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1999 Fall Newsletter Delta Iota (Drake University)
Fall 1999 newsletter of the Delta Iota chapter at Drake University. The newsletter is one page in length.
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Delta Iota
Drake University
1999 Fall Newsletter Delta Iota (Drake University)
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Delta Iota Brothers Rejuvenate House Exterior, Update
Interior during Work Week'99
Installation of Brick Walk Highlights
Work Week
As always, this year's Work Week was filled
with repairs, cleaning, and new projects. Among the
largest ofthese projects was adding a row of bricks
on each side ofthe concrete path leading up to the
house. Not only do the bricks add a new touch to the
exterior ofthe house, but also a little history.
A closer look at some ofthe bricks reveals the names
of past and present brothers. The bricks serve as a
fiindraising project for the chapter. As time
progresses, it is a goal for the chapter to have every
brick in the walk to contain a brother's name. This
goal is within reach with more brothers wanting to
contribute and leave a physical mark on the house.
The brick walk just one ofthe many improvements
the house has made over the last few years.
Hopefully many graduates can see the changes that
the house has made when thd^visit for our Norris Pig
for a computer to be set up are in place. The room
olfers a quiet location for anything fi"om studying for a
test to checking email on the computer. The new room
will also serve as the pledge room for the Nu class. The
room will continually undergo renovations in future
years. But for right now the room is working out great
for quiet study and pledge meetings.
Brick Patios Enhance Backyard
Last summer Casey Prince (Drake '00) and
Adam Scherer (Drake '99) built the first patio during
their stay in the house over the summer.
After the success ofthe first patio, brothers decided to
buUd another brick patio in the cove, between the
annex and original house structure. Also included in
the patio is a special diamond etched in a rock planted
in the patio. The rock serves as a seat and helps keep
the patio's bricks in place. The patio represents the
hard work of many brothers and is a reminder of
Work Week '99. The new patio also allows for better
drainage after heavy rains. Before the patio the cove
was a sore spot for the house, but now the new patio
is something for aU brothers to be proud of.
Dinner on November 13, 1999.
Renovations in Basement provide a
Pledge Room and Area for Study
The old storage room has been cleaned up and
cleaned out. After a subfloor was put down,two new
light fixtures were installed. Carpet was laid and plans
Space Available
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Fall 1999 newsletter of the Delta Iota chapter at Drake University. The newsletter is one page in length.