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1979 April Newsletter Pi Iota (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
April 1979 newsletter of the Pi Iota chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter is four pages in length. The newsletter has been modified to remove images that some may find offensive.
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Pi Iota
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1979 April Newsletter Pi Iota (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
volved in a dance marathon."
Easter Seals has asked Pi Iota to make the
Dance-a-thon an annual event. Each year the^
sophmore class will be in charge of organizing
the affair with every brother donating his time
and effort to the cause. Next year we hope to
set another record in helping the Easter Seals
Last year Pi Iota became associated with
the Easter Seals Society when the Society was
looking for an organization to heln with a
fund raising event that they were going to
hold for the first time, A member of the Society
happened to be a relative of a brother at Pi
The new cabinet of ^i Iota Chapter of Phi
lamma Delta was installei on March 7, 1979.
Iota and she suggested that the two groups join The new cabinet members are President, Richard
forces for the event. It proved to be a suc
A,. Goulding, Jr., Class of'BO, Athol, Mass.;
cessful venture as Pi Iota with help from the
Treasurer, Paul J. Guth, Class of 'Bl, Fairhaven,
IFC held the first Disco Dance-a-thon for the
N.J.; Recording Secretary, David E. Huhtala,
Easter Seals Society of Worcester at Alden Hall. Class of '80, East Temnleton, Mass; Corresnonding
In fact, it was so successful that the
Secretary, Steohen A. Gilrein, Class of '80,
Society asked us to run the show again this year Ludlow, Mass.; and Historian, Mark F. Lefebvre,
It was determined that the dance-a-thon would
be run much more efficiently if we did not have
to try and co-ordinate the other fraternities.
It was also felt that in running it ourselves
with a minimum of outside help would cause the
Class of '80, Leominster, Mass.
President Rick Goulding is finishing up
his stay on the Hill as a resident advisor in
' Daniels Hall. This year he was also involved
brothers to contribute more effort and have
as the social chairman at Pi Iota and has
greater pride in the jobs we were doing, A few
other changes were also made in the hopes of
greater success, the major one being a change
of location to the Rendez-vous Discotheque in
overseen many a good party at the Gam.
the Worcester Center Galleria.
Paul Guth is taking over the books
from outgoing treasurer John Hopkins. "Arlo"
is a sonhmore majoring in mechanical engineering.
Sophmores Greg Glod and Bob Segarra were
Paul spends much of his free tome playing back
appointed chairmen and they ouickly put the bro gammon, a new craze here at the Gam, and hopefully
thers to work in soliciting prizes. As a result, someday he'll actually win a game,
scores of prizes were given away with the two
lucky grand prize winners recieving a $1200
waterbed and an $800 stereo system.
Dave "Hoots" assumes his duties of taking
the minutes at all house meetings. He has a
With radio station IUQ donating advertising tough road to follow as the last three Recording
time and DJ's to run the marathon and the Fred
£ecretaries(as far back as this vrriter can re
Astaire Dance Studio providing two instructors
member), Mel DeCarvalho, Bob Brown and Larry
for a demonstration. Things looked very promising Marino all did excellent jobs of nroviding
for great success. The women of Phi Sigma Sigma leadershin for the house.
also donated their time to help run the conces
Steve '"A^ombat", '^rotably the ugliest mem
ber of the cabinet(actually Steve, or the girls
Approximately forty dancers strutted their
stuff for the entire twelve hours with only a few at Becker, don't really think he's that ugly)
sion stand.
short breaks for nourishment and personnal re
pairs. It was fewer dancers than what we had
is a Civil En-ineer hoping to follow in the foot
steps of fellow civil and local Ludlow resident,
hoped for but the Rendez-vousJ* ideal location in Tony "Ant" Fernandes. (By the way Ant keep those
letters coming I
the shopping mall drew dancers in to dance for
a few hours at a time.
The combined efforts of all the brothers
Mark "Favey", respondsible for keening tthe
national up to date with Pi lota's yearly act
proved to make the marathon a success. The Easter
ivities, is an electrical engineer. As the softSeals Society were so grateful that they felt
compelled to write the International Headquarters ball season begins we all hope Mark will continue
of Phi Gamma Delta which stated in -ipart:
his solid play in lejPt field for Fiji-A, who
"Over $2100 was raised...a record amount by
the efforts of a single benefit
lost in tne finals last year to Rap.
Faster Seals.
That's about it on the nevr cabinet, hopefully
they will be able to keep up the Gam tra iition and
help the house run smoothly again next year.
The quantity of hours soent was matched by
the quality of work as these men displayed un
usual organizational ability, competence and
sincerity in earring out the many details in
ABOVE; Doc Atwood receiving the Durrance
award for excellence as a Purple Legion
naire in 196U.
ABOVE RIGHT: Dancers doing it up on the
dance floor at the Rendez-vous Disco,
raising money for the Worcester Easter
Seals Societyo
MIDDLE RIGHT: The basketball team in a
action during the playoffs on their
way to the finals.
LOklER RIGHT: A few of the brothers who
went to Florida on their Spring vaca
tion pause to have their picture taken
at Disneyworld.
\r\nGraduate firothers:
This year's Fiji 'A' basketball team
once again finished the regular season
defeated and were the champs of their league.
The team rolled through the first three
rounds of the playoffs,having problems only
with a slow start in one game which they
overcame with a good second half effort.
This put the team into the finals sgainst lYF, ami independent team who we de
feated in last year's championshipo 1^
was out to take revenge for their loss last
year in which they felt that our team playyd
above their ability while their team played
below their ability. Last years game was
never really close.
Unfortuneatly history was not to repeat >
itself this year assthe two teams swapped
roles. The Gam opened the game with two un
answered baskets,but from there things just
Remember, you are a vital'source of
prospective oledges. If you know of someone
who is planning to enter WPl and you think
that he majr/have the qualities that weJre looking for, please let us know. Your leads on
incoming freshmen are very helpful during rush.
We want to keep this chapter strong and it all
starts with rush.
Dave Lamborghini
Rush Chairman
This paper's existence is solely to
keep you informed as to what is hapnening in
the- chapter house and to fellow graduate bro
The first objective is relatively
e«sy but the second is impossible without
some input from our graduate brothers. We
went downhill. At times we couldn't even buy
welcome any and all comments, suggestions and
a basket,,while lYF couldn't miss one. At
half time we were down by ten. In the second
half things went from bad to worse, and the *
Gam lost by a wide margin.
Hopefully next year we'lllbe the ones to
get revenge. Three seniors will be lost to
graduation; Lou Frascotti, Larry Marino and
Tom McClure, Lou and Larry have been 'A' team
members for four years while Tom wassa member
have in mind to make this paper more interest
ing to you and your fellow graduate brothers.
Please address all correspondence to the edi
/or criticisms you may have. We are more
than willing to print any articles, letters,
stories, messages or anything else you might
tor of Pi Ides, 99 Salisbury St. ,Worcester,
Ma, 01609.
for three years. These will be big shoes to
replace but several candidates are eager for
their shots.
cmiy evetft'
j^'j ^jslafd
jfmecmiM Weeimd Ocukf IZ~I3
O" P M ^
.y•lb- APR 2 0 1979
SU tTB ^0(
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April 1979 newsletter of the Pi Iota chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter is four pages in length. The newsletter has been modified to remove images that some may find offensive.