University of Alberta Chartering

From collection Phi Gamma Delta Photograph Collection

University of Alberta Chartering

Alberta Installation taken October 24, 1970.

Above, Left: Louis A. "Bud" Mangels (Indiana University 1956) (Ritualist), Bill Zerman, (University of Michigan 1949) (Executive Secretary), Donald T. McKay (University of Washington 1951) (Section Chief), Timothy. W. Kilduff. (Kent State 1968), John Pelli (WPI 1970) (Field Secretary).

Seated are Ronald C. Andrews (British Columbia 1938) (Legate), Archon President Dr. William R. Hauser (Denison University 1950) (Archon President).

This picture appeared in the Phi Gamma Delta Magazine Volume 93 Edition 3 Page 2.


University of Alberta Chartering
Alberta Installation taken October 24, 1970.

Above, Left: Louis A. "Bud" Mangels (Indiana University 1956) (Ritualist), Bill Zerman, (University of Michigan 1949) (Executive Secretary), Donald T. McKay (University of Washington 1951) (Section Chief), Timothy. W. Kilduff. (Kent State 1968), John Pelli (WPI 1970) (Field Secretary).

Seated are Ronald C. Andrews (British Columbia 1938) (Legate), Archon President Dr. William R. Hauser (Denison University 1950) (Archon President).

This picture appeared in the Phi Gamma Delta Magazine Volume 93 Edition 3 Page 2.
