John M. Coulter, PH.D. (Hanover College 1870)

From collection Phi Gamma Delta Photograph Collection

John M. Coulter, PH.D. (Hanover College 1870)

John M. Coulter, PH.D. (Hanover College 1870)

Image is from the 1898 Chapter Rolls and Directory.

,The 1898 Chapter Rolls and Directory was approved by a resolution at the July 1897 Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. The directory was financed by T. Alfred Vernon (Yale University 1875) and edited by Fabius M. Clarke (Indiana University 1874). The directory was a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Phi Gamma Delta's founding in 1848. The directory, informally called "The Vernon Catalogue", was the envy of the Greek world. It contained 1439 large pages with 211 biographies of graduate members, 375 portraits and 425 other illustrations including chapter house pictures and campus scenes and buildings. The directory listed 6719 members at the time.


John M. Coulter, PH.D. (Hanover College 1870)
John M. Coulter, PH.D. (Hanover College 1870)

Image is from the 1898 Chapter Rolls and Directory.

,The 1898 Chapter Rolls and Directory was approved by a resolution at the July 1897 Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. The directory was financed by T. Alfred Vernon (Yale University 1875) and edited by Fabius M. Clarke (Indiana University 1874). The directory was a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Phi Gamma Delta's founding in 1848. The directory, informally called "The Vernon Catalogue", was the envy of the Greek world. It contained 1439 large pages with 211 biographies of graduate members, 375 portraits and 425 other illustrations including chapter house pictures and campus scenes and buildings. The directory listed 6719 members at the time.
