Anderson, James William

From collection Member List

A “Second Founder” of the Kappa Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, initiated April 26, 1884 as a senior upon receipt of the chapter’s second charter. Graduate, Bachelor of Arts, The University of Georgia on July 16, 1884. Graduate, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, New York, 1887.

The Phi Gamma Delta Quarterly, January 1886, p. 58:

KΔ ’84. James W. Anderson of Cornucopia, Ga., is now at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. Bro. Anderson was quite popular with Georgia boys, and we know that he will gain many warm friends in New York during his stay.

Career: Brother Anderson was a physician who practiced medicine in Clinton and Gray, Jones County, Georgia, for 50 years. President, Jones County Medical Association. Methodist. Mason.