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1999 Fall Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
Fall 1999 newsletter for the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Kappa Deuteron
University of Georgia
1999 Fall Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
A Publication ofThe Kappa Deuteron Chapter ofPhi Ganuna Delta.
Fall 1999
Home of the Cheney Cup:
Two Years ie a Row
BfOthecs celebrate our 1999 CHcttey Clip vtctof}* with students at Alps Road FJemetitan'
School Kappa Dentcron has been a pattner in education with the school for years. Pictured
brothers from left to right are as follows: Josh Neel,Jason Mann,Ehc Stuetzer, Matt Harrison,
Seth Crawford^ Steven Polhtlf, Russell Ewing, Chadie Conboy,^ Pai^ joiner^ Matt Mitcham, Na
than Ilenson, Scott Jrv'ine, Mason jFlorence, Chad Oavis, Alex Sigmotg and R«e Gatbade
\r\nFor the second straight year, the O.H. Cheney Cup resides with the brotherhood of Kappa Deuteron. This prestigious
award is presented annually to the most outstanding chapter of Phi Gamma Delta and the International Fratemit>' once
again honored Kappa Deuteron as its finest chapter. The chapter's back to back achievement marks the eighth time
that Kappa Deuteron has received this distinct honor in the short thirty-one years since its re-chartering; thus, our chap
ter has won more Cheney Cups than all but one of the 130 chapters of Phi Gamma Delta. In addition to the Cheney
Cup, the chapter claimed the Zerman Trophy honoring excellence in extracurricular activities for a record setting
fourth year in a row . Kappa Deuteron also placed second in the competition for the Brightman Trophy, an award for
graduate relations, and it received honorable mentions for the Baker Social Service Cup, Jordan Bowl for highest chap
ter GPA, and the Coon Plaque honoring chapter publications. The 1998 chapter president, Brother Brian Nixon,
should also be commended for being named one ofthree national finalists in the Wilkinson Award competition.
Kappa Deuteron's continued excellence has not come without hard work, and many brothers should be recognized for
their outstanding service to Kappa Deuteron. The chapter is immensely indebted to the tireless efforts donated to her
by our advisor. Brother Jere Morehead. Dr. Morehead is constantly challenging our chapter to raise the bar of excel
lence, and it is his guidance and friendship that inspire each undergraduate brother to strive for continued improvement
and success. This year's awards packet chair Andrew Egan devoted countless hours compiling and assembling the in
formation that eventually made up our awards report, and our awards recognition this year is thus directly related to his
efforts. The excellence of our chapter that was conveyed in the awards packet is a result of the hard work of graduate
and undergraduate brothers on behalf of Kappa Deuteron during the 1998 calendar year. A special thank you goes out
to the 1998 cabinet of Brian Nixon, Wes Blackwood, Jim Ludlam, Dave Battle, and Brett Grayson whose leadership
fostered fraternal excellence and made the wiiuiing of these awards possible. Lastly, we would like to thank our gradu
ate brothers for setting the example of excellence that we strive to attain everyday as members of Kappa Deuteroii.
Associate ProTOst and Director of tke Honors Program
.David BAfde,Recording Secretary
Brother Jere Morehead has served as Kappa Deuteron's
chapter advisor for over ten years. In addition to working
and director of the honors program,
extensively with the chapter, he has worn many hats at
the University of Georgia.
The responsibilities of this new post will include directing
both the honors program and the Foundation Fellows Pro
gram. Dr. Karen Holbrook and Dr. Michael Adams, the
Professor Morehead joined the legal studies faculty at the
University's Provost and President respectively, publicly
Terry College of Business in 1986 after six years as an
assistant US attorney for the Department of Justice,
expressed their sincere appreciation for the leadership
that Professor Morehead has brought to the Universitv-.
Since coming to the University, he has been the recipient
of ten teaching awards including the Richard B. Russell
Undergraduate Teaching Award in 1995, the Terry College of Business Teacher ofthe Year Award in 1998, and
the Lothar Tresp Outstanding Honors Professor Award in
Dr. Holbrook said, "Professor Morehead is an outstanding scholar and an award-winning teacher in the honors
program. Dr. Adams and I want him to play a significant
role in academic issues confronting the University. I'm
sure students, parents, and the whole campus will em-
brace his leadership.
For the past year. Brother Morehead has been serving the
University as the Acting Executive Director for Legal Affairs, and he was recently promoted to associate provost
The chapter would like to congratulate Dr. Morehead on
his promotion, and thank him for the tireless service that
he has given Kappa Deuteron for over ten years.
The Kappa Deuteron Chapter of -m9The FraLernily of Phi Gamma Delia • The University of Georgia
The Undergraduate Brothers
cordially imite you and your family or guests to
a Homecoming Cookout
at the Chapter House
in Celebration of the Chapter's
1998 & 1999 Winning of the O.H. Cheney Cup
Saturday, October 23,1999
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Please let us know how many persons are plannini on eating bj October UU,
contact David Battle » ~06-3r»'i-U666 « dbAltlejr(ti'
With our annual Norris Pig Dinner and also our annual Parent's Weekend both coming in the Spring, Kappa Deuteron has, for a
few years, been tossing around the idea of having an informal Parent/ Alumni celebration in the fall semester and centered around
a football game. This year, we are going to have this celebration preceding the homecoming football game against Kentucky. We
hope that all alumni can come over to the chapter house, get a bite to eat, tailgate with the brotherhood, and catch up with some old
and new friends.
the Kappa Deuteron house at 6:30 a.m. and arrive at the
Gamma Tau house in the early evening. Both chapters will
run the ball, in re-lay fashion, down Highway 78 into Atlanta
followed by a police escort. During the game on Saturday, the
ball and check will be presented to the Riverkeeper on the
This year's edition of the Phi Gamma Delta Run for the River promises to
be much larger than last year's event. The annual fund-raiser, cosponsored
with the Gamma Tau Chapter ofPhi Gamma Delta at Georgia Tech, raised
over $5,000 for the Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper in 1998. The run
was also a great time for brothers of the two excellent chapters to interact
and get to know each other. Several newspapers covered the event including the Athens Banner Herald, the Savannah Morning News, and the
The approximate distance of the run is 100 miles. We are
attempting to get both businesses and individuals to sponsor
each of these miles. The cost of sponsoring a mile is $100,
with the proceeds going to the Upper Chattahoochee
Riverkeeper. The company or person sponsoring each mile
are welcome to participate in their leg of the run or the team
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer. The event made the fi-ont page of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and there was much mention of the run on ra-
composed of Phi Gams and various celebrities fi-om both
schools will run their leg ofthe relay for them.
dio stations throughout the state. Among the sponsors of last year's event
was Bulldog head coach Jim Dorman and many Phi Gams. We greatly
appreciate the support of our graduates in makmg last year's event a sue-
AJ] donations are tax deductible, and any checks should be
made out to the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper and sent to the
chapter house to the attention of The Run for the River. If you
would like more information on sponsoring a mile, please
On Friday, November 26, 1999, the second annual run for the river will
contact Andrew Egan at 706-316-0273.
take place. The game ball for the Georgia—Georgia Tech game will leave
kappa deuteron will celebrate its THIRTY-SECOND MORRIS PIG DINNER ON
\r\nDedacalion io Sdiolarship
1999; The Year In Review
Paul J1i«rr, Twisurcr
K',irv N'«>ju>ri»it
The brothers of Kappa Deuteron finished out
consecutive Cheney Cup victory, Kappa Deu- another great year with a very strong spring
teron has shown that we excel in all aspects of semester. While our numbers grew to over one
campus hfe. While we are the reigning hundred men, the chapter excelled in all aspects of
campus life. Kappa Deuteron finished the semester
Cheney Chapter, we lag far behind many other
with a 3.06 G.P.A., over 1,700 hours of community
chapters in the area of graduate funded schol service and many accolades in athletics. The athletic
arships and academic incentive programs. In trophy once again came back to the house, with
response to this fact, and in our continuiug ef Kappa Deuteron winning championships in
With the recent announcement of our second
forts to improve upon the previous year's accomphshments, the Chapter has decided to fo
cus this year on academics.
In addition to the annual G.A.M.M.A. contri
butions used to maintain and improve chapter
house appearance, tax-deductihle gifts can he
made to the Phi Gamma Delta Educational
basketball, tennis and golf and tying for first in
soffball. Along with these achievements, a fine
spring calendar including beach weekend, band
parties, Jock Connell Golf Classic, a visit from
Archon President Lee Moss at our 31®' annual Pig
Dinner, and Parents Weekend, made the spring a
good one for all Fiji's in Athens.
This spring rounded out another great year in Athens
Foundation, earmarked for the Kappa Deu- for the Fiji's. For the year Kappa Deuteron finished
teron Chapter. These gifts would he used to
with a 3.12 G.P.A. and won the Interffatemity
fund small scholarships for undergraduates Councirs athletic, academic, community service, and
who consistently excel in the academic arena. chapter house appearance awards. Along with this,
We will send further correspondence in the the brothers continue to develop into campus leaders
through the IFC council. Arch Society, Tate Society,
coming months addressing the details of this
Freshman Board, Order of Greek Horsemen, Order
project. Kappa Deuteron would like to thank
of Omega, Business School Student Council,
all contributors in advance for supporting this
important effort.
Student Government Association, and Foundation
Fellows. Through the achievements of last spring
and the entire year. Kappa Deuteron proved that the
Cheney Cup is in its rightful place.
: To Benefit Alps Road Efemcniary Scht)o!
Scott Irvine, Event Cliairman
The brothers of Kappa Deuteron are proud to report our newest philanthropic event. In partnership with Alps Road
Elementary School, we will be starting an annual golftoumament. The specifics of the tournament are still in the early
stages, but we feel that there is a lot of potential for this event. Right now we are looking at playing the toumament
sometime in the early spring, around the end of April. All the proceeds will go directly to Alps Road Elementary
School, and be put into a their general technology fund.
If you have any questions concerning the golf toumament please contact Scott Irvine at(706)369-9751 or Mike Griffin
at (706)543-7274. Any donations can be sent to the chapter at No. 3 Cloverhurst Court. Be on the look out for the
specifics of the golftoumament to come out in the next issue ofthe FIJIUGA.
\r\nRaising the Standard: The Beta Tctraton Pledge Class
l\nit Liitllam. C\)rrc->punci"mg Secrciajv
When a chapter has been as successful for as long as ours has. it would seem easy to become lulled into complacenc\-. Such is
not tlie case at Kappa Deuteron. Fall Rush foimd our brothers entliusiastic, dedicated, and thoughtful, carefully choosing wltich
indi\'iduals would be honored witli a bid from our chapter. Thanks to the tireless efforts of rush chairmen Taylor Clark and Jeff
Showalter tlie Beta Tetraton pledge class lives up to tlie saying of"a cut above." Witli an average SAT score of 1245. several
high school class presidents, and state championships, tliese men have all the tools for becoming worthy brothers.
Some of the names and faces below might be very familiar. Three of the pledges are Phi Gam legacies. Kurt Catone s fatlier
Tommy Catone is one of oim Kappa Deuteron brotJier's. Reggie Williamson has t^vo Kappa Deuteron brothers; Nick ('97) and
Tim ('01). Ryan Bradbum's father Bruce who is a graduate of tlie Upsilon Phi Chapter at tlie Universit> of Florida attended
our fomial installation in 1966. The Beta Tetraton Pledge Class is pictured below:
(From Left to Right)
Bottom Row;
Top Row:
Charles Brandon Ozbum; Lilbum, Georgia
James Creighton Bailey; Woodstock, Georgia
Jeffrey Coe Hamling; Roswell, Georgia
Rhett Miles Bennett; Grays Knob, Kentucky
Josh David Dunn; Milledgeville, Georgia
Peter Haskell Burks; Dallas, Texas
Parker McCall Stephens; Milledgeville, Georgia
Kurt Edward Catone; Marietta, Georgia
Frank James Kubat,IV; St. Simons, Georgia
Matt Ryan Barton; Gainesville, Georgia
Reginald Ashton Williamson; Atlanta, Georgia
Richard Brandon Burris; Douglasville, Georgia
Kevin Scott Carmicheal; Lilbum, Georgia
John Williams Waters; New Orleans, Louisiana
Randall Scott Fenlon; ThomasviUe, Georgia
.John Paul Martin; Bainbridge, Georgia
Adam John Pace; Douglasville, Georgia
Thomas Robert Seward; Kathleen, Georgia
Ryan Marshall Bradbum; Atlanta, Georgia
David Russell Arnold; Valdosta, Georgia
Luke Brabham McLean; Moultrie, Georgia
Ben Lee Hawkins; Gainesville, Georgia
John Morris Batchelor; Snellville, Georgia
Michael Alex Sigmon; Greensboro, North Carolina
Brothers Tom Salyers (1985) and Joe Fleming (1985)
are each expecting their first child in Late November
Salyers and Fleming were roommates in 1984 in the old
"lodge"while serving as President and Corresponding Sec
retary respectively. Salyers in communications directorfor
Zero to Three, a national nonprofit organization located in
Washington, D.C. dedicated to advancing the healthy devel
opment of babies and young children. Tom and his wife,
Katy, live in Takoma Park, Maryland. Fleming is director
ofgovernment relations for Equifax, Inc. in Atlanta. Joe
and his wife, Liz—a Phi Mu at Georgia—live in Grant Park,
To brother Brian Nixon (1999) who has recently be
come engaged to Ms. Amy Vander Ghenst of Colum
bus. Georgia. Ms. Vander Ghenst was president of Al
pha Omicron Pi while attending the University.
liditor s Note
Dear Brothers,
In the wake of Kappa Deuteron winning its eight Cheney Cup,
I began tliinking why has this chapter been so successfiil for
tlie last thirty-one years. I feel there can be only one possible
answer: it is because eveiy brother insists on pledging men
that are a "cut above." For some it is leadership, some athlet
ics, some athletics, the possibilities are as numerous as the per
sonalities that make up Kappa Deuteron. As long as we under
stand the importance of this phrase and strive to follow it all
the brothers of Kappa Deuteron will have an ever impro\'ing
home here in Athens.
To all Graduate Brothers, the undergraduates would like to
thank you for forming such a stable foundation. You have
made it possible for us to form the greatest and most influential
organizations in all our lives. Thank you for your constant
support in all otu" endeavors.
To brother Scott Mtilkey (1988) who, this summer, was
wed to Ms. Kathryn Hamling of Roswell, Georgia. Ms.
Hamling was president ofPhi Mu while attending the
if V
Scott Irvine
The Fraternit)' of
Kappa Deuteron Chapter
No,3 Cloverhurst Court
Athen,s, Georgia 30605
LtfiniUr., KY
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Fall 1999 newsletter for the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. The newsletter is six pages in length.