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1999 May Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
May 1999 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. This newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Gamma Phi
Pennsylvania State University
1999 May Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
RECEn/Eo ,,j», fl 3
Gamma Phi of Phi Gamma Delta at The Pennsylvania State University
State College, Pa.• May 1999
The 1999 Norris Pig Dinner Strengthens
Alumni-Undergrad Bond
A Year of
By Lance Applemon '00, Pig Dinner Chairman
Gamma Phi
After much preparation and fanfare,
the 1999 Norris Pig Dinner has
come and gone. A proud group of
17 Gamma Phi graduate brothers, ranging
Irom the Class ot '38 to the Class of '98,
converged on the Hummel Fishburn
Lodge on April 24 to celebrate Fiji's
annual feast. The day began with a
continental breakfast reception at the
Lodge at 8 a.m. At 10 a.m., a Gamma Phi
House Corporation meeting was held,
headed by Purple Legionnaire Mike
Mische '76 and House Corporation
chapter of Phi Gamma Delta should be
striving for. The Silver and Golden Owls
were then presented, along with the
Gamma Phi chapter awards. After dinner,
the group returned to the Lodge for drinks
and dancing. All in all, it was quite an
enjoyable day.
First of all, we thank all of those who
were able to spend this Saturday' with us.
It means a lot to us to be able to connect
with those with whom we share such a
special bond. 1 am sure that those who
topics such as the Alcohol-l^ree 2000
initiative, risk management and chapter
have had the opportunity to get to know us
have found us to be an outgoing group
that, like man3' ofyou, bleeds purple. You
can take comfort In knowing that your
chapter is in good hands.
To those of you who were unable to
spend this weekend with us, I ask only one
thing ol you: please make an attempt to
improvements. Adding the insight of the
International Headquarters' perspective
join us next year. The Pig Dinner will be
held on approximately the same date (i.e.,
was lormer Archon President Mike
the BlucAVhite weekend, usually around
April 23-25) every year. I know that some
felt that there was not enough advance
notice given to allow brothers adecjuate
President Dave Young '66. The meeting
was intended to serve as a "state of affairs"
information session, but it quickly turned
into much more. The meeting ultimately
became a question-and-answer session on
Shipley (Syracuse '58), who was in
attendance to serve as the guest speaker
tor the evening's festivities. The meeting
adjourned at appro.ximately noon to allow
those who wished to venture to Beaver
Stadium for the Blue/White Game.
However, several of our grads chose to use
this break to wander through the I>odge
and get to know some of the current
undergrads. The lirotherhood regrouped at
the I.odge at about 5 p.m., this time
dressed in shirt and tie. At 6:30 p.m., we
made our way to The Atherton Hotel, the
site of the banquet fiortion of the evening,
i^'ollowlng a large dinner, Mike Shipley
gave a rousing address on the values ol
Irlendship and the things that every
time to plan a trip to Penn State. Let this
article ser\'e as your first notice. We are
pleased with the growth the Pig L)inner
has e.xperienced every year that I have
been here. It is our goal to continue to
improve on our attendance figures each
year, and with your help, it can be
accomplished. I know many of you would
really like to come back, but just have not
had the time or the reason to do so. Let
that reason be the Pig Dinner 2000. We
are all looking forward to making next
year s dinner even more special than this
On the March
By Michael A. Mische '76,
Purple Legionnaire
Momentum is important in
investing, sports and
business. Likewise, it is
so with fraternities. Our goal has
always been to be the best house
at PSU and after years of work
we are quickly closing on that
target. The 1998/99 academic
year at Gamma Phi saw the
chapter elevate its performance
and gain and sustain significant
momentum in virtually all aspects
of brotherhood, chapter and
academic life.
In this issue of the Nittany
Ay/you'll find articles that
describe the many accomplish
ments of this brotherhood. For
example, the chapter's aJI-house
GPA is now above that of PSU
and the all-Greek average. There
were seven men on the fall dean's
list, several who just missed it and
one brother who improved his
academic standing by a full 1.2
points. For the first time in many
years, we are intramural champi
ons again. Gamma Phi took the
intramural basketball champion
ship by absolutely dominating the
competition in all facets of the
game. In concert with local
agencies. Gamma Phi also
initiated a Big Brothers Program
where boys and girls from broken
(Continued on Page 2)
\r\nMay 1999
Page 2
''The Upward March of Humanity"
A Year of
Continues at Gamma Phi
By Justin Dunkeiberger '00, Chiapter President
(Continued From Page 1)
or single-parent homes are
invited to the chapter house for a
day of fun and games. The new
graduate relations program has
done a remarkable job in setting
a tone for graduates to return to
a warm welcome, clean house
and friendly atmosphere. In
cooperation with a rural high
school that is on a very tight
budget, the chapter donated its
weights, benches, and equipment,
all with an eye to helping the
school's athletes perform better
on the field and, we hope, in the
classroom. These are just some of
the many accomplishments for
academic year 1998/99.
For 1999/2000 our goals are
more ambitious. The year
culminated on Blue-White
Weekend when we held one of
the best Pig Dinners ever, with
former Archon President
Michael Shipley' as our featured
speaker. Our oldest brother
attending was Richard Lace,
class of 1938, who is a retired
W ith another year completed, the
undergraduate brothers are
already looking toward ne-xt
semester and are raising the bar of
excellence already set. Next fall, Gamma
Phis will be hosting a 3-on-3 all-university
basketball tournament with the help of the
Interfraternity Council. The IFC will be
publicizing the tournament throughout the
entire rush period. The rush committee is
hoping that this tournament will serve as a
good rush tool and produce some quality
The philanthropy committee is
expanding on our big brothers program in
that Kappa Alpha Theta Theta will be
joining in our endeavors to help under
privileged youths. This program is going
quite smoothly and shows that Gamma
Phis are committed to the community.
The intramural committee is very
proud of the sixth-place finish this year in
the overall intramural competition.
Gamma Phi won the men's basketball
tournament and placed two men in the
finals of the wrestling tournament. We did
well in other sports, too, and we are
pediatrician. Finally, let me say
that this group of brothers
all be proud. They are real Fijis
who care deeply about their
chapter, academics, sports and
The House renovation
next year.
We continue to focus on the renova
tion of the Hummel Fishburn Lodge. By
next fall, a game room will replace the
weight room and the party room will be
completely renovated. The senior chairs
and couches have been refurbished, a new
chandelier was pkiced in the reception
room, new appliances for the kitchen were
purchased including a freezer, refrigera
tor, and garbage disposal system.
The undergraduates invite you and
vour families to come to the Lodge and see
the improvements that have Gamma Phi
headed to the top of the Greek system at
Penn State. I guarantee that you will not
be disappointed in the brothers and the
status of the house. Graduate brothers are
the backbone of this fraternity, and it is
through you that we learn and grow as a
fraternity with the sense ol pride and
excellence that was founded in 1888
continuing the "Upward March of
Humanity. " Feel free to stop b\' anytime
throughout the year; we hope to see many
of you back for homecoming festivities on
November 6.
Community Service Benefits Children
As Well as Undergrads
represents men of whom we can
looking toward an overall first-place finish
By Seth Rothey '01
Trhe semester has again been a busy
in this program not only benefits the
program, which began two years
one for community service activities
children and community, but ourselves as
ago, is now in full swing.
Returning graduate brothers will
at the flummel Fishlitirn Lodge.
Our main focus was to start a program in
replastered, repaired, repainted
cooperation with the Big Brothers/ Big
Sisters program in the Centre County
and rejuvenated. New oak
area. This goal was achieved, and next
flooring was installed this winter
semester we will lie holding the program
at the house twice a month on Sundays. In
cooperation with the sisters of Kappa
now find a house that has been
as a result of a steam pipe
breaking, spreading water
throughout much of the first
In addition, the brothers of Gamma
Phi have been active participants in the
philanthropic activities of other Greek
organizations. Early in the semester, we
were represented well at the Sigma Delta
Tau Fraternity feud game show as well as
the Alpha Phi Ski for Heart. In addition,
Alpha Theta, we will befriend children
we were involved in the Kappa Alpha
floor. Those floors that were not
who lack either a mother or a father and
replaced were refurbished and
act as positive role models in their lives. It
Theta Bowling Competition and the
annual Sigma Kappa Ice hollies, a
resealed. New furniture was
is a great responsibility, but we are up to
fraternity broomball tournament. We are
procured for the Club, entrance
working hard, and hope to have our own
and dining rooms. The Senior
We will be organizing basketball,
whiffle ftall, board games and numerous
other activities in which they get to know
started by next spring.
Brothers, we thank you for your
Chairs, Memorial Table and
Founders Table were all profes
sionally restored. In the upstairs
living areas, baths and hallways
(Continued on Page 3)
the firotherhood as well as the women of
Theta. We feel strongly afjout helping the
community, and leel that our participation
Phi Gamma Delta philanthropic project
support, and we all look forward to your
visits to the Lodge in the upcoming year!
\r\nNittany Fiji
Page 3
Spring 1999 House MonugeHs Report
A Year of
By Keith Abt '00
This spring semester has brought
about many new changes to the
Hummel Fishburn Lodge. Upon
returning to the Lodge For the spring
semester, the brothers and I returned to a
disastrous scene. A steam pipe in the
basement had burst, causing steam to vent
up through the clubroom as well as the Yroom anne.x. Damages were extreme,
room into a game room that will feature a
dart board, a Ping-Pong table and a
toosball table.
The house had also received eight
new dining room tables and 48 dining
room chairs, but upon arrival the tables
were not of a high enough quality, so they
were returned and we are awaiting the
arrival of new tables. Other new furniture
causing the hardwood floors to buckle and
additions to the house include a new
the walls to deteriorate. An estimated
coffee table, tcvo new end tables, and six
thirty thousand dollars worth ot repairs
new senior wing back chairs. One of the
would be needed. The hardwood floors
old leather couches, two of the old Senior
from the clubroom through the reception
Chairs, and the Founders Table have been
room were
ripped up
Along with
agenda for
this coming
are in the process of being
reconditioned. New flooring was
laid in the second-floor bath and
new stairs were installed leading
to the third floor.
The big news, however, can
be found in the basement, which
has been completely remodeled
and updated with new ceiling,
lighting, paneling, stairs and
sound system. New windows
were installed and new ventila
tion fans were also added. The
chapter now has one of the best
multi-purpose rooms on campus
— just in time for going alcoholfree 1
the new
(Continued From Page 2)
floors, new
to the
as well as
counter tops
will replace
all e.xisting
replaced in
counter tops
the same
as well as the
rooms. The
large kitchen
Lastly, we are a business.
On the financial side, graduate
donations continue to improve
and operating arrears are
minimal. We have completed our
initial feasibili^' study for fund
raising and are proceeding to the
next phase and the actual raising
of funds. In the interim we could
use some additional funds to
the steam had caused to deteriorate was
kitchen cabinets will be fixed and refaced.
begin working on the kitchen and
complete the restoration of the
bathrooms. Frankly, I am hoping
replastered. The Y-room annex was
completely gutted and the walls were
replastered, the floor retiled, and a new
The existing sink and garbage disposal
that brothers will step foixvard
system will be replaced with new fixtures
and send us a check so that we
wall that
island. All
lighting fixture was hung.
The basement of the house has also
experienced renovations. The paneling on
the walls m the party room was ripped
down and they were repaneled. A new
drop ceiling of black tiles and 12 high-hat
as well as the installation of a dish
washing system.
Gamma Phi chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta IS launching a massive fund-raising
e\ ent which will fund further house repair
and renovations. The house continues to
can complete these projects over
the summer. It won't take much
so pleMC send any contribution
for the House Renovation Fund
to Wes Boschert at 4544 Ranch
Lane, Bioomfield Hills, iVII
undergo renovations, liut still remains in
48302, so we can get the projects
light fixtures, controlled by a dimmer
beautiful aesthetic condition. Our doors
switch, were installed to illuminate the
are always open for any graduates who
done. Well, that's it for 1998/99.
Take care, brothers, and we'll see
room. Also instiilled was a 6" drink rail
would like to see what we, the under
you in 1999/00. Perge!
that goes along the perimeter of the room,
graduate and graduate brothers of Phi
and a drink bar. I'^uture renovations to the
Gamma Delta together, have worked so
hard to accomplish.
basement include turning the old weight
The Nittany Fiji is published for the members and friends of the
Gamma Phi Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at
The Pennsylvania State University. Address changes, news
items, photographs and contributions are always welcome
and may be sent in the enclosed envelope or mailed to
Graduate Records Office, The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta,
P.O. Box 296, State College, PA 16804-0296.
\r\nPage 4
May 1999
Intramural Performance on the Rise
Tf he past intramural year at Gamma
Phi can be dubbed nothing other
than a success, but by the
looks of things late in the fall
semester, it seemed to be just the
opposite. While the Softball and
cagers fought out several close victories
along with a few blowouts. In the end,
Beta in the championship game to run
their record to an unblemished 9-0. The
team felt that their successes
came much easier thanks to the
Gamma Phi was in an unpleasant
support of the brotherhood. At
each game, the number of fellow
brethren coming to cheer for the
team grew. For the last three or
four games, the opposition was
visibly shaken by the hostile
crowd, sometimes growing to
over twenty flred-up Phi Gams.
With a productive spring,
19th place in the overall stand
Along with the spring
semester came a highly antici
pated basketball season that the
Gamma Phi managed to climb
into si.xth place overall; quite a
miraculous recovery from 19th
place at the end of the fall.
The strong finish by the
football teams struggled to
identical 3-2 records, it was the
smaller events such as racquetball, squash and handball that
held things together. Still, at the
conclusion of the fall semester.
team felt could set the pace for an
interesting semester. Combined
with wrestling, volleyball and
soccer. Gamma Phi looked to
After winning the intramurai basketball cham
pionship, the Fiji undergrads pose in front of
the mantle. Bock Row: Lance Applemon '00,
Jonathan Moses '00, Michael Puleo '01,
Mlcheol Burdick '99 and David Sobolock '99.
climb in the rankings. The Lodge
placed two brothers in the
Front Row: James Pouclello '98, Ryan Black
'99, Derrick Holt '01 and Spencer Bolrd '01.
intramural teams would not have
been possible without the intense
participation of the entire
brotherhood. The attitude of the
house is very positive, and we
believe that "Number 1 in 1999-
championship finals for wrestling,
as th e volleyball and soccer teams
racked up crucial bonus points. However,
the biggest success of the season rested on
Gamma Phi prevailed over each team it
faced. The perfect season came to an end
jerseys. Gamma Phi is read\' to crank it up
the shoulders of the basketball team. The
as the Phi Gams disposed of Beta Sigma
Trophy once again.
00" IS a very realistic goal. With
the arrival ol new intramural
Fall Rush to be Dry
New Chapter Web Site Launched
The brothers of Gamma Phi are
looking forward to the fall rush of
1999, for which we have high
expectations. We are aiming to recruit
a notch and contend lor the Itischoff
By Bryan Holmes '00
/tis with great pleasure that I
the message board for their long-lost
announce that Gamma Phi has
brothers, and even chat in the official
between 15 and 20 quality men. With the
condition of the house and the quality of
finally caught up with the newest
technological craze. This semester we
Gamma Phi chat room. This issue of
men currently in the house, we feel this is
have accom
Nittiiny Fiji on
a feasible goal.
plished the
line. It will be
creation of
placed on the
One event that we have organized tor
next fall IS a three-on-three basketball
the Niltany Fiji will also be the first
our own
Web site in
tournament for the freshmen. We will also
chapter Web
pdf format to
organize groups of our brothers to go to
the dorms and help freshmen move into
their dorms. This will help us meet some
site. Included
allow brothers
on this site
with varying
are links to
potential rushees and their parents at the
same time. If you didn't already know, the
n^c has Incorporated a 'dry'rush week,
where the fraternities can't have any
alcohol, f-or this week, we have planned
several activities, including a night of
bowling with the Delta Zeta sorority.
A successful fall rush is crucial for
our national
packages and
homepage, a
page describ
ing the
current brothers, and a special
computers to
Gamma Phi page. This page in the
that our Web site is potentially one of
the best ways to communicate with
living Gamma Phis. Graduate
Phi. With sorne hard work from the
brothers will be able to surf the site to
find e-mail addresses, leave a note on
brotherhood, the next time we write to
We, the
brothers of Phi Gamma Delta, feel
near future will be able to direct
brothers to the whereabouts of all
continuing the improvement of Gamma
you, we will be telling you about how
great the lall pledges are and how they are
view the File.
our graduate brothers. We would
welcome any comments, questions or
advice as we try this new venture.
\r\nPage 5
Nittany Fiji
We would like to thank the following graduates for their contributions
to the 1998/99 giving year. Their gifts make the graduate relations
program, which includes the publication of this newsletter, possible.
George T. Faulkner '28
William L. Oliver '67
Thurmon C. Tejan '36
A. Bennett Orme Jr. '67
John L. McCain '37
Fred J. Caiigiuri Jr. '69
Norman R. Snively '37
Gerald A. Curtin '69
Ciifford L. Cramer '38
Daniel B. Kohihepp '69
Richard E, Lace '38
Robert G. Lee '69
Spring 1999
Chapter Offleers
Justin Dunkleberger '00
Paxinos, Pa.
Civil Engineering
Robert H. Hosek '39
James A. Lilly '69
Jonathan Moses '00
Houghton W. Ciarke Jr. '40
Peters. Miller '71
New Kensington, Pa.
Business Logistics
Mark W. Houser Jr, '43
David M. Joyner '72
Edgar D. McKean Jr. '43
Michael J. Stewart '72
Dr. Roy D. Bertoiet '44
Harry F. Kern Jr. '44
E. Stuart Tuthiil '72
James E. Lasiavic '73
Robert H. Mourer '47
H. Alfred Eberhardt III '48
John S. McKean '48
Byron M. Emery '49
William P. Mailory '49
Lance Appleman '00
Lower Burrell, Pa.
Timothy R. Booth '75
R. Wesley Boschert '75
Jeffery D. Kendall '75
Robert Lapowsky '75
Recording Secretary
James R. Ludwick '75
Brian Holmes '00
Business Logistics
Robert M. Allen '50
Mark C. Krauss '76
Hudson, Ohio
A. Wayne Cole Jr. '50
Michael A. Mische '76
Management Science
Frank A. McKean '51
Vincent H. Trapani '76
Gregory M. Kubas '77
Richard R. Etiing '78
and Information Systems
Marion B. Burton '52
Harding G. Williams '52
Dr. Wiilard L. Noyes '55
Corresponding Secretary
Dean P. Guerro '80
Derek Holt '01
F. Daniel Wilder '55
Bruce A. Harnish '80
George S. Wills '58
James M. Nagie '60
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Oomputer Engineering
David B. Watson '80
C. J. Wagner '80
Kevin J. Murray '81
Greg J. Peterson '81
Harold J. Heffner Jr. '61
Charles L. Hodges Jr. '61
Gregory P. Keiiey '61
Richard W. Ludwig '61
John F. Mullen '83
Jeffrey S. Klein '84
Spring Initiates
All Class of 2002
James D. Bruce '62
Kenneth W. Brosnahan '85
Stephen Archot
Frank R. Mascia Jr. '62
Robert C. Guiney '86
Southampton, Pa.
Division of Undergraduate Studies
W. John Soost '62
Robert J. Kounert '88
Robert D. Sponeybarger '62
Anthony S. Peterman '88
David J. Clark '63
Robert S. Cole '63
Karl R. Fink '63
Charles R. Harte III '64
Marc Rossow '91
Mark A. Vorkey '91
Christopher M. Foirchild '92
Brian Lace
Greensburg, Pa.
Civil Engineering
Eric L, Mendoia '92
Bruce L. BIythe '66
Stephen J. Potter '92
Nicholas Mahoney
David L. Young '66
Jonathan B. Leslie '94
Frank M, Caroselii '67
Jack Ciough '95
Northumberland, Pa.
David C. Meeker '67
Michael S. Busza Jr. '96
Aaron Mares
Penn State Football 1999
28 ARIZONA (Pigskin Classic)
at Iowa
Findleyviile, Pa.
Max Pipman
New Kensington, Pa.
Division of Undergraduate Studies
23 at Purdue
30 at Illinois
MINNESOTA (Homecoming)
18 at Miami (Fia.)
25 INDIANA (Ail-University Day)
20 at Michigan State
Sean Riley
Upper Darby, Pa.
Division of Undergraduate Studies
Michael Zboray
Northumberland, Pa.
Civil Engineering
\r\nPage 6
May 1999
Wallace R. Klinger '29 (Foxdale
Village, 500 E. Marylyn Ave., State
College, PA 16801) writes,"Thank you
for sending me the Nittany Fiji. I read
with great interest the article by the
25 years. He regrets not being able to be
back to the lodge due to work and
family, but says his experiences and
friendships through Gamma Phi are
most responsible for his success today.
Purple Legionnaire (Michael Mlsche
A. Wayne Cole Jr.'50 (304 Marilyn
Dr., New Castle, PA 16105) was sorry
he couldn't make it to the Norris Pig
Dinner, but was still in Florida at the
time. "It's good to hear of good things
happening with both the house and the
chapter, " he writes.
George Wills '58 (7914 Sherwood Ave.,
Ruxton, MD 21204; is
CEO of Wills & Associates, a 21-yearold corporate communication and
government relations firm he runs with
his son. George is celebrating his 40th
anniversary with wife Suzanne. The
couple has one grandchild: Catherine.
W. John Soost '62 (22 Egret Cir.,
Denver, PA 17517; jacketi@pdtprolog.
net) was promoted to vice president of
marketing and engineering with Eastern
Technologies, which can be found on
1980-86 era. Bob and wife Jenni have
6-year-old twin sons.
Christopher M. Fairchild '92 (1 158 W.
Jeffrey D. Kendall '75 (515 East Dr.,
Sewickley, PA 15143), CEO of Laurel
Mountain Partners, recently completed
acquisition and consolidation of 28 solid
waste companies and subsequent sale to
a large public company. He enjoys
frequent get-togethers with Rick
Dandrea '73, Ron Folino '76 and Bob
Main St., Apt Gl-21, Lansdale, PA
19446) has recovered from injuries
sustained during hangliding, thanks to
the prayers of Dave Percherine '93. He
visited Linda and Mike Frank '92 in
their new home in Bel Air, Md., and
enjoyed Pizza Shop crabcakes and time
spent on the "carporch."
Funk '75. "As a result of the newsletter,
I am anxious to return to the house for
"Great report in the last Nittany Fiji\"
says Daniel Wilder '55 (42 Golf
Cottage Dr., Naples, FL 34105). 'Keep
up the good work. "
Graham Parsons '84. He looks forward
to hearing from any brothers from the
the first time in years. "
Jonathan B. Leslie '94 (118 Wiltshire
Cir., Monroeville, PA 15146;
Bob Baney '84 (4407 Crossgate Dr.,
Champaign, IL 61821; bbaney@ recently became
director of LeaderShape, a nonprofit
leadership development organization for
college student leaders. Before that, he
served at the Fiji International Head
quarters and Banc One. He remembers
being rushed on the Blue Course by
Marc Rogers '83, Jim Shute '82 and
Randy Potter '82. Other memories
include late night engineering study
sessions and having eight of 10 starters
who were Fijis for the LAX football
team, including Tom Lion '84, Gary
Martin '84 and Rich Russo '84. He is
currently stationed at Kadena Airbase
in Okinawa, Japan. He plans on
visiting the lodge this ilune.
Albert J. Bohrer '97 (384 Birch Dr.,
Brick, NJ 08723), an elementary
teacher, became engaged to Beverly in
December. He writes that iMatt Shefcik
'96 is also recently engaged.
We regret to inform you of the death of
John W. McCauley Jr.'45 (10/9/98),.
Robert H. Maurer '47 (10/13/98),
James A. Cochrane '50 (2/1/99) and
C. Andrew MacDougal '82 (1 1/15/99).
remembers the winning catch of Gregg
the Web at In March,
he and Jam were planning on having
Garrity '83 that won the 1983 Sugar
Bowl, and tailgatmg with Mike
Phi Gamma Delta mourns their passing
and extends condolences to their family
dinner with Mary Lou and Jack
Glassburn '62, whom they hadn't seen
Bellaman '85, Tom Sciabica '83 and
and friends.
m 15 years.
Peter S. Miller '71 (3307 Greene
Countrie Dr., Newtown Square, PA
19073; has been
elected president of Marshall,
Dennehey, Warner, Coleman and
C. Andrew MacDougaW '82,
Brother and Father
C. Andrew "Taddy" MacDougall '82 passed away from lung cancer on
Goggin, a law firm with 14 offices and
November 15, 1998. Over 20 Fijis attended his funeral. He is survived by
over 2.50 lawyers. His son, Scott,
recently graduated from the College of
his wife, Debbie, and two young children, W. Ryan and Grace. Those who
knew Andy will miss his joyful personality and wonderful spirit. Memorial
Charleston and his twins, Jeff and
contributions can be made for the benefit of his children in care of Merrill
Wendy, are both sophomores in college.
Lynch, One North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601, Att; K. Longo —
He and Bonnie have been married tor
Education Fund MacDougal.
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May 1999 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. This newsletter is six pages in length.