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1999 Spring Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson College)
Spring 1999 newsletter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson College. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Washington & Jefferson College
1999 Spring Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson College)
f II N
Published by Alpha Chapter of the
Fraternity oe Phi Gamma Delta at Washington and Jefferson College
Alpha Chapter News Roundup
Hello graduate,
My name is Mitchei Groszkiewicz.
and I am the new president of Alpha
Chapter. I am a sopiiomore account
ing major from Erie, attended Erie
Cathedra! Prep, and was involved in
numerous sports while in high school.
I came to W&J with the intent of ex
tending my football career into my
college days but was forced to retire
due to a serious shoulder injury.
I decided to pledge Fiji in the fall of
1997, and it was definitely the best
elected. I am also an active member of
the Interfraternity Council, which
decision I have ever made. Ever since
makes decisions and rules for all of
being initiated in the fall of 1998, I
have put all of my efforts into better
ing the Alpha Chapter. I decided to
run for the position of president no
more than a month after actually be
coming a brother. I knew that I had a
lot to learn, but, sinee we have only
two juniors, I gave it a shot and was
the fraternities on campus. I was
elected to the IFC Judicial Board not
long after being elected president. I
have a pretty stressful schedule, but it
is teaching me a lot.
I recently attended a national IFC
conference in Stanford, CT,with Jerry
Stebbins, our Greek advisor at W&J,
and men from three different fraterni
ties on campus. The conference was
very educational. I spoke with broth
ers from many chapters in the North
east and received many good tips on
rush and how to deal with alcohol-free
housing, which we are going to deal
with in 2000.
We also have found a new
academic advisor. His name is Eric
Stark, and he is a business professor.
He is a really good guy, and I think
that he will be a great asset to our
chapter. Eric is relatively new to W&J,
but he has promised us that he will do
whatever he can to help us out.
Brother Jason Kelecic and I have
Alpha Chapter's new officers (l-r): John Evankovich, Chris Hazlett, Mitch
Groszkiewicz, S. Grant Irwin and Nick Curinga.
Graduate a 50-Year Law Professor
W. Edward Sell '44 is a dean and
distinguished service professor of law
emeritus at the University of Pitts
burgh. His wife, Cordelia(West Penn
Hospital Nursing School), is a nurse.
They have a son, Jeffrey. He tells
boards of St. Clair Hospital, the Forbes
Fund, Executive Service Corps and
Little Lake Theatre.
brothers, "In May 1999, I will com
plete 50 years of full-time teaching
Of his fraternity experience, this
former Alpha Chapter president tells
us, "It has been a great influence. I
look upon my brothers of the class of
1945 as though they were blood broth
at the University ofPittsburgh School
ers who would come to my help should
Brother Sell is a member of the
I need it."
University Club and serves on the
eca Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15228.
Get in touch with him at 106 Sen
plans for the renovation ofour chapter
room. 1 know you read about it in the
last issue of The Wiji Fiji, but this is a
very important subject to us and de
serves mentioning. We also have plans
to purchase new ritual material, which
was also destroyed in the renovation
of the chapter house in preparation
for the 150th Ekklesia. The Alpha
Association has agreed to loan us
the money for the purehase of these
One final note: the board oftrustees
at W&J has agreed to be a part of the
Fraternity/Trustee Program. The pro
gram has been designed to help raise
(Continued on page 2)
\r\nPage 2
Spring 1999
Alpha Chapter Welcomes New Officers
President Mitch Groszkiewicz,
from Erie, went to Erie Cathedral Pre
paratory School. Mitch is a sopho
more majoring in accounting and
Spanish. He is involved in the IFC and
is a Judicial Board member. In his
spare time, he is a delivery driver for a
local pharmacy. His goal is to become
a CPA.
Vice President/Treasurer S. Grant
Irwin,ajunior from Cincinnati,OH,is
a business and German major. He
graduated from Colerain High School.
Grant is involved with the IFC and is a
volved in the IFC and is a Judicial
Judicial Board member. Last year, he
was Alpha's corresponding secretary.
Board member. He is the current presi
dent of Group Organizing Active
Leadership, and he is also a resident
Presently, he has an accounting in
ternship with the Shepard Company,
and his goal is to be in international
Recording Secretary Nick Curinga
is a sophomore business major from
Clairton. Nick attended Serra Catholic
High School. He is a member of the
W&J football team. His plan after
graduation is to go on to graduate
FijiIsland 1999
Just a thank you to all ofour gradu
ates: Alpha Fiji Island was held on
April 23-24, 1999. Thanks to all who
Corresponding Secretary Chris
Hazlett, a junior from Saltsburg,
graduated from the Kiski School.
Chris is a business major who is in
assistant in a freshman dorm.
Last year, Chris was Alpha Chapter
house manager and the comptroller.
His career plans include becoming a
financial planner or being involved in
a venture capital firm.
Historian John M. Evankovich,
who hails from Plum, attended Plum
Senior High School. John is a sopho
more psychology major and member
of the W&J football team. John's
post-graduation plans include going
to law school and then working for
the CIA.
Welcome,1999 Pledge Class
The Wiji Fiji is published by
the brothers of the Fraternity of
Phi Gamma Delta at Washington
and Jefferson College for mem
The Alpha Chapter has 10 new additions to the house. The following are the
pledges, where they are from and where they went to high school.
Dan Bonasso
Matthew J. Dietz
Fairmont, WV
Fairmont Senior
South Park
Brad J. Graham
Mark Platt
Mike Platt
Robert P. Swart
West Finley
Gennarco Vacca
McKees Rock
Newsletter Program Headquar
Adam Warhola
Jason P. Wrona
South Park
Laural Highlands
ters,P.O. Box 602,Needham,MA
Jonathan D.Zahler
General McLane
bers and friends.
Graduate news items, photo
graphs and change of address no
tices should be sent to Alpha
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, do
(Continuedfrom page 1)
money for the construction ofnew fra
ternity houses at W&J.
Each fraternity on campus, includ
ing Phi Gamma Delta, is attempting to
raise money for a new house and,
whatever amount is raised, the trust
ees from that fraternity will match it.
The funds will go toward the new
chapter houses.
If you would like more information
about the program, please write to us
at 50 S. Lincoln St., Washington, PA
15301, and we will fill you in on the
President Mitch Groszkiewicz
Graduates Remain Our Best Resource
Do you remember saying, "You'll
see me around," or "I'll be back," as
you carried your last box of college
treasures from your room at the house?
Once out in the world, you found a
job, maybe a wife and family. Some
how good old Fiji got pushed down on
the priority list.
Lately, though, you've been think
ing about how you'd like to get in
volved again. But all your brothers
have graduated, the chapter has
changed,and there's really no one you
feel comfortable contacting to find out
what's happening.
Wait a minute! This is your frater
nity, and its unique aspect is that it
provides membership for life. You en
joyed your undergraduate experience;
there's no reason why you can't enjoy
your graduate experience too.
Graduate support provides a foun
dation for undergraduate develop
ment.It can take the form ofbecoming
a chapter advisor, serving as a mem
ber of the Alpha Chapter House Cor
poration, or something as simple as
attending our annual Homecoming
You are a valuable resource to the
chapter, and we want to hear how we
can get you involved again. Just write
to Phi Gamma Delta, 50 S. Lincoln
St., Washington,PA 15301.
\r\nSpring 1999
Page 3
Alpha Chapter Graduate News
Morrell P. Duncan Jr. '49 is self-
employed in promotional products
sales. His wife, Marilyn Shaffer(Case
Western Reserve), is a speech patholo
gist. They are the parents ofthree sons,
David, Ross, and Robert (deceased).
"Spike" is a 12-year member ofthe
Rotary Club and current member of
Steve currently resides at 5177
Dickens Dr., Richmond Heights, OH
Leigh E. Longstreet '49 retired as
purchasing officer for the Pennsylva
nia DOT central office of Procter &
Gamble/Pfizer. He and his wife, Kitty,
the Kiwanis Club. He is an officer for
have seven children.
Easter Seals,the United Way,Kiwanis
Dental Center and Presbyterian
Leigh tells us, "Eric is a sonar
engineer on nuclear submarines for
the Department of Defense in San
Diego. Paul is a directorfor the men
tally retarded. Peter is a doctor—
graduated from the University of
Texas with residency at Johns Hopkins
Hospital. Will is a bridge engineerfor
Penn DOT.John worksfor Pan Ameri
can Mortgage Company, Mary works
for Blue Cross and Betsy works in the
Church and is a counselor at the Dal
las Suicide and Crisis Center.
Of his fraternity experience, he tells
brothers, "It is a greatfoundationfor
dealing with life experiences! I have
two friends who are Fijis here in
Dallas—onefrom W&J and Pitt and
the otherfrom Penn State." Brothers
can contact Spike at 15008 Cypress
Hills Dr., Dallas, TX 75248.
Penn DOT comptroller's office."
Drop a line to Brother Longstreet at
Steve Hunyadi Jr. '89 is a resident
442 Walnut Bottom Rd., Carlisle, PA
physician for ear, nose and throat and
head and neck surgery at the
University Hospitals of Cleveland.
His wife, Denise (Ohio State), is a
perfusionist. They have two children,
Jocelyn, 2, and Steven, an infant.
T. Urling Walker writes, "I'm still
trying to get retired but find myself
on a number ofcommittees and boards
as well as taking on various assign
ments within the community. The high
light of the year was that I attended
my 55th high school reunion in Pitts
burgh with my wife. We celebrated
our 50th wedding anniversary, and we
are both expecting to celebrate my
50th graduation year and become a
member ofthe Old Guard this coming
May at W&J."
Brother Walker currently makes his
home at 1170 Ives St., Watertown,
NY 13601.
Alfred Tuttle'32,a retired physician,
shares this news with brothers, "Bob
May '31 and I clowned around years
ago."Renew your friendship with A1
at 500 Rt. 909 #CH07, Verona, PA
H. King Hartman '59 is an ophthal
mologist in private practice. He tells
brothers, "H. King Hartman Jr.joined
mypractice three years ago. Brett and
Coby are in theirfirst year in medical
Brothers can send King, who col
lects trains, a letter at 516 Pellis Rd.,
Greensburg, PA 15601.
Graduate Assistance Ensures BestRush Results
While much can be said about the
recent advancements made in nearly
every facet of fraternity and campus
Fiji Rushee Recommendation
life for Alpha Chapter, there is a par
ticular facet about which enough can
never be said.
Home Address:
The chapter's rush chairmen have
been doing an excellent job locating
and pledging the best young men at
Washington and Jefferson College,but
there is always room for improvement.
The best improvement any of the
brothers can come up with is more
interaction by graduates in the rush
If you know of young men who are
or will be attending W&J—and whom
you would be proud to call brothers—
please take a moment to get the infor
mation to us. With your input, we will
be ensured oftop rush results for years
to come.
School Address:
Phone: Home:
Your Name and Address:
Mail to Phi Gamma Delta, 50 S. Lincoln St., Washington, PA 15301. Please
do not send to Newsletter Program Headquarters. Thanks!
\r\nPage 4
Spring 1999
More Newsfrom Alpha Graduates
John M.Snyder '88 is a podiatrist in
private practice. He is a member of
the South Park School Board,and you
can catch up with him at 2116 Stewart
Rd., Library, PA 15129.
very distinctive office that had been a
home built in Southern Mansion style
by a member of the judiciary shortly
after the turn ofthe century. I would
like to see any brothers when they are
visiting the beach."
David N. Rutt '74 is an attorney in
Brother Rutt is a member of the
the firm of Moore & Rutt, PA. His
Rotary Club of Milford, Avenue
United Methodist Church, Commu
wife, Barbara,also a W&J graduate, is
also an attorney. They have a son,
nity Legal Aid Society Board and
Andrew, 16.
Milford Chamber of Commerce. He
"Turk" tells us, "I am managing
partner in a four-attorney firm with
offices in Georgetown and Milford,
DE. We have a general practice and
recently renovated and moved into a
enjoys golf, reading and fishing.
Of his fraternity experience, this
former Alpha Chapter president tells
us, "It gave me confidence with my
relationships with people in business
and social situations, lifelongfriend
ships and a common bond with other
Phi Gamsfrom other schools whom I
will meet during life."
Alpha Chapter brothers can contact
David at 1001 Pecan Ave., Milford,
DE 19963.
J. Thomas Lane '68 writes, "I am a
member ofBowles Rice Law Firm and
a developer of Quarry Creek in
Charleston, WV." Tom has a daugh
ter, Anne,and is minority leader ofthe
Charleston City Council. He enjoys
tennis. Drop him a line at 914 Chest
nut Rd., Charleston, WV 25314.
Help Us Locate Our 'Lost' Alpha Chapter Graduates
We want all ofour Alpha Chapter graduates to begin receiving The Wiji Fiji, however, we do not have an address for any
of the following "lost" graduates. If you know the current address of any of the following graduate brothers, please take a
minute to send it to the Newsletter Program Headquarters address listed on page 2. Thanks!
Philip C. Collins '24
Gordon N. Peay '53
Anthony R. llizio '76
Francis W.Niehaus '27
Joseph E. Richards '53
Bruce S. Latimer '76
Victor Davis '27
Daniel B. Donovan '54
Michael P. Sabolsky '78
John H. Brownlee '28
Enos S. Olin '54
Mark E. Yecies '79
Kenneth S. Gay '31
William E. Tague '32
Andre W. Rebeil '55
Antony J. Scoles '80
Charles L. Phillips '55
David A. Hacker '81
James M. Snowden '33
James D. Danielson '58
Grant W. Healey '83
Howard H. Flint '35
Peter G. Johnson '59
Marc E. Veseskis '83
Hugh L. Ruffner '36
Robert O. Beach '59
Thomas N. Liptack '83
Warren J. Blanke '36
William L. James '59
Bob S. Marsh '84
Keith D. Brown '37
Thomas L. Smith '61
David B. Harris '84
John Connell '38
Gordon S. Dunlop '63
William H. Truxal '38
Robert J. Quinn '63
Joseph J. Wagner '84
Joseph M. Grubich '84
Thomas E. Munce '39
Douglas H. Mitchell '66
Patrick K. Gibson '84
Richard L. Aiken '40
Wallace G. Smith '66
Rodrigo T. Ycaza '86
James W. Jewell '42
Paul C. Yates '67
Peter J. Earhart '87
Richard T. Glenn '42
Christopher S. Eaton '88
William C. Sturgeon '43
Richard W. Hopkins '67
George D. Suchko '69
Richard J. Maney '69
James W. McCormick '44
James U.Todd'71
Neil S. Freedman '88
Ray A. Hauserman '44
Eugene R. Floto '46
B. William Curry '48
John W. Dowding '48
William J. Sarver '71
Christopher S. Yeager '92
William S. Barber '71
Joel K. Green '92
William S. Jenkins '71
Sean M. Russo '92
David J. Kirk '73
Constantine M. Mosko '93
Rhodes D. Swinburne '48
James C. Haller '74
Richard L. Haller '94
Albert C. McMillan '49
Roger D. Duber '74
Edward J. Bomba '52
Gilbert P. Muir'75
John H. Allen '43
Andrew J. Cohen '88
Eric S. Vanek '88
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Spring 1999 newsletter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson College. The newsletter is four pages in length.