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1999 Spring Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
Spring 1999 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Xi Deuteron
Case Western Reserve University
1999 Spring Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
The Xi Deuteron Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Case Western Reserve University ♦ Cleveland, Ohio
Spring 1999
Jim Griffith '54 Receives CWRU Newton
D. Baker Distinguished Service Award
Jim Griffith '54 has become ihe 29th
recipient of the Newton D. Baker
Distinguished Service Award, presented
annuaUy by CWRU's Undergraduate
Alumni Association for exceptional
volunteer work benefiting CWRU.
Jim has a long history of service to
CWRU. The Cleveland native is a past
past chairman of the UAA recognition
committee, serving in 1997 and 1998.
Long active in Phi Gamma Delta, Jim has
served as secretary and president of the
Cleveland Graduate Chapter and is past
president and current chairman of The Xi
Deuteron Building Association Company.
He has been recognized by the Archons
president of the Adelbert College Alumni
with a Citation for over four decades of
Association and a former member of the
distinguished service.
Over the years Jim has been a career
Visiting Committee for Western Reserve
College and the Board of Overseers. He is
currently an Undergraduate Alumni
counselor for CWRU's law school, a class
Association board member and a member
of the UAA reunion committee. He is a
volunteer and an Aluirmi Fund volunteer.
reunion volunteer, a class agent, a telethon
(see Griffith, page 4)
Bob Niebaum '69 Elected President of
CWRU Undergraduate Alumni Association
Bob Niebaum '69 has been elected the
fourth president of the CWRU
Undergraduate Alumni Association.
Bob is also chair of the CWRU Alumni
Greek Council and is a member of the Case
Reserve Athletic Club Hall of Fame
Formed six years ago in response to CWRU
Committee. A former chair of the Visiting
undergraduate students' requests for a
single alumni association, the UAA
currently represents over 41,000 bachelor
Committee for Student Affairs, he has
degree alumni from all current and former
CWRU undergraduate schools and
programs. Most recently Bob served the
UAA as vice president and for three years
was chairman of the UAA student-alumni
relations committee.
served CWRU on a Greek housing task
force and on search committees for the
Director of Greek Life.
Also active in the Masonic fraternity. Bob
is a past master of Clifton-Gaston AUen
Lodge F.&.A.M., a past district deputy
grand master for the Grand Lodge of Ohio
(see Niebaum, page 3)
\r\nPage 2
Spring 1999
The Xi Deuteron Potpotirri
Chapter President's
spring semester was a challenge for Xi
Deuteron. Our chapter house is now
alcohol-free due to pressures from the
University and neighbors. Phi Gamma
Delta International has a goal for all chapter
houses to be alcohol-free by July 1,2000.
We have taken the step a year and a half
early. The initial transition was difficult,
but we have handled the change extremely
well. In fact, alcohol-free housing has
provided some positive effects. Our house
is noticeably cleaner, and our CPA rose
from 3.08 to 3.21, placing us 5th among the
17 fraternities! Phi Gamma Delta has
always been on the forefront of change
internationally. This provides us with an
advantage over other fraternities on our
campus as they try to cope with changes
that we have already dealt with.
Fall semester will be critical. Our
numbers dropped to 35 as 11 seniors
graduated. But the brothers' determination
and preparation for rush is unrivaled by
past years. Another goal is to continue to
increase our campus and community
involvement. Brothers in Undergraduate
Student Government (USG), AOQ service
fraternity and radio station WRUW have
helped the reputation of Phi Gamma Delta.
Our brotherhood, unity emd persistence
will take us to our full potential and keep
us the top fraternity on campus. Our
graduate support and participation have
kept our chapter where it is today.
Continue to make your presence known,
for it is a constant reminder to all that Phi
Gamma Delta is not for college days alone.
Xi Deuteron Directory
Xi Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
11317 Bellflower Road
Cleveland, OH 44106-3920
216-754-FIJI (3454)
Chapter Officers
Chris Scott '00, President
Joe Collura '99, Treasurer
John Murphy '00, Recording Secretary
Mike Deimling '00, Corresponding Secretary
Jai Macker '00, Historian
Andy Jaworski '94, Purple Legionnaire
Board of Chapter Advisors
Clay Barnard '69 (Miami), Chairman
Mark Adams '94
Chris Baker '94
Brian Caron '91
Bob Niebaum '69
Tim Powell '89
Paul Qua '82 (DePauw)
Andy Jaworski '94, ex-officio
The Xi Deuteron Building Association
Jim Griffith '54, Chairman
Mike Magness '70, President
Bob Niebaum '69, Treasurer
Pat Carney '80
Jim Merklin '85
Andy Jaworski '94, ex-officio
Clay Barnard '69 (Miami), ex-officio
Chris Scott '00, ex-officio
Joe Collura '99, ex-officio
Chris Scott '00
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri is published for the graduates and friends of
The Xi Deuteron Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
at CaseWestern Reserve University. Address changes, news itemsand photographs are
always welcome and may be sent in the enclosed envelope or to Graduate Records Office,
Xi Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, P.O. Box 5846, Cleveland, Ohio 44101-0846.
\r\nSpring 1999
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
Jai Macker '00 Receives
Giving Something Back
CWRU Phi Gamma
This year $4,450 in scholarships were
awarded to Xi Deuteron undergraduate
brothers through the generosity of our
graduate members. Our Chapter House
Endowment Fund also continues to grow.
Brothers may establish named
scholarship funds or contribute to Xi
Deuteron's Chapter Scholarship Fund
and/or Chapter House Endowment Fund
Delta Scholarship
Jai Macker '00 is the 1998-99 CWRU Phi
Gamma Delta Scholar. The junior biology
major from Silver Spring, Maryland,
currently serves as chapter historian. The
amount of this year's award was $1750.
The amount of the award has grown each
at The Phi Gamma Delta Educational
year thaidcs to the continuing generosity of
graduate brothers who have earmarked
Foundation, Post Office Box 4599,
some of their CWRU contributions to the
CWRU-PGD Fund. As of November 1998
1848. Brothers may also aid the Chapter by
contributing to the CWRU-Phi Gamma
Delta Scholarship Fund through the CWRU
Gift Processing Office, 10900 Euclid
the Fund's market value had grown to
$44,114. An additional $58,400 in planned
gifts have been received.
Lexington, Kentucky 40544-4599, (606) 255-
Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106-7035.
Contributions to both the Foundation and
Mike Deimling '00 Is
Crawford Scholar
Mike Deimling '00 is a 1998-99 recipient
of an Albert H. and Doris F. Crawford
Scholarship for most improved grades.
Mike achieved the highest improvement for
the fall 1998 semester. He is currently the
chapter's corresponding secretary.
The Crawford Awards are presented by
The Phi Gamma Delta Educational
Foundation and were made possible
through the generosity of the late Albert H.
the University are tax-deductible and may
also be matched by employers.
Both the Foundation and the University
offer special assistance for those interested
in deferred gifts or other special plans.
Significant tax advantages may be available
for gifts of appreciated securities, charitable
remainder trusts and the like.
Your gift today will live on indefinitely
through benefits to our future brothers.
Annual Fall Smoker
Friday, October 22,1999
Mark your calendar!
"Buzz" Crawford '24 and his wife Doris
who survives him.
and charters. He has attended every
(continuedfrom page 1)
and is currently President of the Lakewood
Masonic Temple Company.
The Archons have presented Bob with
two Distinguished Fiji Service Awards. A
past president of the Cleveland Graduate
Chapter, he has been Chief of Section Xlll
for 21 years and is a past chairman of the
committees on condition and supervision
Ekklesia since his initiation —16 in all.
Bob admits, though, that perhaps his
greatest labor of love is the Xi Deuteron
chapter house which, during his 27 years as
treasurer of the Xi Deuteron Building
Association, he has worked to make the
finest student residence on campus.
When not in a meeting somewhere. Bob
enjoys golfing and driving his MG. He and
his wife Elaine live in Brecksville where
they often entertain their 2 granddaughters.
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
News of the Brethren
Bob Newcomer '43 enjoyed 43 years
practicing dentistry in Richmond Heights,
Ohio. He retired May 1,1999, and is
looking forward to some golfing and
traveling. His office was at the comer of
Richmond Road and Monticello
Boulevard—which wasn't paved east of
Richmond at that time! At Adelbert
College Bob enjoyed the fraternity and his
brothers with whom he has retained many
Icistingfriends and lasting memories.
Bob Abele '48 has just moved back to the
Cleveland area after 30 years with General
Electric throughout the country; then 15
years in retirement at a golfing community
in North Carolina. They're happy to be
back, even with the Cleveland winters.
Erwin M Lauffer '49 is a retired architect
in Mineral City, Ohio. He was introduced
to Florence, his wife of 56 years, by Don
MaddreU '42.
Bob Reed '50 says he was the lucky Fiji
to successfully rush Ted Castele '51 at the
new house on BeUflower. His father and
son were Fijis at the University of
Pittsburgh. Bob has four children and five
grandchildren and suggests we ask Ted
how many he has.
Ted Castele '51 sends his compliments
and thanks for the last Potpourri.
John "Jake" Vanek *70 reports that the
kids are grown. He and Geni enjoy travel
and boating. He is retiring from medicine
in July and hopes to write fiction. Geni and
Jake are looking for playmates and would
love to hear from Fiji brothers.
Stan Altizer '80 is moving both his
residence and dental practice to Broadview
Heights, Ohio.
Bill Jackson '82 is still a television
Spring 1999
Rich Pople '86 is a senior manager with
Deloitte & Touche in Belgium
Jim "Beaker" McDougal '87 and wife just
had their second child Kenneth on March
23,1999. Jim enjoys life as a boarding
school teacher at Trinity Pawling School in
Pawling, New York. Classes are fun,
coaching is rewarding and living on a dorm
is full of non-stop excitement. Recent
hazing incidents on campus and at various
prep schools in New England have made
him think of his own fraternal experience
emd the whole fraternity system.
Matt Fox '88 has moved to Ooltewah,
Tim Caggiano '97 is a process engineer at
Intel in Chandler, Arizona. He enjoyed a
visit from Bob Niebaum '69 who was in
Phoenix on family business. Tim's
neighbor K.C. Frye '93 also joined in the
reunion held in the lounge at the Scottsdale
Hilton. He looks forward to seeing any
brothers passing through Phoenix.
Dan Williams '97 is a software developer
with United Asset Management in Boston.
Scott Feskanich '98 is a manufacturing
engineer with Ridge Tool in Elyria, Ohio.
Brothers Pass Ad Astra
Milton Comman '31.
John Rogers '31.
Richard Luttenton '44, November 29,
1997, survived by his wife Virginia.
(continuedfrom page 1)
When not engaged in CWRU projects, he
enjoys bowling and golf. Jim is a corporate
and real estate attorney, principal and
shareholder with McDonald, Hopkins,
producer for the Golf Channel in Orlando,
Burke & Haber law firm in Cleveland. He
Florida. He is an active member of
and his wife of 22 years, Wynette Wisby
Houk Griffith, live in Aurora, Ohio. They
have adult children from previous
marriages and a granddaughter.
Riverkeeper, an environmental group
dedicated to the preservation of New York's
Hudson River and other U.S. water bodies.
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Spring 1999 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is four pages in length.