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1999 Fall Newsletter Lambda Tau (Texas Tech University)
Fall 1999 newsletter for the Lambda Tau chapter at Texas Tech University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Lambda Tau
Texas Tech University
1999 Fall Newsletter Lambda Tau (Texas Tech University)
Fall Of 1999
SINCE 1954
Fijis Give Back to the Lubbock Community
drive is distributed to the needy
during the holiday season. The
needy of Lubbock are not only
lacking in food, but also the chil
dren are often without toys dur
ing the holiday season. Several
brothers donated unwrapped
toys to the annual Toys For
Tots drive to help make a few
children happier during Christ
The undergraduate chapter
has also been collecting clothes
for the annual Clothing Drive as
well as books for the Fiji Book
Brothers unload cannedfoods at the South Plains Food Bankfor
the 1999 U Can Share Food Drive
The Fall of 1999 proved to
hour that one member of each
organization sits on top of the
ester in community service for pole. This year, that donations
were provided over a 48 hour
the chapter. In September,
time period with all donations
brothers set up the race site
being presented to the Susan G.
for the annual Susan G.
be another successful sem
Komen Race for the Cure. The Komen Foundation.
Drive. All of these donations are
collected from the Lubbock com
munity and are donated to the
Lubbock Adult Learning Center.
This semester the Interfratemity
Council put together a Greek
Circle "Safe Treat Open House"
for the local children during Hal
loween. Buses brought children
in from all over West Texas. Fiji
participated with the Chi Omega
sorority during the event by pass
ing out candy and treats to the
tions to the annual event.
1999 served as the fourth
In addition to the chapter's
donations to the fight against
breast cancer, hunger is also a
never ending dilemma on the
straight year that Phi Gamma
South Plains. For the sixth
Delta was the front runner in
straight year the chapter won
the fraternity/sorority division of
Homecoming 1999
the annual U-Can Share Food
Jim Tuman Visit
Komen foundation recognized
the chapter and all contribu
support of the event. In
November, the chapter contin
ued the annual Fiji- Pi Beta
Phi pole sit which began when
the Fiji lodge was built. The
purpose of this philanthropy
event is for the chapters to
solicit donors who give specific
amounts of money for every
Drive by donating 8,500 pounds
of food to the South Plains Food
Bank. The food drive is a social
service event to which Lambda
Tau seeks to add an extra effort
of aid every year. All of the food
that is collected during the food
children in costume.
U-Can Share Food Drive
Homecoming Pictures
Graduate Spotlight
Guest Column - E2K
Committee Spotlight
Graduate Brothers, Here,
There and Yon
Editor: Sean McMullen
\r\nPage 2
Lambda Tauks
Texas Tech Homecoming
cheon, the third annual Greek
for Life reunion was held on
Greek Circle I. This annual
event is sponsored by Phi
Gamma Delta and the sisters of
Alpha Delta Pi. This year,
Greek for Life held an awards
presentation for the very first
Texas Tech University Greek
Hall of Fame.
Archon Coun
cilor George H. Nelson, '58, was
nominated by the Fijis to be
honored as a member the
Brothers at the Greek For Life Reunion
inaugural class. In total, ten
Greek chapters honored nomi
nees with representatives from
every Texas Tech chapter pre
sent. Many graduate brothers
were present to help honor
and at noon, the Fiji festivities
begem. Brothers from all gener
Washington '56, was the
awards presenter and keynote
speaker. This was the second
time in three years that Brother
Evey and wife Maiy, have vis
ited the chapter. In the Fall of
1997 Evey presented the
chapter with the Cheney Cup,
awarded to the best overall Fiji
Stu Evey, Washington,'56 and
Purple Legionnaire Glenn Moor,
ations were in attendance.
chapter in the United States
Archon Councilor Stu Evey,
and Canada. After the lun
On October 16th, 1999, a
graduate luncheon took place
at the Fiji lodge. The Home
coming theme for this year was
"Our Time To Shine in '99".
There was the traditional home
coming parade that morning,
brother Nelson. Among them
were, Jerry Pittman, '61, Larry
Lowe,'67, Alton Griffin, '51,
Jim Tuman, Michigan State,
(Pictures on next page...)
Jim Tuman Makes His Annual Visit to Lubbock
Jim Tuman, Michigan State visited the
chapter the weekend of October 15-17. This is
the fourth time that Brother Tuman has vis
ited the Lambda Tau chapter to conduct one of
his motivational speeches. At the beginning of
his session. Brother Tuman was presented a
certificate naming him as a 1999 Distin
guished Fiji Award recipient for his contribu
Award, the Archonate decided to fund Brother
Tuman's trips to other Fiji chapters. After his
visit at Tech, he went to TCU, and then on to
SMU to hold similar sessions.
tions to Phi Gamma Delta. This was an honor
not only for Brother Tuman, but also for the
Texas Tech Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. The
Distinguished Fiji Award is the highest honor
that can be bestowed upon a brother, and the
International Fraternity chose the Lambda Tau
chapter to present the award. Dozens of
brothers' Lives changed after the session. Many
the discussions with the "true
meaning of brotherhood". The following Mon
day, Tuman held one of his sessions with 800
students at the O.L. Slaton Junior High in
Lubbock. In addition to the Distinguished Fiji
Brothers listen attentively to
speaker Jim Tuman
\r\nPage 3
Lambda Tauks
Homecoming 1999
Alton Griffin speaks with Mary Evey
The 1999 Fiji Homecoming Float
Jack Link and his wife
Stu Evey presents Sean McMullen the
Coon Plaque
Jerry Pittman and others
preparefor lunch
Austin McWilliams receives the
Baker Cup
Stu and Mary Evey
pose with George Nelson
Brothers catch up on old times
Glenn Moor, Ryan McMullen
and Stu Evey
Fiji Family On The Grow
Kyle Abraham graduated from Texas Tech in May of 1988 with a degree in Industrial Engineering.
Kyle is the Marketing Coordinator for the Lubbock division of Paddle Tramps, Mfg.Co. Paddle
Tramps was founded in 1970 by another Lambda Tau graduate and Kyle's father Ken Abraham. Ken
began Paddle Tramps in his garage during his college days to fill the need for Taig brother' paddles.
He began to take orders from his pledge brothers, and the company has now grown into a nation
wide provider of plaques and wooden trinkets for frames,jewelry, and paddles. Paddle Tramps mer
chandise can be found all over the United States, and recently ventured into the Japanese market.
Ken Abraham has shared his success with the chapter, by providing the annual Paddle Tramps, Mfg.
Co. Scholarship. Kyle Abraham began working at Paddle Tramps in 1991, and married his wife
Elizabeth in 1992. Elizabeth is a Presbyterian Chaplain at the Hospice of Lubbock. The couple have
two children; future Fiji Elliot,4, and new baby daughter Katherine, five months. The family enjoy
snowskiiing vacations, and Kyle just recently completed the Chicago marathon in October. Kyle
and Elizabeth are very active in their church and in other community related service projects. They
are active members in the Texas Tech Ex-Students Association and claim their that entire family are
diehard Red Raider fans. Kyle served as graduate relations chairman during his undergraduate days
in the chapter. The entire Abraham family are avid supporters of the chapter and all of their success
has made Fiji proud. With Ken, Kyle, and Elliot, the Abraham tradition will surely continue at Texas
Tech and with Phi Gamma Delta.
When asked about his thoughts about Phi Gamma Delta, Kyle stated..
"The chapter has meant a lot to me. I have recently hit the point in my life where it means more to me
than ever. Five or six years ago, I realized that I had reached the point in my life where other things
had taken a higher priority. Think about your life, if you live to be 70 years old, there are going to be
people who have known you your whole life. Many ofthese people are going to be brothers that you
met while active in the chapter. They will be at your wedding, and at yourfuneral. I have participated
in several weddings over the last few years and that brings out the true value that thosefriendships
hold. They mean a lot to me. I am very proud ofthe chapter and lookforward to my association with it
for many years to come."
Si t
Kyle and hisfamily
The original Paddle Tramps, Mfg. Co across
the streetfrom Texas Tech
A Guest Column by JeffDowney
Secretary of the Ekklesia Planning Committee
It is that time again! The 2000
Ekklesia is being planned as you
read this. The Ekklesia Com
mittee has been meeting fre
quently since the conclusion of
the 1998 Ekklesia in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. This year's
Ekklesia will take place in San
Antonio, Texas. Opening ses
sion will take place July 30th.
The committee has broken the
event down into separate com
mittees to ensure the success of
each aspect of the event. As is
There will be a golf tournament
with one possible location at the
Fort Sam Houston golf course.
The Project Phi Gam! philan
thropy Project will be a beautification /cleanup of La Vallita
Historical Area.
Texas. Ekklesia is an event to
remember and as the saying
goes ...everything is bigger in
Since many graduate brothers
will bring their families, the
committee has researched
places for the Family Program.
Several venues proposed are
1) Mission Trail (tour of the San
Antonio Missions)$20 adult/$10
traditional, the Ekklesia will
I child.
consist of the business portion
where the chapter delegates will
2)Shop Til You Drop (trip to San
conduct the business session.
The committee has set aside
time so that each chapter can
host a graduate reception.
We would like to see as many
brothers there from eveiy chap
ter, especially those from
Marcos, TX) $31 adult/$20
3)San Antonio Museum Tour
$40 adult/$22 child.
4)Sea World San Antonio $40.
JeffM.Downey, UCLA 1983, is
the ChiefofSection XXVm.
Committee Spotlight
The pressure is upon us! Finals are rapidly approaching and the mid
night oil is being burned. The scholarship committee has been doing eveiything possible to provide as many opportunities for the brothers to ex
cel academically. Andrea McCourt, our Faculty Fellow, has been meeting
with the membership in order to provide tutors and other channels of
support. Another financial incentive towards scholarship are those finan
cial scholarships that are provided by our alumni, including the Chip Tay
lor Memorial Scholarship and the graduate scholarships that are available
to each brother who obtains a 3.0 grade point average and are presented
at the Joe Rky Goodin Scholarship banquet. We finished first in grades
last Fall and the third in the Spring. We continue to strive for #1.
Shawn Green
Brotherhood/Chapter Development
Greetings! As the year has progressed, so have the brotherhood com
mittee's efforts. As the values of Phi Gamma Delta read,"We are united
Zack Walker
by friendship, it is the basis of our brotherhood." This semester, we have
instituted a few new programs to increase the chapter's brotherhood. The
first program was an increase in the Big Brother/Lil Brother program,
where volleyball games and alcohol free barbecues at the Fiji lodge have
taken place. In addition, the brothers have participated in basketball
and bowling outings. All of the brothers have been receptive to these
events. With the business aspects of the fraternity taking priority, it is
easy to overlook the reason that fraternities were founded, brotherhood.
\r\nPage 6
Lambda Tauks
Brother Bob Fielden,'62, who resides in Las Vegas, Nevada, received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the College of
Architecture at Texas Tech in ceremonies held in Galveston in October. Bob is currently residing at 2499 Katiolani Blvd.,
Honolulu, Hawaii 96826; phone (808)947-2033. He designed an architecture degree program which was adopted by the Uni
versity of Hawaii and decided to become a member of the first graduating class under the program. He will graduate with a
doctorate in May 2000. His permanent residence remains in Las Vegas. Congratulations to Brother Fielden on these out
standing honors and accomplishments. Brother Matt Freeman,'97, was on the winning team that captured the Regional
Moot Court Tournament for South Texas Law School at Houston in November. The Barristers Moot Court Competition is
sponsored by the Bar of the City of New York. Matt was named "Best Advocate" in the competition and displayed ultra poor
judgement by winning in the finals of the competition against his wife Deana and her team partner from the Houston Law
Center. However, both of them qualified for the national competition that will be held in New York City in January 2000, so
Deana will have another shot at him. Matt did not say who is winning the arguments at home, but we have a pretty good idea!
Brother Jason Petrie,'92, and his wife Christy announce the birth of our newest Fiji Girl, Caroline Grace Petrie, on October
5, 1999. Jason and Christy live at 9419 Oratorio Court, Houston, Texas 77040. Andrew Townend,'00, will be spending the
Spring semester in Germany vdiere his study will complete his undergraduate degree. He already has ajob with Chase Fi
nancial in Dallas after his May 2000 graduation. Other brothers graduating in December 1999 are Clay Rudiger, Eric
Person, and Ted Crowder. Also, Ryan Smith graduates in December 1999 with both an undergraduate and graduate degree
in Engineering. Brother Jerry Rawls,'67, is President and CEO of Finisar Corporation in Los Altos, California. That firm
builds fiber optics for computer networks. Jeny's address is 164 Marvin Avenue, Los Altos, CA. 94022; home phone
(650)941-1864; work (408) 548-0804. Brother Bo Gray,'70, and Jim Triolo,'69, ran into Brother Rawls in Los Altos re
cently. Brother Rawls has a son, Steven Rawls, who is a Fiji at the University of Arizona. Ben Orser,'98,is employed by
H.D. Vest Financial Services in Irving as a financial planner and investment advisor. He lives at 1117 Creekstone Drive, Car
rollton, Texas 75010; phone 972-939-6066. Mike A8hy,'94, has moved to a new residence in Houston: 357 North Post Oak
Lane, #201, Houston, Texas 77024. Paul Fish,'94, has a new address at 13901 Midway Road,#102-E, Dallas, Texas 75244.
Kyle Markee,'96, advises that he has met the girl of his dreams in Dallas and will be married in July in Estes Park, Col
orado. He has not told us her name yet, but she attended Colorado University. J. Patrick •'Pat" Marse,'87, has moved back
to Lubbock from Alabama. He resides at 8310 Detroit Avenue, Lubbock, Texas 79423. He is employed by Continental E^a^e
Gin Machinery in Lubbock, phone (806) 745-4501. Mark Wright,'72, has moved back to Lubbock from Arlington. He owns
several restaurants in the Dallas Ft.Worth Metroplex and in Lubbock. He lives at 2417 Broadway, Lubbock, Texas 79401;
phone(806)778-2260. Mark plans to open a new restaurant at that location in the near future.
Send Rush Recommendations to : Phi Gamma Delta /P.O Box 10633 /
Lubbock, TX 79408 or call Austin McWiUiams at(806) 792-6646 or
E-Mail off of the Web Page http://CORPORATE.ODYSSEY1.NET/FIJI
The Texas Tech F^ls
Phi Gamma Delta
Need News About Toul
P.O. Box 10633
We are interested in what you are
doing €md where you are. We want
to tell your brothers all of the good
news you have. This can also be
used to update us as to your cur
rent address so we can stay in
touch. Your brothers all over the
world are waiting to here from you!
Telephone No.()_
Tell us about you and your other
Lambda Tau Brothers!
Please mail to :
Phi Gamma Delta
P.O. Box 10633
Lubbock, TX. 79408
Lubbock, Texas 79408
U.S. Postage
Lubbock, Texas
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Fall 1999 newsletter for the Lambda Tau chapter at Texas Tech University. The newsletter is six pages in length.