Hill, Burwell Meriwether

From collection Member List

EDUCATION: Hill entered The University of Georgia in 1873 and was initiated into the Kappa Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. He was a student of The University of Georgia’s Class of 1875.

His father, Wylie Pope Hill, was “one of the most extensive planters of Georgia,” according to “Georgia; comprising sketches of counties, towns, events, institutions, and persons, arranged in cyclopedia form,” v. 2, by Allen Daniel Candler, published State Historical Society, Atlanta, Georgia, 1906, p. 274.

Burwell Meriwether Hill’s younger brother, John James Hill, was also a member of the Kappa Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at The University of Georgia. Mary Austin Hill, Burwell Meriwether Hill’s sister, married Edward Augustus Barnett, a younger brother of Kappa Deuteron’s Osborne Stone Barnett. Brother Hill may never have married.

CAREER: Hill was a dentist, farmer and planter.


The familial, business and civic ties between the Adams, Andrews, Barnett, Bussey, Callaway, Cason, Dearing, Evans, Head, Hill, Pope, Taliaferro, Walton and Wynn(e) families of Meriwether, Muscogee and Wilkes county - all of which produced men who were members of the early Kappa Deuteron chapter of Phi Gamma Delta...