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1961 Fall Newsletter Pi Iota (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Fall 1961 newsletter of the Pi Iota chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter is two pages in length. The newsletter has been modified to remove images that some may find offensive.
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Pi Iota
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1961 Fall Newsletter Pi Iota (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Out of the ten Fijis on the soccer
team this year, nine held starting posi
tions at one time during the season.
The end of the season saw the return
of Pete Borden, but the team was too
injury ridden to recover.
Graduation this year will see the loss
and has 3 children—Stephen 4, Chery
IIK. and Joel 5)4. Walt is very active
for the annual fall work party. Bo
Kuehn, house manager, organized the
work, which greatly improved the con
smile wherever
he went.
No matter
what the circumstances were, he seem
ed always able to find a silver lining in
The cellar was completely cleaned
up with benches put along two of the
walls to accommodate more people at
parties and rushes. Also a moose head
was hung in the cellar.
first floor
underwent a
plete reconditioning. The floors were
all sanded, waxed and sealed. The
walls were also painted and the wood
work restained. All of the easy chairs
and couches were redone and look like
due to an extremely serious illness from
which few doctors had hopes he would
recover. However, this is where the
exceptional fight and courage in John
made the difference. John did get well,
and came back to join the Fijis here
at college.
Johnny had an intense interest in the
fraternity and a keen insight into the
true meaning of brotherhood and con
sequently, did much for the house.
There are none who could deny that
he set an example after which we all
could pattern our lives; John will be
missed very dearly by his family, fra
ternity and friends.
We were also very fortunate to be
able to buy desks, bureaus, and beds
in very good condition from the Shera
ton Hotel. The furniture had been the
property of the Bancroft Hotel, which
was purchased by the Sheraton chain.
Over-all, the fall work party was
very successful in cleaning the house,
and in giving the brothers a chance to
be together and have a good time with
out the pressures of studies.
(Continued from page 1)
was selected for membership in Pi Tau
Sigma. Roger was selected on the
basis of his engineering ability, scholar
ship and personality.
(Continued from page 1)
captain Clark and was defeated on
Homecoming by a strong Coast Guard
team. The Coast Guard game saw the
loss of Fijis Steve Harvey and Steve
Osterling, who were added to the
injured list. Halfbacks John Rupprecht
and co-captain Dave Goodman were
also hobbling with bad ankles. Steve
Osterling was out for the reihainder of
the season, and Steve Harvey could
only play infrequently and was never
able to regain his speed or sharpness.
With most of the defense and part
the line either hobbling or sitting
in the local sports car club and drive;
Du Font. Fred is married and has ^
children—Sandra 5)6, Sharon 4)4
Stephen 3, and Fred, Jr. 1 year.
Paul Alasso ('54) is employed b)
Trancoa Chemical Corp. of Reading
representative in sales.
Paul proudlj
states that he is the last unmarriec
member of the class of '54.
Phil Jones ('55) works for Eastmar
Kodak as a photographic engineer
He is married and has a 4 year old
daughter. Phil's hobby is golf and he
built the house in which he now lives
(in Rochester, N.Y.)
Jim "Kube" Kubik ('56) lives in
Concord, Mass, and is a staff engineei
in the instrumentation lab at M.I.T,
the darkest cloud.
John had to leave school for a year
He is marriec
Mass, as their home office technica
dition of the house.
If you knew John as the brothers
here at the house did, it would be need
less to say just how much this loss
meant to us.
He always wore a
Works of Worcester.
Fred Rauppius ('S3) is present)}
employed as a research engineer b)
On Tuesday, September 12th, the
Walter Knapp ('38) is chief engineei
a neat red MG-TF.
brothers of Pi Iota arrived at the house
On October 26, 1961, John Patrick
Coghlin, an active here at Pi Iota, was
taken from us by an automobile acci
Brother Pete Borden has just re
cently been elected captain for next
season and will carry on where
Fall Work Party
Karl Penny ('28) is presently work
ing at the Norton Co. of Worceste:
as a sanitary engineer. Karl quotec
for the press that he "hopes to retiri
at the G.F. Wright Steel and Wir<
and has no children.
of co-captains Clark and Goodman,
Steve Osterling, and John Rupprecht.
off this year.
tive with this company. Fred is marriec
Eric Sellevold, who was pledged to
Tau Beta Pi, was also chosen for
membership in the Civil EngineeringHonor Society. The selection of Eric
was based on the four primary re
quirements of a successful engineer—
scholarship, character, practicality, and
(at technical school in Boston). Kube
is not married and his hobbies include
sailing, skiing, mountain climbing, and
anything outdoors.
John Lillibridge
works for
Taylor Instruments in sales. He states
that he has 1 wife, Susan, and 1 girl
named Tracy, 1 year old. John's hob
bies are tape recording for dramatic
effects and skiing ("to the people who
don't believe I can ski.")
Howard Dickson ('57) was recently
transfered by Ingersall Rand to Boston.
Howard and his wife Lois have 2
girls, Debbie 6, and Cindy 3.
Bob Engvall ('57) is employed as an
engineer by Worcester Foundation.
Bob is married and has 2 children—
Linda 3, and Robert, Jr. 2 (He had
another on the way at Pig Dinner.)
Gil Fauteux ('57) is a field engineer
for Factory Mutual and he is living in
Norwood, Mass. He mentions some
thing about having worked overseas
for a period. Gil is unmarried.
Joe Borge ('58) lives in Ellington,
Conn, and is engineering supervisor
sociability. We congratulate these men
who have brought honor to Worcester
Tech, to Pi Iota, and to themselves
for Flartford Insurance of Conn. He is
because of their selection to member
married and has a son Joe, 1 year old.
ship in the -various honor societies.
Tom "Kid" Gurran-('S8-)-is employed
by the Federal Government and works
(Continued from page 1)
interviewing as many alumni as pos-
in soil conservation.
He is presently
Assistant Project Director of the Snake
River Valley Project in Norfolk, Va.
"Kid" is married and has 2 children—
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Fall 1961 newsletter of the Pi Iota chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter is two pages in length. The newsletter has been modified to remove images that some may find offensive.