Holliday, John H.

From collection Member List

Holliday, John H.
John Hampden Holliday: John was born 31 May 1846 to Rev. William A. Holliday and Lucia Shaw Cruft in Indianapolis. He attended Northwestern Christian University, now Butler University, and received an A.B. degree from Hanover College in 1864.

During the Civil War, John served in the 137th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, a 100-day regiment. He returned to Hanover and received an A.M. degree in 1867.

John took up a career in journalism, working for the Indianapolis Sentinel, Herald and Gazette in addition to working as a correspondent for papers in Cincinnati, Chicago, and New York. In 1869 he founded the Indianapolis News, an independent paper less strictly partisan than the Democratic Sentinel and the Republican Journal.

Shortly thereafter, John married Evaline M. Rieman in 1875. Together they had seven children.

John was owner and managing editor of the Indianapolis News until he sold his interest in the paper in 1892 to William Henry Smith and Charles R. Williams. John's retirement was spurred by concerns over his health. Apparently recovered, he founded the Union Trust Company in 1893, of which he was president until 1899. At this time, John founded the Indianapolis Press as competition for the News. By 1901, the Press was sold to the News.

John resumed his position as president of Union Trust Company until 1916, at which point he became chairman of the board of directors. Union Trust later merged with Indiana National Bank.

John was active in many civic causes, notably the founding of the Commercial Club and its campaign to have the railroad tracks in Indianapolis elevated. He served on several different boards of educational and other institutions, including the Charity Organization Society. He was also the first president of the Society of Indiana Pioneers. In 1916, John and Evaline donated their 80-acre country estate to the City of Indianapolis, to be made into a park following their deaths. John died on 20 October 1921. After Evaline's death in 1929, their estate became Holliday Park. 

Biographical sketch from the Indiana Historical Society

Additional details on military service:

Private, 137th Indiana Volunteers (five months, 1865). [Photo Chapter Rolls and Directory, civilian]