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2023 Summer Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
Summer 2023 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is seven pages in length.
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Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2023 Summer Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
Summer 2023 Edition
The Rho Phi
FIJI Newsletter
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Phi Gama Delta Fraternity
President’s Corner
New President Elected
My name is Nick Edwards (class of 2025), and I have the honor of
serving as the new Rho Phi chapter president for nine months. I am
beyond excited to continue in the footsteps of our last president,
Phillip Noblitt, and bring back the normalcy of the pre-Covid era. I
believe we have already done an excellent job of this, but I am
confident that we will always find ways to improve! As of now, the
new cabinet’s goals this year are to grow the brotherhood aspect of
the fraternity, as well as develop the new brothers of our chapter
into leaders that can leave the chapter in good standing for years to
come. Speaking upon numbers alone this past year, this is one of the
most diverse groups I have seen. We currently have 98
undergraduate brothers, 63 of which are athletes across eight sports.
Along with our great athletics, we also have heavy involvement in
many different clubs and Res Life, including our first RA in years. We
have also brought in 26 fantastic new members into our fraternity in
the past year, with four spring members initiated at the end of April.
This has been a big year for service and philanthropy for the chapter. Earlier in the fall, we brought
back our annual football run for USO, in which we raised over $1,100. In October, we hosted our Pi
a Phi event, where we raised nearly $2,000 for Happiness Bag, a local charity that helps those with
mental disabilities. Later in the year, we held our annual Christmas dinner with Happiness Bag,
where we sang Christmas Carols and gifted presents. In the spring, we were able to raise nearly
$1000 for the Alzheimer's Foundation of America through donations by brothers and spreading the
word on campus. We also participated in and hosted a lot of service events this year, including
building bikes for underprivileged youths, our clothe-a-child event, two neighborhood cleanups,
our highway cleanup, and helping with a triathlon.
We had a large graduate showing at Pig Dinner this past year, with many coming back for their 50year anniversary of having been initiated into the chapter. Homecoming was a big success as well,
with many grad brothers coming back to watch our football players win over Manchester. Overall,
it has been a very busy, yet rewarding year for the chapter. We invite you to come back for both Pig
Dinner and Homecoming. You are also always welcome at the house. Thank you all for the impact
that you have had on this fraternity, and I hope to meet you soon if I haven’t already!
\r\nFIJI Newsletter
Help by submitting your most up to date email address
With some changes at Google, we have had to rebuild our entire email list of graduate brother
emails. This is especially true for brothers whom we only had an email. Please go
online now to fill out this form (found at with your
name, email, address and latest contact information for graduate relations to stay up to date.
Please do not forget to hit “Submit” at the end of the form to make sure we get your
information in our system. Having up-to-date information is important to receive updates on
the state of the chapter and grad event dates such as homecoming and pig dinner.
Cabinet Changeover
Following another successful year, a new cabinet
has been installed to continue leading the chapter
to greatness. With goals of holding more
brotherhood and social events, the new cabinet
hopes to encourage deepened bonding between
brothers, while maintaining great relations with
graduates as well. Pictured below, the new cabinet
consists of Nick Edwards as President (center),
James Morehouse as Treasurer (left-center), Jacob
Vandorpe as Recording Sec. (right-center), Noah
Lockhart as Corresponding Sec. (right), and Aaron
Greve as Historian (left). Extremely impressed
current state of the chapter, this new cabinet is
excited to continue pushing for excellence.
Spring 2023 Rush and Chapter House Update
The Chapter pulled in four new members with the end
of Spring Rush. Each one has already shown they can
make a difference in their communities in different
ways. Starting from left to right, Dane Blackburn,
Ethan Pabbathi, Ellis Lyons, and Bryan Pfeifer.
For undergraduate brothers that are struggling to
pay to live in the house or to pay their chapter dues,
we have instituted a program where a portion of the
outstanding money can be paid off through paid
service to the house. This is done via additional
cleaning, repairing, or extra service to the chapter.
This has helped us reduce some outside costs while
supporting brothers that have tremendous need.
\r\nFIJI Newsletter
The Rose-Hulman baseball team finished 23-21 overall
(13-9 in conference) while being led by seniors Andy
Krajecki, Blake Deckard, Brenden Harris, and Sam
Stieby. Andy Krajecki was named to all HCAC second
team for the year, while also being named to the CSC
Academic All-District team along with Dalton
Busboom and Blake Deckard. The team finished
fourth in conference before falling to Anderson in the
playoffs. The men’s track and field took home the
championship making that their 27th conference
championship in the last 29 years. Fiji’s lone track
senior Tyce Miller helped set the school record twice
in the 4x100 along with brother Jack Cox.
Living out Morality, Excellence, and Service
Campus Clean-up
Fall campus clean-up this year was an interesting one. We had several brothers come to
campus to help clean-up Rose-Hulman’s campus. This year we helped prepare for homecoming
by unloading tractor trailers filled with pallets. This was one of the first service events of the
year and a great way to help our campus.
Happiness Bag
Our annual tradition of the Happiness Bag was continued on December 18, 2022. Brothers
partnered by the Chi Omega Sorority from Rose, came to aid in bringing joy and happiness
during the holiday season to individuals with disabilities. The event started off with brothers
setting the tables and striking conversations with those who participated in the event. Dinner
proceeded, followed by gift sharing, in which brothers, as well as our proud Santa and elf
combination, handed out gifts. The event ended with all the brothers singing Christmas Carols.
We can proudly say that no ears were harmed during the singing.
\r\nSummer 2023 Edition
Bikes For Tykes
Nearly fifty brothers gathered in Rose-Hulman’s
SRC to participate in the annual “Bikes for Tykes”
campus-wide service event. After a fun
brotherhood retreat near Bloomington, brothers
woke up early on December 4th, 2022, to head
straight to the service event. The brothers had
tons of fun assembling the bikes, and we look
forward to doing the event for years to come!
Community Clean-up
In both the fall and the spring, over sixty brothers
partnered with residents of Farrington’s Grove to aid
in a community clean-up as well as planting trees and
doing odd jobs for residents. The brothers took
donations from residents and raised over $500 for
the Red Cross. Free T-shirts and a cook-out for
volunteers were provided. The event gave brothers
an opportunity to represent Fiji well and interact
with the neighbors. Brothers were also able to do a
highway clean-up in the spring on U.S. 40. They were
able to pick up over 10 bags of trash!
Thunder in the Valley Triathlon
More than twenty brothers showed up to a service event in which brothers participated in a
variety of volunteering activities that occurred at a triathlon in Hawthorn Park. There, you could
find brothers helping with parking, in kayaks watching over swimmers, helping time at various
stages, guiding individuals throughout the triathlon, and much more.
\r\nFIJI Newsletter
Greek Games
Greek Games are back this year with eight in-person events
and one video submission. The events included a relay race,
kickball, cornhole, an eating competition, dodgeball, golf,
minute to win it, and a human pyramid. The Chapter did quite
well in the events; first in dodgeball, second in the human
pyramid, and third in golf, cornhole, kickball, and the eating
competition. All the brothers who showed up had a great
time, and many participated. There are aspirations for this to
become just as good, if not better than it once was.
This year we have seventeen seniors graduating. They were all very active members of both the
fraternity and the school community. We have two past presidents graduating, another former cabinet
member, as well as football, baseball, track and field, volleyball, and golf players, as well as many other
activities. Some of them are also in the blue key honor society, alpha lambda delta, sigma phi sigma,
photon squad, and more. These seniors will be missed, and we thank them for their time here at the
Rho Phi Chapter, they will always be brothers because this isn’t just for college days alone.
\r\nSummer 2023 Edition
Pig Dinner
This year, our Rho Phi chapter celebrated our 53rd annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner, in person! It
was a great night, filled with story sharing among brothers during dinner. We wanted to thank
all attending Grad-brothers, especially speakers Tim Pulliam (RHIT 2008) and Ryan Robinson
(RHIT 2007) for sharing fond memories of their late pledge-classmate Luis Pettengill, who
passed away during this year. They focused on FRIENDSHIP, perhaps our most important value,
making the point that even in tragedy, memories of a lost brother reunited a pledge class and
rekindled memories of brotherly love.
On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, we will be hosting a fundraiser on campus, devoted to
Happiness Bag. Happiness Bag is a local organization that invests in educational and
recreational activities for those challenged with disabilities within our community. Donations
can be made from now up until midnight on September 20, 2023. The event will take place at
BSB Lower Lawn on the Rose-Hulman campus and will be livestreamed as well. More
information can be found at:
Please Reach Out
Please reach out to Corresponding Secretary Noah Lockhart by emailing or Grad-Relations Chair Tyler Orr by emailing
for any grad-relation matters.
Save the Date!
September 30th, 2023
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Summer 2023 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is seven pages in length.