Crittenden, Zacharias Albert

From collection Member List


Among the children of Dr. Alexander Reid of Putnam County, Georgia were three sons: (i) Edmund Reid (1802-1883), (ii) Alexander Reid (1803-1871) and (iii) James Lewis Reid (1813-1886).

(i) EDMUND was the father of John Samuel Reid and grandfather of Kappa Deuteron Brother William Dennis Reid.

(ii) ALEXANDER married Frances Terrell Butler and was the father of Frances Massey Reid, who married Robert Flournoy Crittenden, who was the father of Phi Gamma Delta’s Zacharias Albert Crittenden. Alexander Reid was also the father of Isabel Indiana Reid, who married Brother Hiram Oscar Crittenden, and

(iii) JAMES LEWIS REID was the father of Kappa Deuteron ancient Samuel Alonzo Reid.


Education: Zack Crittenden entered The University of Georgia in the fall of 1886, as a sophomore and member of the Class of 1889, apparently leaving school in 1887 because of ill health.

Soon after his matriculation, Crittenden joined Phi Kappa Society and was initiated into The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. He was initiated with three others: Glen Waters, Warren H. Williams and Dennis Reid [Reid and Crittenden were both descendants of Dr. Alexander Reid of Putnam County, Georgia.]

Crittenden played left field for the “Sophomore Nine” baseball team in 1887.

Brother Crittenden was a son of Col. Robert Flournoy Crittenden and Frances Massey Reid. Zack Crittenden was a first cousin of another early Kappa Deuteron Brother, Hiram Oscar Crittenden: their common ancestor was their grandfather, Cincinnatus Decatur Crittenden. Biological brothers of Zack Crittenden, Oscar Alexander Crittenden and Robert Flournoy Crittenden, Jr., were members of Phi Delta Theta at The University of Georgia, after the Kappa Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta had, in a shroud of mystery, vanished from campus.

Career: Zack Crittenden was a member of the general merchandise firm of Crittenden Brothers in Randolph County, Georgia. Later, he moved to Dawson, Georgia, and became a partner in the dry good mercantile firm of Arthur, Crittenden & Whitehead.

The Albany Weekly Herald, Albany, Georgia, Saturday, July 30, 1892, p. 4:


The Herald is pained to have to chronicle the death of Mr. Zack A. Crittenden, who died at the home of his father, Col. R. F. Crittenden, at Shellman Friday.

Mr. Crittenden was a young man of more than ordinary business capacity, and, although yet quite young, was a member of the firm Arthur, Crittenden & Whitehead of Dawson.

He was the worthy son of a noble sire, and the writer chronicles his untimely death with that peculiar and inexpressible empathy that attaches to a sincere friendship ...