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2017 May Newsletter Omega Chi (Chapman University)
May 2017 newsletter of the Omega Chi chapter at Chapman University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Omega Chi
Chapman University
2017 May Newsletter Omega Chi (Chapman University)
May, 2017
spearheaded our first ever “Phi
Gam Cooler Jam” Event. We
were able to raise over $3,000,
which was donated to our local
United Service Organization
(USO) chapter. This will now
be an annual event that I look
forward to seeing grow in the
To begin, we have recently welcomed the Phi pledge class into
our brotherhood. They are a group of courageous, honest and
well-rounded gentlemen that will undoubtedly have a great
impact on our chapter. I’m excited to see how each of these
men grow as Fiji to reach their full potential in their undergraduate careers.
The Chapter held our annual Norris Pig Dinner event this past
November at the Costa Mesa Country Club. We were happy to
have graduate brothers not only from the Omega Chi Chapter, but also many other chapters from around the country in
attendance. This upcoming November, we will be having our
9th annual Norris Pig Dinner, and I hope all graduate brothers
reading this will be able to attend.
Hello and welcome! Allow me to introduce myself. My name
is Bryce Anderson, and I am the current president of the
Omega Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Chapman University. I’m excited to share the 2017 edition of the Omega
Chi Chronicle with you, which highlights what we’ve been up
to in the past year, and also gives you a couple events to look
forward to.
Philanthropically, I have been very impressed with what
our chapter has been able to do in the past academic year.
We recently held our annual Purple Tie Affair, which was
led by brothers Clay Dirkse (2019) and Dylan Blumberg
(2018). We were able to raise a grand total of $15,000 for the
Make-A-Wish Foundation, allowing us to grant three wishes.
The Purple Tie Affair has garnered praise from not only the
Orange County chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation,
but nationally as well. Thank you to all parents and graduate
brothers who made generous contributions to our event. In
April, brothers Cody Peplinski (2019), Solomon Leaman
(2018), Wyatt Hulick (2018), and Caelin Batstone (2019)
I would like to extend my gratitude to our graduate advisors,
because without their support, our chapter would be nowhere
near where it is today. Specifically, I’d like to give thanks to
David Todd (USC 1967) and Steve Caine (New Mexico
1997) for their continued support. Although they both lead
busy and fulfilling lives, they somehow find time to support
our chapter without asking for anything in return. I am truly
inspired by their ability to show us that Phi Gamma Delta
truly is “Not For College Days Alone.” I'd also like to welcome
and congratulate Kevin Wilson (2012) on becoming our new
BCA President.
continued on page 2
Instagram: @chapman_fiji
Twitter: @ChapmanFIJI
Norris Pig Dinner................................................... 2
1848 Club............................................................... 2
Purple Tie................................................................3
Phi Gam Cooler Jam............................................ 3
FIJI & C.A.R.E.S......................................................3
The Todd.................................................................4
Ryan Robinson - Graduate Spotlight................5
Pie Smash.............................................................. 5
Amin Anjedani - Senior Spotlight...................... 6
KAT Walk.................................................................6
Dad's Weekend..................................................... 6
Greek Awards........................................................ 6
SKIT......................................................................... 7
Jim Davis................................................................8
Pledge Education.................................................. 8
Phi Pledge Class................................................... 8
He is already making great strides in his short time in the position. I am eager to see the positive contribution he makes to
our chapter in the future.
On behalf of our chapter, I would like to personally thank you
for supporting us in our endeavors to reach our full potential.
I plan on sending out a newsletter to our supporters more routinely in the future, because we wouldn’t be in the position that
we are without you.
rewarding. Being a part of such an excellent and diverse group
of individuals makes my job so much easier, and I couldn’t
be more proud to help lead this organization. The Fraternity
of Phi Gamma Delta has allowed me, and so many others, to
enjoy college to its fullest and make best friends for life. Please
do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. I
am incredibly proud to be an Omega Chi Fiji and am thrilled
to share with you some of our accomplishments over the past
year. Enjoy!
Although it can be daunting at times, holding the position of
president for this exceptional chapter has been overwhelmingly
Bryce Anderson (2018)
Chapter President
This fall, the FIJI Omega Chi Chapter at Chapman University
presented another successful Norris Pig Dinner. FIJI’s Norris
Pig Dinners are well known in the Greek life community as
the most widely observed and longest continually running
chapter-based annual graduate event. This year’s Norris Pig
Dinner was hosted by our Purple Legionnaire Steve Caine
(New Mexico 1997) and was held at Costa Mesa Country
Club on November 5. 63 brothers, 20 pledges and 55 graduate brothers attended the event, for a total of 138 brothers
representing five different FIJI chapters. This year was also
the first year that we sold t-shirts in honor of the event,
which were a great success and memento of the night.
We hope to see you all at the 2017 Norris Pig Dinner, where
we will continue to build upon our strong foundation here at
the Omega Chi Chapter. The details for the event are posted
below, please mark your calendars!
Highlights of the event included a reading of the Exile’s Toast
by Jeff Downey (UCLA 1983) and a visit from our IHQ Field
Secretary Josh Cox (Indiana State 2014).
Contact for Information:
***New Location*** Orange American Legion Post 132,
143 S Lemon St. Orange, CA 92866
Saturday November 4, 2017
1848 CLUB
We have adopted a new system this year, which will hopefully help us reach our goals as a chapter in years to come. The 1848
Club is a donation program through which graduate brothers can give back to Omega Chi FIJI. This is a program that many
other FIJI chapters utilize throughout the nation. This club supports all graduate activities, including the Omega Chronicle,
Graduate Brother Weekend, Norris Pig Dinner, and Scholarship Programs. We encourage all brothers to consider this club
as a weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly giving option. Any gift does count! We really appreciate your support, and
hope to continue to strengthen our graduate brother relationships in years to come.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our Treasurer Cason McHose (2018) at casonmchosefiji@gmail.
Link to donate:
This year’s Purple Tie Affair was a great success once again. The night was filled with stellar performances, great food, and lots of
fun. We had around 180 friends and family attend the event and were able to reach our goal of raising $15,000 for the Make-AWish Foundation. The money raised is being used to grant the wishes of three Make-A-Wish donor recipients.
Highlights of the night included past Make-A-Wish recipients Greg and Raelyn Beckler, who told us about the impact of the
program on their lives, a dance performance from the ladies of Delta Gamma, and musical performances from brothers Ben
Gallagher (2017), Julian Mahe de Berdouaré (2020), Kyle Marshall (2020) and Angus Strawbridge (2020).
Thans to everyone who has helped make this event a success every year, and as always, we would love to see you at the next Purple Tie Affair.
This year, the Omega Chi Chapter decided to try out a new philanthropy
event in the spring called Phi Gam Cooler Jam. While it was our chapter’s first
year doing this event, it was very popular amongst other FIJI chapters across
the nation. We teamed up with the United Service Organization (USO) to
help sponsor the event, and it was a great way to build our chapter’s relationship with them. Each sorority and fraternity at Chapman was given a cooler
to decorate for a week leading up to the event. The only restrictions were that
they needed to have their chapter’s letters, the USO’s logo and FIJI painted on
On the Monday of the event, each cooler was showcased in the piazza at Chapman for everyone to see. Members of each sorority or fraternity could come by our fundraising tent and put money into their cooler. The week-long event became a race to see
which cooler had the most money in it. With a very close race between four of the sororities, Gamma Phi Beta ended up raising
the most money for the fundraiser. Additionally, we featured photos of each cooler on our Instagram page (@chapman_fiji)
to see which one had the best design. At the end of the week, Alpha Phi’s cooler won the award for best design. In the end, the
fundraiser was a huge success as we were able to raise a grand total of $3,233.26 for the USO.
This year many Fiji brothers took the initiative in continuing our chapter’s strong relationship with the on-campus organization, C.A.R.E.S. (Creating A Rape-free Environment for Students). C.A.R.E.S. meets on campus every Friday to discuss upcoming
events, program improvement, and most importantly, ways to prevent sexual assault on
Chapman’s campus. Our Chapter currently has four brothers who are trained C.A.R.E.S.
members, which is the most of any Greek organization on campus. They are Nima
Anjedani (2019), Mark Luberski (2019), Weston Ruhland (2019) and Justin Thompson (2018). Additionally, brother Jon Ryder (2018) recently won the C.A.R.E.S. Man of
Integrity Award.
The Chapter has worked with C.A.R.E.S. on multiple projects this year, the most notable being the “C.A.R.E.S. Clothesline Project”. The Clothesline Project allows students
to write their own messages on t-shirts that are hung around campus to help spread
awareness about sexual assault. The gentlemen of Phi Gamma Delta helped hang up the
shirts, tabled during the event and assisted in taking down the shirts at the conclusion of
the event. We also assisted C.A.R.E.S. and Alpha Phi Sorority with their event, “Red My
Lips,” and also co-sponsored an event with Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority called “Denim Day”. The Chapter looks forward to our
continued involvement with C.A.R.E.S. and appreciates the important work that the program does.
If you are reading this article then it is a certainty, like death
and taxes, that you already know Dave Todd (USC 1967). If
the Alpha Pledge class members of Chapman University are
considered to be the Founding Fathers, then Dave is one of
only a few Founding Grandfathers. He has been with the
Omega Chi Chapter every step of the way since its start over
ten years ago. I have reached out to several graduate brothers
to ask for their stories of gratitude for the help and inspiration
that Dave has given them.
Dave Norman (2008) told me, “Dave Todd has served as a
tremendous resource and advisor to me. During college, Dave
gave his time and efforts to helping me succeed in my goal of
getting an internship and eventual job at a big four accounting
firm. Without Dave’s guidance and help, I would not have
started my career at PricewaterhouseCoopers. If I hadn’t
worked at PwC, I never would have met my wife. I will always
be thankful to him.”
Tyler Hadzinsky (2011) found his first job after college thanks
in large part to Dave Todd. “Dave was instrumental in getting
me through the process of interviewing and accepting my
job.” Every year Dave would have lunch at MiMi Café with
Tyler since he started at Chapman. Apparently, Tyler and a few
others (Cameron Jalbert I’m talking about you) ran into some
trouble during their pledge semester. It seems that they were
brought up before the BCA for a judicial review and Tyler says
if it wasn’t for Dave speaking up for him and the others they
would not have made it through to see initiation. Dave was
also incredibly helpful in rushing Tyler who was the Chapter’s first baseball player. This in turn afforded us many more
athletes since Dave was able to prove to the team coaches and
players that Omega Chi FIJI is a great place for many of them.
Houston Bradley (2015) told me, “Dave Todd has been and
will always be one of the greatest examples of commitment I've
ever seen. In this case, commitment means the success of Phi
Gamma Delta and the growth of its members, without fail.”
Former Undergraduate Archon, Bear Kennedy (Chapman
2010) said, “Most college-age men in Orange County rush FIJI
and stay involved in their chapter long after graduation, not
because of an established tradition but in the hope that the face
looking back at them in the mirror of the Costa Mesa Country
Club restroom will resemble that of Dave Todd.”
While Dave Todd has been the best of everything for us here
at Chapman University, his love of the Fraternity does not
stop here. He also
hosts our traveling
field secretaries from
IHQ. These hard
working, underpaid
and overworked road
warriors often stay in
cheap motels or worse
the couch of a not too
clean chapter house.
So, when they come to
visit us or the nearby
Iota Chi Chapter, they
are blessed with the
opportunity to stay
on a bed covered in
clean sheets housed in
the “Field Sec Wing”
of Todd Manor. For
years, I have always
wondered why each Field Sec. was so eager to stay at Dave
Todd’s until it was explained to me what their typical lodging
was like. However, these five star accommodations come at a
price. To begin, they have breakfast at Charlie’s Chili on the
sand in Newport Beach. It’s a tradition. The issue is that this
breakfast is usually after a night of drinking for the Field Sec.
So, the morning breakfast comes early with a helping of chili
and a 15-minute drive back to Dave’s that probably feels more
like an hour with no restroom in sight. Our most recent Field
Secretary, Josh Cox (Indiana State 2014) must have missed his
date with the side of chili because the morning after our 2016
Norris Pig Dinner, I received a very early morning phone call
from The Man himself. Dave Todd called me and said in a very
troubled voice, “There is conspiracy afoot!” Apparently, Josh
didn’t make it home to the “Field Sec Wing.” Fortunately, he
did make it to someone’s couch and all was well.
Without Dave Todd, there would be no Omega Chi Chapter.
Dave, we are forever in your debt. Never change. Please keep
coming around, telling great stories, and influencing the next
Steve Caine (New Mexico 1997)
Ryan Robinson (2012) is the ideal example of what it means
to “be a FIJI”. Ryan graduated from Chapman University in the
spring of 2012 and has pursued his own dreams while helping
others along the way.
Ryan Robinson is “the greatest asset Chapman FIJI has ever
had” according to Steve Caine (New Mexico 1997), Chapman FIJI’s lead advisor & Purple Legionnaire. Ryan achieved
this high praise due to his tenure as Chapter president and his
generosity throughout his years at Chapman. While he was
president of the Omega Chi chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, Ryan
had the bright idea to dedicate his time and efforts to creating a
web-based platform for all chapter documents. To this day, we
still use and refer back to his creation on a daily basis for inspiration and resources necessary to our essential functions.
The biggest lesson that Ryan took away from being President
of the Omega Chi chapter is that no crisis is ever the end of
the world. By leading our chapter to unexplored frontiers, he
gained a thorough understanding of the importance of remaining calm and being present in the moment of any situation.
This has taken him far in his professional career, being able to
handle anything that comes his way in business.
Out of the five values that Phi Gamma Delta gentlemen count
on in their lives, Ryan has found that friendship has been the
one that has stuck the most with him since graduating. He says
that the majority of his friends are still FIJI’s and their connection to the Fraternity has remained very strong. Additionally,
his connection to FIJI has provided many unexpected connections to graduate brothers from around the country. He says
that every so often he runs into someone wearing our classic
ring and he enjoys being able to connect with them on a level
that only gentlemen of Phi Gamma Delta can appreciate.
Ryan has dedicated much of his time as an alumni of the Omega Chi Chapter to recruiting and speaking at our events. With
a diverse background and innovative thinking, Ryan pushes
those around him to pursue excellence. He has returned nu-
merous times to Chapman to
impart wisdom, give advice
and offer a helping hand to
FIJI brothers and Chapman
students alike.
Since graduating from Chapman in 2012, with a degree
in business administration,
a minor in leadership, and
emphases in entrepreneurship and finance, Ryan has
taken the professional world
by storm. immediately
after graduation, he began working at a local company named
OrigAudio as a marketing & account manager. From there,
Ryan refined his skills and knowledge to help him start a company with another Omega Chi graduate brother, Matt Feldman
(2012), called Case Escape. Less than one year after its creation, Case Escape was delivering goods to over eight countries
Currently, Ryan resides in San Francisco, working on freelance marketing with multiple start up companies. He focuses
on putting together content strategies for companies so that
they can build impactful relationships with their customers.
Additionally, Ryan runs a website, where he provides business
consulting courses to entrepreneurs on how to effectively grow
profitable businesses while still keeping their full-time jobs.
Within the next two years, Ryan hopes to grow his consulting
website by reaching one million readers and adding more helpful content for entrepreneurs.
Connect with Ryan! We would love to see our Omega Chi
brotherhood strengthen as Phi Gamma Delta is Not For College Days Alone.
On November 15, 2016, the men of Phi Gamma Delta and Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity at Chapman University joined forces to put
on an entertaining fundraiser for the Movember Foundation. The event was in support of spreading awareness about men’s mental and physical health. Participants would donate various amounts of money in order to smash an array of concoctions into their
friend’s faces. The concoctions varied from ketchup, whipped cream, shaving cream and chocolate sauce. The event was a success,
and as a chapter, we raised $1,443 in the month of November for the Movember Foundation.
It is the time of year where The Omega Chi Chapter has to say
goodbye to the unbelievable graduating class of 2017. This year,
our chapter plans to graduate 22 seniors, who have dedicated
countless hours and unparalleled energy, enthusiasm, and ideas
that have progressed our chapter to the great heights it currently strives for today. With the graduation of our 2017 class, our
chapter felt the need to cast a spotlight on a brother who has
made unbelievable contributions throughout his four years of
It would be unfair to both Amin Anjedani (2016) and his
accomplishments throughout his four years at Chapman University if we did not highlight some of his largest accomplishments.
When Amin was first affiliated with the Omega Chi Chapter,
he immediately dedicated unparalleled energy and passion to
furthering the development of our organization. One of Amin’s
largest contributions within the chapter came during his time as
recruitment chairman in his sophomore year. Amin worked tirelessly to ensure that our chapter could secure two pledge classes
that would make not only an immediate impact on our chapter,
but help leave a lasting legacy and continue the positive direction
our chapter was headed at the time. In his role as recruitment
chairman, Amin solidified a recruitment process that continues
to be followed today.
Another large contribution that Amin made to Chapman FIJI
came throughout his time as chapter president. Amin fought
hard for the position he had desired since first joining our organization, because he believed he could provide a positive influ-
ence for every member’s collegiate
and Greek life experience. Amin
dedicated his entire term as president to increase chapter involvement
on and off campus, increase chapter
transparency, strengthen graduate
brother relations and serve as a
mentor and role model for younger
members entering our ranks. Amin
helped the Omega Chi Chapter
reach new heights on a national level
and aided in the development and
improving of its campus reputation.
Due to these accomplishments and more, Amin Anjedani was
recently awarded the 2016-2017 Todd-Washington Award. This
award is dedicated to a graduating senior whose devotion, service, dignity and impact on the chapter during his undergraduate
tenure is unmatched. Amin is more than deserving of the award
and our chapter is excited to see all that he is able to achieve in
his bright future.
After exiting his role as president, Amin has been able to accomplish something no other Chapman University student has ever
done before; secure a full-time position at BlackRock in New
York City post-graduation. The entire Omega Chi Chapter is
ecstatic for Amin and his future and wish him the best of luck in
his endeavours.
This year’s annual KATWalk sponsored by our sister sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, was a huge success for Phi Gamma Delta. We partnered with another sorority
on campus, Kappa Kappa Gamma, to take home all of the major awards from the
event. The FIJI and Kappa team led several fundraisers for the event, including a
SoulCycle class and a photo contest. In total, the team raised over $1,700 for the
philanthropic event, which was the most out of all of the other teams. The team
consisted of brothers Nathan Cohen (2018), Daniel Morla (2017), Jacob Wells
(2018), Gavin Wuerfel (2018), Sebastian Barahal (2019) and Max Murray (2018).
Their performance of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves won not only the People’s Choice Award, but also 1st place overall for the KATWalk performance. Additionally, brother Max Murray was awarded the Casanova MVP for his leadership
and performance during the event.
This past fall, the Omega Chi Chapter hosted its annual Dad’s Weekend, an
event where active brother’s fathers can come to Chapman University for a
weekend getaway with their sons to revisit the glory days of college. This year,
we had 20 dads from all over the country attend the exciting three-day event.
Similar to past years, we kicked off the weekend with a check-in and meet
and greet at one of our chapter’s satellite houses in Orange. Every father and
son received a complimentary FIJI Dad’s Weekend t-shirt designed by brother Jack Powell (2019). The weekend continued with various backyard lawn
games as everyone was able to kick back and enjoy themselves.
Different from previous years, we were able to team up with the ladies of
Alpha Phi to throw a 70’s campground themed exchange with our dads. The exchange was a huge success, with karaoke and egg
toss games that everyone could participate in. On the final night of the weekend, we had a group dinner at JT Schmidt’s where we
were able to relive the weekend over a couple of drinks and get a group photo. FIJI Dad’s Weekend 2017 was definitely one for the
Every year, the Order of Omega hosts a Greek Awards Ceremony, where the
organization opens up a nomination-based awards show to showcase and appreciate the hard work and effort put in by the members of the Chapman Greek
Life community. This year, the Omega Chi Chapter took home two outstanding
First, the 'Greek Advisor of the Year' was awarded to our chapter thanks to our
incredible advisor and Purple Legionnaire Steve Caine (New Mexico 1997).
Steve has been a part of our chapter since its charter in 2008 and puts in an
extraordinary amount of time and effort into its growth. A father of two and a
loving husband, Steve is a huge part of why the Omega Chi FIJI chapter is as
strong as it is today.
The other award that our chapter took home was titled, 'Greek Man of the Year’. This award is given to a member of Chapman
Greek Life that lives and breathes Greek Life. This year, it was given to one of our current cabinet officers, Jon Ryder (2018). Jon
has served back-to-back terms on the Omega Chi’s cabinet as our former historian and current recording secretary. Jon is also the
president of the IFC as well as an employee in the Greek Life office.
The Omega Chi Chapter continued its success in this year’s Greek Skit hosted by Chapman University’s Greek Life. Brothers Jack McAdam (2019) and Trevor Tanaka (2017)
led the 22 brothers and pledges to the podium, placing 1st amongst all fraternities on
campus. Other notable brothers who helped out were brother Patrick Hall (2019) who
was in charge of the soundtrack and brother Jack Powell (2019), who was in charge
of creating the props used on stage. They participated in three performances over the
weekend, performing a hilarious rendition of the movie Shrek, which proved to be a
crowd favorite.
Jim Davis, 53, father to Matt (2016) and Alex Davis (2020) passed away after a valiant battle with
cancer early March 2017. Jim was a genuinely principled man with an unwavering resolve to succeed,
whether, that was on the football field at Ohio State University where he played middle line-backer,
with his highly esteemed business career, or with the family he cherished over everything. Jim will
continue to live on in the hearts of those who had the opportunity to get to know him and most of all
through his wife and two sons, who truly understand the love and wisdom Jim had to offer this world.
Educating new members is a privilege and an honor, as I have a direct opportunity to have a positive influence on them. Our time together has been
beneficial to the personal development of the pledge class and me. I have
taught them our fraternity's workings, morals and values in hopes that their
experiences at Chapman University, and beyond, are rich and lived to the
One of the biggest challenges is to hold everyone accountable for their
grades and behavior. New member education is put in place to make sure
they uphold their commitments as they enter adulthood.
One of my favorite things about the Phi fall class of 2016 and the Chi Spring
Class of 2017 is their teamwork. They both have constantly shown creative
collaboration among projects, serenades and even their studies. They have
demonstrated our fraternity’s most important values of friendship, knowledge, service, morality and excellence, and I am proud
to be their pledge educator.
Jack Atkinson (2018)
Pledge Educator
Alexander Palmer (2020), Mill Valley, CA
Alexander Davis (2020), Incline Village, NV
Andreja Stamenkovic (2020), Belgrade, Serbia
Angus Strawbridge (2020), Mill Valley, CA
Arnaud Zimmerman (2019), Cherry Hill, NJ
Benjamin Wasserman (2020), Bend, OR
Francis Bonadies (2020), Hamden, CT
Jake Holden (2020), Sydney, Australia
Jordan Greenhall (2020), Newport Beach, CA
Julian Berdouaré (2020), Miami Beach, FL
Keanush Tafreshi (2020), Las Vegas, NV
Kyle Marshal (2020), Lake Oswego, OR
Matthew Vara (2019), Honolulu, HI
Michael Hamilton (2020), Liberty Lake, WA
Michael Rice (2020), Carlsbad, CA
Michael Taber (2018), Boerne, TX
Olin Hanson (2020), Lake Oswego, OR
Sorob Wadood (2018), Costa Mesa, CA
Thomas LaHorgue (2020), Kentfield, CA
William Swindells (2020), San Francisco, CA
Zachary Kaiser (2018), Bakersfield, CA
For any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the content of the newsletter please contact the
Graduate Relations Chairman Iain Gayley.
Iain Gayley: (203) 824-7807
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May 2017 newsletter of the Omega Chi chapter at Chapman University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.