Hamilton, Lewis M.

From collection Member List

Hamilton, Lewis M.
From Mattern: "i[nitiated] June 10, 1860 . . . enlisted Harrisburg, Aug. 15, 1862, and mustered in Aug. 29, 1862, for three years as corp., Co. K, 150th Pa. Vol. Inf. ["Lincoln Guard]; honorably discharged, Harrisburg, June 15, 1865 . . . ." Obit reads "This detachment was guarding the White House the night Lincoln was shot and Brother Hamilton was one of the guards of honor at the bier of the martyred president." [Photo Mattern, p. 275 civilian] [Mattern, p. 43, "after service in the field . . . detailed as guards at the White House." Obit PGD magazine, Nov. 1925, p. 623-4.]