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1999 Fall Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
Fall 1999 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is seven pages in length.
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Mu Iota
University of Idaho
1999 Fall Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
The Gem State Fiji
Fall 1999
Mu Iota Chapter
Once again the mansion at 600 University filled with the best and
Fiji Rush '99
brightest at the University ofIdaho. We had a campus-topping number
of pledges for the second year in a row with 25, all in a year with very
low numbers across the Greek system. The house is filled to absolute capacity
and all of the members could not be happier with the outcome of this year's
Rush. The new pledges represent a wide and rich variety of young men and the
future of Mu Iota is as bright as ever.
Our success this year could not have been possible without the amazing assis
Summer '99 meant a
serious facelift for the
inside of600U. Two
very generous alumni
have donated money for
total study room renova
tions. These renovations
included new, larger
tance of all our graduate brothers across Idaho and the Northwest. Our calls for
desks for the rooms, new
aid were answered with amazing volume and quality, making this year's Rush
program all the more effective and efficient. Over the last several years Mu Iota
and floors and some re
closet doors, new carpet
has prided itself on looking first within its own membership for potential new
pledges and avoiding attacking the same stock that the rest of University of Idaho
Fraternities focus on. By doing this we have consistently recruited the top in
coming men at the University, and have had much better retention throughout all
wiring of the rooms for
ofthe classes in the house.
shower in the second
Thank you all again for your support of the recruitment process, and thus sus
taining the lifeblood of Phi Gamma Delta. However it is said every year that
Rush is truly a year round event, so it is never too early to mobilize the active
brothers if there is a positive prospect for recruitment next year. Please contact
me at or contact the chapter with any ideas on the Rush
bathroom and the plans
are on the table for doing
the same next year in the
third shower. Along
process or a recommend for the fiiture.
-P.J. McDaniel('02) Rush Chair
shower, the donation
more outlets.
The house had also put
up the money for a new
with the new rooms and
from another alumm had
aided in the purchase of
two new Micron com
puters for the house.
These are very helpful
The Pledge Class of 2003
Graduate Stories: The Weeks Annual Pumpkin Throw
for the members in their
everyday studies.
The Mu Iota Chapter
Pi Mu/Mu Iota Pledge Football Game
Bricks Still for Sale
would like to thank those
who donated and those
who continue to donate
making Mu Iota the best.
—Jeremy Hull('00)
\r\nThe Gem State Fiji
Fall'99 Intramurals
The 1999-2000 sea
son ofPhi Gamma
Delta Intramural Sports
is off and running.
With teams currently
participating in flag
football, soccer, ulti
mate fiisbee, and tennis
it looks as though it
should be a great year.
The new pledge class
mate just how well we
will do in the point
standings at the end of
the year, but the partici
pation numbers are
there to really show
some improvement on
last year's finish. All
ofthe sports have just
begun their respective
seasons but we have
looking good also. Our
Everybody in the
team sits at 1-1 as of
house, from the fresh
now with two games
remaining before play
men up to the out-of-
offs begin.
Our recreation soccer
team. Big Duke,is off
to a great start also.
The new pledge class
house members, seem
very eager to get signed
up for anything and
play. Participation like
that is all it takes to win
the games and score
has numerous soccer
points in the standings.
The Phi Gam's are out
seems to be full of ath
already placed people
letes for every sport
and all ofthem are very
excited to participate.
in the finals for tennis
players in it and they
all seem to play great
together so far, making
doubles and semi-finals
for a winning team on
for tennis singles. Our
the field.
—Troy S. Braga('02)
Being so early in the
year it is hard to esti
outlook for the rest of
the football season is
to win this year and
starting off in a big
The outlook for the
rest of the year is great.
Social Service Update
This year's social
joying our company for
ing season.
service for the Moscow
every time the recess
community is quite dif
bell rings they always
was successful once
ferent from those in the
want to know if we will
past. Last year a few
be back to play the next
again this year with
nearly forty brothers
members from the
day. The kids are mak
participating and work
chapter would go to a
local thrift store to sort
ing as much a positive
impression on us as we
ing together early on
Saturday, September
through and fold the
are on them.
25"'. There are a few
donated clothing. For a
P.J. McDaniel and
John Duncan, both
other projects in mo
more hands on project
this year we have been
attending McDonald
Elementary School
sophomores in the
house, as well as Matt
Ricks, a freshman, are
donating time to coach
Highway clean-up
tion that have the chap
ter working for the lo
cal community. It
looks like Mu Iota will
hours organizing and
a local youth football
participating in the re
cess fun for grades K
team. So far the team
have yet another suc
cessful year and we are
striving to win the
is doing well with a 3-0
Baker Social Service
record. It looks like it
will be a fun and excit
—Kevin Shawver('02)
once a week for a few
through 6. The kids
really seem to be en
\r\nThe Gem State Fiji
|F>i31'y ti
■ ■0-5¥I
Name: Bryan "Judd" Aeshbacher
Hometown: Rigby, ID
Major: Criminal Justice
Name: Jason Boyd
Hometown: Boise, ID
Major: Chemical Engineering
Judd likes almost any type of sport
Josh likes to read, play soccer, and
there is to be played.
mountain bike and hike in the out
Name: Rich Bearg
Name: Zac Crist
Hometown: Boise, ID
Hometown: Boise, ID
Major: Electrical Engineering
Rich enjoys many outdoors sports
Major: Math Education
Zac spends his leisure time playing
soccer or tennis and listening to music.
along with playing basketball and
Name: Joe Czamiecki
Major: Comp Engineering/Business
Name: Jake Emery
Hometown: Parma, ID
Major: General Studies
Riding horses, swimming reading and
Jake likes to both water and snow ski
golf are some of Joe's hobbies.
as well as fishing and hunting.
Name: Mike Harper
Hometown: Nampa, ID
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Mike is skilled with a yo-yo and likes
Name: Luke Hayhurst
Hometown: Boise, ID
to mountain bike and skateboard.
Hometown: Boise, ID
Major: Biology/Music Theoiy
Luke likes the guitar along with
mountain biking and frisbee.
Name: Brad Hershey
Hometown: Boise, ID
Name: Ryan Hill
Major: Music(Performance)/Biology
Brad spends his time skiing, biking,
climbing, and creating music.
Major: Chemical Engineering
Ryan likes snow skiing, hunting,
camping, and biking.
Name: Mark Jewell
Name: Peter Mann
Hometown: Boise, ID
Hometown: Boise, ID
Hometown: Moscow, ID
Major: Business/Art
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Tying flies, skiing, and mountain bik
ing are Peter's favorite things to do.
Mark likes outdoor activities like bik
ing, camping, and backpacking.
Name: Matt Merris
Hometown: Boise, ID
Major: Business
Matt likes to make music, play golf,
snowboarding, and enjoys good food.
Name: Jon Nishikawa
Hometown: Meridian, ID
Major: Electrical Engineering
Jon likes sports like soccer, street
hockey, golf, and tennis and also col
lects knives
Name: Hieu Ngyuen
Hometown: Boise, ID
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hieu plays ping pong and swims in
his spare time.
Name: Andy Olson
Hometown: Boise, ID
Major: General Studies
Hiking and snowboarding are Andy's
main hobbies.
\r\nThe Gem State Fiji
Graduate Stories
The Weeks Annual Pumpkin Throw
As November passes into December,I am moved to write and inquire if the Good Brothers at 600 University
have continued the tradition ofthe Weeks Annual Pumpkin Throw, or have ever even heard of this important
event in the history of'Ole Phi? The annual event is named for Brother David Weeks, or as we called him then
WEEEBEEE-EBEEEEEEKs!(accent on the second syllable),'68 from Twin Falls, Idaho,
The inaugural event occurred on a cold night in early December 1964, when Brother Weeks was a pledge.
His mother had sent him a pumpkin to carve and keep him company through that first daunting semester in col
lege. Brother Weeks meticulously carved that pumpkin and displayed it proudly on the windowsill in his room
facing the Kappa house. At that time, pledges had little they could call their own in their rooms since they had
to share them with at least two upper classmen.
On the eventfirl night in question, one ofthe (despised) upper classmen came home late from the bars, hav
ing had a dreadful fight with his date. He staggered up the steps and fell into Weeks' room. Weeks had heard
him coming and, realizing that he was trapped, retreated to the darkest recesses of the room.(During the 60s,
pledges had genuine cause to fear provoking an upper classman - particularly this one and particularly in his
current condition.) The upper classman began shouting profanities and was looking for some way to vent his
wrath. He spotted Weeks' pumpkin, grabbed it, threw open the window and hurled it at the Kappa house. The
pumpkin hit the house with a resounding SPLAT! Now remember this happened in early December, long after
the Thanksgiving holiday. Weeks' pumpkin had been sitting on the sill, above a heater, for almost two months.
When the upperclassman flung the pumpkin at the Kappa house, parts ofit disintegrated in his hand and a
brand new cashmere sweater was covered with rotting pumpkin. It was all Weeks could do to keep from bust
ing out laughing and revealing himself. Had Weeks not be able to control himself, we subsequently might have
been mourning his demise rather than celebrating his victory.
By the next morning, everyone in the house had heard of the ill-fated pumpkin toss. The Kappas were furi
ous and demanded to know the identity ofthe perpetrator of this dastardly deed. Within the house, the Brothers
at 600 U took great delight in the fact that Weeks,the lowly pledge, had unwittingly ruined this upperclassman's favorite sweater and caused him to be publicly humiliated for having to make restitution with the Kap
pas - as it turned out, he was seen and identified by one ofthe Sisters. The event was celebrated as a triumph of
good over evil, of the poor rookie over the dominating senior.
The next year, the event was as spontaneous as the first. Once again Weeks' mother sent him a pumpkin
and once again he had carved it and left it sitting on the sill to rot. One night, in early December someone,
probably Brother Goss, Cain, Olson or White, or maybe Weeks himself, decided that Weeks should reenact the
incident. Remnants of last year's toss still clung to the side ofthe Kappa house. As I remember. Weeks nailed
an almost perfect hurl, and scored really big. [Scores are based on how high on the Kappa house the pumpkin
hits and the size ofthe blotch it makes. The tradeoff between the size of blotch (rottenness) and distance up the
wall(firmness) makes the sport the fine art that it is. The timing ofthe event is crucial.] Coincidentally(or
maybe not), the house finished number one in grades that year and number two in inter-murals.
The third Weeks Annual Pumpkin Throw was a well-planned, highly publicized event. On the aftemoon of
the toss, there was a huge pre-function. Music was blaring out ofthe windows. People were crowded all
around the area between the two houses. Even the Kappas got into it. They brought out a chair so their House
Mother could comfortably witness the event. Floodlights(study lamps) were erected. Weeks had been prepar
ing all day down at the local watering hole(Morts, by name). Well, you can guess the outcome. Weeks was
poised in the window, spotlight on him, the crowd was shouting his name like he was Rocky Balboa. The
(Continued on page 5)
\r\nThe Gem State Fiji
Graduate Stories(Continued)
crowd started the NASA countdown Jfrom ten. When they got down to zero. Weeks heaved the pumpkin and
when he did, it slipped out of his hand and he almost fell out of the window. The pumpkin fell harmlessly to
the ground. It never hit the house. The crowd was thoroughly disgusted with Weeks' pitiful effort. They be
gan to shout out his name and call him all kinds of nasty thing. It became a contest to see who could insult
Weeks the most. They ended the evening's festivities with a resounding chorus of boos directed at Brother
Weeks. The Kappa's house mother was quickly whisked away so she would not be trampled by a very ugly
This was a very humiliating experience for Brother Weeks, who didn't have an abundance of self-
confidence to start with, as well as for the whole house. As I recall, the house lost its number one ranking that
year. But in my last year at the house(1969), I think Brother Olson had the honors and he had a spectacular
throw. It could be the best throw - ever. His score was so high that the Kappas felt obliged to paint their house
that next summer. And, as I am sure you all know, we won the Cheney Cup the following year.
So Good Brothers, maybe on some bright winter day, when the sun is hitting the Kappa house just right,
you might be able to see some remnants ofthe past, evidence oflong-gone days of yore, when the fate ofthe
house was determined by one throw of a rotting pumpkin on a cold autumn night. As for me, a year doesn't go
by when sometime in early December my wife armounces that it is time for the Weeks Aimual Pumpkin Throw,
and we dutifully take our rotting jack-o'-lanterns up to the second floor and toss them out the window and wish
ourselves and 'Ole Phi good luck for the coming year.
—^Michael Bradley ('69)
For this new section to be a permanent part of the GSF, we need alumni participation. Please send stories of no
more than 1000 words to me, Brian Post, at This is a great forum to share memories of
fond Phi and increase the graduate content of the newsletter.
An Old Tradition Reborn
The brothers of the
one, figure out a game
ton State campus.
Mu Iota chapter ofPhi
plan and two, encour
Gamma Delta are plan
ning to start a new tra
age bonding within
we have had brothers a
their pledge class.
mere eight miles away
and have not planned
any social functions
dition. We have con
tacted the brothers ofPi
Mu in Pullman and
scheduled an annual
football game between
the freshmen of the fra
Our freshmen have
been practicing every
night after dinner for
the past month which
served two purposes;
The game will be
played the moming of
October 16, 1999, at
Guy Wicks Field in
Moscow,followed im
mediately by a barbe
■ Bricks!!!
For far too long now
with them.
Hopefully the suecess
of the Mu Iota vs. Pi
Mu football came will
The renovation efforts to
refurbish the University
entryway are far from
over. You still have an
opportunity to have your
name and class immor
talized in brick and Mu
Iota history for only $50.
For more information or
donations, contact:
help build brotherhood
cue at 600 University
Avenue. We decided
on the Palouse, and
James Toyota
to start the tradition in
Moscow, with the
show those Cougars
how to play football.
C/o Jim Hill
1212 Pullman Rd.
game next year to be
Bryan Crookham ('01)
Moscow,ID 83843
played on the Washing
\r\nNon-Profit Org.
Moscow, Idaho
Permit #193
Phi Gamma Delta
600 University AvE.
Moscow,ID 83843
PGD International Headquarters
1201 Red Mile Rd.
Lexington,, Ky 40544
Name: Nathan Reagan
Hometown: Payettc, ID
Name: Aaron Papero
Hometown: Boise,ID
Major: Business
All types of sports and reading are
Aaron's favorite things to do.
Major: Plant Science
Nathan enjoys golfing, skiing, hiking,
and hunting.
Name: Matthew Ricks
Name: Dillon Roberts
Hometown: Boise,ID
Hometown: Mountain Home,ID
Major: General Studies
Matt enjoys fishing, hunting, and
Dillon enjoys playing golf as well as
playing other sports.
snow skiing.
Name: Daniel Romano
Name: Rick Surber
Hometown: McCall, ID
Hometown: Boise, ID
Major: Environmental Science
Major: Political Science
Major: Accounting
Dan likes all sorts of outdoor activi
Rick kayaks, climbs, snowboards,
ties along with golf and frisbee.
and plays soccer in his spare time.
Name: Jesse Sexton
Name: Matthew Vande Water
Hometown: Idaho City, ID
Hometown: Buhl, ID
Major: Computer Science
Major: Bio-Systems Engineering
Matt likes sports along with hunting,
boating, wakeboarding, and snow-
Working with computers, biking, an
skiing are Jesse's favorite things to c
Name: Matt Weigand
Hometown: Boise, ID
Major: Biology
Matt plays basketball,jogs, and en
joys rock climbing and art.
Keeping you and your classmates informed
Please write legibly
Please be sure to check out Phi Gamma
Delta on the Intemet! On the World Wide
Web, point your browser to:
http ://www.uidaho. edu/greek/fij i
If you would like to reach us by email,
contact Will Omdorff:
Omd5371 @uidaho. edu
Please send correspondence to:
600 University Ave.
□ Check here if new address
Moscow, ID 83843
Personal News or Message to Anyone:
If possible, send us a photo
and a personal biography so
Engagement/Marriage/Births, Etc.:
we can highlight you in our
Alumni Spotlight
New Job/Promotions/Awards/Honors/
Achievements/Transfer/Retirement, Etc.:
Thanks for replying to the Gem State Fiji!
Any and all support is appreciated. We
always look forward to hearing from our
valuable alumni.
—Brian W. Post, current
GSF Editor. or (208) 885-7051
Please Help Support the Gem State Fiji
Without your generous contributions, the regular publication of this newsletter
would not be possible.
To help, my check is enclosed:
klOQ I
k'^O I
Please make checks payable to the Gem State Fiji
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Fall 1999 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is seven pages in length.