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1999 September Newsletter Mu Upsilon (Miami University)
September 1999 newsletter of the Mu Upsilon chapter at Miami University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Mu Upsilon
Miami University
1999 September Newsletter Mu Upsilon (Miami University)
Phi Gamma Delta
End of the Slant
September, 1999
Letter from the President
Calendar of Events
Dear Phi Gam Brothers,
brothers celebrated with teachers at our Fac
Oaober29-3l, 1999
See below for itinerary
January 12-18, 2000
Norris Pig Dinner
April 1-2, 2000
May 7, 2000
My name is Michael S. McCartney,
and I am the current Chapter President for
the Mu Upsilon Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta. As we begin this new semester at Mi
ami University, I wanted to share our excite
ment about this year with the graduate chap
ter. I hope that when you look at us as un
dergraduate brothers, you feel the same Fiji
pride and character that you experienced
during your college days. Our accomplish
ulty Appreciation Banquet that featured an
address fi^om University President, Dr.
James C. Garland. Fiji placed third in Greek
ments should be your victories and our defi
ami University' Chapter Achievement Award
and third place finishes in both the Owen
Cup and Zerman Trophy(See Awards Arti
ciencies should bring you distress. These
To add your name to the
are the emotions that unite us in brother
growing grad email data
cle). Currently, we are organizing a cam
When I reflect upon the success of pus-wide philanthropy. The Tricycle Relays,
to be held on September 24"" supporting the
last semester and anticipate our future
achievements, I become filled with optimism Alzheimer's Foundation of Dayton. The
pride we hold in Phi Gamma Delta is carry
and inspiration. Phi Gamma Delta is on an
incredible upswing. The chapter enrollment ing over into every aspect of life at Miami.
Hopefully these examples of pros
stands strong at 70 brothers with 48 mem
perity help you to relive your victorious mo
bers residing at the chapter house. Last se
ments at Miami, but I also challenge you to
mester we initiated a class of24 incredible
take a moment and try to remember some of
men, and we currently have 5 dedicated
the challenges you faced as an undergradupledges in the fall class. In the spring, the
base, please send an email
to Jim Neary at
Inside this issue:
Greek Week Update
Letter from House Corps !
Awards Story
Week last year, and we are determined to
improve in 1999. The Gold Cup for Dance
Marathon, the largest campus-wide philan
thropy, also went to Phi Gamma Delta for
the fourth straight year. The brothers
brought home many awards both on-campus
and nationally last year, including the Mi
Continued on Page 2
Homecoming Events & Pig Dinner Date
House Information
Mark your calendars now for
homecoming weekend, October 29-31.
The Armual Frank Norris Pig
Dinner will be held on Saturday, April
Miami Football will battle it out with
1st. Let's end the millennium with some
UC on Saturday afternoon. All gradu
ates and family are welcome to tailgate
at the Phi Gam house on Saturday
morning. Come enjoy the weekend with
great Phi Gam Spirit. Tentative plans
from the chapter include a golf outing
where the brothers would caddy for the
graduates. If you have any suggestions
please call our graduate relations offi
cers (Numbers on page 4).
new and old brothers!
ate Fiji. Phi Gamma Delta is perfect, but no chapter can run
perfectly. Hardship teaches great lessons to the challenged,
and our collective obstacles serve as sources of wisdom that
tie us together as Phi Gams. When I look at the future of our
chapter, the transition to substance free housing appears to
pose a great threat to our livelihood. Although this transfor
mation may not occur for more than two years, we must be
gin to prepare now to ensure a smooth changeover. The
chapter is currently working with the House Corps and Inter
national Headquarters to meet requirements for the two-year
exemption from substance free housing starting in 2000. In
the meantime, we are trying to show the university, parents,
media, and new members that there is more to Phi Gamma
Delta than the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
However, it is disheartening to me to see that one of
the greatest resources we have to help weather this storm is
also one ofthe weakest aspects ofour chapter life ~ Graduate
Relations. This fact should be clear to every brother, gradu
ate and undergraduate. You as graduate brothers deserve
Frank Norris Pig Dinner. Is Phi Gamma Delta just for col
lege days alone? I do not believe so. Our chapter is going to
prove that this year. The relationship between graduates and
undergraduates is only going to grow stronger through genu
ine and frequent contact. I plan to have two End ofthe
Slants arrive at your mailbox each semester and an updated
Fiji Web page for your instant access on a daily basis.
Through these communications, we hope to present you with
a more accurate picture ofPhi Gamma Delta and allow you
opportunity to guide and support our chapter.
Michael S. McCartney '00
more than one newsletter per year and a sparsely attended
'We are united by FRIEIVDSffiP. It is the basis of our brotherhood. Because of it we
accomplish far more than we do as individuals. Friendship is the sweetest influence."
Fiji Explodes into Greek Week'99!
By Matt Gunzenhaeuser '00
After the first few days ofcom
petition FIJI remained in first place
among all fraternities. Greek Week
started on September 8, and after the first
two days of event, we have scored points
in every event. This years roster looks
stronger than years past! There's no rea
son we shouldn't come out on top. Our
Speed-Pyramid team came in first place
"This years roster looks
stronger than years past!
There's no reason we shouldn't
overall, along with Jim Neary grabbing
first place in Jell-O Jump. The FIJI band
stand and obstacle course both placed sec
ond overall. Mike Talaga added points on
the FIJI board for his victories in Racquetball. Greek Week ends on with the infa
mous Puddle Pull, and with the teams we
come out on top."
Left: Brothers
cleaning up at
the Awards
Right: under-
grads and
grads enjoying
old Fijifootage
are fielding in the events, we plan to stay
on top throughout the week.
House Corps Examines Focus Areas
Dear Brother,
September brings thoughts of Oxford, Ohio, Mi
ami University, Redhawks, Slant Walk, The Fresh
man Women's Information Center and Phi Gamma
Delta. The MU chapter ofPhi Gamma Delta is off
to a good start and so are your new House Corpora
tion and Board of Chapter Advisors.
We are greatly encouraged by the commitment and
enthusiasm ofthis current group of undergradu
ates. However, those of you who have been in con
tact with the House in the last few years know that
we fece some major challenges. The last chapter
review ofthe chapter by the International Frater
nity emphasized three major areas of concern: 1.
The physical condition ofthe House, 2. Alcoholfree compliance and related issues, and 3. Gradu
ate relations.
Capital Improvements
ship and other important social skills. It is an initia
tive that also includes an emphasis on alcohol
awareness, education and risk management. Our
undergraduates are going to need our support in
making this transition. It does not preclude respon
sible, legal drinking off premises. The undergradu
ates are requesting a two year extension but this is
not guaranteed. As graduates, we need to under
stand these issues and get involved. Let's help these
young men put alcohol in a proper perspective in
their lives.
Graduate Relations
Over the years the undergraduate chapters have had
mixed success in maintaining a good relationship
with the graduate brothers. Our current group of
undergrads is a iSne group and will make a good
effort at graduate relations. However,their time is
limited and they will be moving on. We are the
consistent thread, not the undergrads. We own the
house and have the power and experience to make
The Chapter House at 130 East High Street is tired
Mu Upsilon a great, lasting fraternity. Having the
and worn out. It needs substantial renovations if
undergraduates keeping us up to date and entertain
ing us from time to time is a nice perk. The respon
sibility is ours to make sure that the physical condi
tion ofthe house and the traditions of Ae fraternity
not a complete rebuild. The House Corp. is being
faced with increasing stopgap repair and modifica
tion costs. Today's undergrad brings with him in
creased demands for upgraded facilities. Refrig
erators, microwaves, stereos, computers and extra
phone lines are common college gear. We are in
competition with the University and other vendors
for the housing dollar. The problem is critical and
the time to act is now. There is no way to sugar
coat it; we are faced with the necessity of undertak
ing a major fund raising campaign and/or refi
nancing. Preliminary architectural/ engineering
plans are being solicited. A feasibility study will
be conducted by a professional fund raising organi
zation to determine how much can reasonably be
are maintained. It is time for us to take back the
control, to demand that our property and traditions
be respected and to share in the burden ofthis lead
ership. In exchange, we will provide for these
young men the living and fraternal experience ofa
lifetime. Not only do we need to fimd it, but also
support it with our experience, leadership and adult
guidance. This is graduate relations. Come on
back; recapture the feeling.
Look for more information from the House Corp and
the undergrads. Consider a visit to Oxford this year,
especially Pig Dinner. See if it's true..."not for col
lege days alone."
Alcohol -Free Housing - Julv K 2000
On August 16, 1997, the Archons made the decision
that all chapter houses will be alcohol-free by July 1,
2000. It is an attempt to refocus fraternity life from
centers of alcohol based entertainment to the origi
nal mission ofthe fraternity, which promotes the
development of responsibility, leadership, scholar
House Corporation and Board of Chapter Advisors
Primary Business Address
130 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056
Phone: 513-523-1848
Graduate Relations Officers
Justin Miller '02
Justin Brown '01
E-Mail: Mnierj2@pojnuohioedu
Phi Gamma Delta
"Not for college days alone!'
•ikii ^
t -M.
Norris Pig Dinner
April 1-2, 2000
Fiji Awarded for Hard Work
By Andre Couvillion '00
The Mu Upsilon Chapter spent most ofthe 1998-99
year working very hard on all fronts, from scholarship to serv
ice. At the end ofthe year,the chapter and a few individuals
received the acknowledgement they richly deserved.
At the Greek Awards Ceremony in April,Phi Gamma
Delta's name was called early and often. First ofall, the names
ofthe executive boards ofGreek Habitat, Dance Marathon,
Greek Week,Interfratemity Council, and Greek Peer Educators
were announced. With each group, at least one Phi Gam
proudly stood. Greek Habitat alone was run by four Fiji's, in
prior year. Brother Russell Todia, who was largely responsible
for a massive reworking ofour pledge program in order to
make it more effective, proudly collected the Best New Mem
ber Education Program trophy. Brother Chris Boyd, our cur
rent Treasurer and past Philanthropy Chair, graciously received
the trophy going to the chapter with the most outstanding record
ofPhilanthropy. Finally, for the fourth straight year, the Phi
Gams took home the Chapter Achievement Award, which goes
to the top three fraternities on campus.
More good news arrived from Nationals over the sum
cluding the two founders.
mer. The Mu Upsilon chapter was awarded 3"^ place overall
A few individuals received awards at this ceremony as
well. Senior brother Derek Adye was presented with an award
for outstanding contributions to Miami University's community
in general. Brothers Matt Sklenka and Aaron Alspach were
each recipients ofthe prestigious Outstanding Greek Leader
Award,making Fiji the only fraternity with two recipients.
(Only five were given out among all fraternities).
Though Phi Gamma Delta was proud ofits brothers
for the Zerman Trophy, which is awarded to the top chapters in
who received individual awards,the chapter awards stood as
testament to the amount ofwork the chapter had put forth in the
Campus Involvement. In addition, Mu Upsilon received 3"*
place overall for the Owen Cup, which is awarded to the chap
ters with the greatest improvement in grade point average.
Overall, we were proud of our brothers and our chap
ter for such a successful year, and we hope to continue this hard
work into this year so that the praise may be as bountiful come
next April.
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September 1999 newsletter of the Mu Upsilon chapter at Miami University. The newsletter is four pages in length.