handicap USGA index is 15.4. "
Mark has two children, Ashley, 11,
and Drew, 6. Contact him at 3501 Key
stone Hills Dr., Evansville, IN 47711.
Douglas H. White Jr. '47 is a retired
physician. He and his wife, Ann
(KKF), reside at 7405 Frederick Dr.
E., Indianapolis, IN 46260.
Doug '74 (deceased), David '80, and
Dan '87. His two daughters are both
lU KKTs.
He and his wife, Virginia (KKF),
Bloomington, IN 47403.
James T. "Beanbag" Bean III '72 is
pastor of Burke Lutheran Church. His
wife, Carol, an Indiana alumna, is em
ployed in sales. They have one daugh
Oxford in England (Magdalen Col
lege). I will be publishing religious
music works in 1998. "
Hill Cir., Madison, WI 53718.
in Phi Gam activities. Flowever, 1 did
formfriendships that have lasted over
50 years!
"While I have never been a low
handicap golfer, and my handicap has
gone up with advanced age, 1 do have
three hole-in-ones!"
Charlie is a retired banker and en
joys music and photography. He has
three grown children. His wife, Nancy
(Colorado State KA0), is a volunteer
Write to Charlie at 118 W. Las
Flores Ave., Arcadia, CA 91007.
Senator Speaks to Brothers
Senator Bob Kerry (Nebraska '65), featured speaker at the 150th Ekklesia
closing ceremonies, took time to speak with undergraduates from Zeta Chapter.
Brother Kerry gave an inspirational speech to nearly 800 attendees. Undergradu
ate brothers Scott Grieger, Spencer Heindel and David Rosen shared a few light
moments with Brother Kerry at the conclusion of the banquet.
Michael "Hatch" H. Acheson '84
writes, "The company for which I
work, Blue Water Capital, is a venture
capitalfirm investing in early- to midstage technology companies. We pro
vide equity at thecritical growth stage
and provide value-added experience
through our group of partners in
order to grow each company to be
come a candidate for acquisition or
going public. "
Hatch is managingdirector. He and
his wife, Adeie (Ferris State), have
two children. Max, 5, and Mitchell, 2.
Zeta cabinet meets Senator Bob Kerry at Ekklesia.
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Winter 1998-1999 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.