Dearing Jr., Alfred Long

From collection Member List


A brother of Alfred Long Dearing, Sr., William Edward Dearing, Jr., had a son William Pleasant Dearing who married Emma Kennon in 1867 in Newton County, Georgia. The Kennon family name plays a prominent role in the history of the early Kappa Deuteron Chapter, with two Kennon men who were Brothers of Phi Gamma Delta at Georgia (Benning Moore Kennon and William Augustus Kennon) and other men with Kennon family relationships, such as Brother Henry Bradford Walker who married Virginia H. (Mary/Mamie?) Kennon and the father of Brother Churchill Goree, who married the widow of Xenophon Kennon.


EDUCATION: Brother Dearing entered The University of Georgia in 1874. He was selected as a Sophomore Declaimer for graduation exercises that occurred that year on August 3. Dearing was a member of The University of Georgia Class of 1876. He was a member of the Demosthenian Society and of Phi Gamma Delta [His brother Llewellyn Spotswood Dearing, was among the first ten initiates of the early Kappa Deuteron Chapter in 1871.]

CAREER: Brother Dearing left school three weeks before graduating to accept a position [Captain] with the U.S. Engineering Corps building railroads, later including time in San Louis Potosí, Mexico. He worked six years for the U.S. Postal System, roughly from 1879-1885. He was the owner of a grocery store (“Dearing’s”) in Monroe, North Carolina at the time of his death. He lived at 108 W. Houston Street in Monroe. His obituary in The Weekly Banner, Athens, Georgia, Friday, February 16, 1912, p. 1 states that he was survived by his wife and two children, but does not name them. Member of the Masonic fraternity, Monroe (N.C.) Lodge, #244.