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1999 October Newsletter Theta Tau (Tennessee Tech)
October 1999 newsletter of the Theta Tau chapter at Tennessee Tech. This newsletter is eight pages.
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Theta Tau
Tennessee Technological University
1999 October Newsletter Theta Tau (Tennessee Tech)
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\r\nFrom the Desk of the President......
Half way through my last semester
as President, I can honestly say that I could
not be any prouder of our chapter. As a “old
guy,” I can say that the fraternity will be in
good hands for years to come.
On an average day on campus, I can
walk to each of my classes and pass
countless brothers and pledges that are ready
to strike up a conversation. During lunch at
the wonderful “Café O’ Lay”, over 50 FIJIs
and numerous girls gather to eat lunch and
catch up on the breaking news of the day.
And yes, the “FIJI Table”, that has been a
part of us for so long, has turned into the
“FIJI Tables”.
Volume 20 No. 1
The Golden Eagle Fiji is published
quarterly by the Theta Tau Chapter of
the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta for its
members, both undergraduate and
graduate, family and friends.
Chapter Officers — 1999
President Jay Parker
Treasurer Ryan Fulkerson
Recording Secretary Rob Wheeler
Corresponding Secretary Lucas Yeary
Historian Jimmy Nelson
GE Fiji produced by: Eric May
Later that afternoon, the FIJI’s have
gotten their lawn chairs, recliners, and
couches together and ventured to the
intramural fields to support the Tech girl’s
soccer team. Well, actually to heckle the
girls from the other team. Then at 8 o’clock
that night, the Phi Gams have a flag football
game. I just happened to count the people at
the last game: 125 showed up to cheer for
the team. After a FIJI victory, (we are 1-0
this season) that chant that every other
Fraternity on campus hates to hear, begins:
“Phi Gamma Delta, who the hell are we,
Phi Gam, FIJI, the best Fraternity!”
Finally, when I make it back to the
house and think that things have settled
down for the evening, someone wants to go
to Wal-Mart, Waffle House, or even Cotton
Eye’d Joe’s. The study room is full with
people that are actually studying, and people
are lounged around the TV watching Happy
Gilmore or Friday and repeating every word
from memory. The last brothers seen for the
day are the brothers in the basement in deep
conversation that will wind up bringing in
the next day.
Yeah, all the awards are nice, but
when it comes down to it, Brotherhood, is
what we are all about. Brotherhood is a
feeling that I have come to love and is
something that is alive and thriving in your
undergraduate chapter.
“T’m proud to be your president, and I’m
damn proud to be a Phi Gamma Delta!”
\r\nIsland Week
Our annual philanthropy benefiting Multiple Sclerosis was a huge success.
Under the leadership of Brother Brandon Miller, the three day event was able to
raise $800.00 for this worthy cause.
Sororities participating this year were Phi Mu, Zeta Tau Alpha, and Kappa
Delta. The fraternities represented were Sigma Chi and Tau Kappa Epsilon.
Our house received an impressive turnout and great participation in the
events. We had a volleyball tournament, tug-of-war, limbo competition, and the
Miss Fiji Island Pageant. The band, Suzi’s Tattoo, performed from our back deck
before a crowd of Greeks to kick off the week. Playing in the band were fellow Phi
Gams Matt Leonard on bass guitar and Richard Suttles on drums.
Homecoming 1999
Tennessee Tech’s Homecoming promises to be an exciting and eventful
affair. Theta Tau plans to bring home a third consecutive championship trophy
with a lot of hard work and dedication as well as a lot of fun. This year we are
working with the Phi Mu sorority and look forward to spending time with these
ladies. The homecoming theme is “A Salute to the Century”. It involves events and
entertainment from various decades of the 1900’s. Phi Gamma Delta expects to
have a great time for this last homecoming of the millenium.
Unfortunately, the homecoming football game will not be the same as in the
past. MTSU’s move up in division this school year ends the long rivalry. The
Golden Eagles will instead be matching up against Murray State. As always, Phi
Gamma Delta will be flying the banner high and cheering in the stands. We invite
all Fiji alumni to join us in exhibiting our TTU pride.
Event Schedule
Monday, October 25- Sock Hop
Tuesday, October 26- Canned Food Drive & Air Band
Wednesday, October 27-Scavenger Hunt & Movies
Thursday, October 28 - Quiz Show
Friday, October 29- Field Day
Saturday, October 30- 8:30am Parade, 2:00pm Homecoming Football Game
\r\nBy Brian Long
The 1999 Recruitment Retreat
was highly informative and effective.
The overall group morale was
exceedingly high. Not only was the
group attitude high, but the
brotherhood bonding was at a max.
Nevertheless, we always kept our
focus on recruitment.
The theme of the retreat, held at
Standing Stone State Park, was
“Recruitment 365: Replace Yourself”.
Some of the topics covered by the ’99
recruitment committee were: Learning
how to work together, recruitment
role playing, techniques of recruiting
and the big picture of Phi Gamma
Delta. Recruitment Advisor Lee Wray
and Faculty Advisor Tony Marable
were both in attendance and strongly
In retrospect, the retreat was a
success. Not only was it informative
and helpful to the new brothers, it was
also a fresh reminder to the higher pin
brothers. As a member of the 1999
recruitment committee, I would
personally like to thank the brothers
and advisors for the great
accomplishments gained at the 1999
Recruitment Retreat.
By Brent Young
Rush this year went great
thanks to the help of the Rush
Committee, Cabinet, and the brothers.
With a little hard work and
dedication, the brothers of Phi
Gamma Delta made this Fall Rush the
most successful one ever. Even
though our house is dry, we attracted
numbers unheard of during the pre-
rush period. Out of forty-three bids,
we received 37 back. We _ look
forward to seeing just what these
upstanding Fijis to be can do.
\r\nFall 1999 Pledge Brothers
Adam Aylor............... Jackson, TN
Prey: Boyd s.cassssennccsesuns Powell, TN
Ryan Butler............... Dresden, TN
Nathan Byrd....Cumberland Gap, TN
Lance Call............ Brownsville, TN
Tiger Cavanaugh....... Knoxville, TN
Chris Clark............. Clarksville, TN
Bryan Chambers...... Brentwood, TN
Kevin Coleman....... Church Hill, TN
Brad Connelly............ Lynville, TN
Chris Cramer............ Columbia, TN
Chris Dellinger........... Gastonia, NC
Corey Fitzpatrick........ Lafayette, TN
J. R. Gillette.............. Mt. Juliet, TN
Brandon Hetrick......... Knoxville, TN
Wes Hicks... .isissssccse Kingsport, TN
Wally TEViD ves 0escinseses Kingsport, TN
Andy Johnson............ Kingsport, TN
Seth Johnson............ Greenfield, TN
JOEY LEAKE... 00000805, sinless Clarksville, TN
PHU TAZ wee ciceweeieenad Mt. Juliet, TN
Kevin McConkey............ Etowah, TN
Caleb McDonald............ Newport, TN
Justin Medlen............... Franklin, TN
Van Oldham......... Westmoreland, TN
Matt Osborne.............. Kingsport, TN
Michael Prince.......... Manchester, TN
Stephen Schurger......... Kingsport, TN
Andrew Smith............. Columbia, TN
Jeremy Smith................44 Alamo, TN
Jimmy Smith................ Franklin, TN
JOND SOUS: ssssessissavaissvessa Jackson, TN
Brigg Stoll..............06 Nashville, TN
Jesse Stout..............64 Greenfield, TN
Nate Tilton............ McMinnville, TN
Leas Titjatteccesvacx. Lafayette, TN
Andrew Williamson...... Columbia, TN
What’s New at Tech?
Tennessee Tech has _ recently
made a few changes for the benefit of
its students. The old grill underwent a
metamorphosis, expanding its food
options drastically. It now contains
Blimpie’s Subs, Taco Bell, and
Sparro’s Pizza, as well as having the
short order grill that many students
have grown to love. Tech also has
changed the doors to many of its
buildings into handicap-accessible
doors allowing them to open with the
push of a button. The most recent
modification to the campus is the
conversion of Marshall Hall from an all
female dorm to a coed dorm for
engineering majors containing a
computer lab and internet connections
in each of the rooms.
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta would like to congratulate our
brothers that graduated in the Spring of 1999 and
remind them that Phi Gamma Delta is not for college
days alone.
Richard Suttles..................4. Industrial Technologies
Brent Ellis: sssevesldesssassvetsasescevesexs Criminal Justice
Michael Berg......... Management Information Services
Chitis ROGCTS ii05
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October 1999 newsletter of the Theta Tau chapter at Tennessee Tech. This newsletter is eight pages.