1968-1969 Chapter History of the Rho Phi Chapter at Rose-Hulman

From collection Phi Gamma Delta Documents Collection

1968-1969 Chapter History of the Rho Phi Chapter at Rose-Hulman

Chapter history of the Rho Phi Chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology for 1968-1969 written by John Smith (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 1971). The document is five pages in length.







Rose Polytechnic Institute

Terre Haute, Indiana

John M. Smith


August 2, 1970

From August 1968 to May 1969





This was a year where activities were the order of the day, with colonization at the beginning of the school year, less than six months after the first organizational meetings of the Rose Colony Core Group. This event was rapidly followed by the building of a homecoming display, freshmen rush, as well as rush to strengthen the numbers of upperclass members, and pledging and initiation ceremonies. The first annual retreat, participation in our first Fiji State Day, and the acquisition of a house for the colony also highlighted this year.

This year saw the beginnings of traditions that, it is hoped, will continue for years to come. Traditions such as the Fiji Rain dance performed prior to the opening of the intramural football season, and the delivery of "bone" invitations to the Fiji Isle, as well as the tradition of the Fiji Isle.

Brotherhood cannot grow in individuals overnight, but together we have a common goal, that of obtaining our charter into Phi Gamma Delta as rapidly as possible, and with this to guide us, we are able to do next to the impossible (which has been the natural way since the earliest founding of our colony), and the bonds of brotherhood are growing each day.

The following is a list of important dates during the year for the Delta Colony.

August 10, 1968 - Dinner meeting of Rose Poly Colony Core Group with members of the Phi Gamma Delta Graduate Chapter and the Rose faculty and administration: This meeting constituted the formal presentation by the Terre Haute Graduate Chapter of their desire to take the initiative in helping the Core Group to become a Delta Colony of Phi Gamma Delta. They announced that members of the Graduate Chapter would be in attendance at the 120th annual Ekklesia, held in the Bahamas during August 21-25, and would submit petitions for placement on the "school provisional list" for colonization from both Rose and Indiana State University.

August 24, 1968 - A telegram was received at 1:52 pm EST by John Hodsden, member of the Core Group which read:

"120th GRAND BAHAMA EKKLESIA, 9:27 AM, AUG. 24, l968.




This telegram, in essence, climaxed months of effort on behalf of the Core Group members and the Terre Haute Graduate Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta to secure affiliation with this national fraternity in the form of colony status on the Rose Polytechnic Institute campus. The words contained in the telegram formally established the Rose Poly Colony Core Group as a Delta Colony of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. This action was unusually swift as 200 schools were awaiting colonization, and was due to the fine group already established.

October 1, 1968 - After the Inter-Fraternity Council gave its support and approval of colonization of the Core Group into Phi Gamma Delta, it recommended giving official approval to the Rose administration. Thus final approval for colonization on the Rose campus was given by the Faculty Committee for Student Organizations, establishing a Delta Colony of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at Rose Polytechnic Institute.

October 7, 1968 - Colonization activities: Dinner with graduate and undergraduate chapters, followed by the formal pledging ceremony in the Hulman Memorial Union Building on the Rose campus. Pledges at this time were the Immortal 15, the founders of our colony.

October 13, 1968 - Open house and rush for sophomores: this constituted the first formal rush conducted by the colony members. As a result of this rush party and a mixer that sophomore rushees were invited to attend, eleven sophomores were accepted as pledges into the Delta Colony and thus formed the second pledge class.

October 25 & 27, 1968 - Freshmen get-acquainted parties: this is the first look the freshmen had of the Delta Colony, and vice versa. These parties were held at the Lutheran Center in Terre Haute, Indiana.

October 28, 1968 - Formal pledging ceremony for the second pledge class, held in room E208 of the main building of the Rose campus.

November 8-10, 1968 - Homecoming 1968: participation included building a display, attending the game and the dance.

November 22 & 24, 1968 - Rush party with a Polynesian Island theme, held at the Phoenix Country Club in Terre Haute. The entertainment was provided by dancers from Butler University.

December 3, 1968 - Formal initiation ceremony for the first pledge class at the Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church. Those initiated were; George Butkovich, Ed Dye, Gary Gladish, Gary Groff, John Hodsden, Jim Lowes, Bob Meyer, Richard Newman, Rick Pace, Dan Phelps, Ted Smith, Sid Stoffer, Steve Whitesell, and Bruce Williams, making the total number of actives fourteen.

January 4, 1969 - Formal initiation ceremony for the second pledge class at the Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church. Those initiated were; Tom Dehne, Loren Doyle, Steve Goble, Bob Harrison, Tom Hendrickson, Roger Martindell, Don Morris, Jay O'Sullivan, and Al Wernz, thus bringing the total number of actives to twenty-three.

January 10, 12, 17,& 19, 1969 - Informal rush parties held at the Holiday Inn Motel in Terre Haute. As a result of these rush parties, one sophomore and nine freshmen were accepted as pledges into the Delta Colony.

February 1, 1969 - Work day for the United Fund where members of the colony had a chance to work for the Goodwill Industries.

February 8-9, 1969 - First annual retreat, held at Brown County State Park (Abe Martin Lodge), included in the activities were the pledge father-son tug-o-war, formal pledging ceremony for the third pledge class, and fellowship that lasted well into the early morning.

March 1, 1969 - Fiji State Day: the first Section Convention that the colony attended. Such activities as bowling, bridge, and basketball competition were enjoyed by the colony members, as well as the banquet in the evening.

April 2, 1969 - A tour was taken by colony members and members of the local graduate chapter of a prospective Fiji house. The house was located at 1121 South 6th Street - in Terre Haute, Indiana.

April 7, 1969 - Installation of officers for 1969-70. Installed were; Bob Meyer-President, Steve Whitesell-Treasurer, Steve Goble-Recording Secretary, Don Morris-Corresponding Secretary, and Richard Newman-Historian.

April 19, 1969 - First annual Pledge Class Car Rally and Picnic: This is an annual event to be planned by the pledge class. It was held this year at the Lincoln State Park in Marshall, Illinois.

April 25, 1969 - The graduate chapter and housing corporation met, and submitted a bid for the purchase of the Barhydt house at 1121 South Sixth.

May 1, 1969 - First Norris Pig Dinner sponsored by the Rose Poly Delta Colony. This event was attended by the members of the colony, the local graduate chapter, and other chapters throughout the state. It was held in the private dining room of the Hulman Memorial Union on the Rose Poly campus.

May 10, 1969 - Greek Day at Rose: many activities were enjoyed by the colony members.

May 12, 1969 - Formal initiation ceremony for the third pledge class at the Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church. Those initiated were; Jim Graham Tom Jackson, Kevin O'Sullivan, Joel Sanders, Jay Sensibaugh, John Smith, and Dale Zelesnik, thus bringing the total number of actives to thirty.

May 17, 1969 - First Fiji Isle party: Many weeks work went into preparing a place at the Isaac Walton Beach to hold our first Fiji Isle party. This party was enjoyed by everyone, including the chaperones; Dr. Frank Guthrie and Donald Mighell.


George Butkovioh
Ed Dye
Gary Gladish
Gary Groff
John Hodsden
Jim Lowes
Bob Meyer
Richard Newman
Rick Pace
Dan Phelps
Ted Smith
Sid Stoffer
Steve Whitesell
Bruce Williams
Tom Dehne
Loren Doyle
Steve Goble
Bob Harrison
Tom Hendrickson
Roger Martindell
Don Morris
Jay O'Sullivan
Al Werns
Jim Graham
Tom Jackson
Kevin O'Sullivan
Joёl Sanders
Jay Sensibaugh
John Smith
Dale Zeleznik


1968-1969 Chapter History of the Rho Phi Chapter at Rose-Hulman
Chapter history of the Rho Phi Chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology for 1968-1969 written by John Smith (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 1971). The document is five pages in length.







Rose Polytechnic Institute

Terre Haute, Indiana

John M. Smith


August 2, 1970

From August 1968 to May 1969





This was a year where activities were the order of the day, with colonization at the beginning of the school year, less than six months after the first organizational meetings of the Rose Colony Core Group. This event was rapidly followed by the building of a homecoming display, freshmen rush, as well as rush to strengthen the numbers of upperclass members, and pledging and initiation ceremonies. The first annual retreat, participation in our first Fiji State Day, and the acquisition of a house for the colony also highlighted this year.

This year saw the beginnings of traditions that, it is hoped, will continue for years to come. Traditions such as the Fiji Rain dance performed prior to the opening of the intramural football season, and the delivery of "bone" invitations to the Fiji Isle, as well as the tradition of the Fiji Isle.

Brotherhood cannot grow in individuals overnight, but together we have a common goal, that of obtaining our charter into Phi Gamma Delta as rapidly as possible, and with this to guide us, we are able to do next to the impossible (which has been the natural way since the earliest founding of our colony), and the bonds of brotherhood are growing each day.

The following is a list of important dates during the year for the Delta Colony.

August 10, 1968 - Dinner meeting of Rose Poly Colony Core Group with members of the Phi Gamma Delta Graduate Chapter and the Rose faculty and administration: This meeting constituted the formal presentation by the Terre Haute Graduate Chapter of their desire to take the initiative in helping the Core Group to become a Delta Colony of Phi Gamma Delta. They announced that members of the Graduate Chapter would be in attendance at the 120th annual Ekklesia, held in the Bahamas during August 21-25, and would submit petitions for placement on the "school provisional list" for colonization from both Rose and Indiana State University.

August 24, 1968 - A telegram was received at 1:52 pm EST by John Hodsden, member of the Core Group which read:

"120th GRAND BAHAMA EKKLESIA, 9:27 AM, AUG. 24, l968.




This telegram, in essence, climaxed months of effort on behalf of the Core Group members and the Terre Haute Graduate Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta to secure affiliation with this national fraternity in the form of colony status on the Rose Polytechnic Institute campus. The words contained in the telegram formally established the Rose Poly Colony Core Group as a Delta Colony of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. This action was unusually swift as 200 schools were awaiting colonization, and was due to the fine group already established.

October 1, 1968 - After the Inter-Fraternity Council gave its support and approval of colonization of the Core Group into Phi Gamma Delta, it recommended giving official approval to the Rose administration. Thus final approval for colonization on the Rose campus was given by the Faculty Committee for Student Organizations, establishing a Delta Colony of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at Rose Polytechnic Institute.

October 7, 1968 - Colonization activities: Dinner with graduate and undergraduate chapters, followed by the formal pledging ceremony in the Hulman Memorial Union Building on the Rose campus. Pledges at this time were the Immortal 15, the founders of our colony.

October 13, 1968 - Open house and rush for sophomores: this constituted the first formal rush conducted by the colony members. As a result of this rush party and a mixer that sophomore rushees were invited to attend, eleven sophomores were accepted as pledges into the Delta Colony and thus formed the second pledge class.

October 25 & 27, 1968 - Freshmen get-acquainted parties: this is the first look the freshmen had of the Delta Colony, and vice versa. These parties were held at the Lutheran Center in Terre Haute, Indiana.

October 28, 1968 - Formal pledging ceremony for the second pledge class, held in room E208 of the main building of the Rose campus.

November 8-10, 1968 - Homecoming 1968: participation included building a display, attending the game and the dance.

November 22 & 24, 1968 - Rush party with a Polynesian Island theme, held at the Phoenix Country Club in Terre Haute. The entertainment was provided by dancers from Butler University.

December 3, 1968 - Formal initiation ceremony for the first pledge class at the Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church. Those initiated were; George Butkovich, Ed Dye, Gary Gladish, Gary Groff, John Hodsden, Jim Lowes, Bob Meyer, Richard Newman, Rick Pace, Dan Phelps, Ted Smith, Sid Stoffer, Steve Whitesell, and Bruce Williams, making the total number of actives fourteen.

January 4, 1969 - Formal initiation ceremony for the second pledge class at the Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church. Those initiated were; Tom Dehne, Loren Doyle, Steve Goble, Bob Harrison, Tom Hendrickson, Roger Martindell, Don Morris, Jay O'Sullivan, and Al Wernz, thus bringing the total number of actives to twenty-three.

January 10, 12, 17,& 19, 1969 - Informal rush parties held at the Holiday Inn Motel in Terre Haute. As a result of these rush parties, one sophomore and nine freshmen were accepted as pledges into the Delta Colony.

February 1, 1969 - Work day for the United Fund where members of the colony had a chance to work for the Goodwill Industries.

February 8-9, 1969 - First annual retreat, held at Brown County State Park (Abe Martin Lodge), included in the activities were the pledge father-son tug-o-war, formal pledging ceremony for the third pledge class, and fellowship that lasted well into the early morning.

March 1, 1969 - Fiji State Day: the first Section Convention that the colony attended. Such activities as bowling, bridge, and basketball competition were enjoyed by the colony members, as well as the banquet in the evening.

April 2, 1969 - A tour was taken by colony members and members of the local graduate chapter of a prospective Fiji house. The house was located at 1121 South 6th Street - in Terre Haute, Indiana.

April 7, 1969 - Installation of officers for 1969-70. Installed were; Bob Meyer-President, Steve Whitesell-Treasurer, Steve Goble-Recording Secretary, Don Morris-Corresponding Secretary, and Richard Newman-Historian.

April 19, 1969 - First annual Pledge Class Car Rally and Picnic: This is an annual event to be planned by the pledge class. It was held this year at the Lincoln State Park in Marshall, Illinois.

April 25, 1969 - The graduate chapter and housing corporation met, and submitted a bid for the purchase of the Barhydt house at 1121 South Sixth.

May 1, 1969 - First Norris Pig Dinner sponsored by the Rose Poly Delta Colony. This event was attended by the members of the colony, the local graduate chapter, and other chapters throughout the state. It was held in the private dining room of the Hulman Memorial Union on the Rose Poly campus.

May 10, 1969 - Greek Day at Rose: many activities were enjoyed by the colony members.

May 12, 1969 - Formal initiation ceremony for the third pledge class at the Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church. Those initiated were; Jim Graham Tom Jackson, Kevin O'Sullivan, Joel Sanders, Jay Sensibaugh, John Smith, and Dale Zelesnik, thus bringing the total number of actives to thirty.

May 17, 1969 - First Fiji Isle party: Many weeks work went into preparing a place at the Isaac Walton Beach to hold our first Fiji Isle party. This party was enjoyed by everyone, including the chaperones; Dr. Frank Guthrie and Donald Mighell.


George Butkovioh
Ed Dye
Gary Gladish
Gary Groff
John Hodsden
Jim Lowes
Bob Meyer
Richard Newman
Rick Pace
Dan Phelps
Ted Smith
Sid Stoffer
Steve Whitesell
Bruce Williams
Tom Dehne
Loren Doyle
Steve Goble
Bob Harrison
Tom Hendrickson
Roger Martindell
Don Morris
Jay O'Sullivan
Al Werns
Jim Graham
Tom Jackson
Kevin O'Sullivan
Joёl Sanders
Jay Sensibaugh
John Smith
Dale Zeleznik
