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1999 May Newsletter Epsilon (University of North Carolina)
May 1999 newsletter of the Epsilon chapter at the University of North Carolina. This newsletter is four pages.
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University of North Carolina
1999 May Newsletter Epsilon (University of North Carolina)
Epsilon Owl
MAY 1999
House Corporation
Rebuilding Process Almost Complete, Chapter Thriving;
Thanks to All Who Helped!
By Alonzo “Lon” C. Edwards ’00, Chapter President
David H. Batten ’79
Raleigh, N.C.
(O) 919-828-5100
Renovation Chairmen
Vance Hall Restoration Progress
James M. Earnhardt ’86
Chapel Hill, N.C.
(O) 919-933-4422
Robert W. Winston III ’84
Raleigh, N.C.
(O) 919-510-6002
Graduate Communications
Phillip Hornthal III ’89
Raleigh, N.C.
(O) 919-828-5100
George C. Venters Jr. ’96
Raleigh, N.C.
(O) 919-954-0840
Communications Chairman
Joseph S. Hogan ’90
Raleigh, N.C.
(O) 919-467-8141
reetings, from the Phi Gam house.
We are pleased to report that the
1998-99 academic year has passed smoothly
due to the efforts of the graduate and
undergraduate brothers. As the completion
of Vance Hall approaches reality, it gives
us all a chance — graduate and undergraduate alike — to look back at the hard
work and dedication of many brothers
during the rebuilding process. This devotion to uphold a strong tradition of excellence has led us through times of hardship
and will allow us to reenter Vance Hall
with the strength and enthusiasm Phi Gam
is accustomed to.
The Epsilon chapter, this year, has
continued to thrive in the areas of rush,
philanthropic events and campus involvement. With 11 initiates in the fall and three
spring pledges, we have brought our
number up to 44 brothers. We expect a
strong fall class and will lose only six
seniors, which we hope will allow us to
move back into Vance Hall with more than
50 members.
Continued on Page 2
Vance Hall Gala Set
Finance Chairmen
ark your calendar for the weekend
of September 24, 1999, as the time
when we celebrate the grand opening of
the new house. The FSU Seminoles will
be in Kenan Stadium that Saturday, so it
should be a special weekend. Tentative
plans call for a cocktail party Friday
night and a pig pickin before the game
(depending on game time). If you would
like to help with the party plans, please
call Reid Jones ’82 at 919-781-9998 or
Richard Battle ’81 at 919-831-2370.
Lawrence J. Caison Jr. ’78
Raleigh, N.C.
(O) 919-821-5482
Laurence B. Maddison III ’92
Raleigh, N.C.
(O) 919-821-5482
Fund-Raising Chairman
Julian R. Williamson ’84
Raleigh, N.C.
(O) 919-828-3866
Photos by Worth Joyner '00
\r\nPAGE 2
MAY 1999
1999 Chapter
Alonzo C. Edwards III ’00
Snow Hill, N.C.
Industrial Relations
John B. Madison ’01
Raleigh, N.C.
Business Administration
Recording Secretary
Russell G. Hines ’01
New Bern, N.C.
Business Administration
Corresponding Secretary
William H. Wilkerson Jr. ’00
Rocky Mount, N.C.
Thomas E. Gallo ’99
Goldsboro, N.C.
to these brothers,
who earned a
place on the
Spring 1999
Dean’s List!
Wood B. Gibbs ’01
New Bern, N.C.
Christopher M. Kelso ’01
New Bern, N.C.
Justin M. Lewis ’01
Goldsboro, N.C.
John B. Madison ’01
Raleigh, N.C.
Michael B. McLamb ’01
Raleigh, N.C.
Matthew R. Paszek ’99
Rocky Mount, N.C.
Julian B. White ’01
High Point, N.C.
Reconstruction Ahead of Schedule
Fall 1998 Initiates
By Worth Joyner ’00
William R. Cherry III ’02
Wilmington, N.C.
he brothers of Epsilon are very pleased to report that the
reconstruction of Vance Hall is ahead of schedule, due in
large part to the mild winter. On-site superintendent Orval
Goslaw of Resolute Building Company reported during a
recent visit in mid-March that he and his crew were approximately five days ahead of schedule. Vance Hall is scheduled to
reopen in mid- to late July 1999, just in time for an eagerly
anticipated fall rush.
Many of the undergraduate brothers recently have had the
opportunity to visit 108 West Cameron and actually tour the
building. The base floors are down and many walls studded,
allowing us to visualize the floor plan. We are very happy that
much of the layout will remain the same, preserving the
mystique of Vance Hall for generations to come. Needless to
say, BT is very pleased with the progress. Upon a recent visit
through the ground floor and kitchen area, he commented,
“She’s looking good baby, and I can’t wait to get back uptown.” (Neither can we, BT.)
The roof went on in mid-April. After the roof is completed,
sheetrock will be installed and painted. The charred remnants
on the exterior will be power washed and will look as good as
new. This is a very exciting time for all of us at Epsilon, and
we look forward to the grand reopening this fall. Please make
plans to join us as we continue the legacy of Vance Hall.
From Page 1:
Rebuilding Process Almost Complete …
This spring has also brought an increase in our philanthropic ventures. Our participation in the First Annual Dance
Marathon helped raise $40,000 to benefit the UNC Children’s
Hospital. Many of us also worked with Habitat for Humanity,
along with a number of other fraternities and sororities, during
Greek Week. When combined with other individual efforts in
community service, we have not only helped the community,
but we have also enhanced the chapter’s image within that
Our campus involvement has also seen an increase this
year. David Fleming ’00 fell just short in a close race for
student body president, but retains his seat on the Student
Congress. Wesley Elden ’00 also showed outstanding effort on
campus this year, allowing him to obtain a seat on the Greek
Judicial Board. A number of members participated in campus
organizations such as the Carolina Athletic Association, the
Investment Club, the Advertising Club and the Presbyterian
Campus Ministry club.
The reopening of Vance Hall moves us toward very exciting
times that we hope can be shared by all. We will continue to
push forward and work hard for the betterment of the house.
With the support of graduates and undergraduates alike, the
Epsilon chapter will continue to flourish, further enriching the
tradition of our chapter.
Thomas F. Darden III ’02
Raleigh, N.C.
Frederick B. Dunn Jr. ’02
Wilmington, N.C.
Ronald C. Fleming Jr. ’02
Scotland Neck, N.C.
Theodore E. Haigler IV ’02
Morehead City, N.C.
Marcus H. Jones ’02
Washington, N.C.
David F. McGowan III ’01
Wilmington, N.C.
Christopher A. Nuckols ’02
Richmond, Va.
David A. Sparrow ’02
Washington, N.C.
Gordon C. Woodruff Jr. ’02
Smithfield, N.C.
Cameron R. Young ’02
Bethel, N.C.
Spring 1999
Ryan T. Hagan ’02
New Bern, N.C.
Edward S. Kwasnieh, Ill.
New Bern, N.C.
Mathias G. Linden ’02
New Bern, N.C.
Epsilon Fares Well
During Rush
Nominees NeededNow!
By John Madison ’01
espite the third consecutive year without
having Vance Hall to attract
potential pledges, Epsilon
fared extremely well during
rush. We once again had the
largest pledge class among the
fraternities with whom we
normally socialize. As is
usually the case, eastern North
Carolina dominated, with
Wilmington reemerging as a
Phi Gam hot spot with three
pledges. We hope that the
addition of a pledge from
Richmond, Va., will allow us
to tap into a new region.
All the brothers are pleased
to have done so well with the
size and quality of this year’s
class since it is the final year
that we will be without Vance
Hall. The new house will be an
enormous attraction for
quality pledges.
Rush will kick off this
summer with the annual
Beach Weekend at Atlantic
Beach, just prior to the
beginning of the school year.
We would appreciate
receiving the names and
addresses of potential
rushees well before this date.
If you know of anyone whom
you would like us to contact,
please forward the names to
either Lon Edwards at 919932-2621 or John Madison at
Graduate News
At age 80, attorney W.
Lunsford Crew ’38 (Box 160,
Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870)
continues to practice law. He is
also assistant attorney for the
City of Roanoke Rapids and
the attorney for both the
Halifax Department of Social
Services and Halifax Community College. Not long ago, he
was elected to the North
Carolina Trial Lawyers Hall of
Fame. “Crew” has many fond
memories of Phi Gamma Delta.
“I remember sitting on the rock
wall in front of the fraternity,
watching the girls go by. There
weren’t many girls there from
1934-38, so we watched more
Theodore E. Haigler Jr. ’46
(815 Marlowe Rd., Apt. 5,
Raleigh, NC 27609) is pleased
that his grandson, Ted IV ’02,
pledged Phi Gam last fall. He
has heard from classmate
Tommy Stockwell.
Retired pharmacist Paul B.
Bissette Jr. ’47 (1000 Salem
St., Wilson, NC 27893; is
serving on the North Carolina
Commission for Health
Milton B. Cash Jr. ’48 (338
Rollingwood Dr., Jackson,
MS 39211) enjoys the updates
on his contemporaries in The
Epsilon Owl. He visited Henry
Badgett ’48 in Asheville, N.C.,
and Olive and Larry Johnson
’47 in Aberdeen, N.C.
In January, John C. Devore
’49 (9222 Annhurst St.,
Fairfax, VA 22031) traveled to
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, for the
ribbon cutting on the USS
Missouri. The occasion marked
the ship becoming a floating
museum. John tells us, “I was
on board for the surrender!”
John Webb ’50 (808 Trinity
Dr., Wilson, NC 27893) has
retired from the position of
associate justice of the Supreme
Court of North Carolina.
When he wrote last fall, Bill
Hedrick ’51 (5566 Glenrich
Ct., Dunwoody, GA 30338; gave us the
good news that he had fully
recovered from five-level,
heart-bypass surgery.
Bradford C. Cantwell ’52
(4209 Appleton Way,
Wilmington, NC 28412; is
president of the board of
Friends of the Battleship North
Carolina. For the last eight
years, he and Nancy have
shared a cottage in the summer
with Marge and Jack
Holcombe ’50.
“It’s always good to read about
alumni news in The Epsilon
Owl,” writes R. Bryant Hare
III ’53 (4325 Gorman Dr.,
Lynchburg, VA 24503). “It’s
the best way to keep up with
the brothers.”
Orthopaedic surgeon Andrew
H. Patterson ’54 (14 Birchbrook Rd., Bronxville, NY
10708) serves as chairman of
orthopaedic surgery at St.
Lukes Roosevelt Hospital
Center and as president of the
Medical Liability Mutual
Insurance Co., both in New
York City.
Earl T. Baysden Jr. ’65
(Spring Island Co., P.O. Box
2419, Beaufort, SC 29901) had
a visit from Frank Shields ’68
and Hubert Parrott ’68. Earl
reports that the brothers pitted
their legendary fly-fishing skills
against the dreaded redfish.
The match ended in a draw.
In July 1998, attorney Robert
T. Wright Jr. ’68 (200 S.
Biscayne Blvd., Ste. 3100,
Miami, FL 33131; rtwjr1@ and three other
lawyers opened the Miami
office of Verner, Liipfert,
Bernhard, McPherson &
Hand, a 180-lawyer firm. Bob
serves on the national board of
directors for the firm. Some of
his partners on the board
include Bob Dole, George
Mitchell and Ann Richards.
William R. Titchener ’69 has a
new mailing address: P.O. Box
19468, Raleigh, NC 27619. In
the spring of 1998, he and a
number of his contemporaries
gathered at the summer estate
of Jerome Venters ’69 and
had a great time.
Scott H. Richardson ’71 (P.O.
Box 7779, Winston-Salem, NC
27109) has been appointed to
both the Board of Visitors and
the National Development
Council at UNC-CH.
Correspondence for William
B. Griffin ’72 can be sent to
4040 Piner Rd., Santa Rosa,
CA 95401. He would like news
of James “Smokey” Edwards
II ’72.
Last August, Marvin J.
Carver III ’75 (4026 Dover
Rd., Durham, NC 27707;
was elected archon treasurer
Continued on next page
Vance Hall is still in need of funds to complete construction. If you have not been
contacted and would like to make a pledge, contact Julian Williamson ’84
(919-828-3866 work or 919-782-7436 home) to learn how you can help out. Everyone
is welcome to come by 108 West Cameron Avenue to see the progress.
MAY 1999
Graduate News
for the fraternity at the 150th
Ekklesia in Pittsburgh. He is a
vice president at Merrill Lynch.
Frank G. Jolley ’79 (1421
Jeremy Ln., Rocky Mount,
NC 27803) has formed an
investment advisory business,
Jolley Asset Management. The
new company manages both
equity and balanced accounts
for individual and institutional
clients. Frank would like to
hear from the brothers. You
can give him a call at 252-4432001 or reach him electronically at
“Things north of the MasonDixon Line are well,” notes
Van W. Martin ’79 (6241
Island Lake Dr., East Lansing,
MI 48823; vmartin@, president
of CB Richard Ellis/Martin.
“Still waiting for brothers to
venture this way.”
John H. Coffman ’81 (602
Queen Annes Rd., Greenville,
NC 27858), co-president of
Coffman’s Men’s Wear
invites brothers to visit the
company’s Web site. He and
Pam have two children.
In a new job, J. Lawrence
Jarema ’82 (66 Park Crest,
Newport Coast, CA 92657) has
joined the Newport Beach
office of Grubb & Ellis, a
national commercial real estate
firm. One of his first assignments was to assist in the
marketing of a new office
tower being developed by
classmate David Teem. (We
need an address for David.
Can anyone help?)
H. Reid Jones Jr. ’82 has
moved to and is renovating a
new house at 3509 Alamance
Dr., Raleigh, NC 27609. He
went to several football games
with Billy Williams ’81,
Lamar Jones ’82 and Sandy
Abbott ’82.
Ann and Worth Harris III ’83
(1007 Harvey St., Raleigh, NC
27608) have a new family
member - their second child,
Georgia, was born in August
Julian R. Williamson ’84
(2635 St. Mary’s St., Raleigh,
NC 27609; julian@ is a vice
president at Carter Worthy
Commercial. He and Beth
Duerson wed last October and
honeymooned in Baha,
Mexico. Beth is a former Phi
Gam little sister.
Tracy and William P. Mayo
Jr. ’87 (411 River Rd.,
Washington, NC 27889) were
awaiting the birth of their
second child and first son in
February 1999. Will is an
attorney with Mayo & Mayo.
Working in the field of
advertising, Brannon L.
Gilliam ’89 (532 W. Parkway
Ave., High Point, NC 27262; is general
sales manager at Time Warner
Cable Adcast. In March 1998,
he and his wife, Jill, welcomed
the arrival of their second child
and son, Daniel.
C. Paisley Gordon Jr. ’89 (204
Cottage Pl., Charlotte, NC
28207; and
his wife, Libby, announce the
birth of a son, Charles III, last
John B. High ’90 (522
Gristmill Ln., Durham, NC
27712; is a
branch manager at Worth
Chemical Corp. He and Sarah
have a new addition - their son,
Jack, arrived in July 1998.
CPA Richard B. Homes ’90
(104 Queen St., Charleston, SC
has been named director of sales
for Paragon Ventures, a mergers
and acquisitions firm based in
Philadelphia. He recently
purchased a home in Charleston’s historic district. “Any
fellow Fijis coming this way,
please stop by or give me a call
R. Fielding Lowe Jr. ’90 (2117
Lockhart Dr., Charlotte, NC
28203; fielding@oxfordadvisors.
com) is an investment banker
and associate at Oxford
Advisors. He and his wife,
Christine, were expecting their
first child in January of this
George T. Barnes Jr. ’91 (1504
Banbury Rd., Raleigh, NC
27607; was
recently chosen by the Gillette
Corporation to head up the
research team for the development of the Mach 3 razor
system blade division. He was
offered several executive
positions but ended up “backing” his way into this promotion.
He and Anne Exum married in
October 1998.
As a financial services manager
with Andersen Consulting,
James R. Dail Jr. ’91 (828
Peachtree Hills Cir., Atlanta,
GA 30305; j.ronald.dail@ has transferred to the
Atlanta office. He looks forward
to hearing from everyone via
e-mail and to catching up with
Phi Gams in the area.
Rob C. Young III ’97 (P.O.
Box 398, Bethel, NC 27812)
sends congratulations to his little
brother, Billy Hampton ’98, on
his engagement to Julie Waller.
At Auburn University, William
L. Dean Jr. ’98 (103 Harbor
Dr., Ridgewood, Washington,
NC 27889) is working on his
master’s degree in fisheries and
aquaculture. He hopes to
return to North Carolina for
work in the near future.
Since publication of our
last issue, we have learned
of the death of
F. Turner Munsell ’27
Richard H. Hicks ’37
Page C. Keel ’38
Richard W. Coppage ’43
Joshua H. Slaughter Jr. ’45
Thomas A. Nisbet Jr. ’46
Devan Barbour Jr. ’48
(10/5/98) and
William G. Raker ’49
Phi Gamma Delta mourns
their passing and extends
condolences to their families
and friends.
Being Sought
If you have any Phi Gam
memorabilia you would
be willing to lend or
reproduce for the chapter,
please call Purple
Legionnaire Sam Simpson
’90 at 910-274-9151.
The undergraduates are in
desperate need of old
photographs or any other
items to redecorate the
new house.
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May 1999 newsletter of the Epsilon chapter at the University of North Carolina. This newsletter is four pages.