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1999 April Newsletter Theta Tau (Tennessee Tech)
April 1999 newsletter of the Theta Tau chapter at Tennessee Tech. This newsletter is eight pages.
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Theta Tau
Tennessee Technological University
1999 April Newsletter Theta Tau (Tennessee Tech)
Hello from Cookeville! Things are really looking Furthermore, I feel that 1999 will prove to be a
up for Theta Tau. The cabinet and I are currently working great year for improvement in our chapter. Your
on IFC and International Awards Reports. I am ecstatic thoughts, advice, and support are readily accepted and
to see, on paper, the things that we as a chapter greatly appreciated. As “your” president, I will strive to be
accomplished in 1998. Numerous Greek Philanthropy the leader that our chapter needs to continue stepping
event victories, 1 place finish overall in the homecoming upward and moving into a new millennium.
week activities while working with the sorority of Kappa
Delta, largest spring and fall pledge classes, 3“ in grades
for spring and 1* in grades for the fall, and implementing See you at Pig Dinner!
Alcohol Free Housing are all impressive things that we
have recorded. Don’t get me wrong, all of the above
mentioned items were great and took a strong
brotherhood to accomplish, but it’s time to progress to John W. Parker Jr. (Jay)
new levels. The willingness to involve ourselves in Chapter President 99
community service projects, build public and Greek
relations, have more brothers in leadership roles on Perge’
campus, obtain financial stability, and expand graduate
relations and interaction are all examples of areas that I
want to see improve this year. I feel that all these key
programs need is extra work from their chairman, better
planning as well as implementation, a precise goal for each
year, and above all, a high intensity approach from our
members. This all starts here, in the undergraduate
chapter, but filters to our graduates.
Roughin’ it at Fiji Island:
Volume 19 No.1
The Golden Eagle Fiji is published quarterly by the
Theta Tau Chapter of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
for its members, both undergraduate and graduate, family
and friends.
Pledges & Hometowns
Chapter Officers - 1999 Gregory Michael Boykin Jackson, TN
. Brian R. Burlingham
President — Jay Parker 526-8080 Christopher Dan Case
Treasurer — Ryan Fulkerson 526-8080 Justin Todd Eckel
Recording Secretary Rob Wheeler 372-4273 avin Steven! Ford
Corresponding Secretary — Lucas Yeary 372-4549 Matthias Gunther Gewalt
Historian — Jimmy Nelson 372-4470 Kevin Gregory Givens
B: Edward K:
Graduate Related Chairmanships ieee Benjamin syaean
Fred E. Polacek Jr.....
Graduate Publications — Carl Vasser 372-4553 William Jeremy Steakle: Todd Andrew Weaver..
Robert Eugene Woody
Graduate Events — Chad Crocker372-4549 Nate T. Yant *Cover Photo shows the Kazoo band in the Homecoming
GE Fiji produced by: Carl Vasser, Lucas Yeary, & Brian
\r\nFrom the Treasurer’s Desk......
Brothers, I would like to give you a brief report on the financial status of Theta Tau. This year
with 63 active brothers, we will bring in more money than Theta Tau has ever seen. Due to an increase in
insurance, we will also be distributing more money than Theta Tau has ever distributed. With the
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta exceeding over 3,800,000 dollars in claims, Theta Tau’s insurance
payment has increased 90%. This left us no option but to find better fundraising opportunities. This
semester we are going to sell “discount cards” with discounts from various businesses of Cookeville.
Each card will cost $5 with 100% profit, and a percentage of the money raised will go to the National MS
Society. Even with 63 brothers, this fiscal year will be challenging for Theta Tau, but we will preservere.
Ryan Fulkerson.
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Island V
The 5" Annual Fiji Island Week held September 8-10, 1998, raised $1,000 for the Multiple
Sclerosis Society.
Four Sororities and two Fraternities participated in the week of activities. Events included bed
sheet art, sandcastles, tug of war, Island Skit, limbo, cheer contest, volleyball, and of course the Miss Fiji
Island Pageant. Miss Kami Smith of Kappa Delta is this year’s Miss Fiji Island. Alpha Delta Pi Sorority
was the overall winner for the week.
The money raised will go to benefit Multiple Sclerosis research and patients from the Middle
Tennessee area. Thanks to Dustin Brothers for a job well done!
\r\nedefining Formal Rus
Rush this year can be summed up in only
one word — phenomenal! Even though the Theta
Tau Chapter is now a dry house, crowds attended
all our rush events while other fraternities had a
minimal turnout. At the end of Fall Rush, we
pledged 34 outstanding men! The largest pledge
class in the history of our chapter? From the Fall
Pledge Class, twenty-eight earned the necessary
grade point average and 2 depledged. To top it all
off, Spring Rush gave us 14 men. This puts our
overall number to seventy-seven and makes us the
largest fraternity on campus. In the words of 1998
Corresponding Secretary Brad Jenkins, “The
intensity has reached a level that I have never seen
before in our Chapter. Hopefully other chapters
will see that alcohol-free housing is not a problem
to face, but a privilege to run with!”
Homecoming Victory 1998
After the TTU-MTSU Homecoming game on October 3, 1998, the Raiders walked away with the prized
trophy, Shinny Ninny. Yet even though the Tech football team left the game empty handed, Phi Gamma Delta
and Kappa Delta walked away with the first place overall trophy for Homecoming Week.
This makes the second year in a row that we have won Homecoming. Last year we overtook the rest of
the Greeks alongside Alpha Delta Pi. This year we succeeded once again
Our banner we created for the circus theme, won for us
the 2™ place award.
After a weeks worth of pomping, chicken wire, and
glue, winning first in float felt great!
\r\n150" EKKLESIA 848-1998 PITTSBURGH, PA
in? a al P
The 150th anniversary meeting of the a 5 eon
Ekklesia was held at the Westin William Penn
Hotel from August 12th through the 16th,
Among the events that took place was a trip to the
original log cabin, a trip to the Alpha Chapter, a
riverboat cruise on the three rivers and the
completion of another successful Project Phi Gam
to help the community.
The Phi Gamma Delta Educational
Foundation announced a new incentive program
for members who achieve scholastic excellence
during their pledge semester. The Foundation has
put into place the largest scholarship program of
its kind — the Academic Achievement Awards
(AAA) for newly initiated members of Phi
Gamma Delta who earn a 3.0 GPA or better
during their pledging term. It is anticipated that at
least 900 scholarships totaling $225,000 will be
awarded in the 1998-1999 academic term.
This Ekklesia saw the installation of a
new group of graduate brothers to the Archonate.
This new group of leaders was chosen for their
ability to communicate with the undergraduates
and for their experience in Phi Gamma Delta. Lee
Moss, a graduate of UT, was elected as Archon
President. He is supported by Bob Whitacre as
VP, Marvin Carver as Treasurer, and Jerry Wanek
as Secretary. Stu Evey, George Nelson, and Bill
Garner also stay on to complete their remaining
two years as Archon Councilors. Jay Winlelhake
was chosen as the new undergraduate Archon
Councilor based on his experience as a Chapter
President and a strong academic background.
This year, the Theta Tau Chapter
continued its tradition of excellence during the
awards presentation. The Chapter placed 29d in
the Owen Cup competition and received a
certificate of high scholarship in recognition of its
improvement in scholarship. For the fifth year,
we were recognized with the John T. McCarty
Proficiency award for chapter operations.
Additionally, Scott Brewer received an honorable
mention for the Durance Award for his services as
Purple Legionnaire. Best of all, Tony Marable
once again received the Crowder Cup for his
efforts as Faculty Advisor.
If you are planning ahead, in 2000 we go
to San Antonio, Texas for the Ekklesia!
\r\nTodd Arrants -
A J Bahou -
Hal Balthrop -
Jay Banasiak -
Barry Bell -
Joey Czarneski- jc261095
David Berg - Berg2
Jeff Breedlove - jeff.m.breedlove
Jeff Brown - Jeff_brown
John Brummett - brummett
Jerry Burns - jabdad
Jay Butler -
Curt Chaffin - curtchaffin@ pol net
Kong Chen - chenkong @ vuse.
Jay Clark - jay_clark
Dewayne Coffey —
Brad Dozier -
Brian Douglas — douglasbrian@
Richie Elmore - relmore
Kerwin Fulton - KFulton402@aolcom
Matt Graves -
Mason Guy - bmg9611
Gregory Hamrick —
Scott Harold - harold
Timothy Hemken -
Jeff Hoilman -
Richard Holt -
Martin Hunt -
Stacy Hunt - pennynstacy @
Derek Johnson - derek
Ross Jones -
Mark Kelly - mekelly
Brad Leimer -
Billy Leslie -
Don Marsee - dmarsee
Dylan Mantooth - fijigrad
Rob Mathias - rmathias
Anthony Melson -
Chuck Minor -
Shannon Nash -
David Olive - dolive @
Scott Patrick - spatrick
Kenny Potts -
Mark Redferrin- aprilr
Oliver Rick -
Lee Scarborough -
Bill Scott -
Chad Smith - jcs0535
Troy Smith -
David Speight - dhs
Scott Stapleton - stapleton]
Duane Waddle - Dwaddle
Phil Wallace - pwallace @dollargeneral. com
Allen Ward - a.waed
Randy Wilmore —
Jason Wilson - wilsonje
Lee Workman - workman! @
Lee Wray - RLWray
Tony Marable, Faculty Advisor-
Mailing Address Changes
Jay Clark
108 Sir Walker Lane
Apex, NC 27502
Joey Czarneski
242 Collier Ave.
Nashville, TN 37211
Brad Dozier
One Vantage Way
Nashville, TN 37228
Brian Douglas
1022 Hickory Hill La.
Hermitage, TN 37076
Keith Edmondson
6203 Crowne Brook Circle
Franklin, TN 37067
Troy Fairley
1303 Ceader Bin Ct.
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122
\r\nMason Guy Mark Redferrin
198 Peters Ave., Apt. D 115 Wickham Court
Pleasanton, CA 94566 Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Billy Leslie J. Allen Ward
113 Georgetown Drive 518 Massachusetts Avenue #2
Hendersonville, TN 37072 Boston, MA 02118
New Brothers’ Hometowns
JAYSATKINS.. s.ccssccasewcncssnvessnveeees Eads Sam Linhoss. ..Florence, AL
Adam Bagget.. -Cleveland Brian Long.. .-Hendersonville
JOCY Barrett scsscscisasiscewsvssoae Watertown Josh Marks.. ....Lebanon
Brian Baxter, .ocesssesennsceasesse Kingsport Joey McKinney.. Cleveland
Brad Blackburn.. ...Lebanon Mark Morgan... ...-Pulaski
Preston: Cloud.......ssso0csereeree Kingsport Corey Osman.. Marietta, GA
Kevin Collins ..icesssssssieuessssecee Hixson Jake Phillips. Houston, TX
Richard Conyer.. ..Oak Ridge Neal Phillips. Lenoir City
JUS AIOE: con cignrscsacsninasges Sean Pendel....
Michael Hutt..............s0008 Micah Puncochar ‘i
Chad Kenney.. Curt Russell... .Blytheville, AR
Michael LeMarbre......... Hendersonville JASON ROWE sos csscsseesveresenenns Lavergne
The Women of Phi Gam
1997-1998 Sweetheart
Amy Garrison
Present Lavaliers
Brent Ellis °99 and Amy Garrison
Jon Nease ’98 and Karen Maxwell
Matt Leonard ’00 and Anita Baxter
Jamie Velotta ’00 and Brandi Burnnet
Ryan Fulkerson ’01 and Priscilla
New Arrival
Mark & April Redferrin would like to
announce their newest Fiji lady, Olivia Abigail.
Abbey, right, is 6 months old now and weighs 16
\r\nGraduate Relations Chairman
Theta Tau of Phi Gamma Delta
527 N. Peachtree Ave.
Cookeville, TN 38501
Purple Pride is...
@ 1° Overall
¢Banner - 2"
Canned Food - 1*
Plywood Art — 2"?
Field Day — 2™
Cheer — 1“
¢ Float - 1
TKE Week
@ 1° Overall
First in grades among the fraternities
with a 2.677 GPA.
Happy Birthday
Delta Theta Chi!!
In March of 1979, a group of Tennessee Tech
men began discussing the possibilities of starting a new
fraternity on Tech’s campus. On May 3, 1979, Delta
Theta Chi local fraternity was officially recognized by
the TTU Student Affairs Committee with fifteen men
as members. These fifteen men were later to be the
founders of a Delta Colony of Phi Gamma Delta.
We would like to recognize the following Delta
Theta Chi founders for all their achievements:
Russ Bradley Travis Cloud
Dan Crunk Jeff Garr
Corey Garyolis Matt Graves
Tony Locke Carl Martin
Bobby Rice Doug Roberts
Jack Southerland Mickey Williams
Randy Wilmore Scott Wolf
Lee Wray
Pig Dinner
The 18" annual Pig Dinner of the Theta Tau Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta has been scheduled for April
17", 1999, at the Cookeville Country Club. This year’s speaker will be Randy Wilmore. Please make
arrangements to attend. Last year there were over 80 undergraduates and graduates who attended and we are
anticipating that this year will greatly exceed that number. We hope that everyone who receives this publication
can attend. If you have any problems or question that we can help with, let us know. See you then!
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April 1999 newsletter of the Theta Tau chapter at Tennessee Tech. This newsletter is eight pages.