Henderson, John Joseph

From collection Member List

Henderson, John Joseph
Ordnance sergeant, Co. K, 150th Pennsylvania. Third Div., 1st Corps. (Unfinished Catalogue) From Mattern: "i[nitiated] June 10, 1860 . . . enlisted Aug. 29, 1862, as priv., Co. K, 150th Regt., Pa. Vols. for three years; mustered out with Co., June 15, 1865 . . . ." [Photo Mattern, p. 275, and Chapter Rolls and Directory; both civilian] [Mattern, p. 43, "after service in the field . . . detailed as guards at the White House . . . . witnessed the assassination of Lincoln." Obit PGD magazine, Feb. 1929, p. 30-1. Recollection of assassination, PGD magazine, April 1929, p. 535. Photo, PGD magazine, Oct. 1928 scrapbook section, civilian post-war.]